Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 723 Tony rushed to collect the corpse

Chapter 723 Tony rushed back to collect the corpse
Murderous aura soared to the sky.

Tony clenched his fists, and his Adam's apple rolled. Intuitively, he had a hunch that now that the two sides were fighting—he would lose.

"Let's go, what are you still standing for?"

Finding that Tony didn't follow, Jimmy turned around and urged him.

"Come on." Tony came back to his senses, lowered his head to avoid Wang Jianjun's gaze, and walked into the villa nervously.

Ding Yunfeng, who was standing by the window of the study, witnessed Wang Jianjun's cultivating spirit enter the door, and turned around and sat down satisfied.

At this time, Jamie knocked on the door with Tony and came in.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng sitting on the sofa cutting his nails, Tony rubbed his palms and called out Brother Feng with an embarrassed expression.

"Sit down, why are you here to ask me again today? As soon as you come, fight with my people." Ding Yunfeng waved at Tony, pointing to the single sofa next to him.

Tony took half of his ass, and bluntly said that his eldest brother Ah Zai could hardly hold on in Annan. If it is convenient, please Ding Sheng to support a little more...

"Oh, Tony.

Tell me, what should I say?

Back then, when you returned to Annan, how did Ajar promise me? Ding Yunfeng put down the nail clippers, took out the cigarette case, shook out one and lit it.

Tony looked a little embarrassed, and replied in a low voice: "Ding Sheng, this happened many years ago, and we didn't expect that the situation on Annan's side would become so complicated now..."

"But you can't come to me every day for support, right?" Ding Yunfeng let out a sigh, and lit Tony with a cigarette: "From the beginning to now, what value have the three of you created for me?
Do you know that even the aircraft in charge of the Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant, he can pay several million in the year-end meeting every year.

And what about the three of you?

Over the years, I have taken a lot of banknotes and arms from me. "

"Brother Feng, I swear, as long as you help my elder brother pass this test again.

No matter what you want in the future, as long as it is within my elder brother's jurisdiction, I can get it for you! Hearing that Ding Yunfeng's words meant that he was about to give up on the three of them, Tony hastily raised three fingers.

Ding Yunfeng opened the newspaper: "The back?
I think you shouldn't be behind.

Today's newspaper said that in view of the war in Annan that spread across the border, the two departments of Guangxi and Yunnan officially entered the territory of Annan..."


We in Annan are now in a mess, who has the power to provoke the other side..." Tony shook his head repeatedly, but when he saw the "Yangcheng News" pushed by Ding Yunfeng, his words stopped abruptly.

The headlines on the newspaper are very eye-catching, with long guns, cannons, tanks and vehicles, there are pictures and the truth, and it cannot be faked.

Picking up the newspaper with trembling fingers, Tony glanced at it, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead.

"It's not that I don't want to support the three of you, it's that the situation is corrupt and there's really nothing I can do to help." Ding Yunfeng patted Tony on the shoulder with a serious expression and an obvious smile in his eyes.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng really wanted to ignore it, Tony hurriedly dropped the newspaper, knelt down and hugged his right leg: "Brother Feng, for the sake of our three brothers helping Xinghua Company pave the way.

Lend me a bloodfang team, as long as you rescue my eldest brother and third brother, the lives of our three brothers will be yours from now on..."

Ding Yunfeng kicked Tony away, turned his back to him, and walked out of the study: "I'm a businessman, so I don't know what you're talking about.

OK!It's getting late, if you want to go back and collect the bodies of Aja and Ahu.

Now rush to Saigon, and still get on the last cargo ship to Siam. "

Ten seconds later, Tony rushed out of the villa in a panic, opened the car door, stepped on the accelerator to the fullest, and rushed towards Saigon Pier.

Wang Jianjun looked curiously at the taillights of the car going away, and Zhan Mi walked over and roughly told him the story of the three Annan brothers.

"This kind of capricious villain, it must be a future trouble if it stays.

Brother Zhanmi, please ask for a leave of absence for me, I will chase him and kill him now. "Wang Jianjun flicked his right hand, and there was an extra triangular army thorn in his hand.

"Ah Jun!" Zhan Mi hurriedly called to him: "The finishing touches are not in your scope of work, put them away and come with me, Brother Feng wants to see you."

"Is that so..."

