Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 724 The ghosts with a radius of 2 kilometers have immigrated

Chapter 724 The ghosts with a radius of [-] kilometers have immigrated
The Fat Snake led the marginalized people away, and the man-in-law and Lanbao then found a copy of the boarding record about white gloves and the hotel car responsible for picking up the airport from the trash can of a cleaner at the airport.

"Regent Hotel?
These ghosts really enjoy themselves!
Fly first class and live in a five-star hotel. The man waved to Lanbao: "Come on, let Lijing stare at this Pujie." "

It is: Regent Hotel.

Not: Regent Hotel!

The man-in-law and Lanbao walked into a resplendent and luxuriously decorated hotel. The two went straight to the service desk, took out their documents, and asked for a room next to the white gloves.

"Sorry, two Sirs.

We cannot grant your request.

Because this is an act of violating customer privacy.

If you want us to cooperate, please go back and open an official document and come back. "The manager of the lobby is a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and the two who are handling the case in private cannot answer.

Pulling the cursing male woman out of the hotel, Lanbao took out his big brother: "Why don't you let me call Huang Sir and ask him to come over with an official document."

"you're so dumb?

Ask Fatty Huang to open the official document. If the four-eyed frog calls Tai Kwun for consultation, won't everyone know about it? "The male mother-in-law took the big brother, quickly pressed a series of numbers and went out.

Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng had just finished talking on the phone with Leader Yang and received some secret information about Annan.

Zhan Mi knocked on the door to report, and the male wife followed White Gloves to the Regent Hotel, but the hotel did not cooperate.

"The Regent Hotel, that is the property of the Wilson family.

With the support of ghosts behind them, their employees must not give a senior inspector and an inspector any face. Ding Yunfeng thought for a moment, picked up the receiver and dialed Robinson's phone number.

Robinson Robinson is worthy of being an older generation of Chinese businessmen known for their connections. After about ten minutes, he called back and said it was done.

at the same time.

The man-in-law and Lan Bao who were standing outside the hotel were also welcomed in by the lobby manager who shut them down before.

"Both Sirs, room 405 has been opened, here is the room card, please keep it.

If you lose any, you can call the phone number on my business card, and I will go there immediately to open the door for you. "

Facing this guy who suddenly became enthusiastic, Lan Bao's expression was a little unnatural.

The male mother-in-law snorted, snatched the room card, and dragged her husband towards the elevator.

"Manager, what's the background of these two poor guys?

The one who lives in 404 is the VIP of our hotel, we do this, just in case..." A pretty-looking receptionist couldn't help asking curiously.

The four-eyed frog turned around and opened the customer's check-in registration book, and drew out the check-in records of the man and the woman with a pen: "It's nothing to worry about, because the person who ordered me to do things just now is a major shareholder of our headquarters.

Some of you please remember that no one is staying in room 405 today.

If someone asks afterward, you can say that I was drunk and made a mistake, you know? "

"Understood, manager."


The people below have almost no solution to the situation. For the people above, it may only take one phone call to break the situation.

Ding Yunfeng and Robinson made an appointment for the next dinner, and they planned to go to Tsuen Wan to see the land passage centered on Luohu.

Unexpectedly, before leaving the house, she received a call from Liang Kun.

"King Kong wants to see me?" Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised, but he was still a little curious about the protagonist of the "Best Partner" series of movies.

With Zhan Mi, Ding Yunfeng turned to Liangkun's Night Bar in Causeway Bay.

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhanmi." Hong Xing, the thug at the door, saw Ding Yunfeng's Bentley, one went in to inform, and the other came up to greet him.

Ding Yunfeng tossed him a cigarette: "Where's your boss?"

"Brother Kun is interviewing actors inside."

"An interview again? He doesn't want his two kidneys?" Zhan Mi was taken aback. Knowing that Brother Feng was coming, Liang Kun was still playing as a starlet. It seemed that this was something to do.

Ding Yunfeng kept a straight face without speaking, and strode into the bar.

Zhan Mi glared at Hong Xingzai, who only knew how to handle the door, but didn't know how to handle the door: "What are you still waiting for?
Climb the water pipe, go up and ask Ah Kun to go downstairs!

You told him that Brother Feng is here and has already walked to the lobby? "

"Ah? Brother Zhanmi, you don't need to go upstairs to interview male actors. Brother Kun always handles it in the lobby." Hong Xing scratched his head with his thugs, with a puzzled expression on his face.

actor! ! !
At the lobby! ! !
Zhan Mi took a deep breath, when did Ah Kun play so openly?
Pushing away Hong Xingzai, who was talking nonsense in front of him, Zhan Mi shouted loudly to Brother Feng to stop, and quickly chased after him.

