Chapter 744

Now that the facts are in front of them, they can't help but not believe it.

"He lied to me..." Li Xiangqin was shocked and muttered to herself while bowing her head.

Ling Lingqi glanced at her, and smiled awkwardly at Ding Yunfeng: "Mr. Ding, I'm sorry tonight, we almost killed a good person by mistake...

By the way, let me introduce, this is my colleague Miss Li Xiangqin..."

"Hey, those who don't know are not guilty, Ah Qi, you are just being deceived and used by bad people." Ding Yunfeng raised his hand to stop Ling Lingqi, and turned his eyes to Li Xiangqin playfully: "On the contrary, it is Miss Li. Now that things have happened, are you right?" Should there be a showdown with Ah Qi?"

"Ah? Showdown??" Ling Lingqi looked at Ding Yunfeng in astonishment, and then at Li Xiangqin: "What kind of card is the show? Xiaoqin, do you have something to hide from me?"

"Hmph, when I caught her, the muzzle of the sniper rifle in her hand was pointed at you!" Li Jie said coldly, and the atmosphere in the room froze with one sentence.

Ah Qi smiled and shook her head: "Sir, at that time, Xiaoqin was responsible for covering me from sneaking in.

There are hundreds of meters between me and her, so I don't need a scope, so why don't I stand up and look around? "

"I used to be a sniper in the army. At that time, I can't judge whether she was murderous or not." Li Jie's tone was affirmative, and he justified himself and stopped talking.

Regardless of whether there was a misunderstanding tonight, he didn't like Ling Lingqi and Li Xiangqin anyway!

Just outside, starting with Wang Jianguo, all the people in charge of security tonight were beaten up by him.

Less than a month after handing over the Ding family's security rights, the Ding family's mansion was almost invaded?
Brother Jie is in a very upset mood now, and he even feels that the brothers of the Wang family are not qualified to protect Ding Yunfeng's family on his behalf.

"Xiaoqin, I believe you." Ah Qi put away her smile, and said to Li Xiangqin: "We are partners, and I won't be easily provoked by others."

But a scene that surprised Ah Qi happened, Li Xiangqin buried her head to avoid his gaze, and said in a low voice: "Ah Qi, I'm sorry, the task I received at the beginning was that no matter whether you succeed tonight, I will You were killed at Ding's house."

"Hahaha, Xiaoqin, you're kidding me, aren't you?"

"Mr. Ding can talk to the headquarters in the capital. In front of him, I can't tell the truth..." Li Xiangqin spat out cold words with warm lips.

Ling Lingqi stared blankly at her, and finally turned into a wry smile: "I can't blame you for the task arranged by the superior, I can't blame you..."

"Sorry..." Li Xiangqin didn't dare to face Ling Lingqi, bowed, turned and ran out of the villa.

Ling Lingqi took out a box of big front doors, and soon realized that she forgot to bring matches when she went out.

Ding Yunfeng threw a gold-plated Zibao over, Ah Qi caught it and said thank you.

"Don't blame me for piercing through this layer of window paper." Ding Yunfeng put away the lighter and patted Ah Qi's shoulder: "If you can't let it go, then chase after it. Now, this is her information, I gave it as a private gift Yes, don't say thank you, even if you owe me a favor."

Ling Lingqi accepted it in surprise. He turned a few pages, only to realize that Li Xiangqin had been controlled by others since she was a child because of her family background. On the surface, Li Xiangqin, like him, belonged to the secret service organization. A murderous blade hidden in the dark by the leader!
"This bastard! Ding Sheng, please arrange for me to go back to Guangdong Province after dawn!
I, Ling Lingqi, promise you that I will kill this scum hiding in the organization with my own hands! "Ah Qi took a deep breath, and the cigarette on her mouth instantly turned into soot.

"Don't worry, the scheme surnamed Huang has been revealed, and the higher-ups won't let him go. Go and do your business. I'll let you know if there's any news over there." Ding Yunfeng asked Li Jie to fetch the pig-killing knife, and handed it to him with his own hands. Lingling paint.

"Okay! If you need me, Mr. Ding, just tell me.

I'll go out to comfort Xiaoqin, everyone, I'm sorry. "Ah Qi put away the pig knife, he bowed to everyone in a gentlemanly manner.

Watching Ah Qi go out, Ding Yunfeng almost couldn't help laughing out loud, the two white roses in the flower basket in the living room disappeared in an instant.

Li Jie, who saw this scene at the same time, said in a deep voice, "He is a master!"

"His sword skills are even sharper." Ding Yunfeng added, and asked the housekeeper to come over and give some instructions, asking him to arrange a room for Ah Qi and the others.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng wanted to keep these two people overnight, Li Jie firmly objected, and even Wang Jianjun, who rushed back from Yang Qianer's side after hearing the news, also disagreed.

