Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 743 (Returning o Xingyi o rewarding addition)

Chapter 743 (Returning o Xingyi o rewarding addition)

Hearing Li Xiangqin's provocative voice, Ah Qi's mood was a little turbulent.

This is the feeling of first love, which is very different from the white chicken that I ate before.

"Xiaoqin, what you said is very reasonable, but I think it is too simple.

However, I also brought this tool called [Box God], which can send me into the villa from the main entrance..." Ah Qi walked into the back wall of the villa, looking for something to say.

Li Xiangqin smiled coquettishly: "Send it? How do you send it? Did it fall from the sky?"

"Yeah! You are so smart!
You see, in order to match this style of appearance, I even changed into a white suit tonight.

Unfortunately, Ni insisted that I break through the back door, which made me lose the opportunity to perform. "Ling Lingqi looked up to estimate the height of the wall of Ding's mansion while flirting with her sister.

Li Xiangqin swears that he has never seen such a talkative + coquettish + brain-dead agent!
Repressing her impatience, she urged Ah Qi: "Hey, hurry up.

Ding Yunfeng has many subordinates. It has been almost 5 minutes since we unplugged his first secret whistle. "

"Hey, Xiaoqin, you underestimate my ability too much." Ah Qi sighed and shook his head. At the moment Li Xiangqin couldn't help but pull the trigger, he kicked a small tree beside him and jumped up the tree with one step. The wall of the Ding family mansion.

Patting the dust that didn't exist on the collar, Ah Qi just posed handsomely on the wall.

Suddenly, the surrounding lights brightened, and several high-wattage spotlights fell on him.

The dazzling light forced Ling Lingqi to squint her eyes.

Looking at the other party's outfit, and that face that is very similar to Yin Tianchou.

Ding Yunfeng probably guessed the origin of the other party, but he pretended not to know, but raised a loudspeaker and shouted: "Who are you, why did you hurt my security personnel for no reason?"

"You are Ding Yunfeng?" After a short period of discomfort, Ah Qi narrowed his eyes, looking for the direction of the voice.

"I am, come down and talk. Now my people have more than 20 guns pointed at you, and you can't get away."

"is it?"

"You can try it."

"No, I'm coming down."

As a master of knives with Qi, he can tell if he has a gun pointed at him with a little sense.

Ah Qi swears that what she did is not cowardice, but a sense of current affairs.

Wang Jianguo confiscated the butcher's knife with a depressed face, and Ling Lingqi was escorted to the living room of the villa with his hands tied.

"If I say that I passed by unintentionally, Ding Sheng, do you believe it or not?" Ling Lingqi showed an embarrassed smile after looking at the environment of the villa.

Xiaoqin didn't lie tonight, there are so many people on the other side.

On the bright side, there are about [-] of them with guns in their hands, and there must be many in the dark.

"Tell me, your identity, and your intention to get into my house." Ding Yunfeng yawned, and finally persuaded Qingqing to come from Tsuen Wan, but the game failed.

Ah Qi was secretly looking for a chance to escape, and just as he was hesitating, Li Jie walked in carrying Li Xiangqin and threw her to Ah Qi's side forcefully: "Brother Feng, I caught his accomplice on the way here."

"Ahahaha, to be honest, in fact, there must be a misunderstanding in this incident tonight..." Ling Lingqi raised her head and looked at Ding Yunfeng, who was as handsome as herself: "Ding Sheng, look at your appearance , must also be Chinese.

This time the dinosaur skull is very important, if you can't hide it, why not return it to us.I promise, I will definitely write a letter to the above to help you get a lighter sentence. "

Dinosaur skull?

No wonder these two people came here in the middle of the night. It turned out that the plot had changed. The original action against Lai Youwei was changed to me, Ding Yunfeng!

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I can prove that it is impossible for me, Ding Yunfeng, to steal the dinosaur skull." After Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, before Ling Lingqi and Li Xiangqin could ask questions, he ordered his subordinates to escort them to the study.

Pulling out a telephone from Angu, Ding Yunfeng called Leader Yang directly: "Hey, Leader Yang, I'm sorry to wake you up in the middle of the night!

Just now at my home, two comrades from the opposite bank suddenly came.

They suspect that I stole the Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossils that will be exhibited abroad soon. To prove my innocence, I can only make this call and ask you to testify for me. "

"What? There is such an outrageous thing? It's just nonsense!" Leader Yang's drowsiness was suddenly frightened by Ding Yunfeng's words.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, and said in a deep voice, "Comrade Ding, you give them the phone, and it happens that Comrade Yang Jianhua is also there. I'll ask her to ask, who sent them there?"

Ding Yunfeng put the receiver on the table and pointed at Ling Lingqi.

Ah Qi stepped forward, half squatted and put her mouth close to the receiver: "Hey, may I ask which leader you are?"

"It's me, codename Huanu, ID password 4836"

"Leader Hua, good evening! I'm Agent Ling Lingqi, ID code 9527, and I'm reporting to you now!" Ah Qi didn't know the key, but he was able to prove his own password and the code for connecting with the superior department. Still won't forget.

Truthfully reported to Yang Jianhua that the two of them came here and were assigned by Leader Huang, A Qi got up and took a few steps back, and said to Ding Yunfeng, "Comrade Ding, my leader, please answer the phone."

"Yeah." Ding Yunfeng grabbed the receiver and pulled Shaoshao away: "Comrade Xiao Yang, it's me."

"I'm sorry, Comrade Ding, it's our fault that these two people appeared at your house. Now Uncle Yang asked me to ask you, are there any casualties?" Yang Jianhua looked at Leader Yang who was out smoking, with a very helpless expression .

Ding Yunfeng replied calmly: "Fortunately, there were no casualties, only a brother who protected me was shot by them with an anesthesia gun, and now he is sent to the hospital for infusion."

"Huh, that's good." Yang Jianhua breathed a sigh of relief.

Leader Yang finished smoking in good time and returned to the room, he took the receiver from Yang Jianhua's hand: "Comrade Ding, we will definitely give you an explanation for tonight's matter.

Tomorrow, please help me express condolences to the security personnel who were injured tonight. As for the two of them, please find a way to send them back to Guangdong Province. "

"No problem. By the way, what happened to that dinosaur skull?"

"Oh, it's a long story, I have to start from Houcheng..."

Hearing from Leader Yang that the plot was slightly different from the movie, Ding Yunfeng cooperated with the other party, and after about ten minutes, Leader Yang, who had finally exhausted his chatter, finally hung up the phone.

Ding Yunfeng put the phone away again, and then ordered Wang Jianguo to untie the two: "Ling Lingqi, you have heard on the phone that I am not the one who stole the dinosaur skull, but it is very likely that the person who sent you here against the rules .”

(End of this chapter)

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