Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 756 Consecutive Calculations

Chapter 756 Consecutive Calculations
Facing Ding Yunfeng, who obviously came prepared and had a certain understanding of himself, Earl Carter took a deep breath, and pointed at him with his pipe: "I can agree to give it a try, but I don't guarantee that it will be resolved."

"No problem, as long as you are willing to help!

As for the batch of gold, I can promise to share with you the progress of Feiying's investigation.

As for the promise of the Council of Nations, the reward for the 2.5 tons of gold.

In the future, all you have to do is pay Feiying a few dollars. "Ding Yunfeng said while standing up.

Earl Carter's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help interrupting Ding Yunfeng: "Wait!
Ding, I don't quite understand...

Since I promised to help you get rid of those banned books, why do I have to pay 2.5 tons of gold? "

2.5 tons of gold, but to pay Feiying and his group!
You can't let them work in vain in the desert, can you? Ding Yunfeng pretended to be shocked, pointing at Feiying and Ah Hai and the others and shouted.

Earl Carter laughed angrily on the spot: "Hehe, Ding, your abacus is too loud!
Even if I disdain to get a little bit of benefit from this matter, you can't let me post it backwards, right?
If you want to solve that batch of books, you should know how many layers of relationships I have to run in London!

Even though my family has some contacts in the aristocratic circle, I can't ask others to do things empty-handed! ! ! "

"Carter, I entrusted Feiying and the others to find gold a few years ago, and they invested more than one hundred million.

Now I give up the 250 tons of gold that I am about to get, and I will share with you the results of my investigations over the past few years.

How do I calculate my initial investment? "Ding Yunfeng refused to give an inch, looked at the earl and said.

Earl Carter rubbed his forehead: "Then it is also unreasonable for you to pass this cost on to me.

In this way, you and I make a gentleman's agreement.

If I help you with that batch of books, you'll have to help me find the few remaining pieces of God's Arms.

As for the bills...

Don't mention it any more.

After all, you said that you sponsored Flying Eagle to find gold and spent more than [-] million yuan. I guess you can't produce evidence for this amount. "

"Okay, for the sake of friendship." Ding Yunfeng thought for a while when he heard the words, and stretched out his right hand with a displeased face: "It's settled when I suffer a little bit."


It's your fault!
The people who actually do things are all Feiying.

If you come here and use your words, you will force me to pay a lot of favors to settle that bibliography.

In this way, you are still at a disadvantage. In this world, there is no such thing as taking advantage.

"OK, let's get down to business now. It's a rare time to come here. If you are interested, I would like to invite you to visit my collection." Carter held his pipe, got up and walked deep into the castle.

"Then I really need to see and see!" Ding Yunfeng took the lead to follow, and when Feiying followed, he turned his head and said in a low voice: "Don't forget that chicken head."

"I know..." Feiying winked at the others, and A Zhan immediately used the excuse of going to the toilet, stopped Carter's housekeeper and asked to lead the way, and did not follow.

Stepping on a Persian carpet with intricate patterns, Ding Yunfeng and his party walked out of the living room, as if walking surrounded by antiques.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, every ten steps, there is a pair of expensive oil paintings;

At the door of each room, there are either glass display cabinets that lock rare treasures that are rarely seen outside, or special shelves that hold cold weapons that are carefully maintained every day.

"Holy shit, these things are left like this, without even a surveillance camera?" Ah Hai shouted in shock.

Before Feiying could answer, Earl Carter, who was leading the way, smiled and turned around to explain: "I have 50 German hounds and 3 leopards. It is simply impossible for anyone to enter the Earl's Mansion to steal things."

"Wow." Ah Hai exclaimed in a low voice, showing a fake smile to everyone: "It's a good thing I'm here as a guest, not to be a thief, otherwise, I would definitely serve the leopards as supper."

What a cold joke!
Except for Earl Carter who twitched the corner of his mouth a little out of politeness, Ding Yunfeng and the others were all speechless and fixedly looked at Ah Hai.

"Everyone, this way please." Seeing that the atmosphere had suddenly cooled down, Earl Carter could only open his mouth to help Ah Hai out of the siege.

The crowd followed him for a further distance, and came to a room filled with antiques, such as Western scepters, a royal crown, and porcelain from Huaguo...

Ding Yunfeng has seen this famous scene in the movie "Brothers of Dragons and Tigers" many times, and he can remain calm while others have seen their eyes dazzled.

Especially Feiying, Ahai and Hongdou.

These three treasure hunters used to be very well-informed, but today, they were surprised to find that they could at most recognize the origin of 1/3 of the treasures in front of them!
"Where is the holy spirit sword that you entrusted Feiying to go to Africa to find this time?" Ding Yunfeng looked at it for a while and asked Carter.

Ding Yunfeng was not shocked, and Carter was a little disappointed. When he heard the other party's question, he pointed to the corner: "Here, it's over there."

"Feiying, Ah Hai, you two go and move here so that everyone can see and see." Ding Yunfeng winked at the two of them.

Feiying and Ah Hai looked at Earl Carter, who shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It's rare that Ding is interested, you go and get it."

