Chapter 73
This old ghost finally let go?

Ding Yunfeng laughed when he heard this. In "Supreme 36 Strategies: Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun", Hua Ge played Qian Wendi, who only played tricks in Stanley a few times, and he won Robinson's trust.

But that is the forced advancement of the movie plot.

In reality, how could an old father who hid [-] million in unregistered bonds and bore the blood and blood of his daughter be captured so easily?
"Hey, this old man is very troublesome.

His son-in-law, Liu Yaozu, I heard is a dog kept outside by the Charlie family.

Charlie's family's business involves real estate, hotels, and dock warehouses. Even these gangsters are very powerful. Don't get involved, Ah Feng. "Zhong Chuxiong put away his foolish smile, put his arm around Ding Yunfeng's shoulder, and reminded him in a low voice.

Charlie family?

Who specializes in big hotels and electricity?
Ding Yunfeng was stunned when he heard this, and laughed in a low voice: "Don't worry, brother Xiong, I, Ding Yunfeng, can still carry a few pounds! A British-funded consortium like the Charlie family, unless the Chinese businessmen here come forward, no one can touch it." You'll die if you go up there."

"You're a smart person, you'll get it if you know what's in your mind." Zhong Chuxiong smiled reassuringly when he heard the words, then turned around and put on his signature smirk again, and ordered the shit-eating dog to make arrangements at the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant. He would celebrate his promotion at night official.

Ding Yunfeng did not go to see Robinson immediately. The old ghost had hung him up for a year, and now it was his turn to hang him out.

Anyway, Qian Wendi hadn't appeared yet, and Zhong Chuxiong was with him again, so Robinson couldn't escape.

On the contrary, Zhong Chuxiong just mentioned that the Charlie family hidden behind Liu Yaozu, Ding Yunfeng felt that he had to find someone in the upper circle to inquire about it.

While thinking about things, Ding Yunfeng walked back to the office that originally belonged to Zhong Chuxiong, who moved out in advance.

Pushing open the door, Ding Yunfeng found that in his new office, there was an unexpected guest——Chen Xijiu, inspector of Shau Kei Wan.

"Brother Jiu! Why are you here?" Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Xijiu happily.

Chen Xijiu laughed loudly, and hugged Ding Yunfeng with open arms: "Good guy! It's only been a year, and you've climbed to the rank of inspector.

Ma De, I am a bit regretful, why didn't I transfer to be a prison guard with you at that time. "

"Hey, if you want to come here now, you can do it in time." Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Xijiu playfully, who laughed, obviously unwilling to answer.

The two of them sparred a few words, Chen Xijiu expressed his intention of coming, tonight sister-in-law Bai Yuechang's birthday, Brother Luo held a meeting at home, and asked himself to come and pick up Ding Yunfeng.

"Hehe, when is sister-in-law's birthday, I know better than Brother Jiu.

Tell me, what kind of medicine is sold in Brother Luo's gourd? Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette by himself, looked at Chen Xijiu who was smoking a cigar, and said with a smile.

Chen Xijiu smiled, he was about to tell Ding Yunfeng the truth.

Ding Yunfeng suddenly thought of something, and asked in a low voice: "Don't tell me, brother Luo is going to attack Chaozhou porridge in advance?"

This guy! ! !
Chen Xijiu's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he cursed in a low voice: "Fuck the street, don't tell me, you guessed it again this time?"

Half bold speculation, half plot prediction...

Ding Yunfeng stubbed out the cigarette, and Chaozhou porridge was thrown on the street. This was originally a plot in "Empire of Money", which happened after Rose appeared on the stage.

However, there are many others in this world. Ding Yunfeng intervened, prompting Zhu Tao, the horse boy of Chaozhou porridge, to secretly surrender to Lei Luo a year ago.

In this way, it is normal for Brother Congee to rush to the street in advance.

The problem is that……

If Chaozhou porridge hits the street, who will take over his signboard?

"Hey, don't think too much. Brother Luo must have made arrangements for tonight's affairs. You and I go over to eat and drink, just watch the show and pose." Chen Xijiu waved his hand in front of Ding Yunfeng, interrupting him of contemplation.

Ding Yunfeng nodded in response. He called Shi Shi first, and then called Zhong Chuxiong and the Four Heavenly Kings to accompany him.

Knowing that Chen Xijiu was coming, Zhong Chuxiong and the others came quickly, accompanied Chen Xijiu to Fulinmen for lunch, and they drank Gongfu tea in Ding Yunfeng's office all afternoon.

After five o'clock, Ding Yunfeng rushed to Lei Luo's villa in Chen Xijiu's sports car.

Because of the pretext of celebrating his wife's birthday, Lei Luo's villa was decorated with lights and festoons. From the lawn to the back garden, there were tables and tables of banquets.

Inspector-level figures from various districts on Hong Kong Island, as well as various underworld strongmen who followed Lei Luo to earn food.

These people were either leading horses or accompanied by their female companions, and they walked along the entrance of the villa one by one, forming a long line.

Chen Xijiu is Lei Luo's confidant, as soon as his car stopped, plain clothes came to help drive away and park it.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xijiu standing together, some more clever guests quickly seized the opportunity and gathered around to cling to each other.

The visitor was too enthusiastic, Ding Yunfeng could only respond with a few words.

Unexpectedly, this group of people discovered that Ding Yunfeng was easy to talk, so they surrounded him more and more, and Chen Xijiu next to him put on an expression that strangers should not enter.

However, Ding Yunfeng could see from Brother Nine's flickering eyes that this guy must have anticipated this scene and deliberately didn't remind him, deliberately wanting to see his jokes.

Fortunately, Lei Luo's plainclothes Asen came to rescue the siege in time. He led people to disperse the group of uninvited 'guests' who were not qualified to enter the villa, and then said to Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, Brother Luo and Brother Zi are here. Upstairs study."

Ding Yunfeng smoked a circle of smoke at Asen and his group, and then strode into Leiluo Villa with Chen Xijiu under the envious eyes of countless people.

Many people who had never seen Ding Yunfeng hurriedly asked the acquaintances around him.

When they learned that this young man was the Boxer Peak who had protected Lei Luo from the city, everyone stumbled in secret. They were so slow that they didn't even hand over a business card.

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xijiu were walking and talking, when two people, one tall and one short, suddenly appeared beside them.

"Inspector Chen! My name is Huo Qilin, and we're here to push Pai Gow together. The bottom of 50 yuan is [-] yuan, and the dealer has already played seven hands..."

"Brother Ninth, my little brother Han Chen, I went for food with Uncle Kun in Tsim Sha Tsui. Huh? This big guy is as handsome as Brother Nine, I don't know why..."

Pushing Huo Qilin away, Chen Xijiu looked at Han Chen with a satisfied smile and said, "You shorty, you have some discernment.

This guy who is as handsome as me is the famous Stanley Peak brother.

Since you are from Ni Kun, come with us. Your boss is having a meeting upstairs, so you can wait downstairs. "

"Thank you Brother Jiu for your support, thank you Brother Feng for your support, I am very grateful." Han Chen smiled with his eyes narrowed, like a servant taking over the suit jackets of Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xijiu.

Huo Qilin put his hot face on his cold butt, and his mixed-race horse face immediately darkened, and he pouted at the backs of the three of them.

Unexpectedly, this move happened to be seen by Asen who was in charge of ushering and transporting him. He called some plainclothes on the spot and drove the bad gambler out.

 The Charlie family has a prototype in reality, but considering avoiding 404, I did not write the real name of this ghost consortium, and replaced it with the Charlie family. Anyway, everyone knows that it is a villain!
(End of this chapter)

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