Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 67 I'm here to bully you

Chapter 67 I'm here to bully you
Just when everyone turned their eyes from Jin Yalei to Han Jinqing.

Downstairs of Yunlai Teahouse, suddenly there was the sound of many cars braking suddenly.

"Choose! You and Liansheng still have an ambush?" Jin Yalei, who was highly nervous, pointed at the person with Liansheng and yelled sharply, and the leaders of Hanjinqing picked up the guy one after another, and looked at the opposite side vigilantly.

A few people in the series praised the coolie for not only knowing how to eat brains, but also willing to spend money to borrow soldiers. It is clear that the [-] people sent by the club to support the field are okay. It's reliable.

"You have poured dirty water on our red sticks, and now that things are going wrong, you can't even explain it!

I'm going to spread the word here, today, if you want to fight, you can fight, don't talk so much nonsense! "

With rich experience in lecturing, he immediately stood on the moral high ground, and Fei Hua and Leng Lao shouted loudly one after another.

Ah Qiang has ambushes, who is afraid of whom today?
After this fight, who on the road would dare to say that the three of them are all Dansan hall masters with Liansheng?

Glancing at Qiang's calm Shi Shi, Coolie Qiang said to Zhan Mi in a low voice: "Quickly tell Han Bin and the dinosaurs to retreat.

Now I have the advantage, if I bring Hong Xing in, I'm afraid of a fight, not only will it make things more and more complicated, but if my sister-in-law makes a mistake, I'll be ashamed to see Brother Feng..."

Zhan Mi's face was full of question marks: "Brother Qiang, I haven't signaled Brother Bin and Brother Dinosaur yet, it shouldn't be them downstairs..."

Who is that?
Coolie Qiang was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

Benedict! !

Benedict! ! !
The sound of some kind of hard object hitting the stairs was like a life-threatening drumbeat on the execution ground, interrupting the yelling with Lian Sheng and Fu Yixing upstairs.

people on the stairs...

However, the murderous aura released by this person had already forced Fu Yixing, who was standing at the end, backed away in a panic to make way for them.

A wide palm with a jade ring finger tightly holds a cane in the shape of a galloping leopard.

Wu Shihao dragged a lame foot, with an unruly expression, leading Xiao Wei, dumb Ah Qi, and several Da Di who had transferred from the Chaozhou Gang to Yiqun came up.

"Who is it today? Kidnapped my younger brother and sister, Shi Shi?" His lips moved slightly, Wu Shihao's eyes were gloomy and cold, no matter who was present, they all buried their heads in avoidance, not daring to meet his gaze.

There is only one lame man with such power on Hong Kong Island.

Seeing this, Shi Shi plucked up his courage, got up and smiled at Li Hao: "You are Brother Hao, right? I'm Shi Shi, Ah Feng often talks about you."

Wu Shihao took a look at the cigarette in Shi Shi's hand, nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Okay! Ah Feng has a good vision, and you are also good, brother and sister, you didn't embarrass him in front of these trash.

You sit on the side and watch the second brother vent your anger on you! "

"Okay!" Shi Shizhan smiled and sat back down.

The mute walked over with a few gangsters, and stood by Shi Shi's side. Zhan Mizai took the opportunity to go to the window and gestured towards the opposite street.

He hid in several arcades facing the street with his men and horses, and kept an eye on Han Bin and dinosaurs who were always watching the movement of the teahouse.

Suddenly received a signal from Jamie to retreat. Although the two were confused, they still ordered their subordinates to leave in batches.

"Brother, why don't we go over and see the situation?" Dinosaur put down the machete and asked.

Han Bin nodded: "There should be nothing wrong over there. It's good to go over and have a look, in case Brother Feng asks a question, neither of us can answer."

After saying that, Han Bin and Dinosaur hurried out of the arcade and ran towards Yunlai Tea House.

But at this time, Jin Yalei was forced back again and again by Lai Hao.

"I, Wu Shihao, came here today not to talk to you, let alone reason with you, I'm here to bully you!"

