Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 703 Arrange for you to be safe

Chapter 703 Arrange for you to be safe

Ding Yunfeng reminded Zhou Chaoxian not to take it lightly.

After a few days, he spent money to find several other officials from Wadao Island.

It turned out that in the past two days, Minister Hou had not only asked Ding Zongshu, but also interviewed other big brothers in Taoyuan District to see if anyone was willing to spend 600 million US dollars to buy local representatives of public opinion.


The man surnamed Hou is too shameless, he charged me 500 million US dollars, and even asked people to negotiate the price everywhere, he is simply greedy! Zhou Chaoxian was slightly out of breath and complained as he practiced his hip-moving technique in front of Sir Qiu on the TV.

Cui Miaoxiang pushed back her sweaty hair, and persuaded her husband: "This gang of frog officials is like this, isn't it the first day you know him?

In my opinion, it's better for you to go again, give him an extra one or hundreds of thousands, and tell him to quickly implement this matter. "

"Convex (哉盘哉), you think the money is blown by the wind?
What is used now is U.S. dollars, not Taiwan dollars. How about giving him an extra one or hundreds of thousands? "Zhou Chaoxian couldn't keep up with Qiu Sir's movements. While complaining, he grabbed the remote control and pressed it to the playback speed of 0.75: "Made, this group of filmmakers is just like the one with the surname Hou. Can someone be so fast? "

Cui Miaoxiang really wanted to refute her idol Qiu Sir, but she was afraid of hurting her husband's self-esteem, so she could only do it without pain and itching, and changed the topic by the way.

"Didn't Mr. Ding ask someone to remit 1000 million U.S. dollars to you, and he said that if it is not enough, you can continue to remit it.

Anyway, it’s not our money, so why do you save so much? "

"Choose! Or do you say that you women have long hair and little knowledge?

Whether or not the higher-ups give support is the attitude of the higher-ups.

It is your husband's ability to keep this money, or use less money, and then get this thing done.

It's easy to spend money on it!

But if I use the above money to make peace every time, doesn't it mean that the boss can replace me at any time?ah! "When the blue bar was exhausted, Zhou Chaoxian looked at the screen, as if he was an indefatigable Qiu Sir, shouting in his heart, it's fake, it's all fake.


Stanley Prison, Warden's Chamber.

"Ah!" Qiu Jinjiang sneezed twice, took out two tissues, and hurriedly yelled.

Seeing this, Zhu Jiang shook his head: "Ah Qiu, don't blame me for being old and talkative!

As a public servant, you can earn some extra money after get off work to subsidize your family, you can't say no, but you keep running to make movies..."

"Zhu Sir, film is an art."

"Then do I still have to praise you for your dedication to art?" Zhu Jiang laughed angrily: "Please count me as an old bone, please?

You don't care about it yourself, I still want face!

Every time I go to the Governor's Mansion for a meeting, whenever I meet someone with a crown on his shoulder, the other party will definitely pull me to borrow the unabridged version?How can I have something like that? "

"Zhu Sir, do you want it? If you want it, I can give it to you. If you don't tell me, how do I know you want to see it?"

"You didn't ask me if I needed it..." Zhu Jiang slapped the table in a rage, "No! Is that what I want to see?

I asked for it from the SP who read the book...

Wait a minute, I was trapped by your kid!
I called you over to the office today, not to ask you for a film, but to ask you not to make that kind of film from now on!


Your personal behavior has already had a very bad impact on the image of our department! "

"Huh? A ghostly place like Stanley still has an image?" Qiu Jinjiang was shocked.

Seeing the warden Zhu Jiang being shivered by Ah Qiu, Zhong Chuxiong, who had watched the excitement for a long time, hurriedly pushed Ah Qiu out of the room: "Okay, okay, what should I do, Zhu Sir really has a stroke, I think Zhu Huoji must find you desperately."

Coaxing Ah Qiu away, Zhong Chuxiong smiled and pulled the chair in front of Zhu Jiang to sit down.

Zilaishu picked up the other party's cigarette case on the table, Zhong Chuxiong knocked one into his mouth and lit it: "Old Zhu, don't be angry.

Ah Qiu is the top player in the industry, among his gang of action movie fans who are crazy about men and women, there are so many big names hidden in it!
In case anyone finds out, it's you who forced him to retire.

I estimate that many people have the ability to give you the small shoes of the Stanley Warden. "

"Hey, Ah Xiong, do you think I'm an idiot, and suddenly do such immoral things that cut off people's wealth?" Zhu Jiang sighed, and got up to close the door himself: "I heard that Brother Feng submitted a report to the superiors. I submitted a resignation report, but was beaten back by brother one, and the next day, he submitted another one, and was beaten back again..."

