Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 704 You Believe In Your Eyes, I Believe In My Man

Chapter 704 You Believe In Your Eyes, I Believe In My Man

12 o'clock that night.

There are several waves of people hiding around the main hall in the central district.

On the bright side, it is the staff of the Special Operations Department headed by Cai Yuanqi and Qiu Jinshen;

Hidden on the second floor is the blood wolf preparing to catch cicadas like in the movie;
Hiding at the bottom, naturally it is Ding Yunfeng who wants to help Qingqing catch the blood wolf.

As time passed, a Harley motorcycle rushed out from the middle of the night. The rider on the car was wearing a black windbreaker, black sunglasses, black leather pants and a Panther knife.

This look, from head to toe, is afraid that the audience may not know that he is a black panther!

"Cai Sir, the Black Panther is here!" Qiu Jinshen patted Cai Yuanqi on the shoulder, pointed at the handsome middle-aged man who parked his motorcycle and strode towards the entrance of the building.

Cai Yuanqi cheered up in a hurry, and ordered to a group of police officers with live ammunition behind him: "Change the rubber ammunition, go!"

"Yes sir!"

The group of elites selected by Cai Yuanqi from the police academy stood at attention. They were full of energy, and they quickly changed their bullets. With micro-punches in both hands, they crossed and chased the black panther into the police building with very standard cover movements!

In order to check and balance the Ding Department, Cai Yuanqi spent a lot of time, and finally recently worked through the ideological work of the ghosts above, and allocated a special fund to establish this special operations department.

Cai Yuanqi even replaced the security system of Tai Kwun in the Central District by the way.

Tonight, he hired the Black Panther to test the effectiveness of the new system and observe the Black Panther's skills. By the way, he could also use the Panther to train his gang of student policemen.

As a hero who comes and goes, he is both good and evil.

As soon as the black panther entered the building, relying on his extraordinary skills and understanding of the structure of the police building in advance, he took a little bit of effort and used the blind spots of the cameras to come to Qiu Jinshen and make an appointment with him in advance. , the floor that needs him to break through the defense system and take away the token.

"Evidence Department?" Glancing at the office where half of the lights had been turned off, the panther rolled over, avoiding the automatic steering surveillance camera overhead.

At this time, the two front desk police officers in uniform talked and laughed and packed up their personal belongings.

Listening to their conversation, Black Panther learned that 12:30 is the shift shift time, and the two are discussing where to go for supper!

Jingle Bell……

The electric bell on the wall rang, and the sound of the door opening came from inside. Hearing the sound, the Black Panther knew that the Hong Kong Island Police Force really paid a heavy price this time.

Hiding behind a pillar and peeping silently, the panther found that if he wanted to get in and take out something, he had to go through a security door about a foot thick. To open this door, in addition to the access control card, a staff member's fingerprint was also needed. , and the addition of a staff weight sensor lock as standard.

Triple lock!
Seeing that the police had successfully handed over their shifts during his snooping period, the staff who had been on guard for half the night talked and laughed and walked towards the elevator from inside.

The elevator door opened, revealing a large group of armed police officers coming up from downstairs.

"Black Panther, you have been arrested..."

The lines taught by the police academy teacher have not yet finished.

The Panther had already shaken his head and dropped a smoke bomb.

The billowing smoke made the recruits cough violently.

When the smoke dissipated, the black panther in front of them had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Isn't it funny that Brother Yi has to rely on these gangsters to compete with Brother Feng's gang of old fritters?"

A receptionist of the evidence department who had just taken over ran to the corridor to take a look, and came back to complain to several colleagues.

The fat man who was in charge of locking the door with his weight opened a newspaper and said: "Both sides are big bosses, we small characters, just be a good audience.

Watch more, listen more, don't talk too much. "

Cai Yuanqi, who watched the cold wind in the middle of the night, thinking that he could see some wonderful fighting scenes, soon became depressed.

It took less than 15 minutes for the entire Special Operations team to enter.

Cai Yuanqi received the news that the Black Panther only went outside the Political Affairs Section to observe and then left, and because of a mistake on his own side, he failed to stop the other party tonight...

"Forget it, you go to the folks in the administrative affairs department and tell them that tonight's exercise is over;
Then, you take the brothers back to rest.

As for tonight's action report, I will hand it over to Sir Qiu before noon tomorrow. "Suffering anger and disappointment, Cai Yuanqi said to the person in charge of the operation.

Seeing that Cai Yuanqi had finished speaking a few words, he hung up the phone with an ugly expression on his face.

Qiu Jinshen spread out his hands, with a helpless expression: "I said it long ago, with this group of newcomers, there is no hope of keeping the Black Panthers!
Luckily we've spoken to the Panthers beforehand, it's just a test tonight.

