Chapter 684 The Overlord Disarms
Isn't he just a short-lived tyrant!

According to the plot of "Wesley's Overlord Unarmor".

There are three geomantic treasures in the Whale Tundi, the Ba Point, the Fortune Point, and the Wisdom Point.

Once the ancestors are buried, the descendants will enjoy the corresponding luck for 24 years.

However, if the descendants break the deadline and fail to move the bones of the ancestors out, the fortune brought by these feng shui treasure caves will start to backfire!
In the movie, the feng shui of General Ruan's mansion located under the office of the General's Mansion's study may be the Ruan family's means to suspend the backlash of the acupoints, and it is also the motivation for him to invite feng shui masters from all over the world.

Ruan Jiajia has become the biggest warlord in Annan for 24 years, but he is still not satisfied. He tried to continue to borrow the luck brought by the overlord's disarmament, and achieve a king's dominance!
The Ruan family was reluctant to relocate the burial, but it was hard for the descendants of the Wang family and the Wei family who buried their ancestors in the wealth and wisdom acupoints.

Among them, Wang Anna, a descendant of the Wang family, first her brother died suddenly, and then the Wang family's business continued to decline, and everything went wrong;

Wesley, a descendant of the Wei family, has a malignant tumor growing in his brain, and it may be OVER at any time!

Combined with the history of Annan Monkey, he suddenly overwhelmed himself and wanted to find a rabbit to break his wrist.

Ding Yunfeng has decided that this time he will lead the team himself, and Annan will take care of General Ruan in the past!

With Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai, Ding Yunfeng came to the base where Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng trained security personnel.


Blindfolded along the way, Chen Changqing was brought in front of Ding Yunfeng by Li Jie.

After being blindfolded for almost an hour, someone suddenly pulled it off. Chen Changqing struggled to adapt to the light, took out his glasses and began to complain: "I knew that hiring you guys for a mission would be such a complicated process... I think it's better to forget it..."

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry.

Now that you're here, it's not a question of whether you want to or not. "

Sitting on the sofa, Ding Yunfeng looked at the fat man who looked like Hong Jbao at first glance, but was actually Xu Xingming, an ATV screenwriter, director, actor, and singer.

"Huh? You are..." Chen Changqing put on his glasses and found that the person who spoke was actually Ding Yunfeng, a tycoon who straddled the police and business worlds. His forehead was instantly covered with oil and sweat: "Ding...Ding Sheng, the answer is and you?"

"Because of the security company you hired, the boss behind the scenes is me, Ding Yunfeng, so you will see me."

"Ah?" Chen Changqing swallowed hard, looked at Li Jie, Tian Yangsheng, Lin Daying, and Zhong Fabai who stood behind Ding Yunfeng in a fan shape. Not confident anymore.

"sit down."

"Oh." Chen Changqing responded and sat on the sofa opposite Ding Yunfeng. He put down his satchel, put his hands on his knees, and behaved more honestly than his usual students.

Knowing that this fat man is also sensible, Ding Yunfeng knocked on the cigarette box and threw a Huazi over: "You want to hire someone to protect you to go to Annan, don't you?"

"Yes, I have a friend named Wesley, and he asked me to accompany him to Annan Country.

Ding Sheng, you also know that wars are going on there all year round, so it's not safe.

It just so happened that I had a client who told me that there is a very reliable security company here on Hong Kong Island..." Chen Changqing poured beans out of the bamboo tube, and explained his motivation and process of finding a bodyguard.

Ding Yunfeng clicked on Huazi, got up and turned his back on him and said, "Well, I happen to have something to do, and I want to go to Annan once.

How about this, I will follow you as your apprentice, is there any problem? "

"This..." Chen Changqing's face was full of bitterness. He took out his handkerchief and wiped away the sweat from his forehead to his neck: "No... no problem! I'm just afraid that Ding Sheng will be wronged..."

It's terrifying!

This is Ding Yunfeng who stomps his feet, Hong Kong Island is black and white, and he has to shake three times!

Is it so small that this person deserves to do it himself?
It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, I, Chen Changqing, a Feng Shui master, how can I take this kind of responsibility?
Seeing that Chen Changqing kept wiping away his sweat, Ding Yunfeng walked to him with a smile and sat down beside him in order to reduce his psychological pressure: "Don't worry, I will join you. This time you will go to Annan this time. Top in the industry, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I, Ding Yunfeng, guarantee that you will be safe!"

"Heh...hehe, then, from my side, thank you Ding Sheng for your care first." Chen Changqing squeezed out a forced smile, now that he is on the verge of riding a tiger, he dare not say anything other than agreeing!

Ding Yunfeng patted the fat man's shoulder: "Okay, the departure date is set in 3 days!

You can call Wesley and Anna Wang now, and ask them to come to Hong Kong Island first, and then we will go to Annan together. "

"Ding Sheng, will this be too troublesome? How about letting them fly over from the United States..."

"Didn't you say, cooperate with me?"

"Okay, well, it's all up to you."

"Also, from now on, don't call me Ding Sheng, remember, I am your apprentice, Morinda officinalis.

Brother Jie, you hand over my vest information to Master Chen, and let him take the time to memorize it. "


At this point, Chen Changqing didn't dare to make small moves. He honestly used the phone number provided by Tianyang Health to call Wesley in the United States, and asked the two of them to come to Hong Kong Island to gather first.

As soon as Wesley heard it, he knew that the situation on Hong Kong Island had changed.

Fortunately, when Chen Changqing didn't know how to respond to Wesley's temptation.

Ding Yunfeng told him to tell Wesley frankly about the situation here.

Hearing about Chen Changqing's process of looking for bodyguards, he actually turned himself into a meat ticket.

Wesley was also taken aback, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he used the computer to check some of Ding Yunfeng's information while answering the phone call.

"Fatty, tell Ding Sheng for me.

Anna and I will take the latest flight to Hong Kong Island.

In addition, you can rest assured to stay with Ding Sheng, he is reliable and everything will be fine. "Wesley comforted his friend and hung up the phone neatly.

Now I am blindfolded and taken to a place that looks like a fortification!
Will it be okay?You are so easy to say!

Chen Changqing put down the receiver with a heavy heart.

Seeing the fat man's mournful expression, Lin Daying poured him a glass of boiling water: "Brother Feng is not a bad person, Mr. Chen, don't put too much psychological pressure on yourself."

Are there any good people among the rich on Hong Kong Island?

Chen Changqing didn't believe it in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

After thanking Lin Daying first, Chen Changqing opened the satchel beside him and took out a book of Feng Shui secrets to pass the time.

Before joining Ding Yunfeng, Lin Daying worked as a security guard, a watchman, and other service jobs.

In terms of communication, they are obviously several floors above Zhong Fabai and Tian Yangsheng.He glanced at Chen Changqing's book, took out a compass and said, "Kanyu?
There is also a little research here, if Chen Sheng doesn't mind nagging, why don't you share it? "

(End of this chapter)

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