Chapter 664

Zhong Fabai offered to join the gang, which saved Ding Yunfeng a lot of arguments.

Compared with Uncle Ying, who was dragged down by his cheating apprentices and was able to come back against the wind, Zhong Fabai's face was much worse. Therefore, Ding Yunfeng offered him a monthly salary of 6000, and other benefits remained unchanged.

Even so, Zhong Fabai was very satisfied.

He promised on the spot that he would give him three more days to pack up, and then he would report to Zhanmi in Central.

When Ding Yunfeng recruited Zhong Fabai, Hu Xin, Jin McKee and Meng Chao were also present.

These two scumbags couldn't hear half the time, one was yawning, the other was eating snacks and sodas, if it wasn't for the presence of Ding Yunfeng and Hu Xin, they might have slipped away to play.

But Hu Xin was different. He found that the people that Brother Feng recruited this time were all Maoshan Taoist priests. He immediately remembered the warning Master Huiqing had given him in the morning.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Fabai had settled down and seemed ready to get up and leave, Lao Hu hurriedly raised his hand and asked, "Guys, I encountered such a thing this morning..."

After repeating Huiqing's warning to him, Hu Xin looked at Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai worriedly: "The two of you can be valued by Brother Feng, needless to say, they are all masters!

Taking advantage of the encounter now, I would like to ask you to help me do the math.

Seven days later, at twelve o'clock midnight, our Kowloon police station, is it true that there is such a catastrophe? "

"Seven days?" Zhong Fabai looked up at the calendar, his face changed slightly: "Seven days later is the Ghost Festival."

Jin McGee, who was dozing off, couldn't help interjecting: "The master said it was Menglan Festival..."

"Hey, the Menglan Festival is a Buddhist term. We Taoists usually call it the Hungry Ghost Festival, but they all fall on the same day." Lin Daying glanced at him and explained in a deep voice.

As soon as Ding Yunfeng heard about Master Huiqing, he knew that the plot of "The Devil's Office" had begun.

Thinking of it, I originally wanted Hu Xin to act as the interlocutor between [Jingzhuan No. [-]] and the Hong Kong government.

Ding Yunfeng simply told him in advance that many ghosts may appear on Hong Kong Island in advance.

If someone else said this, Hu Xin might have slapped him and slapped him around for a few times on the spot, but when he heard it from Ding Yunfeng, Lao Hu was immediately sweating from fright.

"Feng... Brother Feng, look, since it's so dangerous...

How about, how about I go back and announce that the entire Kowloon Police Station will be on holiday for half a month? "Hu Xin came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Ding Yunfeng stared at him like an idiot: "There are hundreds of people in the police station. Even if you are the director, you suddenly said that you want to take a collective holiday for half a month. How do you explain it to the superiors? How do you write an application report?"

"It's a big deal. I'm quitting. It's better to lose my hat than to lose my life!" Hu Xin took off his police cap with a very ugly expression.

Zhong Fabai slapped the table hard, and Dayi stood up awe-inspiringly: "Hu Sir, don't be afraid, with me, Zhong Fabai, here, within a radius of twenty miles, even ghosts will emigrate."

"So powerful?" Meng Chao was so shocked that he even spat out potato chips.

Zhong Fabai patted his chest vigorously: "I'm not bragging. I learned art at the age of five, became famous at the age of 16, and opened a grocery store at the age of 20."

"Do you want to open a grocery store?" Hu Xin asked puzzled.

Zhong Fabai replied straightforwardly: "I have caught all the ghosts around me, and I have no source of income, so I can only open a grocery store to make ends meet temporarily."

The pretense of these words!

90 points can be given.

Lin Daying glanced at Ding Yunfeng with an unnatural expression.

It was the first time meeting the boss Ding Yunfeng, and Zhong Fabai's performance was obviously much better than that of himself who was applying for a job in a security suit.

"That's why it's like this..." Hu Xin took Ding Yunfeng's arm: "Brother Feng, Daoist Zhong, please lend us the Kowloon Police Station for a while, and let him return to the team after this calamity is settled?"

"Okay, okay, but Lao Hu, you heard it just now.

I will pay Lao Zhong and Ah Ying in the future.

Friendship is friendship, business is business, this time helping you Kowloon Police Station, you have to get a good start, right?


I, Ding Yunfeng, have so many friends. In the future, when everyone gets wind, they will all come to me like you to borrow soldiers. How can Zhanmi continue to operate? Ding Yunfeng thought for a while and said with a smile.

Hu Xin was taken aback when he heard the words, Brother Feng took the initiative to withdraw the money, this was the first time that everyone had known each other for more than ten years.

Bowing his head and thinking for a while, Hu Xin quickly guessed Ding Yunfeng's deep meaning.

Brother Feng is planning to use the order from the Kowloon Police Station to advertise [Jingzhuan No. [-]] in front of some people above.

"Okay! Public to public, private to private.

Brother Feng, you started a company, not a philanthropic hall.

Fees for dispatching troops are reasonable. "Hu Xin answered the words eye-catchingly, and he gestured with two fingers: "If you can really catch that kind of thing...

Our Kowloon Police Station will go out...

20, Brother Feng, what do you think? "

"Since this is the company's first business, I'll give you a 10% discount this time. I'll only charge you [-]." Ding Yunfeng made the decision on the spot, and said while watching Zhong Fabai and Lin Daying:
"This is our company's first business, and the client is a public entity like the Kowloon Police Station. I want to do it well, so I plan to hand over this matter to the two of you.

After the work is done, each of you can share a 10% commission, that is, a bonus of 2 per person.

The company will reimburse 30% of the materials consumed during the mission, and you will be responsible for the remaining 70%.

If you have no objections, the company will issue tasks in accordance with my charter in the future. "

"I have no opinion."

"I can too."

Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai spoke at the same time, and Hu Xin smiled when he saw this, "Okay, okay, there are two people who have made great achievements, this time it must be safe."

Ding Yunfeng saw that the explanation was about the same, so he stood up: "That's it, Lao Hu, explain to the guys, let everyone cooperate with Ah Ying and Lao Zhong.

I still have something to do, let's go first. "

"Brother Feng, go slowly." Hu Xin and others got up quickly


Watching Ding Yunfeng leave in his Bentley, Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai borrowed Hu Xin's car. The two planned to go back to the city and prepare some workmen.

Hu Xin kept Ding Yunfeng's advice in mind, and immediately summoned the entire police station.

He announced that seven days later, during the Ghost Festival, there may be non-human beings here at the police station.

But don't be afraid, he has already invited two experts to come over to settle the matter.

The guy on duty at that time must follow orders and do things without making mistakes!
"Yes sir!" Everyone replied loudly.

Obviously, Hu Xin's prestige in Kowloon is good, and no one would tear him down in public. As for whether he believes it in his heart or not, that's unknown.

Dispersing the crowd and going back to work, Hu Xin stood in the office on the second floor, condescending, looking at the expert Wen who was surrounded by everyone when he left.

"Everyone, what about today's matter...

Obviously, Hu Sir was frightened by the monk in the morning.

So, he secretly ran outside and invited two Taoist priests to come over and draw ghost symbols, just for his own peace of mind.

Alas, now is the time, everyone must believe in science! "Expert Wen uttered nonsense to a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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