Chapter 687

"Ha, they are all American products..." Wesley picked up a bug and looked at it, then threw it on the table with a sneer.

Ding Yunfeng went to the window and drew the curtains, sat down and said with a smile: "Without the Yankees, the world would have been peaceful long ago!

Believe it or not, the guys here are all given away by Yankees for nothing? "

"Uh..." Wang Anna and Wesley were speechless for a moment. They grew up in the United States, and Ding Yunfeng's words were really difficult to answer.

Chen Changqing had taught astronomy in the United States, and he devoted himself to spreading the geomancy of Huaguo. In addition, he was a few years older. Seeing that the atmosphere had cooled down, he quickly changed the topic and took the initiative to smooth things over.

"Ah Tian, ​​on the first day we came to Annan, we encountered such a big scene on the road.

I'm a little uneasy..." Remembering Ding Yunfeng's vest this time, Chen Changqing glanced at the entrance of the room and lowered his voice: "Boss, have you prepared your way out in advance?

I think these Annan people are not very good at talking.

That Ruan Wenbao just now, he even killed himself..."

"Shhh..." Ding Yunfeng made a gesture of silence: "I dare to come, of course there are arrangements, you just play your own roles."

"Then... alright." Chen Changqing pulled his tie and sat back with an uneasy expression on his face.

At this time, Li Jie who was guarding the door opened his mouth to warn - there was someone outside the door.

Wesley, who was about to speak, quickly put away the bug on the table and got up to do chest expansion exercises.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Ruan Wenfeng with a bright smile knocked on the door and came in. Behind her were two female soldiers, one carrying a fruit plate and the other carrying a hot water bottle.

"Annan's conditions are limited, so I really neglect everyone." Sitting opposite Wang Anna, Ruan Wenfeng pointed to the fruit plate: "These tropical fruits are relatively rare outside. Come, let's try together."

"Miss Ruan, you are too polite." Wang Anna replied with a smile, and took the lead to greet everyone to take the fruit plate.

Ding Yunfeng found that although Wang Anna was young, she could handle Ruan Wenfeng's temptation, so he walked out of the room with confidence.

Said it was a hotel.

In fact, the environment where Ding Yunfeng and others stayed was not as good as the domestic guest houses in this era.

The only place where the level can be seen is this corridor, which is less than 20 meters short, guarding 10 soldiers with live ammunition.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng come out, a school-level officer ran over: "My distinguished guest, may I help you?"

"Oh, I came here early this morning. I took a long flight and then bumped here in a car. I'm not feeling well. I want to walk around to catch my breath." Ding Yunfeng rubbed his forehead with an embarrassed look on his face. expression.

After listening to the needs of the guests, the officer immediately took out the walkie-talkie.

Ji Ligulu asked for some instructions in Annan dialect, and he smiled apologetically at Ding Yunfeng: "My distinguished guest, I'm sorry.

On the way from the airport, we encountered an ambush by guerrillas.

Therefore, our general ordered that your security protection level be raised to the highest level.

I have reported your situation to my superiors.

Now, I can only ask you to go back to your room and rest.

After a while, a doctor will be sent to help you take a look. "

Put under house arrest so soon?

Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he pretended to be ignorant and asked: "General? May I ask which general? Isn't it your king who invited us here this time?"

"It's Ruan Wenlong, General Ruan!" The officer tried to explain with impatience. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was still entangled, he put away his smile and took a step forward: "My distinguished guest, for your safety, please go back to your room."

"That's it...

That's fine. Ding Yunfeng pretended to be depressed, turned and returned to the room.

Seeing that Wang Anna and Ruan Wenfeng were still talking, Ding Yunfeng sat down on the sofa on the right side and deliberately complained: "It's like being in prison..."

Ruan Wenfeng's attention was attracted, she put away her smile, and winked at the female soldier behind her.

A female soldier opened the door and went out. A few minutes later, she ran back and whispered something in her ear.

Knowing that his younger brother Wenbao had issued an order, the invited entrepreneurs were not allowed to leave the hotel room at will.

Ruan Wenfeng finally couldn't hold back his anger.

Is this the attitude of receiving VIPs? ?

At present, I have something to ask for from others! ! !
There are a lot of investment projects that have not been discussed yet. If you treat him like a criminal first, how will you open your mouth for subsequent cooperation?
"Sir, I am so sorry.

My brother is still young, he may have misunderstood my brother's order. Ruan Wenfeng looked at Ding Yunfeng apologetically, stood up and said, "Don't worry, everyone, Annan has always had great sincerity and respect for his partners.

I'll tell you to go down, and you're free to hang around any time before the dinner party. "

Watching Ruan Wenfeng take two female soldiers, he pushed the door angrily and left.

Wesley got up and closed the door, sat down and asked, "Brother Tian, ​​you were outside just now..."

"I made an excuse to test it out. These soldiers were ordered not to allow us to step out of the room at will." Ding Yunfeng opened a pack of Camel cigarettes and walked around while talking.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and Chen Changqing even took out his magic weapon, quickly counting the good and bad luck of the next few days with his five fingers.


It is said that Ruan Wenfeng ordered the soldiers in the hotel to run to Ruan Wenlong with his attendants non-stop.

As a result, she couldn't even enter the General's Mansion.

The soldier who guarded the door told her that the general is not here, what's the matter, let's talk about it after tonight.

Ruan Wenfeng was worried that Ding Yunfeng and the others would clash with the guards of the hotel after she left, so she had to rush back to the hotel again.

What Ruan Wenfeng didn't know was that when she got in the car and left the barracks in Jingtundi, behind the five finger-shaped peaks behind the barracks, there was a group of people walking along the bird-free cliff, avoiding the eyes and ears of the Ruan family's army. Close to the main peak in the middle...

"Both of you, do you want to stop and take a break?" A young man wearing a bamboo hat and bullet belt around his shoulders turned around and looked at Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai.

Lin Daying held the compass in one hand, and grasped the vines spreading from the rock wall with the other. His forehead was covered with sweat. Zhong Fabai followed behind with a cloth bag on his back, and his breathing was also a little short.

Although both of them have kung fu, the terrain here is far beyond their prior estimation.

Looking up at the surrounding environment, Lin Daying replied in a deep voice: "I can't rest, I must find the tomb as soon as possible, and continue walking."

"Okay! If you two can't hold on, be sure to tell me in advance.

Because, there is no way out!
Everyone should have a little physical strength to protect themselves, if you get hurt in this kind of place..." I didn't finish my words, but everyone understood what this guerrilla captain who always wore sunglasses to look cool in battle understood. .

Now it is deep behind enemy lines, and it is in the mountains.

If anyone is injured, it can be buried now.

(End of this chapter)

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