Chapter 710

"Yes sir!" Hu Zhonghui and Jane proudly said in unison.

Ding Yunfeng crossed his fingers, propped his chin and said, "Sir, if the Lin family insists on refusing to call the police, so what?

Lin Ren just appeared in Time Magazine and was named as the top ten richest people in Hong Kong Island.

With his influence, it is estimated that even the governor can't force him to cooperate with the police force. "

"Ding Sir, that's why we invited you to join the case.

You and Lin Sheng are both members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. You can say a word about many things, which is better than us saying [-] words.

In fact, even if you don't show up at Madam Hu's birthday party tonight, there will be someone from above who will come to Repulse Bay and invite you to join. Matthew smiled awkwardly at Ding Yunfeng.

In this command vehicle, apart from the driver, Ding Yunfeng has the lowest police rank.

But who made Brother Feng have a strong background? As a member of the constitutional committee, he could give orders to Jian Yao and Hu Zhonghui at any time, but he wanted Brother Feng to do something, but he had to use the tone of request.

"Don't! I've submitted my resignation letter twice.

Now I am in the police force, but I am in a semi-retired state.This kind of big case is still left to the guys who need to be promoted to perform. "Ding Yunfeng shook his head resolutely, with an expression of me watching and you performing.

Matthew rubbed his temples speechlessly: "Sir Ding, don't make trouble, you can talk about whatever conditions you have, can you help the police solve this case first?

If Zhang Zihao really succeeded, you and I would be ashamed to go out wearing this kind of skin. "

"This case is not in my jurisdiction, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua can intervene in the name of emergency missions, what am I?

I don't even have a flower on my shoulder, maybe I can't even enter the Lin family's door! "

Ding Yunfeng is not stupid, Lin Ren, Li's family and Li's family are all pro-British Chinese business giants.

There was an accident at this person's house, it's okay to watch the fun, just help out.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's incompetence, Matthew was also very helpless.


Just when the atmosphere in the car was in an awkward situation, Ding Yunfeng's big brother phone rang.

Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised when he pressed the answer button, because it was Brother Tai who called him.

"Hey, Ah Feng.

I heard people say that something happened at Lao Lin's house.

You are a member of the police system, if it is convenient, can you go over and have a look and see if you can help ""

Anyway, everyone is from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Even if there were some differences before, we have to wait for this matter to pass. "On the other side of the phone, Brother Tai sat on the bed with his nose pinched, wearing pajamas.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Matthew, nodded and smiled under the latter's expectant gaze: "Okay! No problem! It happened that Sir Matthew from the Governor's Mansion came to talk to me about this matter. Don't worry, we are on our way to Lin's house It's very late, go to bed first, I have something to say, I will talk about it tomorrow."

"Well, you go, I'm relieved, then I'll take up the line here."

Putting away the big brother, Ding Yunfeng looked at Matthew with a smile and scolded: "Damn it, it's so late, why are you disturbing Brother Tai's rest?"

"Oh, it's impossible.

At this time, the entire Hong Kong Island has the face to ask you for help, only Zhuang Sheng and Huo Sheng are left.

Zhuang Sheng is ten years older than Huo Sheng. After thinking about it, we can only interrupt Huo Sheng's rest and ask him to get up and make this call. "Matthew said to Ding Yunfeng in the astonished eyes of Jian Proud and Hu Zhonghui.

"Hmph, I've made a note of this. Sir Jane, tell the driver to hurry up!

With this speed, by the time they arrive at Lin's house, the ransom may have already been paid. "Ding Yunfeng gave Matthew a cold look, looked at Jane and said proudly.

Jane proudly nodded quickly, knocked on the bulletproof glass, and ordered the driver to speed up.

at the same time!

The Lin family villa is located in the middle of Taiping Mountain.

After hearing the news in the afternoon, Cai Yuanqi, who had arrived ahead of schedule, licked his chapped lips, looked helplessly at Lin Ren and sighed: "Lin Sheng, you should trust the capabilities of our police.

Zhang Zihao is a gangster, we have been watching him for a long time.

This time Mr. Lin had an accident, the higher-ups immediately issued a death order, and crucified these guys at all costs..."

"Cai Sir, I'm sorry. No matter how many times you say it, my answer is always the same. Ah Ju went to Singapore to discuss business. He is fine and safe." Lin Ren signed the document with his head bowed, and replied forcefully.

Finding that the other party didn't even look at him, a look of anger flashed across Cai Yuanqi's face.

Somewhat irritated, he pulled the tie, Cai Yuanqi picked up the teacup, and found that there was no water in it, so angry that he put the cup down again.

"Come on, give Cai Sir some water."

"Yes, sir."

