Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 72 Sir Ding Has Been Supervised

Chapter 72 Sir Ding Has Been Supervised
After the Aping incident happened, Ding Yunfeng and the others did not stay for long.

After sitting with Wu Shihao for a while, he saw that the latter had regained his strength, so he took Shi Shi and coolie Zhan Mi away.

Just as Wu Shihao laughed at himself...

When he reached his position, it was no longer possible to retreat if he wanted to.

Lei Luo needed him, the leader of the righteous group, to help him suppress the underworld on Hong Kong Island, and many people under Wu Shihao's command followed him for dinner.

In just one year, Yiqun went out of the Kowloon Walled City and became the number one society on Hong Kong Island.

Ding Yunfeng knew very well that even with Lei Luo's support, Wu Shihao climbed to the top by stepping on the bones of countless people.

If he quits at this time, the whole Wu family will definitely end up in a doomed end...

Time flies, a year has passed!
With Shi Shi's help, Ding Yunfeng put on a brand-new police uniform and walked out of the house, drove a brand-new BMW, and went to work in Stanley.

I saw Ding Yunfeng's car approaching from a distance, and inside the Stanley sentry box, two prison guards greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Feng! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

"Ding Sir! I wish you every step of the way!"

Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly, passed by the sentry box and threw two cigarettes in the past: "Today the sun is very poisonous, I called the shit-eating dog to arrange afternoon tea, what do you want to eat, tell him directly."

"Wow, there is something to eat again!"

"Ding Sir, the brothers are in your favor again."


Several fellows who happened to be patrolling here all laughed and spoke.

Ding Yunfeng waved at the crowd, and strode towards the administration building in Stanley with a cowhide briefcase in his hand.

Zhong Chuxiong, who came here early and stood guard downstairs in the administration building, wiped the epaulettes on both sides to shine.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng approaching, he trotted forward: "My brother Feng, what time is it? It's a beautiful day, can you hurry up, old man?"

"Brother Xiong, that ghost Smith has a rare chance to make a fortune. Now he is nervous, not us..." Ding Yunfeng smiled, and patted the leather briefcase in his hand to Zhong Chuxiong.

Zhong Chuxiong opened it, and quickly estimated the amount: "As the saying goes, it's safe to pocket.

Although the promotion of our prison guards is not as intense as that of the police force, I managed to survive until Will was transferred, and I was about to take Smith's position..."

While talking, he went upstairs and knocked on the warden's office. Zhong Chuxiong and Ding Yunfeng walked in one after the other.

Smith sat in the main seat, and he took over Will's post. The latter had made outstanding achievements during his reign and had just been transferred to the Correctional Services Department as the Superintendent of Correctional Affairs.

"Oh, Sir Zhong and Sir Ding, sit down quickly." Ever since Ding Yunfeng came to Stanley, Smith had been fed by him with Jamie, and when he saw the two of them coming in, he smiled brightly, and he didn't have the airs of a ghost at all.

Zhong Chuxiong smiled cheaply, and placed two cowhide bags filled with banknotes on the desk in front of Smith.

Smith's eyes lit up, he called a secretary in, quickly counted the banknotes, and then took out two promotion certificates from the drawer and handed them to Zhong Chuxiong and Ding Yunfeng.

"Good, from today onwards, Sir Chung will be our Senior Correctional Officer in Stanley, in charge of all affairs of the third and fourth prisons;
Sir Ding, you will take over Sir Chung's original position and be promoted to be Stanley Correctional Officer.You have discussed the specific work arrangement with Sir Zhong, and just write a report to me tomorrow! "

With just a few words, Smith arranged for two positions at the supervisory level in the police force. At this time, Lei Luo had power in both right and wrong, but he was not yet at the supervisory level.

After receiving the red wine poured by Smith, Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Chuxiong drank a few glasses with him. Things went so smoothly except that they brought enough money.

The bigger reason is that Ding Yunfeng led Zhong Chuxiong and the Four Heavenly Kings in this year to formulate a new set of charging rules related to cigarettes, pictorials, prison visits, etc.

In the past, there was little money in Stanley, and prison guards filled their pockets every month. Once the incident happened, Zhong Chuxiong, as the only Chinese correctional director, would often be held accountable by ghosts.

The prison guards themselves are not united, let alone the prisoners.

Several major associations have a fixed source of cigarettes, and many small prefixes and casual people are often manipulated by big mi and these prison bullies, which makes them miserable.

The people in charge are furious,

The people being managed are also full of anger,
In Stanley, there is a big fight every three days, and a small fight every two days, which is even more chaotic than the grizzly bear and the doll.

Ding Yunfeng did not come to Stanley with the idea of ​​providing for the elderly. He learned from Lei Luo's practice and first promoted the shit-eating dog to play the role of lard boy, and let this little leader who is well-known among the front-line prison guards be responsible for collecting money uniformly. Then make statistics on a monthly basis and distribute them proportionally.

As for the chaotic prices in the prisons...

Ding Yunfeng linked the price of cigarettes in the current month to the total amount of cigarettes that flowed into Stanley last month, and then he stipulated that all gray benefits such as pictorials, chess and cards, release time, and even the laundry room should be clearly marked with cigarettes. Aberdeen became the general equivalent in Stanley.

As a result, Yanzi in Stanley must be several times more expensive than outside, but compared to before, it is already much more stable.

This move allowed Ding Yunfeng to win the support and support of countless small characters and casual people in Stanley Prison, and even Han Kun, a big gang leader, gave a thumbs up to show that he was convinced.

no way.

The members of the Big Circle Gang have always acted in their own way.

When Han Kun was arrested, Zhang Zihao and Ye Shiguan visited him a few times at first.

In the past few years, except for the four seasons and eighth festivals, no one has given cigarettes to the big circle gang anymore.

Prices in the third prison area are stable, and there are fewer prison guards stretching their hands indiscriminately, and the number of prisoners making troubles has been greatly reduced.

Will, who was the warden at the time, and Smith, the senior correctional officer, resolutely extended Ding Yunfeng's plan to the entire Stanley.

Among them, Will was transferred from Stanley to the Correctional Services Department based on this wave of political achievements and his family's influence in his ancestral home.

Of course, Ding Yunfeng had the final say on the price of cigarettes, and he was naturally very upset with big associations such as Liansheng, Dongxing, Hongxing and Lianhe.

Reluctantly and Liansheng offended Ding Yunfeng one after another, Shabiao reported it, but Fei Deng sent someone to warn him, so naturally he dared not object;

Not to mention Dongxing's side.

Dasha father and son can recognize each other, but he will always remember Ding Yunfeng's love!
Besides, once Dongxing objected and angered Stanley Overlord, if someone asked Killer Xiong to cut off Dongxing's cigarette source, wouldn't he ask Zhong Tianzheng to buy cigarettes on credit again?
He Liansheng and Dongxing both acquiesced to this matter, and Fat Sheji, a grasshopper, naturally nodded in agreement.

Ding Yunfeng didn't need to worry about his opinion as there was only one United Agency boss left.

This year, the Union often troubled Robinson. After several warnings from Ding Yunfeng, Da Mi dared to play the trick of agreeing on the surface and making troubles behind the scenes. Ding Yunfeng had long wanted to find an opportunity to deal with him.

"Brother Feng, Robinson was beaten by the big mi gang again this morning.

Azheng and Ayao sent him to Brother You for treatment, and the old man asked someone to bring him a message, saying that he wanted to see you. "

The shit-eating dog guarded the downstairs of the administration building. When he saw Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Chuxiong coming out side by side, he ran up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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