Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 635 Breaking into Dongying Society

Chapter 635 Breaking into Dongying Society
Yau Ma Tei Police Station, Office [-], Homicide Squad.

Li Sir left Su Xiong's file behind and looked at Bao Qingguang and others with confidence.

Fat Dog took out his lighter and stepped forward to light a cigarette: "Ah Tou, Su Xiong was driven to Frog Island by Brother Luo.

When he came back this time, he did things more cleanly.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that last week, Dongying Yau Ma Tei Hall Master Killer King was raped by him.

But up to now, the road is actually calm.

I've tried the arcade machines, but Dongying seems to have given up. "

"The weather is calm?" Li Sir snorted and sneered with his right hand on his hip: "If the weather were really calm, Ding Yunfeng would not have brought people over to Yau Ma Tei. If he goes to the edge, there will be people who will die there!"

This month, I announced that I will double the informant fee!
You all go out with me one by one, whoever can provide Dongying, Su Xiong and Ding Yunfeng with the troubles and troubles in Yau Ma Tei, and everyone will get money! "

"Yes sir!" Fat Dog, Bao Qingguang and the others stood at attention and saluted.

at the same time.

On the way back with Ding Yunfeng and his party, Feng Si cast another spell in the car, trying to find Su Xiong's seat.

Maybe this time the opponent was on guard, and Feng Si failed to cast a spell.

Sensing that Feng Si's aura had dropped significantly, Ding Yunfeng knew that the seal hadn't been completely released yet, and Feng Si's cultivation had probably not yet returned to its peak. If he continued to cast spells, his body was likely to be injured.

Stopping Feng Si who was about to take out the jade pendant, Ding Yunfeng first called Uncle Hua and asked him to transfer Feng Si from Dongpingzhou to Kwun Tong.

Then, Ding Yunfeng sent Yi Yitian back to Tsuen Wan, leaving only Robin at home to sit in charge, while he took Jimmy and Feng Si and turned to Dongying Building in North Point.

The Dong Ying Fellowship established in the Dong Ying Building in North Point is the home of the Dong Ying Society.

Big Nose Lin, the first leader of Dongying Society, is really reckless.

About 60 years ago, Wuchang fired the first shot to overthrow the previous regime.

At that time, Dabilin also learned how to use swords.

However, the knife edge of this gangster is facing ordinary people.

The hero is saving the country, and the hooligans are rioting.

Afterwards, Dabilin was driven to Hong Kong Island by the Qing soldiers, and established a fraternity association in North Point, which later developed into the East Star Club.

The current leader of Dongying is named Shuiling, and he is the third generation leader.

This woman has "Ten Heroes" under her command, and her influence and business overlap with Dongxing's in many ways.

Therefore, Dongyingshe and Dongxing often had conflicts in the northern district.

However, due to the rapid expansion of the Ding faction in recent years, coupled with the special anti-drug red line of the Ding faction.

Not long ago, on behalf of Dongyingsha, Shuiling officially joined the fan alliance headed by Camel to fight against the development of the Ding family.

(The manga Toeisha was adapted into Dongxing by the film, so the author made a second creation.

The Shuiling in this book will be integrated into the characters of Shuiling and Luo Bingrun in the comics.

The ten masters of water and spirit will also be edited and arranged according to the plot.

It can be said that, except for borrowing the shell of Dongying, the characters have almost nothing to do with the comics. Readers who have read the original comics please forgive me. )
Shui Ling was shocked when he heard that Brother Feng had arrived in person.

After pondering for a few seconds, she had no choice but to take a few hall masters and stood up to greet her.

Knowing that evil guests come to your door, but what can you do?
Just to put it bluntly, brother Feng is Sir, it is normal for him to come here with his ID to check for hackers;
In terms of black and white, Brother Feng can call He Liansheng and Hong Xing to declare war on Dongying Society at any time. If Dongying Society can bear it, there is no need to hold a group with Dongxing to keep warm.

"Hey, what kind of wind is blowing today, it actually blows Ding Sir to our small place in the north corner." Shui Ling twisted her familiar body and walked up with a smile.

Behind this leader of Dongying, there is a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a black suit and a white top hat, with a stern face, staring at Ding Yunfeng vigilantly.

The woman has a delicate face and a hot figure, but she doesn't look twenty years old, but she can be brought by Shui Ling's side, and this woman is obviously one of the backbones of Dongyingsha.

Ding Yunfeng smiled, lit a cigarette, and walked in front of Shui Ling: "If Beijiao was also a small place, then Lin San would not have chosen to establish Dongying Society here."

"Sir Ding came here from Kwun Tong on purpose today, he didn't want to talk about ancient times with us, did he?" Shui Ling covered her mouth, trembling with laughter.

It's a pity that this trick is dribbling with the ball!
Unable to catch Ding Sir's attention today, Shui Ling, who is used to using hue as a weapon, suddenly felt a sense of frustration.

In fact, Ding Yunfeng knew that the other party was two and a half yards smaller than Xiaoxia just by taking a look.

If you count the deduction for age, Brother Feng did not show a disgusted expression on the spot, which is a great honor to Aunt Shui Ling.

"I've heard people say that last week, Su Xiong, the master of Dongying Yau Ma Tei hall, killed the King of Killers. Is there such a thing?" Ding Yunfeng walked into Dongyingshe's hall, avoiding Shui Ling who was standing in front of him. Tuodi.

Shui Ling held back his anger, turned around and followed, "Sir Ding, don't be joking, the King of Killers was slippery after drinking, and fell into the shithole by himself and fell to his death.

You can't blame the society at all. If he was killed by others, we Jianghu people, even if we are not used to reporting crimes, at least we have to do it. How can we forget it like this? "

Ding Yunfeng looked curiously at the layout of Dongyingtuo's grounds. When he saw a few lion heads hanging on the hall, and there was a plaque on the wall that said "Shangwu Serves the Country", he couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that your Dongying Society's patriotic education is actually doing a good job."

Hearing the sarcasm in Ding Yunfeng's words, Shui Ling finally couldn't take it anymore.

After ordering the girl behind him to bring tea, the leader of the Dongying Society put away the charming smile on his face, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked: "Brother Feng, as the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall.

If you have any advice today, you might as well tell me.

We, Dongyingsha, do not think we have offended you.

If there are some places where the people below are not doing well, you have a lot of adults, please forgive me.

If it doesn't work, you can just make a way out!

Although I, Shui Ling, belong to the generation of women, since I am sitting in this seat today.

When something happens, I can't let me retreat again and again. "

"Heh, are you threatening me?" Ding Yunfeng squinted his eyes, smoking a cigarette with a smile.

Sitting next to him, Zhan Mi had a playful expression on his face as he flicked on the zippo lighter.

With his right hand resting on the armrest of the seat, Feng Si stared sharply at the man in a suit beside Shui Ling.

After Jimmy sat down, he looked at the big brother who casually placed on the coffee table.

Shui Ling considered for about ten seconds, and finally chose to bow his head: "Don't dare, Brother Feng, you misunderstood.

May I ask, who in the Jianghu would dare to threaten you?

I just want to ask you to make your words clear so that we at Dongying Society don't just make wild guesses. "

"I've made it very clear why I'm here today - did your hall master in Yau Ma Tei, the King of Killers, die at the hands of Su Xiong?"

Facing the aggressive Ding Yunfeng, Shui Ling gritted her silver teeth and tried to force a smile: "Brother Feng, if you say yes, it should be."

(End of this chapter)

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