Chapter 683 Southwest Dragon
"You have a lot of reasons, I can't explain you."

Shi Shi wiped the corner of his mouth, pointed to the direction of the study and complained: "In the afternoon, Jimmy sent a lot of documents over, and he wanted me to remind you that you have to take a look."

"Oh, this Zhan Mi is really getting lazy, I will definitely scold him next time." Ding Yunfeng pretended to be angry, and comforted Shi Shi softly.

During this time, things happened one after another.

Sometimes, he would spend the night outside, so he inevitably ignored these women.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been nearly squeezed out by Shi Shi, Wang Xia and BOBO last night.

Having a meal with the eldest wife, after Ding Yunfeng washed up, he went to deliver milk to Zhao Su and Sha Lianna, and then took Qingqing to Tsuen Wan to visit Robin, and bought five roasted kidneys at the barbecue stall by the way...

The next day.

Ding Yunfeng pulled away the leg that was hanging on him by Xiaojie, and got up from Wang Xia's bed.

Pull the quilt first to cover EE and CC, so as not to be watched by LSP book friends.

Then Ding Yunfeng yawned and walked into the bathroom while brushing his teeth and washing his face.

He unintentionally glanced at the mirror, and exclaimed, "I am so haggard after working so hard! From today on, I will go to bed early and get up early!"

Rubbing his cheeks vigorously, Ding Yunfeng pulled himself together, dressed neatly, and went downstairs to the cafeteria.

Li Jie and Zhan Mi always arrive early.

Seeing Brother Feng sat down with a serious face, the two looked at each other, and they both saw puzzled expressions on each other's faces.

"Zhan Mi, I didn't have time to read the report you left in the mansion yesterday.

Just pick a few important ones and talk to me roughly. "Ding Yunfeng asked his servant to fetch fresh eggs from the refrigerator, and watched Zhan Mi preaching.

Jimmy took out a notebook and reported the numbers one by one.

Li Jie has long been tired of listening to these sums in millions of units after following Ding Yunfeng all these years.

He buried his head in eating porridge, but when Zhan Mi reported the expenses of Jingzhuan No. [-], Li Jie suddenly raised his head and said, "The security company recently received a strange order. The client is a feng shui master named Chen Changqing. He wants to Please let us secretly send someone to protect them and go to Annan Kingdom."

Chen Changqing?
Isn't this "Wesley's Overlord Removes Armor", that fat Feng Shui master?
However, in the movie, the place where they blew up the Fengshui cave in the past was a fictional country called Galinan.

Now it seems that in this world, the so-called Galinan and Annan may be one country.

I thought of General Ruan in the movie who tried to rely on Feng Shui to achieve supremacy, and Zhou Chaoxian asked Han Bin to bring the information about Annan's recent changes.

Ding Yunfeng's eyes sharpened in an instant: "I'm very interested in this matter, Brother Jie, please arrange it as soon as possible. I want to meet this Chen Changqing."

"Okay, I'll call him over this afternoon." Li Jie replied with some surprise.

Ding Yunfeng filled his stomach quickly, then grabbed the phone and called Supervisor Zhu, telling him that he would not go to work for a few days, and then he took the two of them out in a hurry.

Li Jie drove the car himself, and Bentley drove very fast.

On the way, he and Zhan Mi were surprised to see that Ding Yunfeng was constantly on the phone, asking for information on all the warlords surnamed Ruan in Annan, and asking for information on Chinese-American computer prodigy...

When the car stopped at the gate of Jingzhuan No. 7, Ding Yunfeng made at least seven or eight phone calls along the way, using almost [-]% of the intelligence force of the Ding Department.

"Brother Feng, is there a problem with that Chen Changqing?" Zhan Mi couldn't help asking in a low voice as he got out of the car to help Ding Yunfeng open the door.

Ding Yunfeng sneered: "Chen Changqing is fine, but there may be a big problem with the destination they want to go this time."

After mentioning a word, Ding Yunfeng stopped talking.

After all, he couldn't confess to Zhanmi, because he had watched the movie in advance, combined with the current time, the Ruan family's Bawang Xiejia acupoint, whether it works or not, for the sake of his hometown, even if there are no Chen Changqing and Wesley, he has to think about it. Way to blow up.

He led the two of them into Jingzhuan No. [-], and as soon as Ding Yunfeng sat down, he asked Chen Dachao to call everyone, even Feng Si, who had a title of consultant.

Brother Feng shakes people.

No matter who it was, they put down their work and ran over.

"Brother Feng, what happened? Is the ghost king born, or the corpse king revived?" Feng Si hurried in with a few people.

Ding Yunfeng looked up and was stunned on the spot: "Fourth, these people are..."

Pointing to the men behind Feng Si, Ding Yunfeng exclaimed in his heart—wow, so many Uncle Ying!
Feng Si pointed to a man wearing a gray top and black trousers: "He is my junior brother, Lin Aying, who left halfway through his studies in order to inherit the family medicine shop;
The name of this person is Lin Zheng, and he is also a Taoist priest of Maoshan;

The name of this person is Ma Jiuying..."

Lin Aying's "Zombie Family"; Lin Zheng's "Monster City"; Ma Jiuying's "Ghost Tour".

What a British Uncle F4.

If the four of you make your debut and make a movie, the box office will definitely sell like crazy.

Ding Yunfeng kept talking about the old saying, and really didn't know where to start.

Now he is curious, does he have to look similar to Feng Si to fit into his circle of friends?

"They are all members of the Ghost Catch Squad now..." After the introduction, the two sides of the Fengsi Gang sat beside Ding Yunfeng and added in a low voice: "The signature is signed, and the formalities have not been completed yet. People, I will bring them over together to recognize their faces."

"I'll get it if I recognize you alone. If there are more, I'm afraid I'll lose my memory." Ding Yunfeng said slowly, holding back a smile.

Feng Si thought that Ding Yunfeng was showing his importance to him, and the corners of his eyes were almost curled up. He waved at Lin Aying and the others: "Here are all our own people, you guys can just find a place to sit, don't just stand there .”

"Yes." Lin Aying and the others replied weakly.

Seeing the resentment on the expressions of the three, Ding Yunfeng estimated that Feng Sizhen might have used the bamboo shoots he taught to lure these comrades into the ghost hunting team.

Jingle Bell……

Big Brother's ringtone broke the awkward atmosphere.

Ding Yunfeng pressed the answer button, grabbed a pen and paper and quickly wrote down a few names of people and places: "Okay, I received it, I'm sorry this time, that's it, hang up first."

Putting down the phone, Ding Yunfeng opened a map and circled a certain place in Annan with a pen: "You guys know Feng Shui here, come and have a look at this place to see if there is a chance for dragons to emerge?"

"Dragon pulse?" Chen Dachao, Zhong Fabai, Lin Zheng, and Ma Jiuying took a step back automatically.

Feng Si, Lin Aying, and Lin Daying took out their compass and surrounded the map.

After a heated exchange of Feng Shui terminology, the three of them gave an answer.

There is indeed a slight possibility of a short-lived tyrant who has no chance of being a real dragon and making waves.

(End of this chapter)

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