Chapter 709 Big Kidnapping

Oh yo!

Hearing these two sentences from Meng Bohui seemed like a confession.

The Bawanghuas present all screamed, Madam Hu smiled and walked to Ding Yunfeng, reached out to shake his hand, and sat down: "Brother Feng, your friend seems to be a master of love.

The two piano pieces just made all the girls under me fall in love with each other. "

"Ah Hui, don't worry, if this noodle sausage dares to abandon your student all the time, I will send someone to eunuch him." Ding Yunfeng grabbed the red wine bottle, ignored Madam's nonchalant gaze, and directly filled a glass for her: "Happy birthday to you, Cheers."

"Hmm~" Madam Hu frowned and downed the glass of red wine, wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand and asked, "How do you know tonight is my birthday?"

"Hehe, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua are both special forces, and their daily training and discipline are far stricter than those of the grassroots police stations in the districts.

I can understand that everyone takes time to take a vacation and go camping.

After all, we are not robots, we all need relaxation.

But to create a large-scale social dance like this, and the location is chosen in the camp of the Flying Tigers, I can't think of anything else except to create a chance for Jane to communicate with you proudly.

At the beginning, you stayed under my command for a while.

I know that you are a person who has always been very aware of the overall situation.

In order to persuade you to participate in this kind of occasion, apart from using your personal birthday as an excuse, Jane is proud that she can't use Bawanghua's first anniversary as a talking point, right? "Ding Yunfeng held the wine glass and laughed to himself as he spoke.

I don't know if he was surprised by Ding Yunfeng's analysis, or if he just drank a whole glass of red wine.

Hu Zhonghui's pretty cheeks were slightly red, and she gave Ding Yunfeng a white look: "Thank you, Ding Holmes Yunfeng, for your birthday wishes.

However, you are wrong about one thing.

I am also a normal girl, not a machine that only knows how to work.

Tonight, I can eat, drink and have fun. Even if my superiors will blame me tomorrow, and Jane Sir will take the initiative to take the blame, why would I not do it? "

Madam Hu, your position is not low!
It's no wonder that the Pixiu of the first two films, Jane Sir, was eaten to death by you...

Looking at Madam Hu, Ding Yunfeng smiled. This is a qualified person in charge of Bawanghua. It's really silly and sweet like in the movie, but it's a bit unreasonable.

At this time, Meng Bohui's song "For Alice" also came to an end.

The reaction of the audience in the audience was polarized.

In the Flying Tigers, from Jane proud to the kitchen helper Ah Ying, everyone's breath is sour;

On Bawanghua's side, almost all the girls looked at Ahui excitedly, especially Joey, who was being eyeballed by him while playing the piano, plucked up his courage and ran up with a bouquet of flowers.

The two exchanged a few words with each other on the stage, and walked back to Ding Yunfeng's table holding hands.

"Hey, are you Madam too?" Really stupid Joey looked at Madam Hu with a cute expression on his face.

Madam Hu beckoned her to sit down, and looked up and down Meng Bohui with the gaze of a pervert: "Mr. Meng is nicknamed the Gunslinger. I didn't expect that. His marksmanship is sharp, and his skills in picking up girls are also pretty good."

"Ahaha, I made everyone laugh, my little reputation is just a favor from friends outside.

In terms of using guns, we amateur players are definitely not as good as the Bawanghua and Flying Tigers who have daily target training. "Meng Bohui winked at Ding Yunfeng while replying.

Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders, saying that he did not betray him.

Madam Hu pointed to the empty seat next to him, and Meng Bohui sat down nervously. As a top shooter, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"We train with fixed targets, but Mr. Meng is a real fighter.

I just heard Brother Feng say, Mr. Meng, you are very curious about the daily life of the two special forces teams, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua.

That's why you asked him to bring you in to our dance party tonight..." First pointing out the trap Meng Bohui had buried in his words, Madam Hu took advantage of Ah Hui's reserved nod, and changed the tone: "If you don't dislike it , I would like to invite Mr. Meng to be our Bawanghua's spearmanship consultant. "

"Ah! No, how can this work?" Meng Bohui looked up in amazement, seeing Madam Hu's serious expression, not when he was joking, he waved his hands again and again: "I'm not a policeman, so how can I teach you?"

"This is not a problem, the master is the teacher!

I will submit the report tomorrow. I believe that after the investigation of Mr. Meng's information is completed, the official document will be released. "

"No, I..." With a helpless face, Meng Bohui looked at Ding Yunfeng who was eating melons beside him: "Brother Feng, don't just watch the excitement and don't talk, at least help explain a few words."