"Well, I know about this. Brother Feng has been with me." Zhong Chuxiong put away his smile and nodded back.

Seeing that Zhong Chuxiong said half and hid half, Zhu Jiang scolded without anger: "What about the latter?
Hey, these years, although I didn't go to Repulse Bay to pay homage to the mountain, but I did a lot of things for you, right?

At this point, you won't even let me know the news? "

"Ahahaha." Zhong Chuxiong laughed strangely: "Zhu Sir, Brother Feng didn't miss your share, did he?"

"Axiong, what do you mean? I'm talking about feelings with you, and you're talking about money with me?"

"Hey, don't get angry at every turn!
Just now you said it yourself, you didn't go to Repulse Bay to worship the mountain, right?

Naturally, there is no need to disclose the information that can only be known to the insiders of our group to outsiders like you. "Zhong Chuxiong's smile became more and more false.

Zhu Jiang's complexion became darker and darker: "Is this what you Zhong Chuxiong meant, or Ding Sir?"

"Since Brother Feng transferred from the correctional system to the police force, Stanley, he has left it to me."

"That's it, I have nothing else to do here, please."

"OK, then I'll take my leave first."

Zhong Chuxiong left the warden's room with a smile, and when he turned around, he put away the smile on his face.

Quickly returning to his office, Zhong Chuxiong called Ding Yunfeng to report Zhu Jiang's anomaly today while calling Shishigou to fetch the Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley and Qiu Jinjiang.

Ding Yunfeng was arranging for Lu Minghua to meet with the five superintendents, Siyankun and others. He was in Manhanlou, halfway through his meal, when he suddenly received a call from Zhong Chuxiong.

"Well, don't worry, I will make arrangements."

After two sentences to calm the nervous brother Xiong, Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone and greeted everyone to eat.

Uncle Hua and the others knew at a glance that something must have happened again.

However, since Brother Feng didn't want to talk about it, there was also a 'new leader' Lu Minghua present.

Several people suppressed their doubts one after another, picked up their wine glasses at the same time, and prepared to come over and get Lu Sir drunk before talking.

Seeing that Lu Minghua's face turned blue from being bullied by these old fritters, Ding Yunfeng also tapped on the dining table: "Hey, it's like this when we first met. How will you tell Lu Sir to endure the next three years?"

"Hey, Ding Sheng, we also want to get close to Brother Hua." Uncle Hua changed his words very cleverly, and let Lu Minghua go by the way, letting the latter breathe a sigh of relief.

Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette case and walked around: "It's okay, it's not a big deal.

Old Zhu from Stanley used Ah Chou to find out about Brother Tanxiong today. "

After lighting a cigarette, Ding Yunfeng continued: "I guess, he got the wind from somewhere, thinking that I, Ding Yunfeng, will finally be embarrassed. He can clean up Stanley and really be a talker."

"I'm protruding (艹盘艺) Zhu Jiang is a banana bara!
Brother Feng, you haven't left yet, this old bastard is going to rebel! With a bang, Huang Yaobing slapped the solid wooden dining table slightly with his fat palm.

Hu Xin: "Oh, Zhu Jiang is from the correctional system.

Over the years, he was almost taken over by Zhong Chuxiong and his gang.

Even though his share has never been lost, who wants to be a puppet for the rest of his life when he has the opportunity to grasp something like power?
This motive is understandable, but his actions are hard to accept, after all, Brother Feng hasn't left yet..."

As the saying goes, people take tea to cool.

In fact, people haven't left yet.

The remaining heat on the stove was already being poured out with water.

Seeing that after Ding Yunfeng handed over the power, the five superintendents still defended his old master like this, Lu Minghua's eyes moved: "I have someone in the internal investigation department, how about..."

Waving to stop Lu Minghua, Ding Yunfeng raised his chopsticks and said with a smile: "At this time, you are asking people to move Zhu Jiang?
Then the people behind him guessed that you, Lu Minghua, are my successor to Ding Yunfeng. "

Is Zhu Jiang a questioning stone?
Lu Minghua's complexion changed, he forced a smile and took out a tissue to wipe off the thin layer of sweat on his forehead: "I was in a hurry, I'm sorry, let everyone laugh."

Ding Yunfeng put the lobster head into Lu Minghua's bowl: "Starting today, the Chinese police team that I took over from Brother Luo and the others is officially handed over to you.

More than 2 guys follow you, a head, to eat, think twice before doing anything, when you are small, you can make mistakes, and our gang will take care of them.But you are the leader, you cannot make mistakes. "


An hour later, Ding Yunfeng arranged for someone to send Lu Minghua off ahead of schedule.