If he came for real, none of these siblings would be able to survive tonight. "

"So dumb?"

"He's a black panther." Qiu Jinshen nodded to Cai Yuanqi with certainty.

Cai Yuanqi became even more excited after hearing this, he was fed up with the embarrassment that no one under his command was available to him!

At present, the police force on Hong Kong Island is roughly divided into three factions.

The banana interest group headed by him, the local interest group headed by Li Shutang, and the Ding faction led by Ding Yunfeng, inherited from the detective era.

Cai Yuanqi occupies the righteousness of the first brother, and has the support of ghosts behind him. During this period of time, his strength has rapidly expanded;

In addition to Li Shutang's direct jurisdiction of Causeway Bay, there is also his son Li Wenbin who is the middle-level leader of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB), and his subordinates who have been operating in Sanzhiqi for many years;

As for Ding Yunfeng, in addition to his identity as Lei Luo's righteous brother, he also had several disturbances in the police force, and he personally carried the flag to fight for the great prestige of the majority of Chinese police officers!
The Ding department has not only the five major superintendents of the police force, but also many middle-level police officers from the two major systems of Chaoshan and Guancheng.

If it weren't for Ding Yunfeng's two resignation reports recently, which caused some instability within the Ding Department, Cai Yuanqi might not have had the opportunity to form this special operations department.


At the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy, from the principal to the school staff, almost everyone only recognizes Brother Feng and not Brother Yi.

It's so outrageous!
The dignified police commissioner condescends to go to the police academy to select candidates.

Can you believe that one-third of the three phalanxes of candidate police officers in front of the first brother can even turn left or right wrongly?
"Chen Shiqi! Is this the result of your teaching?"

"Hey, Sir Cai, you are making coffee and blowing on the air conditioner at the Taiguan, how could you know that our police academy has difficulty in recruiting students?
Everyone has ICAC watching over their heads, and the one below is missing. In the past few years, the number of people applying for each session of Wong Chuk Hang is of course much less than before.

Besides, it's rare for a few good seedlings to appear, and they were picked by various district police stations to be undercover agents before they graduated..."

Recalling the scene that happened at the Huangzhukeng playground, Cai Yuanqi was very sure that Chen Shiqi was definitely fooling himself.

After all, Chen Shiqi's Causeway Bay Director was handed over to Li Shutang by Chen Shiqi in order to suppress the Ding faction and take down the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

I wanted to throw this guy surnamed Chen to Huang Zhu Hang to sit on the bench, but I didn't expect that today I was bitten by the other party.

Thinking of these past events, Cai Yuanqi became more and more annoyed. He turned around and left with a dark face.

Qiu Jinshen smiled and accompanied him, even though he looked down on Cai Sir, on the surface, he still wanted to express his respect.

"You ask Black Panther out tomorrow, and I want to see him." Before getting into the car, Cai Yuanqi looked at Qiu Jinshen and said.

Qiu Jinshen subconsciously wanted to decline, but this time, he was forced to retreat by Cai Yuanqi's cold gaze.

"If he refuses to come, I will order him wanted!
You know, with my current status, I can definitely arrange for him to become a wanted criminal! "Cai Yuanqi put down a warning, immediately got into the car, turned on the ignition, turned the steering wheel, turned around and left.

Watching Brother Yi's car go away, Qiu Jinshen snorted coldly: "If you dared, you would have done it a long time ago, why do you need to push the pressure on me?"

Knowing that Cai Yuanqi's words were actually for himself, Qiu Jinshen was in a very unhappy mood. He dismissed the police officers who stayed at the scene, and immediately chose a place where no one was present, took out his mobile phone and called the Black Panther directly.

The call was connected quickly.

The black panther came over with a magnetic voice: "According to our agreement, it seems that there is no requirement. I have to get things done tonight, right?"

"Black Panther, don't get me wrong, I didn't make this call to urge you to do something, but to tell you that Chief of Police Cai Sir would like to ask you to meet tomorrow." Qiu Jinshen quickly explained.

"Cai Yuanqi? No, I've never had a good impression of the messenger.

If you have nothing else to say, I'm closing the line. After Hei Bao finished speaking, he directly pressed the hang up button, his eyes complicated, and he looked at the little junior sister who blocked his way——Qing Qing.

"Qingqing, that guy surnamed Ding, how is he treating you?" Putting down the phone, Hei Bao held back for a long time, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment when he opened his mouth.

Hearing this, Qingqing's expression was a little unnatural, she leaned on the deer-headed sword with both hands, and replied with a straight face: "It's better than you anyway!