"Okay, then arrange a car and take them back to the hotel."

Seeing that Brother Feng didn't insist, Li Jie and Wang Jianjun breathed a sigh of relief.

When Ding Yunfeng returned to his room to rest, Li Jie winked at Wang Jianjun and walked out with a dark face.

Wang Jianjun knew he was wrong, so he brought his younger brother Wang Jianguo to follow.

"That day, I entrusted Brother Feng's safety to you, how did you guarantee it to me?
snort!I have been with Brother Feng for almost ten years, and no one has ever been able to invade within 10 meters of Ding's mansion.

Now I leave it to you to be responsible, but within a month, someone turned over the wall, and even a secret whistle was pulled out by the other party!

Wang Jianjun, how do you deal with this matter yourself? Li Jie turned around and looked at the two of them, almost speaking in a heavy tone for the first time.

Wang Jianjun bit his cheek, and waved his hand to stop Wang Jianguo who was about to speak: "Brother Jie, although I have been in Hong Kong Island for less than two months, I have heard people say that you must admit your mistakes and stand at attention when you are beaten!
You can do whatever punishment you want, I only have one request, give us one more chance. "

"You belong to Brother Ding, as long as Brother Feng doesn't speak up, no one has the right to punish you!
I call you two out now to remind you that Brother Feng has many enemies, but even more people eat with him!
If something happens to Brother Feng, I don't know how many people will rush to the street.

I will come back tomorrow and teach you how to arm yourself..."

Wang Jianjun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Arm? No need! I know someone who works in the Beijing Security Bureau, and I will ask him for advice."

Li Jie was about to lose his temper when he heard the words, but when he heard about the Beijing Security Bureau, he couldn't help asking: "You mean Xu Zhengyang?"

"You don't care who it is, it's more professional than you anyway! Of course, it's more professional than us." Wang Jianjun replied with a straight face.

On one side is Li Jie who has a prejudice against himself;

On one side is Xu Zhengyang, his lifelong enemy.

Anyway, you have to face a coffin face, of course choose the most professional people to learn.

Wang Jianjun's departure in the middle of the night had no effect on Xu Zhengyang at all.

Because in his opinion, protecting Yang Qian'er is enough for him to be himself.

If it wasn't for taking care of the face of the Hong Kong Island police, he would even want to drive away Fat Leopard and Ah Qiang.

"Hey, Bogo, do you have any tips for today's horse race?"

"I just like African fighters."

"No, is there any mistake? That black horse is lame~ It must be a ghost if it can win." Ah Qiang took out a roll of banknotes and handed it to Fat Leopard: "Forget it, I believe in myself, help me Buy the No. 1000 new force for [-] yuan!"

"Okay, then you keep an eye on it here, I'm going out to place a bet." Fat Leopard glanced at Xu Zhengyang who was walking around the villa holding a monitor, and said in a low voice.

Ah Qiang nodded again and again: "Go quickly, come back quickly, pass by McDonald's, and buy me a hamburger by the way."

"I choose, are you the boss now, or am I the boss?

It’s okay to help buy horses, even ask me to buy hamburgers? "Fat Leopard was laughed angrily by Ah Qiang on the spot.

Seeing Xu Zhengyang approaching by reputation, Ah Qiang quickly took out a piece of red cedar fish: "Of course you are the head, don't make noise, don't make noise, privately treat you to smoke."

"It's more or less..." Fat Leopard snatched the banknotes, and he yelled at Xu Zhengyang, regardless of whether the other party responded, turned around and walked out of Yang Qian'er's villa humming a little song.

Opening the car door and getting in, Fat Leopard put away the smug expression on his face, put the ignition on and put the accelerator on, and Santana rushed onto the road.

Fat Leopard held the steering wheel with one hand, and raised a mobile phone with the other: "Hey, it's me, did you notice it last night?"

"Except for the mosquitoes, the weather is calm." The plane scratched the mosquito bag on his arm, his face a little ugly.

"I'm troubled. I'm troubled. When this case is resolved, Portland Street is a one-stop service, I invite you!" Fat Leopard heard that the plane had a lot of grievances, and hurriedly gave him some sweets.

The plane stared at the intersection leading to Yang Qian'er's villa: "You don't need a one-stop service, how much do you pay for a month as an errand?

I have always wanted to open a new store in your jurisdiction. It would be great if you can give me some convenience. "

"It's easy to talk about it. It's just a barbecue shop. At most, the oily smoke is bigger and it is easy to be complained by the surrounding residents. Don't worry, I am very experienced in settling this kind of thing." Fat Leopard drove around the area while talking on the phone.

Fat Leopard hung up the phone when no strangers were found, speeded up and left.

at the same time.

Kowloon Walled City, Lee Kee Fragrant Meat.

