Chapter 66

"Big D, what did you do?

Didn't I tell you, how many people must be sent to guard Brother Feng downstairs? "Zhan Mi turned his head and glared at Big D.

Big D broke out in cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! Brother Zhanmi, I asked Mawei to go, and I even sent three of my strongest fighters to help him..."

"Boo(哉盘哉)! Ponytail and the others must be embarrassed!" Zhan Mi interrupted Big D with a low shout, and immediately ordered him to climb out of the window from behind, and immediately rushed to Stanley to inform Ding Yunfeng of the matter.

Shi Shi, the sister-in-law, was actually arrested.

Regardless of Fu Yixing's single matter, Coolie Qiang and they can't bear it.

On Ding Yunfeng's side, there is absolutely no way to hide it, now he can only confess to Brother Feng as soon as possible, and strive for a lighter punishment afterwards.

Here I saw Big D quietly pushing through the crowd and slipping away through the window behind the teahouse.

Lin Huaile, who has a "heavy responsibility", feels that the time for him to go back to "ask for help" seems to be ripe.

Taking advantage of the tit-for-tat confrontation between the bosses of the two sides with their troops, Le Shao secretly went downstairs along the window where the big D was climbing.

With both feet on the ground, Le Shao stretched out his legs and ran towards the place where the Shuangfandonghuo bulls and dogs gathered...

At the same time, Yunlai Tea House.

Coolie Qiang took a closer look at Shi Shi, and he found that the sister-in-law should not have been wronged, after all, she didn't even see a trace of panic in her clear eyes.

With confidence in his mind, Coolie Qiang stepped forward with his chest up, pointed at Jin Yalei and cursed: "Jin Yalei! If you have the ability, just attack me at Coolie Qiang.

Now arrest my sister-in-law to threaten me?Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the Jianghu people for this signboard of Fu Yixing? "


What's going on?

Didn't you say that this chick was with Jimmy?

Why did she suddenly become a sister-in-law with a strong coolie?

Could it be that……

Sitting in the hall with Liansheng, Fat Deng, playing with the golden house outside?
Everyone caught the wrong person and made a big oolong! !
Fu Yixing goes up to Jin Yalei who sits in the hall, down to the little boss Lao Sijiu who is qualified to keep up with him.

One and two looked at them with strange eyes, they were caught by them, and they did not make any noise along the way, and they were very calm Shi Shi.

"My man's name is Ding Yunfeng. He works as a prison guard in Stanley. You have arrested me for no reason. What are you trying to do?"

Since Shi Shi shot the head of the smuggler Wei on the smuggling boat, he has become more courageous.

In the past month, she followed Zhan Mizai to and from Han Bin and Dinosaur BBQ restaurants, and she more or less heard about the background of her man from these gangsters.

Chief Inspector Lei Luo and the puppet brother of Yiqun Leader!
The two big talkers in Tuen Mun District, Kwai Tsing District, Hongxing, and Lian Sheng, a student coolie, are a total of three red stick default bosses.

Shi Shi didn't even frown when Han Jinqing led someone to beat her ponytail secretly to protect her, and put a knife on her neck.

She just looked at Han Jinqing and said that she would go by herself, so she didn't need to bother them.

The woman from Boxing Peak?

Did you make a mistake! ! !

Originally thought to bring this woman, Fu Yixing, who is hardworking and strong today, will make everyone happy.

As soon as they heard her self-introduction, everyone's faces were as ugly as they were.

Especially took someone to grab her sweat scarf, but felt that the sweat scarf around her neck was a bit thin, why couldn't it absorb the sweat that kept rolling down her head.

Exactly which punk got the wind in the first place, I didn't even figure out who was arrested.

Well now, for no reason, Fu Yixing grabbed a hot potato in his hand...

"Hey, hey, you Fu Yixing wants to talk about the numbers, so everyone will tell you the numbers.

What do you mean by arresting Ding Sir's girlfriend now? Chuan Bao jumped out, and the smile on his face could hardly hold back.

Feihua shook the two headlights under his undershirt, and walked slowly to Chuanbo: "Choose! You don't want to say that Snakehead Wei and his gang were killed by Ah Qiang and Mrs. Ding, right?"

"Jin Yalei, you are also the leader of the gang, even if you want to frame Ah Qiang, please find a more plausible excuse!

today.We have brought thousands of brothers here to talk to you, Fu Yixing!

