Chapter 636
"Hey, don't say it like I'm forcing you to admit it..."

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand speechlessly: "In a word, I want Su Xiong's whereabouts, will you give it or not?"

Want Su Xiong's whereabouts?

This hot-handed crazy policeman, what on earth is he trying to confuse? ?

How could it be worth Ding Yunfeng's help for the murderer king to hit the streets? ? ?
Wait a minute, is there a possibility that the Killer King has already secretly joined the Ding family! ! ! !
Shui Ling was a little puzzled at first, but when she thought about it carefully, she almost stood up in fright.

How Ding Yunfeng controlled Liansheng and Hongxing step by step has already been spread on the Tao.

Even, every time the camel shakes people to hold a meeting, the first sentence he speaks is to remind everyone to always be wary of the people under his command, and to pay attention every day to see if there are any youngsters who have been recruited by the Ding Department.

"Just for this matter?" Shui Ling asked with a vigilant heart and a smile on his face.

Ding Yunfeng nodded honestly: "I'm not familiar with Yau Ma Tei, and Su Xiong just came back from Wa Island, so it's hard for me to find out his whereabouts for a while.

Your Dongying Society is different. You guys have been rooted in the North District for a long time.

This time the hall master was killed by Su Xiong again, I believe you must hate him deeply, there is no reason not to send people to watch him. "

You, Ding Yunfeng, are not familiar with Yau Ma Tei...

Because he is familiar with the murder king in Yau Ma Tei, he has already been embarrassed.

If the Killer King hadn't been pissed off by Su Xiong this time, he might be a strong coolie again.

Shui Ling's inner alarm bell rang loudly, and he tried to maintain his composure on the surface.

She called a subordinate to give some instructions, and then sent him down to work.

After a few minutes, the man ran in quickly, silently put down a note and backed out.

Shui Ling handed the note to Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, this is where Su Xiong is hiding."

"Okay!" Ding Yunfeng handed the note to Zhan Mi, and then stood up: "I'm bothering you today, next time I have a chance, I'll try Dongying's good tea."

"In such a hurry?"

"How about I sit a little longer?" Ding Yunfeng stopped, and Shui Ling, who was chasing after him, froze for a moment.

Glancing at the figure hiding outside the house, Ding Yunfeng showed a disdainful smile: "I'm just joking, hahaha..."

Walking out of Dongyingtuo with Zhanmi and Fengsi, Ding Yunfeng found that there were suddenly many young and Dangerous boys on each floor of Dongying Building.

A few of them took the lead, and their momentum was very sturdy. They were probably the same level as the East Star Five Tigers or the Hongxing [-]th District talker.

"What do you want to do? In case Brother Feng is blocked from solving the case, can you afford it?" Shui Ling chased out with two of his men, and shouted loudly to the crowd.

"Yes, Longtou." The first brawny man with a flat head cupped his fists and moved aside: "Yes, cover Brother Feng."

Ding Yunfeng hummed, and led the two of them striding past this person, not even bothering to ask each other's name.

After watching the three of Ding Yunfeng swagger into the car and leave, the strong man nicknamed Hengjiang walked up to Shui Ling: "Sister Ling, what is Boxing King Peak doing here?"

"He's here to check on Su Xiong." Shui Ling resisted the urge to walk away, her eyes swept over these apprentices vigilantly - she was disturbed by Ding Yunfeng today, and now she looks like everyone in the Ding family.

Coming out of Dongyingsha, Feng Si found that his back was soaked.

He is good at catching tricks, and he is not bad at beating people.

But Feng Si had never thought about going to the headquarters of a club like Ding Yunfeng ostentatiously.

"Don't worry, just the three of us walked in. In fact, Zhan Mi must have secretly notified people to come to meet him. If I'm not wrong, there must be people from us in the surrounding streets." Ding Yunfeng saw Feng's expression on all sides. A little pale, passed a cigarette over.

Feng Si hesitated to take it, clicked and coughed a few times: "Brother Feng, next time you'd better not risk yourself.

Big deal, I'll be more prepared when I go back, open the altar directly, and get that Maoshan scum out. "

"Hey, Dongying and his gang, sooner or later I will deal with them.

However, Shui Ling is a relatively low-key person, and Dongying's sphere of influence is on the New Territories side, so I have been unable to make a move.

Come here today to inquire about it, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. " Ding Yunfeng shook his head.

Zhan Mi saw Feng Si through the rearview mirror and wanted to persuade him again, so he hurriedly changed the subject: "Sir Feng, do you want to take a break, or should we go directly to Su Xiong like this?"

"No, before the other party changes his hiding place, let's go directly to deal with him." Feng Si resolutely refused, his face full of arrogance.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng nodding, Zhan Mi turned the steering wheel and drove towards the pier.

On the way, Call Dasha arranged for a boat to pick him up, and they boarded the boat at the pier and headed for the outlying island area.

It turned out that after Su Xiong left the stronghold, he did not choose to stay in Yau Ma Tei, but ran to the outlying island area and hid on a small island.

"This guy is very good at choosing places. Surrounded by water, there is only one mountain on the island. There is no grass growing on the mountain. He is a Jedi among Jedi." Feng Si took out a compass and gestured to the island in front of him.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him: "To raise ghosts?"

"That's right, this kind of terrain, with a little modification, is an excellent gathering place for gathering ghosts, which is enough for him to raise ghosts." Feng Si briefly explained a few words, turned around and walked into the cabin, and took out paper, pen and ink from his cloth bag blood sword.

Yellow paper, red pen, black ink, chicken blood and mahogany sword.

Feng Si quickly drew more than a dozen yin-dispelling talismans and evil-breaking talismans. Perhaps this sea area is far away from the center of Hong Kong Island, and the sealing power has weakened a lot. Every time Feng Si writes a talisman, there will be a flash of light visible to the naked eye. flashed by.

Ding Yunfeng is fine, Uncle Ying has watched a lot of movies, he was mentally prepared, but Zhan Mi watched them engrossed.

"Zhan Mi, I'll give you this talisman. You should carry it with you. Unless you encounter a ghost level, ordinary grieving ghosts won't be able to get close to you." Feng Si handed one to Zhan Mi.

Zhan Mi took it solemnly, and asked curiously, "Sir Feng, what about Brother Feng?"

"Brother Feng is an auspicious person, just order whatever you want, and you can give him my jade pendant." Feng Si took off the jade pendant of the head of Maoshan, and handed it to Zhan Mi.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng resolutely refused: "It takes you to know how to use this magic weapon, and it would be a waste to give it to me.

Why don't you give me a few more talismans, don't forget, I can see ghosts, and if I'm in danger, I'm sure to be as quick as Zhan Mima. "

Brother Feng, isn't it that you are a dead fellow Daoist and not a poor Taoist?

Zhan Mi looked at Ding Yunfeng speechlessly.

Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders: "If you are afraid, you can stay on the boat."

"No, I must go to the island. There may be more and more such things in the future! If I don't keep up today, I will definitely not be able to keep up with you in the future." Jamie shook his head firmly.

Without waiting for Feng Si to confirm, he pointed at Ding Yunfeng playfully: "What's more, if Brother Feng dares to go up today, it proves that you will be able to cover Feng Sir.

If I don't dare to go up like this, then I'm too stupid. "

Ding Yunfeng patted Feng Si on the shoulder with a serious face: "Actually, I just have confidence in the fourth brother! Well, the joke is over, how to use these talismans, the fourth brother will teach us quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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