Chapter 663

Kowloon Old Police Station, Commissioner's Office on the second floor.

With a dark face, Hu Xin looked at the two dejected treasures standing in front of him——Jin McKee and Meng Chao.

"Catch a thief on Monday and destroy a street stall, catch a pervert on Tuesday and the victim accuses you of harassing him, Wednesday..."

Holding up his baton and gesticulating at Kim McKee and Meng Chao, Hu Xin seemed to be picking which was the best angle for swinging the baton.

Meng Chao looked unlucky, and raised his right hand embarrassingly: "Director, we are all wronged by the pervert case on Tuesday!

Who would have thought that the victim was actually a man..."

"Dare to talk back?
I don't care if the victim is a man or a woman, as policemen, if you catch a pervert, you catch the pervert, what do you do if you touch someone's pomelo? Hu Xin hit Meng Chao with a stick, covering his buttocks and screaming again and again.

Kim McKee shuddered, and whispered: "At that time, I never thought that a man would be so curvy..."

"What did you say?" Hu Xin covered his chest.

Wu Aqiu, who came in to report on work, quickly put down the report and helped Ah Tou go back and sit down: "Sir Hu, it's not the first day you have met these two people? Don't be angry. That's right. Your bottle of life-saving elixir is on the side. ?”

"The drawer over there..." Hu Xin breathed like a bellows, clutching his heart with a painful expression.

Wu Aqiu walked by the two of Kim and McGee, and reminded in a low voice: "Go and pour water, stupid!"

Only then did Kim and McKee come to their senses, and they scrambled to pour water.

After marriage, Wu Aqiu, who was very stable and young, shook his head while opening the drawer of the wardrobe.

Looking at the 12 bottles of Jiuxin Pill in a box, Wu Aqiu's eyelids trembled - Director, it's not easy.

Hu Xin took the medicine and his old life was saved.

He sprayed hard, repeated the scolding and refused to change it, Jin McKee, Meng Chao, and Hu Xin, who were gender-neutral, signed the report handed in by Wu Aqiu.

Just as he was about to remind Wu Aqiu to keep Beethoven in prison, Hu Xin saw expert Wen come in and said that outside the police station, a monk who claimed to be his old buddy wanted to see him.

"Monk? Who is it?"

Hu Xin came out with a few people, and sure enough, he saw a middle-aged monk standing at the gate of the police station, holding a dark blue oil-paper umbrella in his hand.

"Hey, aren't you 3927?"

"Amitabha, 6424, the poor monk is no longer 3927, and the poor monk's Dharma name is Huiqing."

"Huiqing?" Hu Xin looked at the other party in shock: "A such a brave detective actually ran to become a monk?"

The two greeted each other, looking like old friends.

In fact, before Huiqing became a monk, he had a bad relationship with Hu Xin in the police force.

This visit is to see if I have reached home in my cultivation, and if I can be calm in the face of the person I hated the most in the past.

Reminding Hu Xin, an old opponent, that at twelve o'clock in the evening seven days later, the woman in pink should not be allowed to enter or leave the police station, otherwise there will be evil spirits haunting her, so Huiqing left alone.

Hu Xin never believed in these ghostly things, so he swears back on the spot.

result!He was warned again by Huiqing that there might be a bloodbath.

At this moment, Hu Xin lost his temper. He chased after him angrily, and was about to reason with the opponent when his head was broken by a tennis ball.

While Hu Xin was looking for a tennis player, Ding Yunfeng's Bentley slowly stopped beside him.

Throwing away the tennis ball, Hu Xin stepped forward to open the car door: "Brother Feng, why did Dianjie suddenly come to my place?"

"He's Lin Daying, my new recruit. I'm here today and I want to ask you something." Ding Yunfeng handed Hu Xin a cigarette.

Lin Daying nodded to Xin Hu, probably out of professional habits, he looked around the environment, couldn't help but took out the compass, made a gesture, his brows frowned instantly.

Ding Yunfeng had a premonition long ago, so naturally he didn't stop all this, he put his shoulders on Hu Xin: "Let's go to your office first, and talk while drinking tea.

Huh!Your head is bleeding, do you want to apply some safflower oil first? "

Hu Xin touched the back of his head, seeing that the situation was not serious, he shook his head decisively and smiled: "It's nothing, what is this little injury?
Let's go, let's drink tea first.

Lin Sheng, stop staring.Here in the wilderness, people will feel bad. "

"Well, that's pretty bad." Lin Daying put away the compass meaningfully, and followed Ding Yunfeng and Hu Xin into the police station.

After they sat down and drank a few cups of tea, Ding Yunfeng told Hu Xin that he wanted to find a man named Zhong Fabai who opened a grocery store nearby.

"Oh, Zhong Fabai, his shop is at the end of the small road in front of our police station. Brother Feng, do you need to call him?" Hu Xin grabbed the phone and was about to call someone to call Zhong Fabai to come here. .

Ding Yunfeng stepped forward to stop him: "No need, just know his exact location, we will go there by ourselves."

When he heard that Zhong Fabai was worthy of Ding Yunfeng's personal visit, Hu Xin was secretly surprised.

In his eyes, Zhong Pai, who came to open a grocery store in the wilderness, was either crazy or sick.

But now it seems that maybe they are trying to be superior to others!

"Brother Feng, it's just fine, I'll take you there." Hu Xin thought for a while, and followed decisively.

Ding Yunfeng had no intention of keeping these things from Lao Hu.

But what surprised him was that when he left the gate of the police station, he ran into Kim McKee and Meng Chao. These two bad guys wanted to follow.

Hu Xin led the way, Ding Yunfeng and Lin Daying walked in the middle, followed by Jin Maiji and Meng Chao.

At this time, it was the time when the sun was gradually setting.

The trees on both sides of the road, blown by the warm summer wind, look like countless ghosts with teeth and claws.

Luckily, the journey is not far.

Just when Hu Xin, Jin Maiji, and Meng Chao were suspicious, Ding Yunfeng vaguely saw a small grocery store at the end of the road.

Is this place open a store and sell it to ghosts?
Secretly complaining, Ding Yunfeng asked Lin Daying to go up and knock on the door.

A few seconds later, a man wearing a moon-white Tang suit with a fierce aura, but not outstanding in stature and build, opened the door.

"Ah, Ah Ying, why did you come here suddenly?"

"Ah. I can't find your original contact information. I can only find out through layers of connections that you came here to live in seclusion." Lin Daying explained briefly, and then introduced Ding Yunfeng: "This is the Kwun Tong police officer. Director Ding Sir, I found a job in a company under his name..."

Hearing that Lin Daying's monthly salary was actually 1, Zhong Fabai's eyes lit up. Before Ding Yunfeng could reveal his salary, he recommended himself and asked if he could join [Jingzhuan No. [-]].

Before Lin Daying set off, he had prepared many words of advice.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Fabai had already bowed down for money before his speaking skills came in handy.

"Brother Feng, look, at my level, can I have a monthly salary of 5000?" Zhong Fabai is not in the world, but Ding Yunfeng's name can be regarded as very familiar to him.

Because Jin McKee and his group of Sirs often come to him to buy snacks and beer on weekdays, naturally they often mention Ding Yunfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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