"Let's go, what you can think of, Brother Feng and I can't think of it?"

Confidential and suspicious, put away the triangular army stab, Wang Jianjun followed Zhan Mi, and walked in front of Ding Yunfeng.


Ding Yunfeng put down the newspaper, smiled and pointed to the chair next to him: "I said before, as long as you can get started with that book "Shen Da Zhen Jie" within 7 days, I will ask Master Simu to come up and accept you..."

"Brother Feng, it doesn't matter what happened to me. That Annan boy just now is the key." Wang Jianjun has always had a dislike for Annan people, so he hurriedly interrupted Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng put away his smile and tapped on the armrest of the sofa: "Do you know that you belong to me, but today I punish you to do 2 hours of horse gait just like Tony?"

"This..." Wang Jianjun's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he shook his head slightly at Ding Yunfeng under Zhan Mi's worried eyes.

Ding Yunfeng picked up the cigarette case, took out two cigarettes and threw them to Jimmy and him respectively: "You have the list given by Jimmy, and you know that Tony is not one of your own who treats you with courtesy, why did you keep your hands on him today?

Could it be that my brother taught you that you can keep your hands when you encounter enemies on the battlefield? "

"Brother Feng, I..." Wang Jianjun was left speechless by Ding Yunfeng's question.

He came to Hong Kong Island from his hometown, and faced this strange and prosperous world, he still felt a little inferior in his heart without saying anything.

Especially when he heard Tony's words - do you know about my relationship with Brother Feng.

From that moment, Wang Jianjun hesitated, otherwise, even if his foot was injured, as long as he showed the triangular army stab at the beginning and was the first to meet, Tony was not seriously injured, and he would have to die.

"What are you worried about? Worried about hitting the wrong person?
You, Wang Jianjun, belong to me. At the door of your house, don’t say you made a mistake, even if you killed a mistake, I will cover it for you.

You can't trust your own judgment, or you can't trust me, Ding Yunfeng, as a person! Ding Yunfeng stared into Wang Jianjun's eyes, and said in a serious tone, "How can I rest assured that I will entrust my life to you?" "

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I missed something today!" Wang Jianjun stood at attention and shouted with shame.

"It's not that you're overthinking, you're thinking too much!" Ding Yunfeng took a step forward, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Since the first day you came to Hong Kong Island, Xiaoxia, Huang Dawen, Zhan Mi, so many people I have emphasized it with you.

You two brothers were sent by my elder brother to protect our family. Your identities are different, but up to now, your brains haven't turned around yet.

I'm going to have a showdown with you now. You, Wang Jianjun, were trained by the head of the Ding family, Ding Hu, and he was also the one he chose to protect me, the second wife of the Ding family.

You are not an ordinary bodyguard, but a general entrusted with your life by the second wife of the Ding family.

The Ding family cultivated and trusted you, and you can trust me like we trust you.

Do you know how many years it's been for those guys standing with you outside?

Seven years!

They came to Repulse Bay before you and worked for me for seven years.

But to this day, none of them can enter my study, but how long did it take you, Wang Jianjun, to enter this room?Seven days! "

"Sorry! Brother Feng! I shouldn't have betrayed your trust!" Wang Jianjun gritted his teeth and shouted.

He had thought that he should be reused by Ding Yunfeng, but he really didn't expect that he would far underestimate the courage of the other party.

"Don't say sorry!

I don't want to hear these three words from my own mouth, do you still want to hunt and kill Tony now, answer me! " Ding Yunfeng asked him coldly.

Wang Jianjun puffed up his chest: "I don't want to, Brother Feng, I will do whatever you tell me to do!"

"Well. Now let you take half a day off, go home and calm down.

Before midnight tonight, you have to fast and take a bath, and someone will take you to Jingzhuan No. [-] for the apprenticeship ceremony.

When the time comes, just do what you are told to do. Don’t worry about other things. I will ask someone to prepare for you. Ding Yunfeng's face softened slightly, and he sat down and opened a newspaper.

"Yes!" Wang Jianjun knocked on his heel, and replied shortly and forcefully.

Seeing Wang Jianjun's sudden change in temperament, Zhan Mi secretly clicked his tongue. The current appearance of the other party is really different from the secret sentry ambushed by the Dragon Shield elite and the three societies outside.

how to say……

The current Wang Jianjun seems to combine the advantages of Li Jie and Tony, both the obedience of the former and the ruthlessness of the latter.