If you fight over your so-called witness, you Fu Yixing are shameless, we are all afraid of being laughed at by people on the road! "Leng Lao was not to be outdone, and seized the opportunity to gain a sense of presence.

The three powerhouses of the jet channel attacked Jin Yalei one after another, and then laughed with Liansheng's team.

People in Fu Yixing are in a dilemma, and Jin Yalei is even more in distress.

If he knew that Shi Shi had been taken by Ding Yunfeng, his brain would have been kicked by a donkey to cause trouble.

The Snakehead is on the street, he looks for an opportunity to step on the coolie, and it's okay to take advantage of Zai and Liansheng to make up for it.

After all, if it is a fact, the existence of Ding Yunfeng, who is hidden behind the coolie, has to weigh the weight of the tens of thousands of members of their Fuyixing.

But now, Fu Yixing's target suddenly changed to Ding Yunfeng?
Of course, Fu Yixing is not embarrassed to step on a strong coolie.

But... Stepping on Boxing King Peak?
There are those two standing behind them, what can Fu Yixing use to carry them?

Jin Yalei took out a towel and wiped his sweat: "Let him go."

Han Jinqing had been waiting for his words a long time ago, and quickly untied the rope on Shi Shi's body.

Shi Shi glanced at them coldly, walked to a chair beside him with two long legs and sat down: "You have captured me, then you have to wait for my man to come over, and you can explain clearly to him yourself."

After saying that, Shi Shi glanced at Fu Yixing: "Who has a cigarette?"

"Sister-in-law, I have it!" Zhan Mizai took out a pack of women's cigarettes from the inner pocket of his suit. He skillfully offered one, and then took out the lighter to help his sister-in-law light it.

Seeing the two people cooperating so tacitly, everyone in Fu Yixing, who were a little skeptical at first, dispelled their doubts. Everyone in the world knows that Zhan Mizai is Boxing King Peak's confidant!

"How to do?"

"Choose, you ask me, who do I ask? It was originally a matter of chasing rumors, but now it involves the woman from Boxing King Peak, everyone just wait for the end."

"Uncle Crooked, it's just a misunderstanding, we didn't do anything to his woman. After a while, you can persuade him to sit down and ask him to take us to admit our mistake. Boxing King Peak can't be unreasonable, right?"

"You idiot, is it your first day out to hang out?
You really think that Boxing King Feng is a prison guard in Stanley, so he is not from the world?

A year ago, in order to protect Inspector Lei, he killed so many people in the Walled City.

Today we tied up his woman, and if you say sorry, you will expose her. Hasn't his boxing peak become Dansan peak? "

Uncle Crooked (艹盘艺) flipped the golden teeth thunder in his heart, and at the same time mentioned a few younger Fu Yixing Dadi.

If it wasn't for Jin Yalei insisting on going his own way, he forced everyone to come and set up a battle today.

An old Jianghu like Uncle Crooked must hide as far away as possible. Even if the negotiation wins, so what, the benefits will not fall into the pocket of Jin Yalei?
It's all right now, if a big thunder is discussed, the whole club will help Jin Yalei to carry it to the street.

Jin Yalei looked at Shi Shi who was sitting calmly by the side, then at Coolie Qiang who was glaring at him, and finally he looked for help with his eyes, looking at the sweater that he pulled up with one hand.

This matter has made this mess.

Today, I must find someone to take the blame.

Jin Yalei is Fu Yixing's sitter, of course he can't be embarrassed!

The sycophant next to him who encouraged him to decide to tell the truth, his status is not enough, and he is not even qualified to take the blame.

As for the old fritters like Uncle Crooked, each of them has enough status in the world, but this time Jin Yalei was wronged, and he sat in the hall dignifiedly and swept the floor.

At this moment, it is absolutely impossible to order Uncle Crooked and his gang to take the blame.

After much deliberation, Jin Yalei found that only his history was green. This person who had been sent to the door to capture Lai Shi Shi and was also his protégé's Fu Yi Xinghong stick was enough to take the blame.

Han Jinqing could see the deep meaning of the old man from the big brother's eyes.

Han Jinqing, who was already very uneasy due to personally capturing Shi Shi, suddenly felt a chill from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"I..." Turning around with difficulty, his complexion turned pale, and he slowly opened his mouth facing He Liansheng and his group.

(End of this chapter)

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