Seeing the servant of the Lin family coming over with boiling water, Cai Yuanqi pushed the teacup over, held back his anger, and continued to persuade Lin Ren to cooperate.

In fact, if it wasn't for the ghost above who wanted to use Lin Ju's kidnapping as a fuss to completely pull the Lin family into the camp of the British consortium, with his personality, he would have left long ago.

The two people here are practicing Tai Chi, Matthew, Ding Yunfeng, Jian Yaohao and Hu Zhonghui are outside the door, leading a large group of Flying Tigers and Bawanghua.

With the Lin family as the center, two guard posts, one light and one dark, were set up at various intersections within a radius of 200 meters.

"My lord, Sir Matthew from the governor's office, Mr. Ding from the Chamber of Commerce, Sir Jane from the Flying Tigers, and Madam Hu from the Overlord Flower." The butler hurried over to report.

Lin Ren was slightly startled when he heard the words, and quickly got up and walked towards the gate: "Please hurry up!"

After entering the door and exchanging greetings, Ding Yunfeng and the others were invited by Lin Ren to the living room to entertain them. When they saw Cai Yuanqi, it was naturally another scene of hypocrisy.

After ordering the servants to serve tea, Lin Renqiang smiled, looked at Matthew and Ding Yunfeng and said, "The dog is really on a business trip to Singapore, it's not rumored that he was kidnapped.

Lin was really grateful that Kui Ye was able to come here in the midst of their busy schedules.

However, groundless rumors are groundless rumors. Please drink tea and don't be misled by fake news. "

"Lin Sheng, the few who accompanied me tonight have already been introduced, so I won't talk nonsense anymore.

Just one word!
Even if you don't believe in the capabilities of our Hong Kong Island Police Force, Ding Sir has solved many major cases over the years, even international gangsters like 'doctors' have been settled by him.

I believe you have all heard of his ability.

With his help, Mr. Ling, he can definitely be rescued safely..." Matthew pulled Ding Yunfeng as an example.

Ding Yunfeng and Lin Ren looked at each other, and the latter picked up his teacup and took a sip: "Of course I can trust Ding Sir's ability!

Question, this is all about nothing, how do you want me to explain it? "

"Lin Sheng, I hope you can think about it carefully.

This kind of kidnapper is inhuman, and their words are even more unbelievable. "Matthew knew that to persuade Lin Ren, he had to rely on Ding Yunfeng.

After saying this last sentence, the ghost called several other people and left the Lin family directly, leaving room for the two of them to talk.

Hearing the footsteps of several people leaving the Lin family's villa, Ding Yunfeng pushed away the cigar Lin Ren handed over, took out the cigarette case, knocked out one, stuffed it into his mouth, and nodded, "How much did Zhang Zihao want?"

"At the beginning, he said he wanted 30 billion, but I said I didn't have it. When it came to the last - 10 billion." Lin Ren threw the cigar back into the cigar box, took a sip from his teacup.

Ding Yunfeng nodded: "You decided to save money and avoid disaster?"

"Of course! It's only 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, isn't it that I can't afford it?

The banknotes are gone, and I can earn more in the future, but if this successor dies, at my current age, I don't have time to train a second one. "Lin Ren admitted it very straightforwardly.

Ding Yunfeng almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, Lin Ren's prototype in reality, he was still full of energy after Ding Yunfeng crossed, sitting on the plane all day looking for people to talk about business!

Maybe he held back in front of Cai Yuanqi for too long in the afternoon, but Lin Ren did not hide anything from Ding Yunfeng, the most famous rising star in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Pointing to the place where Zhang Zihao was standing today, Lin Ren recounted the process of him tying detonators all over his body and taking the initiative to ask him to tell the number...

"Ding Sheng, this man is not afraid of death for money. Why should I bet my son's life with him for this 10 billion?" Lin Ren looked sullen, and tapped the signed document on the table: "These are all my flesh and blood to cash out." The contract that needs to be signed, 10 billion is not a small amount, this time the Lin family is considered to be in trouble.

Ding Sheng, no matter what your purpose is for coming here, if you really want to help me, why don't you take a look here, is there any property you like?

I can transfer it to you at the most favorable price, and we will treat it as a friend. Thank you for your willingness to help regardless of previous suspicions. "

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand: "As a person, I stand by and watch at most, and as for making trouble, I don't care.

In fact, I came here tonight in response to Brother Tai's request. I really want to see if there is anything I can do to help you. "

"No need, Zhang Zihao promised to release Ah Ju after receiving the money, and he promised that no one from my Lin family would dare to touch anyone again." Lin Ren put away the documents and replied slowly.

Ding Yunfeng did not refute. This case should have happened in the late 80s or early 90s.

Now it happens more than ten years in advance, who knows, whether there will be variables in it.