"Brother Feng, under Brother Ding, are there really nothing left?"

"Zhan Mi, didn't we discuss this issue last time?"


Venice, Italy.

A small boat passed under the ancient stone bridge amidst the melodious organ sounds of street performers on the shore. A big fat man on the boat said in a hoarse voice: "I have always trusted you, my child."

"I have always been loyal to you, my godfather." A young white man with a bit of a motherly appearance quickly replied.

"Very well, then you go to Hong Kong Island, help me kill two people, and get back the batch of diamonds that Montisutu lost."

"Ah? Why me? I'm still on vacation."

"You don't have to go, I can also tell him to kill you, and just throw it off the boat as a dead fish."

He glanced at the bearded man who was sitting behind him with his right hand hidden in his coat.

White Gloves sighed helplessly: "Okay! Besides recovering those damned diamonds, who are those two people who are going to be killed?"

"The first was the thief who broke up our deal with the local mob;

The second one is this Hong Kong police officer who has just stepped down, his name is Ding Yunfeng.

I allow you to borrow my relationship and strength in Hong Kong Island, remember, diamonds can be lost, but the face of the Anthony family cannot be lost!

I'm flying to Carter's Castle in London now, you'd better give me good news quickly..." Anthony emphasized before leaving, took his bodyguards into a Rolls-Royce, and drove slowly towards the airport.

As soon as the white gloves arrived, the ground staff at Kai Tak Airport immediately called Gan Lianghong.

With the rise of Gan Lianghong in the business world, the employees of Yihai Group are all happy to work for the former prince in private. Not only can everyone get some extra money, but they can also get favors.

"Okay, I see. Mr. Gan, thank you very much this time." The man was holding a mobile phone, smiling brightly.

Gan Lianghong replied with a smile on the other end of the phone: "Madam He, remember to invite me when the time comes for promotion, and also post a message for me when you set up a drink.

We have been waiting for this wedding banquet between you and Lanbao for several years. "

"It's easy to talk about. I'm afraid I won't be able to invite you. If you are willing to show your face, our parents-in-law will definitely come to invite you!" The passerby who came from the prestige nodded and apologized.

After chatting a few words, the man-in-law closed the line: "Come on, let's go and scrape the fringe guy and come out and put on a show."

"Ah, are you going to hit him again?" Lan Bao rubbed his fists, his expression a bit unbearable.

The man mother-in-law snorted: "We beat him to protect him!
If he hadn't beaten him like this, he would have been cut into [-] pieces by the people on the road and fed to the dogs. How could he be an informant to earn breaking news? "

Lan Bao didn't dare to talk too much, he pulled the driver's seat and got in, took his fiancée with him, and rushed directly to Kai Tak Airport.

In order to catch the white gloves ahead of Guan Chun, apart from a dozen young and Dangerous Hung Hing who came to play enthusiastic citizens, only their two parents-in-law came out today, and no one was alarmed in the Central District and Wanchai.

After parking the car, the man and woman walked into the airport hall with Lanbao.

Looking at the hundreds of hurried passengers in front of him, Lan Bao asked helplessly, "There are so many people, have you asked him to meet somewhere?"

"A date with him? A few years ago when we went to the East African bar, we were set up by that one. You were shot that time. Don't you forget?" .

Lan Bao: "That time he was also forced, and afterwards he offered us a drink to apologize..."

"Hey, you are an honest person, how do you know what is going on in the street?
When he served wine at Fulinmen back then, Brother Feng sent someone to scrape him on the road. If he didn't take the initiative to admit his mistake, he might be poured cement into the sea by Ah Qiang and the others.

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, he came out and confessed.

One drink will settle you down, and you will be worthless. "The man and woman couldn't find the marginalized person, and said a little impatiently.

"It's not the first day you know me. When you settled me down, you only had a glass of wine." Lan Bao murmured and reported some private information.

The man's mother-in-law blushed, covered her mouth with her hands, and shouted at the airport hall: "Bian! Yuan! People!"

The shout was like a lion's roar, instantly suppressing the noisy voice in the hall, a man wearing suspenders and a black and white vertical striped shirt jumped up: "I'm not here!"