Looking at the lobster head that the other party ate cleanly and neatly peeled, Ding Yunfeng looked at Cao Dahua and the others with a smile and said, "How is it? I helped you get this head, is it okay?"

"Yes, quite possible." Uncle Hua spoke first, and he replied with a smile: "Now it's not as good as before, but you can't manage the police force as an association. To be the head of this, you have to learn to be 'gentle, courteous, respectful and tolerant'."

"Just to say a warm word, Hong Kong Island is always talking about ghosts now.

If you are the leader of the police force, if you are not gentle, you will be the same as the top when things happen, and you don't have the influence of Brother Feng in the business world and society, then it will definitely not work!
But if it is too gentle, it will be even worse if it becomes a dough and is rounded and flattened.

The people below couldn't raise their spirits, and the team had to disperse soon.

We all poured him wine, and he was willing to help Brother Feng stand out, gain favor in front of us, and after Brother Feng made a point, he was able to admit his mistake on the spot. This kind word, Lu Minghua is better than us. " Hu Xin then added.

"Kindness, respect, and frugality. As far as we know, this Sir Lu is up to the standard. The most difficult thing is the word of giving up." Huang Yaobing pointed to Lu Minghua's cleanly peeled lobster shell: "I just took over the power today. He was ordered by Brother Feng in public.

But he gave in without even arguing. Just for this point, my old Huang is convinced. "

Seeing that the five superintendents were satisfied with Lu Minghua's work, Ding Yunfeng finally smiled. He grabbed his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, John, before you leave, do me a favor and bring Axiong up to be Stanley." the warden."


Stanley is the place where Ding Yunfeng started his family. He is known as the overlord of Stanley, how can he have no backup?

This is not!

Zhu Jiang was a little uneasy just now, Brother Feng immediately let the wolf lead the baron, and arranged for old Zhu to be promoted to a stable department in the Correctional Services Department to retire safely.

I complained at noon and was promoted immediately in the afternoon,
Packing things in the evening, Zhu Jiang will not be the warden of Stanley the next day.

The person who came up to take his position was Zhong Chuxiong, the former deputy warden, and Qiu Jinjiang, the senior correctional director, was naturally promoted to be the deputy warden.

Everyone has been promoted, and everyone is happy.

This wave of operations was so fast that Cai Yuanqi almost clicked his tongue. Looking at the bitter-faced Zhu Jiang in front of him, he personally poured a cup of coffee for him: "Old Zhu, this time it's my brother who can't help you. Ming is about to leave, that ghost John is willing to help him like this."

"Cai Sir, think of a way, I'm not yet 55, I don't want to retire in the logistics department of the Correctional Services Department!"

"Oh, the Correctional Services Department and the police force have different systems, and there is nothing I can do to help.

Otherwise, go back and make a report and apply for a flat transfer to our police force.

Let me squeeze a deputy director in the West Kowloon Division for you first. After 1-2 years, see if there are any retired, and I will arrange a director for you as appropriate? " Cai Yuanqi said that Zhu Jiang could not accept the suggestion.


Hearing his words, Zhu Jiang's complexion changed: "No matter how embarrassing I am in the Correctional Services Department, I'm still a senior leader!

Now that your police force is transferred to start with a deputy director, isn't that equivalent to a senior inspector on your side? "

"Then what should we do? You can't let me put a gun on the head of the Correctional Services Department's neck and ask him to transfer you back to Stanley to be the warden?" Cai Yuanqi spread his hands, turned and sat down and smiled.

Zhu Jiang gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'm unlucky, Cai Sir, I was also deceived by lard, so I believed your nonsense to test Ding Yunfeng."

"Oh, look, your biggest shortcoming is irritability!
In fact, although you have no real power in Stanley these years, Ding Yunfeng has not lost your share.

If I'm not mistaken, you also made 800 million, right?
Be content, go back to the Correctional Services Department's logistics department until you retire, don't think about jumping around all day, you don't have the ability. "Cai Yuanqi decisively lowered his face, and his tone was also very unkind.

Zhu Jiang clutched his chest, angrily pushed open the door and walked out.

After he left, Qiu Jinshen opened the door and walked in: "That person just now is Zhu Jiang, the warden of Stanley?"

"It turns out that Zhong Chuxiong, the person who replaced Ding Yunfeng in Stanley now, is talking about it!

It's just an idiot with the surname Zhu, don't worry about him.

correct.What did the Panther say, when is he coming to test our security system? "

"An appointment is made, it will be at twelve o'clock tonight!"

"Okay! Remember to keep Black Panther tonight, I want to talk to him!" Cai Yuanqi said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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