"The bastards who went to catch my younger siblings today will either leave two hands or one hand and one foot! Jin Yalei, I'm not discussing with you, I'm ordering you bastard!"

Lai Hao pointed at Jin Yalei's nose, and every time he said a word, Fu Yixing, who was sitting opposite him, took a step back, and within three or five sentences, Jin Yalei was cornered by him.

Uncle Crooked and his gang, Fu Yi Xing Da Di, were all immersed in counting the ants without even looking at them.

There was no other reason. Just now, he showed a trace of dissatisfaction. In less than three rounds, both arms were cut off by Dawei.

The sweat towel turned into armless blue, lying on the ground convulsing and bleeding.

Since receiving Lei Luo's support, Wu Shihao has fully annexed the influence of the boss Fat Zai Chao, not only became the boss of the Kowloon Walled City, but also brought these brothers out.

It is now recognized that the lunatics who are most daring to fight and kill are almost all in Yiqun.

The same number of people, Yiqun people, can beat Fu Yixing's people into scum.

"Hao, Brother Hao, everyone is following Brother Luo to earn food..." Jin Yalei gave up completely, his face was ugly and he spoke soft words.

Seeing this, Wu Shihao smiled: "I, Wu Shihao, together with Brother Luo and Ah Feng, have beheaded chicken heads and burned yellow paper in front of Master Guan together!

You, Jin Yalei, are just a dog that follows Luo Ge for food, how dare you compare with us?
Believe it or not, if I beat you to death now, Brother Luo would be like a dog at most!
Flutter collar mother!The woman who tied Ah Feng?How many lives are you Fu Yixing planning to sacrifice to settle this matter? "

While talking, Wu Shihao took out a gold-plated revolver from behind his waist, and pressed it tightly against Jin Yalei's chin.

Jin Yalei trembled all over, unable to speak a word.

He Liansheng and his group, who had been completely reduced to the background, did not dare to show their atmosphere at this time.

Lai Hao, too domineering!
Compared with Deng Bo as a sitter, he has to play some balance with Liansheng's big bottoms.

Wu Shihao was rude and straightforward. In his words, he came here today to help his brother get ahead, and to bully Jin Yalei.

"Hao, Brother Hao..." Seeing Lai Hao pull down the hammer of the revolver, Coolie Qiang stood up.

It doesn't matter if you die a few times, after all, the truth is on He Liansheng's side, and He Liansheng can handle it!
But if Jin Yalei were allowed to die here, Lian Sheng and Fu Yixing would surely have a death feud.

At that time, the two gangs would fight day and night, and Jimmy had just reminded him that it would not only disturb Lei Luo, but also affect Ding Yunfeng's plan to let them enter He Liansheng.

In today's matter, he thinks he is self-righteous as a coolie, and he has already played it off.

If the situation escalated again, Coolie would feel ashamed to see Ding Yunfeng.

Turning around and glancing at Coolie Qiang, Wu Shihao cursed contemptuously: "You are a fool, you are not very capable, and you still want to learn how to handle things like others?
You don't care about your head when you do things, and you dare to speak before I have time to settle accounts with you? "

Coolie knew he was wrong, if Shi Shi was timid during the capture, he explained to Fu Yixing the fact that they killed the snake head.

Not only will the few of them be in danger, but Ding Yunfeng, whom they kept a secret from, may also be implicated.

Wu Shihao scolded Coolie Qiang, and then slowly squeezed the trigger under everyone's astonished gazes.

Jin Yalei's face was white, just when he thought he was dead.

A figure suddenly rushed up along the stairs, it was Ding Yunfeng who was told by the big D that Shi Shi had been tied up and hurried over from Stanley.

"Brother Hao, it's about my woman, so let me do it myself."

Taking Wu Shihao's pistol calmly, as soon as Ding Yunfeng's words fell, he first shot to shatter the dying scarf, then he turned the gun and shot three times in Jin Yalei's thigh.

Handing the gilded revolver that was emitting green smoke to Wu Shihao, Ding Yunfeng looked coldly at Uncle Wai's group of Fu Yixing: "Take him away! After these four shots, we will be cleared."

(End of this chapter)

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