Chapter 751 Special Groups
Just as Qingqing recognized Bauf from his hairline, Bauf also stood up with a smile based on Gan Lianghong's voice.

"Hi, Ding, what a coincidence, I didn't expect that we would meet again in less than 12 hours."

"Buff, why did you come to Chinatown for breakfast?"

"The chef at home, he comes and goes so much, I'm tired of eating." Bao Fu shook hands with Ding Yunfeng, and pointed to Guan Yuming who came out of the kitchen following the sound: "Guan, come here quickly, this is My good friend Ding Yunfeng is also from Huaguo."

"Hello, Mr. Ding, my name is Guan Yuming, from Gui Province."

"Guan Yuming..." Seeing the face of an uncle Long, Ding Yunfeng had a premonition that the other party's identity must be from a certain action movie. Fierce, a veteran returning to the battlefield.

Looking up and down Guan Yuming, who had a mournful expression but was standing in a vaguely poised posture, Ding Yunfeng offered to shake his hand: "People from Guangxi Province open a Cantonese restaurant, not to mention abroad, it is rare even in China.

It seems that you must try your craft today. "

When Guan Yuming touched Ding Yunfeng's palm, his complexion changed slightly - this was a hand that had held a gun.

Glancing at Bao Fu, who kept bragging for him, Guan Yuming suppressed his doubts and put on a smiling face: "Please sit down, what do you want to eat? There are recipes posted on the wall."

"Okay, just remember, we want dry fried beef and porridge..." Ding Yunfeng called everyone to sit down, and while Qingqing was washing the cups and chopsticks, he ordered a few Cantonese dishes in succession.

Guan Yuming took out a pen and paper and wrote quickly, read it one last time and confirmed it with Ding Yunfeng, just as he turned to go back to the kitchen.

Li Jie suddenly said: "Boss Guan, have you ever been a soldier?"

Guan Yuming paused, and turned around blankly: "It happened a few years ago, sir, what's the problem?"

From the other party's tone, Li Jie could hear strong resistance and dislike.

Just when Li Jie was frowning and wanted to talk, Ding Yunfeng stretched out his hand to hold him down.

Looking at Guan Yuming with a smile, Ding Yunfeng replied: "Boss Guan, don't get me wrong.

Gege, he used to be a special soldier in the southeast. Maybe he saw the shadow of the army in your behavior, so he just asked curiously. "

Hearing this explanation, Guan Yuming's tense expression eased a little: "I used to be a soldier under the command of General Chen Nakano, and I was selected into the [Vietnam Aid Advisory Group] in the 60s."

After a pause, Guan Yuming laughed at himself and took out a camel and stuffed it into his mouth: "I can't compare to this comrade, I was captured by the enemy on the battlefield.

After the war, due to various reasons, many people and I stayed in Annan to marry a wife and have children.

Alas, if I hadn't met you today, I would have almost forgotten these past events. "

It turned out to be the group of people from the [Vietnam Aid Advisory Group]. These were fierce people specially selected from the soldiers of Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in order to support Annan.

It is necessary to fight away, but also to conceal its identity, and it can also lead a group of Annan monkeys to drive away the US-French coalition forces back then.

No wonder when Lao Guan was old, he could still kill Lime Hennessy and his gang.

As for the prisoner in Laoguan...

Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie looked at each other and fell silent.

In terms of this matter, bear is to blame!
Back then, Big Brother wanted to intervene in Annan, but he didn't want to directly confront Laomei, so he sent Laojia to fight.

Directly interfering in other people's family affairs is contrary to the foreign principles of my hometown.

Under the circumstances at that time, if you didn't do it, you would offend Big Brother, and if you did, you would lose your international reputation.

After much deliberation, the higher-ups finally decided to let people like Guan Yuming hide their identities to support Annan.

Rabbit Fang: 1. Open an unfamiliar map

2. Put on a negative skin
3. Take a Tiankeng monkey as a teammate
Enemies: 1. Lao Mei - full level

2, the old method - once full level

Although, this headwind was won in the end.

However, not only many of those sent there were sacrificed, but many were also captured.

However, after the event, the rabbit and Lao Mei broke the ice. In order to take care of the overall situation, many people could not be sent back in time, so they had to gradually settle down in the local area.

Some time ago, Annan was in chaos.

King Annan, the Ruan family, and military bandits like Xian Weiza, and dozens of forces, large and small, completely smashed Annan into a pot of porridge.

Guan Yuming, who has a special background, naturally couldn't stay in Annan.

In the original plot of "The Battle of England", Guan Yuming and his Annan Chinese took their families to smuggle into Lion City on a fishing boat, but they were rejected by the Governor of Lion City. A few boats left the waters of Malacca by chance.

In the movie, almost all of Guan Yuming's family members died in the process.