Although he is not very professional, and he is quite caring, but no matter in front of others or behind others, he dares to express his attitude and say that he likes me.

what about you?In your eyes and mind, apart from money, there is only this leopard head knife! "

"Qingqing, I..." Heibao was a little at a loss for words. When he knew that Qingqing was committed to Ding Yunfeng, he was so angry that he came to the door to argue, but he was stopped by Inspector Robin before he reached Ding Yunfeng.

It's an elder and a matchmaker.

If Robin had drawn his gun when he came up, the Panther would have been easier to parry.

But when he comes up, he puts on his status and makes sense, so for the Black Panther, who has always been principled, he must have suffered a disadvantage.

He was so angry that he wanted to help the woman out, but he retreated in despair, and Inspector Robin even stuffed a handful of wedding candy in his pocket.

Murder is heartbreaking, but that's it.

When I saw Qingqing today, the other party said a few words, and I was killed again.

Black Panther had to doubt, did he really love this little junior sister?

"Since you have something to rely on, what are you doing to stop me tonight?" He lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally found something to reply. Heibao himself knew that the tone was sour.

Qingqing raised her right hand, and a photo that had just been developed not long ago turned into a dart and shot at the panther.

The black panther reached out to catch it, and after only one glance, his face turned livid: "Impossible, the blood wolf is obviously dead!

In order to save me, he was blown to death with explosives..."

"The facts are right in front of your eyes, why are you still awake?" Qingqing was furious, and raised her deer-headed sword: "This is Ah Feng's subordinates, using the authority of the senior superintendent level, from the police force certificate you have been to tonight. Biological science, the transferred negative film was developed!
Do you know why the police asked you to test the defense system?

That's because the person who manipulated all of this behind the scenes is the murderer who killed our master—the blood wolf. "

"Qingqing, you are wrong this time.

The person who sent me the task was Qiu Sir, the head of the Special Operations Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Hei Panther smiled when he heard the words, and his prejudice against Ding Yunfeng made him ignore the evidence in hand: "Robert once told me that there is a technology in the United States that can put two different photos together through a computer. "

"Until now, you still don't believe it?"

"I only believe what I see."

Qingqing laughed angrily at the stubborn black panther, she held the deer-headed sword upside down, turned around and left: "Well, you believe your eyes, I believe my man!
I will find the blood wolf to avenge Master, goodbye. "

"Qingqing! Qingqing!" The panther got out of the car and chased after a few steps.

Seeing that Qingqing completely ignored his shouts, Heibao had no choice but to stop and come back to get on the motorcycle.

After twisting the accelerator a few times, just as the panther was about to leave, a saber slashed down from behind him.

Pushing away the motorcycle and turning over to avoid it, the black panther was just about to get up when his sight was taken away by the flames that exploded in front of him.

Knowing that the opponent hid the blade in the flames, the black panther didn't dare to push it too hard. He pulled out the leopard head knife with his backhand, squinted his eyes and held it above his head.

The fire wood knife and the leopard head knife collided, and a wave of scorching fire rushed along the blade to the slightly raised face of the panther.

The field of view was completely occupied by flames, and the panther had to use a lazy donkey to roll around, trying to distance the two of them.

Unexpectedly, the comer's sword skills were vicious, and the firewood knife in his hand shook slightly, and two balls of fire exploded behind the black panther, causing serious damage to him in an instant.

The black panther spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the cost of being injured, finally opened the distance between the two.

Looking at the bloody wolf holding the firewood knife, his face illuminated by the flames on the blade, he stared and scolded, "You didn't die? Could it be that you really killed our master back then?"

"Hmph! It's too late for you to know! I'm a senior brother, but the old ghost left everything to you.

Qingqing has been snatched away by you, so it is not too much for me to be the head of the Black Panther, right?
But back then, that old ghost insisted that I was not good at heart and was not suitable to take over as the head. He even wanted to pass on the leopard head knife to you!

I'm a senior brother, why do you get all the good things?
Hmph, since he won't give it to me, then I'll just take it myself, and even, I want you to regret it for the rest of your life! "The blood wolf stared at the panther with resentment and shouted.

The black panther was also furious. He held the leopard head knife and stood up slowly: "You bastard who killed his teacher, how lucky is it that I trust you so much that you don't even believe the evidence presented by Qingqing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll grab your leopard head knife first, then kill that Ding Yunfeng, and then take Qingqing away." The blood wolf looked at the seriously injured black panther and laughed wildly.

Sitting next to him on the huge billboard, Ding Yunfeng, who had watched the show all night, really did not expect that his daughter-in-law would be missed by the blood wolf.

"Oh, it's rare that I want to be a melon-eating audience.

But you bastard, you not only want to kill me, but also want to steal my woman? With a cold voice, Ding Yunfeng jumped off the ten-meter-high billboard. At the same time, there was Yixiantian in a white coat and oiled hair.

(End of this chapter)

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