"Explain! How can I explain it for you?
Ah Hui is right, you are idle anyway, so why not agree to it and take it as a part-time job for the time being.

You can make money and have girls, isn't this the ideal life you have been yearning for for many years? " Ding Yunfeng replied indifferently.


I yearn for?

As a prodigal son, what I yearn for is freedom, not helping the police force!
Thinking of this, Meng Bohui shook his head vigorously, but before he risked offending Ding Yunfeng, he refused on the spot.

Hu Zhonghui turned down his face first: "According to the relevant provisions, any personnel who do not follow the normal procedures to enter the special warfare camp will be punished as spies of other countries!
When necessary, the person can be shot immediately! "

Seeing Madam Hu's right hand slipping to his waist, Brother Feng has an attitude of nothing to do with himself.

Meng Bohui's face turned serious: "It's rare that Bawanghua thinks highly of me. As a peace-loving citizen of Hong Kong Island, my younger brother should naturally contribute to the stability and prosperity of this city. Excuse me, when will I go to work?"

"Tomorrow morning, 7:30."

"No problem, I'll set the alarm clock when I get back, and I promise I won't be late." Meng Bohui actually wanted to cry, but in front of Joey, he had to pretend to be calm.

Freedom is gone, you can't lose points in the eyes of girls, right?
After successfully helping Bawanghua to abduct a top gunner coach, Madam Hu became in a good mood.

In order to thank Ding Yunfeng who did not stop her during the whole process, she took the initiative to pour half a glass of red wine: "Brother Feng, thank you for bringing Mr. Meng tonight, I offer you a toast!"

"Don't drink too much, there are people here who want you to get drunk." Ding Yunfeng held Madam Hu's wrist, snatched her wine glass, poured half of it into his own glass: "Cheers!"

Seeing Ding Yunfeng raise his head and drank from his glass, Madam couldn't care less about the other party pouring wine from his own glass.

Because, both Jane proud and Lu Sir came over.

"Hey, let's go over there. I'll introduce some beautiful girls to you." A Xing suffered a loss once, and didn't want to be tricked by Jane Proudly again, so he pushed Cao Liang and Dog Wang Lun to get up and leave.

Except for Meng Bohui and Joey, the rest are leaders.

If you don't seize the opportunity to get out of the way, do you still want to stay as the background?
Seeing these three rushing to the street without showing loyalty and slipping away, Meng Bohui was almost pissed off.

Fortunately, at this moment, Joey, who was sitting next to Madam Hu, covered his mouth and looked at him and asked, "Brother Hui, what industry do you actually work in?

Listen to Madam's tone, your marksmanship is very good? "

"Hush, you know how to speak softly, but you must not tell it! Actually, I came here as a knight."

"Haha, knight? Don't treat me like a child. What era is it now, brother Hui, your excuse is too old-fashioned."

"I didn't lie to you, I lied to you as a puppy."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I don't believe it."

Madam Hu, who was dealing with Jane proudly entangled, found that her little cabbage was going to be raped by a pig again, she immediately gave Ding Yunfeng a wink - someone who cares about you.

Ding Yunfeng suppressed his smile, and tapped on the table with his fingers: "Hey, you can either be serious, or don't provoke other girls.

Didn't see, the other parent's eyes almost cut you off? "

"Brother Feng, you can go out and inquire. As a person, I am serious about every relationship." Meng Bohui explained, but he didn't realize that he had missed the bottom line.

Joey blinked, and cautiously withdrew his little hand: "Brother Hui, what's the matter? Have you had many relationships?"

Meng Bohui, whose smile froze, was about to find an excuse to prevaricate.

Madam Hu was already stern, and shouted in a low voice: "According to the regulations, members of Bawanghua are not allowed to fall in love with any instructor!"

"Yes sir!" Joey saw that Madam Hu was furious, and reflexively stood up and saluted.

Meng Bohui watched Joey get up and walk away in bewilderment: "No, what's going on now? Suddenly my mind is a little messed up!

Now that I've become a spear instructor, doesn't that mean that I can't pick up any Bawanghua team members? "

"Logically speaking, your guess is correct." Ding Yunfeng patted Meng Bohui on the shoulder, looking at him with sympathy.

Meng Bohui looked at Ding Yunfeng strangely. Until now, he didn't know that he was trapped by the other party's Bawanghua.

"Brother Feng, just outside, I have already stated my position in front of Qiu Jinshen.

If you have any worries, you can tell me directly.