If he intervened hastily, he would not have caught the thief, but would have caused Zhang Zihao to tear up his ticket.

Afterwards, he will definitely be pushed out by the ghosts as a scapegoat, and Lin Ren will never stop with him.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng did not insist on intervening, Lin Ren also breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing Matthew and the others, he, the taxpayer, could not show face, but Ding Yunfeng, who also belongs to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, naturally spoke much more politely.

Ding Yunfeng asked some details related to Zhang Zihao, then got up to leave.

Seeing this, Lin Ren personally sent it to the door.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng coming out, Matthew and others surrounded him one after another. When he heard the latter say that Lin Ren could not be persuaded to cooperate, they were all very disappointed.

"Sir. If there is nothing else, I'll go back to sleep. I'm so sleepy." Ding Yunfeng didn't feel ashamed at all for failing to complete the task.

Matthew had no choice but to let him go home.

It was a disaster for Jane Proud and Hu Zhonghui. They were ordered by the ghost to lead a team to stay and closely monitor every move of the Lin family to see if any suspects came to ask for or collect ransom.


When Ding Yunfeng returned to Repulse Bay, he immediately sent people to the road to collect the wind and check all Zhang Zihao's hiding places.

At this time, Zhang Zihao had already received separate calls from the Lin family for the ransom.

After collecting 10.38 billion, Zhang Zihao was very trustworthy and released Lin Ju the next day!

Even before he left, he invited Lin Ju to eat abalone and change into a new shirt.

the next afternoon.

Knowing that Lin Ju had gone home, Matthew and the others were very angry.

Returning to the Governor's Mansion for a work report, Cai Yuanqi scolded Ding Yunfeng for not working hard in front of the Governor, and for not making any effort to persuade Lin Ren, so that the two elites, the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua, didn't even have a chance to play.

Even the ghosts like Matthew couldn't see this kind of hard-fought pot.

Jian Proud and Hu Zhonghui argued for Ding Yunfeng, who was not present, and finally, the higher-ups decided that Cai Sir should write the report for this fruitless action.

Cai Yuanqi was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He was the first brother in the police force, so why did he always take the blame?
Don't mention how Cai Yuanqi wrote this impossible report, let's talk about after Ding Yunfeng sent someone to stop him.

In the evening of the next day, Lian Sheng and his boy found an iron cage that Zhang Zihao used to imprison Lin Ju in a broken house somewhere in the wilderness.

"Zhan Mi, give this brother a bonus of 1 yuan." Ding Yunfeng walked into the dilapidated house with Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, Liang Kun and others.

The coolie forcefully kicked the coffee table full of discarded lunch boxes and beer bottles: "Brother Feng, these things have been eaten for the past two days, so they should be here."

"Which club is Zhang Zihao from?"

"No, he is a lone ranger, and a few people under his command follow him.

This person is very eye-catching, he specializes in big tea and rice.

Because, every time you can succeed, and you can get out of it afterwards.

Therefore, people on the road gave him the nickname 'big rich man'. "Liang Kun looked at the big iron cage curiously, and said slowly.

"A rich man? Hehe, he is indeed a rich man for extorting 10 billion from the Lin family." Ding Yunfeng smiled playfully, looked at the environment in the house, and interacted with a movie called "The Thief" in his memory. confirmed.

Dumbfounded, he patted his chest: "Brother Feng, I have an idea.

This guy got 10 billion from the Lin family, so we simply cheated and sent the younger brother to scrape him out and demanded 5 million.

If he dares not to give it, we will do it directly.

Today Hongxing, He Liansheng, and Dongxing are all here. As long as you nod, we will guarantee that this business will be done safely! "

"Huh. Dasha, your proposal this time is very good, not stupid at all!" Coolie Qiang's eyes lit up.

Liang Kun wiped her chin and giggled, obviously agitated.

Zhan Mi glanced at Ding Yunfeng, and said hello to a few people: "Brother Feng finally took everyone on the right track, after these years of development, who here does not have a net worth of 5 million?
Even if Zhang Zihao can be eaten, each of us will be divided into tens of millions at most, but these two feet are about to step back into the mud again.

I don't think it's worth it! "

"It makes sense, but it's too aggrieved to look at the surname Zhang like this.

This bastard went to my casino to play in the morning, and his words and deeds are very arrogant.

He actually suggested that you don't need to use chips to gamble, and you don't need to count the amount. Everyone just use a ruler to measure the money and bet at a high level. Dasha scratched his hair, he has an underground casino in the New Territories, and Zhang Zihao just went to play in the past two days.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him: "I'm about to quit the police force soon, if you go to the street and go black again, I really can't help you clean up the white.

You guys are not allowed to do anything about Zhang Zihao..."

(End of this chapter)

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