Chapter 688 A Special Guest
Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai looked at each other and smiled, the former took out a yellow talisman and swallowed it, the latter stuck two armor talismans on his legs.

The two of them, who had been protected by the team before and were already exhausted, suddenly walked vigorously and rushed to the front.

Suddenly, climbing high and wading through the mountains is like two uncles on the flat ground.

The guerrilla leader pulled down his sunglasses in shock. He was skeptical about the theory of Feng Shui, but now he finally has a little more hope for the result of the trip.

Fastening the machine gun on his back, the guerrilla leader caught up with Zhong Fabai, and complained in a low voice: "If I had known you had this ability, I would have waited until dark before setting off.

In order to cover us, many comrades were killed. "

"Sir, don't misunderstand, at night, there is no way to go up the mountain to find the tomb.

Both of us are Maoshan Taoist priests who help people to burrow into the ground, not the group of Mojin school captains who dig graves, and we don't know anything about "Tian Xing Feng Shui". "Zhong Fabai turned around and explained.

Seeing the question mark on the man's face, he remembered that the other party was from Annan, and he must not be able to tell the difference between the direct descendants of Maoshan and the warlocks.

The chicken talked to the duck, the atmosphere was awkward, and the road ahead was very steep, so few people dared to be distracted and communicate.

Until the evening, after going through untold hardships, Lin Daying and the others finally got close to the main peak mentioned by Ding Yunfeng!

"It's getting dark, what should we do next?" The man in the sunglasses asked his men to take out the explosives and asked Lin Daying.

Lin Daying pointed to the top of his head: "It is about 825 meters above the ground, and the direction of Zishan is noon. As for the specific direction, you have to go up and take a look."

"Time is limited, if we fail to find one, we will have no second chance."

"Well, I know. Brother Zhong, you stay below and watch, I can go up by myself." Lin Daying said, reaching out to get the backpack.

The man in sunglasses stepped forward and snatched it: "I'll accompany you up, these explosives, without my help, you can't handle them."

Borrowing the strength of the foothold dug by the herbal collectors before, Lin Daying and the man in sunglasses quickly climbed up the almost 90% vertical cliff while holding on to the vines on the rock wall.

Zhong Fabai stayed at the foot of the cliff and looked up until the figures of the two disappeared from sight...

At this time, Ding Yunfeng and his group, together with other investors invited by King Annan, were invited out of the hotel one after another, took military vehicles, and arrived at a large, ornately decorated garden-style villa.

"Wow, this An Nanguo is crying poor in the international arena all day long.

But how did I find out that every oil painting in this house is authentic? Holding a glass of red wine, Wesley complained to Chen Changqing who was also in a suit.

Chen Changqing slapped him with his arm: "Be careful if you talk too much, you will lose it. Before I set off, I calculated that it will not be very peaceful tonight. Wait a moment and be more careful. Don't be cannon fodder."

"Cut!" Wesley suppressed a smile and took a sip from his wine glass.

Ding Yunfeng walked over with Wang Anna, one personable and the other charming, which attracted the attention of many people.

Chen Changqing and Wesley moved closer, the four chatted for a while, and then King Annan appeared on the stage.

"Welcome to our country, everyone!

Annan is a poor country, and there is nothing to greet you.

However, what we have is sincerity and confidence, and we hope to get your support to improve our country's economy.

Once again, I salute you all! "

Although this King Annan did not look like a kind person, his opening remarks were pleasant to the ears of the investors present.

Unlike Ruan Wenlong who was so outrageous, before the business was discussed, he already wanted to catch everyone as fat sheep and slaughter them.

Ding Yunfeng and the others applauded along with the people around them, and when the applause gradually subsided, everyone focused their attention on the king, wanting to hear what attractive terms he could offer...

The door of this banquet hall suddenly slammed loudly and was pushed open from the outside.

Ruan Wenlong, dressed in military uniform, walked aggressively to the center of the dance floor under the focus of the lights, and stared up at King Annan standing on the second floor.

King Annan grabbed the microphone and said with a cold face: "General Ruan, do you know that it is very rude of you to do this? It will scare my distinguished guests!"

"You're done, go back and change your clothes."

"What is your identity? It's too presumptuous to talk to me with such an attitude! Get out!"


Ding Yunfeng narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the two most powerful people in An Nanguo yell at each other. He pulled Wesley and the others and quietly retreated behind the crowd.

Next, Ruan Wenlong forced the four warlords and all the guests present to express their opinions by standing up.

Ding Yunfeng and his party happened to be standing in the seat representing the Ruan family.

Compared to everyone present waiting for the direction of the wind, Ding Yunfeng knew in advance that both King Annan and Ruan Wenlong had backup.

Therefore, he pulled a few people to stand where they were, and let King Annan and Ruan Wenlong play their cards.

First, four warlords placed a bet on Ruan Wenlong and ran to where Ding Yunfeng and the others were standing with a group of guests.

Next, King Annan arranged for his cronies among the guests to take out pistols against the four warlords, and ran to his side with a group of guests.

Afterwards, Ruan Wenbao rushed in with a group of soldiers, went up to the second floor, condescended, and controlled the audience. The four warlords immediately snatched the hostage's pistol, and in turn hijacked the other party, leading the guests back to the place where Ding Yunfeng and the others were standing. seat.

Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, King Annan clapped his hands, and the soldiers ambushing on the third floor of the banquet hall rushed out. The four kidnappers snatched back the pistols of the warlords, held each other hostage again, and led the guests back to the original place. land.

Hundreds of people come and go.

The only one standing still, only Ding Yunfeng and the others.

King Annan grabbed the microphone and pointed at Ruan Wenlong downstairs: "General Ruan, do you think you will win?
You have no brains, I was on guard against you early in the morning!

I promoted you in vain, but you actually betrayed me?Then betray the country!

Just relying on you, you still want to fight against me?That is suicidal! "

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ruan Wenlong's mouth, and he made a gesture with his right hand behind his back.

chug chug...

A helicopter descended slowly, and the dazzling machine lights pierced through the glass of the banquet hall, causing everyone present to squint their eyes.

chug chug...

chug chu...


The scene where the king was killed by helicopter fire never happened.

This helicopter just came over to show its face, and then turned away as the smiles of Ruan Wenlong and Ruan Wenbao gradually disappeared.

what's the situation? ? ?
There was a drop of cold sweat on Ruan Wenlong's temples. He pretended to be calm and looked at his younger brother Ruan Wenbao. The latter was also puzzled at this moment.

Standing on the second floor, King Annan suddenly burst out laughing: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? You have no brains. Besides me, there is also a special guest here—Mr. Ding Yunfeng from Hong Kong Island!"

 There is still a chapter, it is estimated that it will be out in 1 point after writing
(End of this chapter)

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