Now don't say that I didn't eat meat, I was put on a collar and tied with a rope before I even licked it. Isn't that a bit cruel? "

Hearing Ah Hui's complaints, Ding Yunfeng put away his smile, put his shoulders on his shoulders and walked away a few steps: "I guess you don't know that Black Panther and Cai Yuanqi fell out.

Now I'm helping you, temporarily arrange for you to come to Bawanghua to hide from the limelight, so as not to become cannon fodder for him to fight against me. "

"Oh, I said that Qiu Jinshen came to me suddenly, so there's this matter in it..." Meng Bohui suddenly realized.

Ding Yunfeng nodded with a smile, and by the way whispered in his ear: "You are not too young, you really have feelings for the little girl, so don't be playful this time.

Cheng Ren and Rose have already made a couple, don't you really want to partner with the Black Panther? "

"I choose! I'm not glass..." Meng Bohui shuddered, rubbing the goose bumps on his arms.

Ding Yunfeng clicked and stopped, leaving Meng Bohui thoughtful, and turned around to join the conversation between Jian Yao and the others.

The most recent major event in the police force is that he, the head of the Ding Department, submitted his resignation letter twice.


Seeing Ding Yunfeng come back, everyone started talking about him.

"There are no plots and tricks in your imagination at all, but I am going to shift the focus of my work to other places.

If I don't care about the police force, I'll just resign. Ding Yunfeng put on a glass of whiskey, chuckled and said with a smile.

This is obviously impossible to win everyone's trust.

Madam laughed nonchalantly and said nothing, Jane proudly looked down, and Lu Sir's eyes flickered, not knowing what to think.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is my answer." Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to continue to explain, he pointed to the men and women who started dancing on the dance floor: "Madam Hu, show me some face?"

"Okay!" Madam Hu Luoluo generously took Ding Yunfeng's palm, and the two of them walked into the center of the dance floor under Jane's proud and depressed eyes.

Lu Sir smiled and clapped to the beat of the dance music.

Jane proudly looked unhappy and directly complained: "Hmph, how full a man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry! There are so many women who come to grab Madam from me."

"Jane Sir, are you being too sensitive?

Ding Sir used to be Madam Hu's boss, and he just invited her to dance, it's probably not what you think. "Lu Sir couldn't see it, and couldn't help but reply.

Jane sighed proudly: "There is friendship between a man and a woman? Sir Lu, stop deceiving yourself. I don't know Ah Feng yet?"

Before he could finish speaking, the lights in the room suddenly turned on.

The people who were still dancing on the dance floor looked around in astonishment.


Dazui, who was originally in charge of the lighting, shouted loudly.

Seeing Matthew striding in with a few constitutional committee-level ghosts, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua stood at attention one after another.

After taking the microphone from Da Zui, Matthew said solemnly: "I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's pleasure.

Jane Sir, Madam Hu, please come over here. As for the other people present, I will give you 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, gather and start! "

"Yes sir!" After replying neatly, apart from Ding Yunfeng and the others, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua rushed out of the venue, one on the left and one on the right.

Zhou Xingxing ran back to Ding Yunfeng's side: "Brother Feng, look at the situation, something big has happened."

"Ding Sir, since you're here, it's even better." Matthew walked over with Jane proud and Hu Zhonghui: "According to reliable information, the son of the rich man Lin Sheng was kidnapped by a criminal gang.

Now the other party is demanding a huge ransom from the Lin family, but the Lin family resolutely refuses to report the crime..."


Huge ransom?

Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly when he heard the words. Based on these two elements, he could already guess which case alarmed Matthew this time.

Everyone squeezed into a command vehicle with Matthew, and Ding Yunfeng listened to the summary of the case on the road, and laughed on the spot: "The Lin family is not in a hurry, why is the police force in a hurry?
The family made it clear that they wanted to save money and avoid disasters, so the police took the initiative to intervene. In the end, it might be a thankless effort, because there are no people inside and outside. "

"Ding Sir, according to a reliable tip, it was Zhang Zihao, a gangster, who planned this kidnapping case!

The amount he extorted from the Lin family was as high as 30 billion. With the other party's flamboyant temperament, if he succeeds, the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the Hong Kong Island Governor's Office will definitely become the talk of the international version.

The governor's office and the police force cannot accept this result.

Now that Cai Sir has gone to Lin's house ahead of time, I hope he can persuade the other party to cooperate with us and bring this lawless Zhang Zihao to justice. Matthew said with a straight face, shaking his head.

 In order to avoid risks, change to forest
(End of this chapter)

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