This time Guan Yuming appeared in London Chinatown. Ding Yunfeng reckoned that he and Luo Ge were making troubles in Annan and delayed the war by various means, so that Guan Yuming had enough time to find a way out for himself and his family...

After explaining his background, Guan Yuming rubbed his nose, turned around and went back to work in the kitchen.

Bao Fu looked at Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie curiously, and the sudden silence of the two made him feel that there must be a story in it.

"Hey, Bauf, check the time. It's almost 9 o'clock. What are you doing here? Are you afraid of being late?" Ding Yunfeng tapped on the dining table, awakening Bauf who was in deep thought.

"Oh, damn it, I have to go see that female devil today..." Buff patted his shiny forehead: "Ding, thank you for your reminder. I'm leaving first, and I'll call Johnny tonight. Let's make an appointment." meal?"

"Forget it, I've already made an appointment with Lilith, you go, I'll pay the bill."

"No, I'm the majority shareholder of this restaurant, just let Guan credit it to my account, okay, let's not talk, I really have to go." Bauf grabbed his briefcase, replied, and opened the door and ran out of the restaurant.

As soon as Bao Fu left, Guan Yuming walked out of the kitchen with some Fried Niuhe on his back.

"Old Guan, come and smoke a cigarette."

"Thank you, I'll prepare the dishes first and then smoke." Guan Yuming took the big front door from Ding Yunfeng and pressed it on the pinna.

After another ten minutes, Guan Yuming finally served all the dishes.

He took off his apron, pulled up a chair, sat down, took out his cigarette and lit it.

Looking at the mark on the cigarette body, Lao Guan let out a long sigh: "Unexpectedly, I still have the opportunity to smoke Faith in London."

"I'll send someone to deliver one to you when I go back later." Ding Yunfeng laughed while eating the not-so-authentic Cantonese cuisine.

Guan Yuming's eyes lit up, he looked at Ding Yunfeng and the others, and asked hesitantly, "How have you been in the past few years in my hometown?

A few years ago, I lived in Ho Chi Minh City and often heard bad news. "

"Okay, of course!
My hometown is now open, and the prospects are bright!

Laoguan, since everyone smokes beliefs, I won't hide it from you.

I, Ding Yunfeng, live in a few coastal provinces, so I have a bit of face, and I can talk to many departments.

If you're interested, I can help say hello.

Not only you, but also your family, I am sure to help settle down, and even get you the treatment you deserve..." Ignoring Gan Lianghong's dissuading eyes, Ding Yunfeng took the initiative to expose Guan Yuming's identity a little bit.

It's a pity that Guan Yuming stood up in a panic when he heard half of it: "Let's talk, let's all eat slowly, I'll go back to the kitchen and get busy.

If the food is not enough, call me anytime, today's meal, I invite. "

Looking at the back of the other party fleeing in a hurry, Tian Yangsheng snorted disdainfully: "Just like him, Ding Sheng, I think what he said just now must be bragging!
At that time, the [Vietnam Aid Advisory Group] was so good at fighting. Seven of us were boy scouts in Myanmar, but our ears were almost callused. "

"Ah Sheng, the situation here is very complicated. It's normal for Laoguan to have concerns. Don't say such things." Ding Yunfeng glared at Tian Yangsheng.

Tian Yangsheng didn't dare to talk back, but whistled a frivolous whistle to the kitchen.

Guan Yuming was washing vegetables in an apron. Xun Sheng glanced at him, then remained expressionless and continued to work.

Said it was a treat, but before Ding Yunfeng left, he still left the money.

Even, after he returned to the station, he specially asked Li Jie to come and bring two cigarettes, a big front door, and a red panda.

What happened to Guan Yuming made Ding Yunfeng realize that he should respond to the higher authorities through his elder brother and help this special group who sacrificed so much for the country.

"Ah Hong, these few days, find a time to go out for a meal with someone from London's Chinatown, and ask them to take care of Guan's restaurant." Ding Yunfeng said to Gan Lianghong while sorting out the people who were about to visit.

Gan Lianghong nodded in response: "Okay, after I have dinner with people in the media circle, I will arrange this matter."

"No hurry, just get it done before we leave London."

"I know."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng, he not only asked Li Jie to deliver cigarettes to Guan Yuming, but also asked Gan Lianghong to ask someone to take care of him. Tian Yangsheng said to Li Jie, "Hey, don't you persuade me about this?"

"Brother Feng made such an arrangement, of course he has his reasons.

Besides, Mr. Gan's effort to invite people to dinner, he can help as much as he can, and it doesn't have much impact. "Li Jie knew some inside information, so he didn't think there was any problem with Ding Yunfeng helping Guan Yuming.

Tian Yangsheng wiped his chin: "No, we came to London this time to do serious business!