"Don't run away!" The tomboy lifted up her skirt, first issued a wave of SP benefits, and then she acted boldly, waving a pink pennant, and jumped over the railing to catch up.

Lan Bao secretly called Lose Ben, chasing after his wife while blocking the camera.

In the original plot, a man and woman beat the marginalized people to the point of vomiting blood.

Now add another blue guard, the two surrounded and intercepted him, and beat him from the men's room to the women's room.

When the passengers in the two toilets screamed and left, the marginalized people were at most half dead.

"Oh, stop beating, stop beating, everyone has run away."

"It's called baa, the so-called salty fish is thirsty!

You are so fragile, how can you earn informant fees? "The man gave a final thump, ignored the yelling of the marginalized people, and took out a banknote from under her skirt: "Hey, here is an advance payment of 20 yuan for the informant, and I will buy you a bruise, which is interesting enough. "

"20 yuan?" The marginal man snatched the banknote with a look of disgust: "I'm really joking, 20 yuan is already too much for a lunch box, and you want to buy medicinal oil?"

After turning on the faucet and flushing the teeth and nosebleeds, the man on the edge shook his hands and showed a wretched smile at the man: "It's better to slow down and let me watch for one more second..."

"Ah!" The man-woman screamed, Huhu gave her two slaps first.

Lan Bao then punched him twice, causing the marginalized man to spit out his lunch box.

Grabbing the marginalized man holding his stomach and screaming, Lan Bao threatened with his fingers: "I don't think you have itchy skin? It's your eyes that are sick. How about I dig it out for you and just replace it with a new pair."

"Don't...don't, it's my bad mouth, two police officers, I have something to talk about."

Lan Bao pushed him away forcefully: "Made, wouldn't it be fine if we did this earlier? Let me ask you, there was a diamond robbery in the Central District recently, did you know?"

"I know, I know, the seller is an Italian ghost, and the buyer is Situ Buren, a local tycoon who sells stolen goods.

However, this batch of goods was robbed by a local named King Kong during the transaction.

Now, He Liansheng, Hong Xing, and Yiqun in the Kowloon Walled City are all fucking this guy. "

The man-in-law and Lan Bao glanced at each other, and patted the marginal man on the shoulder: "Not bad, the news is quite well-informed."

"Of course, in our business, if you don't have good news, you're a fool." The marginal man smiled and pointed to his head: "Not only good news, but also a flexible mind, so that we can survive in black and white. Woolen cloth!"

"Very well, now I have a question to ask you!
My boss won't let me take big cases, but if I don't take big cases, I won't be promoted. How can I solve this? "The man asked deliberately.

The man on the edge snorted: "It's easy, bypass this boss, and then solve a shocking case.

As long as the reporters and media are prepared in advance, it will be hyped as soon as the case is solved.

Even if you don't want to be promoted, the higher ups will arrange for you to be promoted. "

"The case is ready and the suspect has been arrested, but the victim is unwilling to report the case, so the case cannot be filed now." Lan Bao received his wife's wink and walked over slowly.

"That's easier. Just arrange for someone to report the crime. By the way, you can also receive pennants and bonuses from enthusiastic citizens."

"Oh, your mind is really flexible. Then you, an enthusiastic citizen, don't you mind helping us?" The man showed his gun, put his index finger in the trigger hole, and sneered at the marginalized people.

The marginal man was completely dumbfounded when he saw this, and now he doesn't know what the other party is doing to him, he is really an idiot.

A few minutes later, the marginal man signed and fingerprinted a pile of pre-prepared materials, and said with a bitter face: "You two, I helped you this time, and I will definitely have to change careers in the future!

We should be able to settle the matter in the East African bar, right? "

"Okay! After this time, I will arrange for you to go to Nanyang to avoid the limelight. If you want to settle there or come back to do business, we can help you." Lan Bao put away the materials, and walked away on the shoulders of marginalized people. go out.

Fat Snake Ji took a few boys and stood outside the toilet eating bananas.

Seeing a few people coming out, he stepped forward: "Is this the only one?"

"Yes, Brother Ji. I'll trouble you to keep an eye on him for a few days."

"Hey, let's talk about this, our friends are here! Remember, you must post to me when you set up wine in the future, otherwise, I will really be unhappy."

(End of this chapter)

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