As soon as he entered the gate of the bar, Zhan Mi saw Liang Kun holding a young man's hair with his right hand, who was kneeling on the ground with his arms tied behind his back.

Too hot eyes!
Zhan Mi endured his nausea, and took a step forward to Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, you go out to get some air first, let me get rid of Akun's rushing..."

"Zhan Mi, why didn't you see me for a few days, and gave me eye drops in front of Brother Feng as soon as I entered the door?
Oh, have you gotten angry lately, why don't you let me call some little stars..." Still holding on to King Kong's hair, Liang Kun winked at Zhan Mi, with a wretched and wretched expression.

Zhan Mi Na Na Na Na Sheng pointed at Liang Kun: "A Kun, I respect your personal taste, but please also respect everyone's psychological endurance.

After Brother Feng and I leave, you can do whatever you want.

Now I ask you to restrain yourself a bit, otherwise, we brothers have nothing to do! "

"Ah, I don't even know what you're talking about?"

Liang Kun was at a loss, until he saw Zhan Mi's disgusted face, and the big brother phone in his hand, which kept hovering around his crotch and King Kong's face...

"I'll pick!" Liang Kun was startled, and hurriedly kicked King Kong aside: "Brother Feng, don't get me wrong!
I, Liangkun, really don't come from Glass, I just saw that King Kong looks like a celebrity, and I was just going to persuade him to sign with my company. "

"It's okay, it's a mess." Ding Yunfeng found a nearby sofa and sat down: "Why don't you bring King Kong here quickly? Didn't he say he wants to see me? My time is precious, hurry up."

"It's coming." Liang Kun didn't dare to say anything, and dragged King Kong over by herself.

King Kong was almost forced to sign more than a dozen love action movies just now. Now that Ding Yunfeng can control Liangkun, he resolutely admits his counsel and begs for mercy, expressing his willingness to exchange the stolen diamonds for his own life.

"What do I want diamonds for?
If I want to swallow this batch of goods, at the moment you are caught by Hong Xing, you will have to suffer a meal of torture. Ding Yunfeng shook his head, expressing that he was not interested in diamonds.

King Kong's expression froze, and he glanced at Liangkun. He was a little quick-witted, took a few steps on his knees, looked at Ding Yunfeng and shouted: "Ding Sheng, you let the big clubs scrape me out, neither want diamonds nor hand me over to the police. Team.

It seems that I must be of value to you. What do you want me to do, I promise to agree. Now I just want to stay in another place. I don't want to be ignored by others. "

"Hey, I just emphasized that I, Liangkun, am not glass. You are so suspicious of my sexual orientation, do you want to die?" Liangkun jumped up angrily.

Ding Yunfeng gave him a sideways glance, and pointed to the high stool over the bar: "Go over there, I'll be upset when I see you."

"Oh." Liang Kun looked frustrated, bowed his head, and walked away a few steps.

Jamie suppressed a smile, opened and closed his mouth silently—damn it.

Liang Kun's face was very dark, and she pointed back a middle finger.

Too lazy to pay attention to the friendly exchange of those two guys, Ding Yunfeng waved Hong Xingzai to untie King Kong: "Bright, I do have something that needs your cooperation..."

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng asked him to become a tainted witness, he used this diamond case to drag down the white gloves who came to Hong Kong Island to do business.

King Kong didn't even think about it, and agreed decisively.

"It's a very wise choice, don't worry, I will ask a lawyer to help you with the lawsuit.

At most, go to Stanley and lock up for a period of time. I will greet you in the prison, and someone will take care of you at that time.

You are a talent, petty theft is a pity.

This time I took the opportunity to clean up the bottom line, and when I get out of prison in the future, you might as well consider coming over to help me with things?
I believe you have heard about how I, Ding Yunfeng, behave.

Be my subordinate, I believe you will not be wronged. "Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth to solicit.

King Kong is not as skilled as Asia Flying Eagle, but he knows how to modify a lot of weird props.

Especially in terms of blasting, King Kong's talent may be stronger than that of Grizzly's dumb, and he will definitely have no problem being Feiying's deputy in the future!

After this loss, King Kong knew that without a backer, no matter how strong he was alone, he was still a small shrimp.

Therefore, without thinking about it, he simply agreed: "That's great, Mr. Ding, I'm willing to help you.