If Ding Sheng doesn't come, then it's fine for me to stay here with Mr. Gan until the Chinese New Year.

But now that he's here in person, in case something goes wrong and something goes wrong, who will pay the seven of us in the future?
If you touch fish every day, there will be a job worth 5000 million US dollars a year. Do you think it is easy to find? "

"As long as you don't act recklessly, there will be no accidents." Li Jie glanced at Tian Yangsheng, and there was a warning in his words.

Tian Yangsheng shrugged his shoulders, took out a butterfly knife, and started playing with it.


Due to the time difference between the two places, Hong Kong Island is still at night.

Hearing from Zhan Mi's mouth that Ding Yunfeng and his party had arrived in London safely, Shi Shi and the other women breathed a sigh of relief.

While they were talking, Wang Jianguo came over and gave Zhan Mi a wink.

Zhan Mi's face remained unchanged, and he said goodbye to Wang Xia and came out.

Taking Wang Jianguo out of the villa, Zhan Mi asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Brother Zhanmi, my brother just called.

He said that a group of people forcibly attacked Yang Qianer's villa tonight.

However, now he and Xu Zhengyang have settled everything together.

It's just that the person in the lead, who claimed to be named Fu Guang, said that he had a deep background in his hometown.

Liang Sir thought that reporting to the police force would cause headaches for the higher-ups;

Xu Zhengyang insisted on taking him back to the relevant department for disposal.

My brother wants to ask, how to deal with this matter? "Wang Jianguo picked up a lot, and handed Zhan Mi a photo. On it was Fu Guang who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face and was tied up with a rope.

Zhan Mi frowned and took the photo: "I have to call and ask about this matter, don't report it if you call Fat Leopard..."

"Brother Jimmy, hurry up as much as possible.

The firepower of those people tonight was very fierce, and they even fired grenades, making the entire villa area feel like a war.

The current director of Haipang District Police Station;
Guan Chuntong, director of the Central District, led the team over.

My brother said, Sir Liang, he can't last long. "Wang Jianguo said quickly while walking beside Zhan Mi.

Zhan Mi quickened his pace and came to Ding Yunfeng's study by familiar ways.

Wang Jianguo stood silently at the door, watching Zhan Mi open a hidden compartment and took out a dedicated telephone.

After dialing a series of encrypted numbers, Zhan Mi held up the receiver: "Hi, I'm Li Jiayuan, please come and answer the phone, Comrade Yang Jianhua."

"I'm Yang Jianhua, Li Sheng, please tell me."

"Oh, the thing is like this..." Zhan Mi gave Yang Jianhua a rough feedback on Jiang Fuguang's matter, and the other party replied, wait a moment, and after about ten minutes, there was an order from the other side.

Fuyi is Fuyi, and Fuguang is Fuguang.

These two people have the same surname, but they have nothing to do with each other. They can be dealt with as they please.

"Okay, I understand." Zhan Mi hung up the phone and quickly called Wang Jianjun: "I asked the capital, and what they mean is not what Fu Guang said."

"Okay, I see." Wang Jianjun held up his mobile phone and looked at the several people who were arguing fiercely at the entrance of the villa.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jianjun strode over. Before the person arrived, he heard Fu Guang's arrogant voice from a distance: "I advise you, it's best to let me go. My backstage is not small. If something happens, you A few little poor guys, can they take responsibility?"

"Made, don't be arrogant, don't talk so much nonsense if you want to survive." Fat Leopard was pissed off by this guy, if he knew it earlier, he might as well let Wang Jianjun shoot him down.

It's all right now, it's like a hot potato in your hand.

According to the relationship between Brother Feng and his hometown, logically, if this guy really has a lot of history, then hand it over by yourself, and Brother Feng will definitely blame him afterwards.

Xu Zhengyang's thinking was very pure. Before he came to carry out his mission, Fu Yi had already been listed as a martyr and announced to the relevant departments.

If Fu Guang and Fu Yi were really brothers, Xu Zhengyang felt that it would be most appropriate to take him back for trial.

Director Haipang glanced at Guan Chun, took a step forward, and pointed to Fat Leopard's chest: "If you commit a crime in our jurisdiction, of course you have to be sent to the police station to be locked up. Liang Jianbo, if you don't move, I will stop you right now." job!"

"Sir, please wait for a few more minutes, just treat it as a face for me."

"Giving you face? If I don't give you face tonight, I've already taken down your gun." Director Hai Pang was furious.

Just when he was about to have a seizure, Wang Jianjun rushed up: "Sir Liang, your leg has been numb for so long and you haven't recovered yet. Come on, let me help you over there first, so as not to block everyone's way."

"Oh, that's right, my leg is numb. Ah Jun, come and help me to sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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