Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 752 (Additional update 16 for those who mistakenly received rewards by mistake)

Chapter 752 (Additional update 16 for those who mistakenly received rewards by mistake)

Seeing Fat Leopard who had been standing in front of him, he led Wang Jianjun to avoid it, and finally showed a touch of panic on his smooth face.

"Hmph, wouldn't it be alright if we did this earlier?" Director Hai Pang glared at Fat Leopard, turned around and smiled at Guan Chun, "Guan Sir, please go first."

Fei Leopard had been obstructing him before, and Guan Chun was very interested in intervening in the case.

Now that Fat Leopard stepped aside resolutely, Guan Chun doubted, could there be fraud in this?

"Since the case happened within your jurisdiction, of course it's up to you to decide. I just happened to pass by and just take a look." Kicking the ball back to Director Haipang, Guan Chun took a step back to show his attitude.

Director Haipang's face was startled, what the hell are all these people making a fuss about?

When I didn't come, the outside was fighting to get in, and the inside was trying to stop me. Now that I'm here, they're all evading each other. In the middle of the night, are you all playing tricks on me?

"Come here, put the suspect in the car, and send him back to the police station to be locked up immediately." Director Hai Pang waved his right hand, and a group of uniformed police rushed in, taking away Fu Guang and several other thugs who were seriously injured and survived.

During the whole process, Fat Leopard and Xu Zhengyang watched coldly, and Wang Jianjun had already told them Yang Jianhua's intentions.

Since this is the meaning of the capital, then treat Fuguang as air - that's right!

"Miss Yang, this is..."

"Ah is the one my boyfriend Song Shichang hired to protect me. Regarding his identity, you can ask my boyfriend to find out.

I'm very tired tonight, I'll take the statement and so on, let's talk about it tomorrow. "Yang Qian'er was terrified by the gunshots, so naturally she didn't dare to be as willful as in the movie.

Xu Zhengyang took out his certificate and handed it to Guan Chun. The latter took it and opened it, his expression changed drastically: "Why didn't I receive the relevant official document..."

"Sir Cai Yuanqi, the highest person in charge of your side, he knows the inside story of my coming to Hong Kong Island." Xu Zhengyang explained sternly.

Fat Leopard whispered to Wang Jianjun: "The subtext of his words, you are too low-level, you are not qualified to have access to secrets of my level..."

Guan Chun glared over, Fat Leopard covered his mouth with innocent eyes.

Wang Jianjun deliberately raised his tone: "Whose grade is too low?"

"Shhhhh, don't say it, don't say it, I'm going to blow my hair if I don't see it." Fat Leopard pulled Wang Jianjun back a few steps, his expression and tone clearly added fuel to the fire.

Guan Chun clenched his fists and took several deep breaths.

Handing back Xu Zhengyang's certificate, he took his own troops and left without looking back.

next morning.

The order of Dragon Shield Security has exploded.

After all, in the rich circle of Hong Kong Island, the speed of news spread is too fast.

The big circle gangs in the past either robbed gold shops, intercepted cash transport vehicles or set up ambush for kidnapping and extortion.

But now, it has developed to use heavy firearms to attack private villas?
Such insane things can be done, if you don't ask a Dragon Shield security team to station at home, I really can't even sleep.

Ding Yunfeng and others were far away in London. Two days had passed since they received the news that Fu Guang had been arrested.

Ding Yunfeng was very surprised when he learned that Guan Chun had intervened in the incident. No wonder Guan Zu became so cynical in the movie.

This case did not happen in the area directly under your Guanchun jurisdiction.

Wouldn't it be enough to sit in the office the next day and wait for the report, and need to put aside the matter of looking for his son and go to the scene to get a sense of presence?

What's more, based on Fu Guang's self-disclosed identity, if he were the director of Cai Yuanqi's middle district, he would definitely hide as far away as possible. How could he rush to participate like Guan Chun?
"That Fu Guang will probably be imprisoned in Stanley.

Zhan Mi, you tell Ah Qiu to arrange Fu Guang to go to Han Kun's prison, and see if the latter can get something out of him. "Ding Yunfeng held his eldest brother, lowered his voice, and gently stroked his old lover's delicate body with his right hand.

After the candlelight dinner, Lilith pulled him over to this old castle.

For the sake of the overall situation, what else can Brother Feng do?Only at the expense of hue.

After all, Howard is the oldest noble in the ancestral family, and Lilith is the jewel in the palm of the Howard family, the only daughter of the patriarch Wolf Howard.

What the Smith family dare not do, the Howard family dares to do!

The Duke who has been passed down since 1397 is not in vain.

Back then, Wolf, who was not yet the patriarch, was very optimistic about Ding Yunfeng.

He took the initiative to ask Ding Yunfeng to stay in London to develop, but Ding Yunfeng declined.

Logically speaking, people have their own ambitions, and Wolf, who was rejected, would not hold grudges against Ding Yunfeng because of this matter.

The problem is that Brother Feng actually put Lilith to sleep the night before he left London.

This approach was quite a way to remove Worf's backlash. If Lilith hadn't pleaded hard afterwards, Ding Yunfeng's subsequent actions in London would not have been so smooth.

Now that the Smith family is unreliable and wants to make friends with the Howard family, Ding Yunfeng deliberates and decides to accept Huang Dawen's proposal and follow the path of an old lover.

"Viscountess Roberts, I've missed you all this time. When you come to London this time, don't you want to meet her?" Lilith twisted her body and hugged Ding Yunfeng, arched her waist lazily, and drew his slender fingers to her. A place to be proud of.

Ding Yunfeng carefully measured the mountains that had grown larger in recent years, and sighed with emotion: "I miss her very much, but I heard that her two sons are already in their teens.

I take the liberty to come to visit, although she and I don't care, but we have to worry about the feelings of her sons, right? "

"That's right. Actually, I can help you invite her here, ah..."

Ding Yunfeng's driving skills were no match for the Viscountess Roberts back then. Lilith was alone tonight, but needless to say, she was killed on a rampage, and the mountain torrent erupted, and she was as angry as a spring.

At noon the next day, Ding Yunfeng met Wolf Howard, the person in charge who had come to Scotland Yard for training.

"Stinky boy, you dare to appear in front of me." Staring fiercely at Ding Yunfeng, Worf reached for the hunting knife on the shelf with his right hand.

Lilith opened her hands to stop her old lover: "Daddy, what are you going to do? If you want to kill him, why don't you kill me first!"

"Reverse, reverse..."

Girls are extroverted, no matter which country they are in.

In short, in the end, the concession will always be the father-in-law.

Pushing away the cigar Ding Yunfeng handed over, Wolf deliberately found fault: "Didn't you always like to smoke cigarettes? Why, you bought cigars today to please me?"

"Well, instructor, you remember correctly, in fact, I just brought this cigar from your study.

This bag of the big front door was brought by me.How about, smoke one? Ding Yunfeng took out the cigarette case, tapped it lightly, and said the words that Wu Fu almost vomited blood.

Sleeping in vain doesn't count for my daughter, and even gave me my cigars?

(End of this chapter)

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