It's just that I have a partner named Stupid, and now he has offended a gangster brother nicknamed Madman, I want you to help me save him. "

"Okay. Zhan Mi, you call immediately to close the wind, and see who knows this madman on the road, and find a relationship to settle this matter." Ding Yunfeng knew that this fool is a waste, but since King Kong has spoken, he can't lose face None to him.

Zhan Mi made a few phone calls, and soon came back with a solemn expression: "King Kong, I'm sorry.

Your friend, a fool, was caught by a madman at the Qichongtian Western Restaurant an hour ago.

He has been embarrassed. I will ask someone to take the body to the crematorium. If you still want to see him for the last time, I can drive you there. "

"Ah? Stupid..." King Kong cried out in grief, clenched his fists tightly: "Don't worry, we are the best partners, and I will definitely avenge you."

Ding Yunfeng waved at the two of them: "I'll let Ah Kun take me back later, Zhan Mi, you take King Kong to see his friend for the last time. As for that madman..."

After a pause, Ding Yunfeng looked at King Kong: "Do you want me to avenge you, or do you want to do it yourself?"

"Ding Sheng, I don't need to bother you. I will take care of this matter myself." Unexpectedly, King Kong chose the latter.

"Okay, if you need anything, you can ask Zhan Mi at any time. Go ahead and do other things, wait until you help me straighten my white gloves."

"Thank you."

Watching King Kong and the others go out, Liang Kun scratched her chin: "I can't tell, this snitch is quite moral."

"You, a film seller, are no more noble than others who are thieves.

By the way, can you pay attention to the impact?
You have been interviewing actors day and night, and the whole world knows that you have a kidney deficiency!

This time, even Jimmy suspected that you were doing things in public in the hall in broad daylight, and almost made a big joke out of it. "Ding Yunfeng hated iron but looked at Liangkun.

Liangkun shrugged her shoulders: "Brother Feng, don't listen to rumors from outsiders. I have no clue, and I can't do such a stupid thing in public, let alone the other party is a man."

"But how did I hear that you not only killed Bakuan, but also used his horse to vent fire in public in front of his dead body?"

"Ah, here..." Liang Kun scratched her crotch: "Then I didn't pay back my money when I went to the street, and the interest rate last month was a total of 6600 million.

He said that if there is no money to pay back, I can only take his life.

As for his horse, that woman took the initiative, I didn't force her. "Liang Kun quickly explained.

Ding Yunfeng mentioned a little bit, seeing Liangkun's flustered expression, he hit the target, and changed the topic decisively: "Your nonsense, pay attention to yourself!
They are all leaders. If your blood smells bad, the Hongxing brand will not shine.

Also, I heard people say that Jiang Zhen's second son, Jiang Tianyang, has returned from Siam.

If Hong Xing has more than half of the hall masters supporting him, as Jiang Tianyang, he is qualified to pull you down and push you up. "

"Jiang Tianyang?" When it came to business, Liang Kun put away her smile and put on a sullen expression: "That second generation ancestor, eating, drinking and having fun is fine.

Seizing power, he can't handle it alone. "

"As long as you know what's in your mind, I won't remind you again." Ding Yunfeng nodded and got up, and strode out of the bar.

Liang Kun followed closely behind and asked someone to drive a Mercedes-Benz over.

Just as the car stopped, Liang Kun stepped forward and opened the door to replace the driver: "Brother Feng, where are you going?"

"Go to Tsuen Wan."

"it is good."

Speechless all the way.

The car had just stopped when Ding Yunfeng opened the door and got out.

Walking into the ancestral hall first, he pulled aside the chair in front of Yi Yitian and sat down: "Senior, the delivery of goods has already started at Luohu, do you have any letters or items you want to send to your family?"

"What kind of family? People like me are treated as dead, so the people in my hometown will be safe." Yi Yitian's tone was very flat, but the words he said were weighty.

Ding Yunfeng didn't persuade him anymore, the other party was from the Blue Shirt Club.

This is a very sensitive department, if the whereabouts are exposed, there will definitely be many twists and turns.

Changing the subject, Ding Yunfeng asked if there were any special events during the construction period.

"What big guy...

The last time you were in Huangshan Village, you invited a soul ecstasy envoy to come up if you disagreed.

As a result, the next day, all the demons and ghosts with a radius of [-] kilometers emigrated.

Otherwise, you can repair a road in just a few months? "Yiantian took out a match, clicked it, and lit it by himself.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, this line came from Yixiantian, not Qianhe himself. Otherwise, Zhong Fabai would definitely have to sue for copyright infringement.

(End of this chapter)

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