Fu Guang copied a pair of bamboo chopsticks and ate the casserole meat with big mouthfuls.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a suit and holding a cigar sat in the seat in front of Fu Guang: "You are Fu Guang? My name is Zhao Guomin. Johnny Wang introduced me to find you."

"Hehe, the chairman of Yihui Group, a listed company, actually came to Kowloon Walled City to find me in this big circle...

It seems that Mr. Zhao, you are not a good person. If you come to me today, you should want me to help you do bad things! Fu Guang put down his chopsticks and looked at Zhao Guomin playfully.

Zhao Guomin obviously didn't care about Fu Guang's joke, he tapped the eggplant ash: "You Fu Guang are still afraid of doing bad things?"

"Stop aggressively, you want me to do things, do you have the money?" Fu Guang turned his head to the side, and stretched out his hand directly at Zhao Guomin.

Zhao Guomin waved to the secretary behind him, who put out a suitcase and opened it, revealing the neatly arranged Hong Kong dollars inside.

"Very well, tell me, do you want me to kill people, or hire me to set fires?

Let me tell you first, with this money, we can help you kill 3 people at most, and if there is more, it will not work. Fu Guang ordered his subordinates to put away the cash box and smiled at Zhao Guomin.

Zhao Guomin threw out a half-length photo of Yang Qian'er: "It's enough to kill one, but the time is a bit tight. This week, I hope this woman will shut up forever!"

"No problem!" Fu Guang put away the photo, and continued to bury his head in eating the fragrant meat.

Zhao Guomin didn't ask Fu Guang how to do it. He followed the horse boy sent by Johnny Wang and got up to leave Kowloon Walled City.

He is a big boss, a man of gold!

It wasn't that he was forced to rush this time, not to mention coming to see Fu Guang in person in the city, even if the other party came to seek refuge on his own initiative, he would not even bother to meet him.

Watching the benefactor leave, a tall and thin man whispered to Fu Guang, "Boss, I'm afraid this guy is unreliable."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if he is reliable or not, as long as he has enough money.

That bastard, Dasha, took advantage of the Saigon pier to gain the title of a smuggling king. I have long since disliked him.

Now with this money, we can find someone to buy guns, buy boats, and make a name for ourselves in the smuggling industry. After finishing the pot of fragrant meat, Fu Guang took out a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"I heard that there is someone covering Dasha's back, and he has a good personal relationship with Liansheng's Coolie Qiang and Hong Xing's Liangkun." Next to him was a short guy who looked a little like Wang Jianjun, and suddenly sermon.


I also have a background.

Fu Guang's eyes moved slightly, he grinned and said with a smile: "I didn't want to completely grab the source of income from smuggling, I just wanted to get a share of it.

Coolie Qiang only knows how to use his left and right feet, and Liang Kun only uses his middle leg. When we have guns and boats, we can negotiate with them.

If we can negotiate, we will talk, if we can't agree, we will fight, break these three legs, Saigon pier, there must be a place for us to moor our boats. "

Everyone heard the words and peeped at each other, the boss's words are too crazy, do you really think the other party is paper?

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about steering the helm. The two of you go over at night and kill this woman." Fu Guang was a little impatient, and he handed Yang Qian'er's photo to one of them.



Since Ding Yunfeng intervened in Yang Qian'er's case, Zhan Mi had to take care of it. Before Ling Lingqi and the other two came over, he had already let the news out and asked the people of the various clubs to pay attention to the people involved in the case.

Zhao Guomin hadn't walked out of the city walled yet, regarding him going to find Fu Guang, and even the horse who led the way today was Johnny Wang's man, all of them were sent by Manticore to Ding Yunfeng's hands.

"Fu Guang? This guy is actually here too." Ding Yunfeng couldn't help expressing emotion when he saw the collected information.

Zhan Mi was a little curious: "What's the matter? Brother Feng, is this person famous?"

"He specializes in smuggling, and mainly smuggling cultural relics.

Ask Dasha to see if he knows this person. "Ding Yunfeng explained briefly.

Zhan Mi was not suspicious, grabbed the phone and immediately called Dasha.

As soon as Dasha heard that Brother Feng was asking about this matter, he immediately poured beans out of the bamboo tube, gathered Fu Guang into a big circle, and asked himself to talk about it several times, shaking off the fact that he wanted to intervene in smuggling.

"Send someone to follow Johnnie Wang. He introduced business to Fu Guang, and he may have the idea that the other party has money to ask him to buy goods."

Zhan Mi was stunned when he heard the words: "Okay, I will give orders immediately. Brother Feng, why don't we act first?"

"You can take care of it yourself. Just like the last time you caught White Gloves, arrange for promotions for your own people in the police force."

"Okay, last time it was a man-in-law, let's see if I can arrange it for Fat Leopard this time, and try to push him to touch the Chief Inspector."

(End of this chapter)

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