While several men were researching the two pieces of God's Armed Forces, Hongdou supported Qingqing and curiously walked to the other side of the room, looking for the chicken head that Earl Carter had promised.

After walking around, they didn't find any chicken heads or other animal heads. Qingqing and Hongdou came back and shook their heads slightly at Ding Yunfeng.

At this time, Earl Carter had finished popularizing the history of several pieces of God's Armed Forces, and he was exhausted talking, and led Ding Yunfeng and others out of the room: "Ding, I have a few pieces of porcelain here that were exiled from China.

If this cooperation goes well, I can send you one. "

"Then I won't be shy.

However, I am more interested in the bronze animal heads of the zodiac.

Before, didn't you say that if Flying Eagle helped you gather the God's Armament, you would use the chicken head as a reward? Ding Yunfeng took the opportunity to talk, and asked with a hint: "I was inside just now, and I was focused on admiring God's armament, but I didn't seem to see the chicken head..."

"I don't have the chicken head, but I know where it is.

Because it is in the collection of a certain relative of mine, don’t worry, since I have agreed, I will definitely hand over the chicken head to you when Feiying helps me gather a complete set of God’s weapons. " Earl Carter said confidently, looking at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng followed the clues and took the opportunity to ask the other party if there were any other animal heads besides the chicken head.

It's a pity that even Earl Carter expressed helplessness this time.

Leaving Carter's Castle, Ding Yunfeng led everyone back to the newspaper office, and after everyone was seated, Jack Feiying couldn't help asking: "Brother Feng, we haven't made any progress with that batch of gold in recent years.

And Earl Carter is not easy to deceive.

Don't look at what he said well, in fact, if he didn't see the gold, he wouldn't work hard to help you with the bibliography. "

"Don't worry, although the institution of the Council of Nations is often just a decoration, there is a reason why it can exist.

Since they entrusted Carter to help find people to go to Africa to find gold, they must have provided clues, so wait a few more days and see. "Ding Yunfeng had brushed the "Flying Eagle Project" countless times back then, and of course he knew that the special key to open the base was in the hands of the Council of Nations.

Seeing what Brother Feng said, Feiying and the others only nodded in agreement.

While everyone was talking, A Zhan walked in quietly: "Everyone, while you were visiting the earl's collection, I had already strolled around the castle.

Those hounds and leopards are really not easy to mess with, much more difficult than those bodyguards. "

"Brother Feng asked Earl Carter. He didn't have the chicken head, and he didn't have any other animal heads in his collection. We don't have to do things in the castle." A Hai called A Zhan to sit down and told him something good news.

Hearing that there was no need to start work on Tai Sui, A Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought that the three of them took refuge in Ding Yunfeng and spent a lot of money, but they couldn't even find a beast capital, he immediately felt ashamed.

Catching the cigarette thrown by Ding Yunfeng, A Zhan nodded his head: "Originally, it was agreed that as long as we help Earl Carter get the set of God's weapons, he will give us the chicken head.

Now, we have just recovered a holy spirit sword from the cannibal tribe in Africa, and we don't know where the remaining two are, and we have to go to the Sahara Desert to find gold.

I think it's better to ask the earl to advance the chicken head to us?
After all, whether and when that batch of gold can be found is completely unknown.

In case it is delayed for a few years, whether he still remembers the promise of the chicken head, I think we have to talk about it. "

"I agree with this proposal, Brother Feng, there are some things, we are not qualified to bargain with each other as small people, but you are qualified to discuss with each other.

Didn't he say that he wanted to give you a piece of porcelain?
Why don't you just tell him to replace it with a chicken head, the so-called, it's safe to put it in your pocket. "A Hai raised his right hand and said to Ding Yunfeng with a straight face.

Ding Yunfeng skillfully manipulated the tea set in front of him: "To put it lightly, do you think people don't know the value of chicken heads?
If I were to mention this matter, it would be like sending meat to the door, waiting to be slaughtered. "

"But..." Azhan was in a hurry when he heard the words, and Feiying patted his arm: "Before you came, Brother Feng and us happened to be talking about the batch of gold, don't worry, if there is any clue, we will give you a few clues." Are you afraid that you won’t be able to find out your ability?”

"Okay." A Zhan and A Hai looked at each other, but they had to give up. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stagnant, Hong Dou hurried down to cut a fruit plate and bring it up.

Ding Yunfeng didn't keep a few people for dinner, and after sitting for a while, he let them go out to do errands.

Facts have proved that Ding Yunfeng's concerns are correct.

The next day, the housekeeper Karl of the Howard family came to visit. In addition to the macarons that Lilith personally made for Brother Feng, he also brought a letter written by Wolff.

Hearing that they accepted Carter's invitation to be a guest yesterday, the father-in-law couldn't help but give some advice to the cheap son-in-law.

In Worf's view, Carter's background is very complicated. In addition to having a title conferred by the Queen, he is also a nobleman in France and Hans.

For hundreds of years, the Carter family has weaved an invisible giant net with the dignitaries of Western countries through marriage.

This person's position will change at any time, and his family's code of conduct has four words - only talk about benefits!
"Butler Karl, please go back and tell the instructor and Lilith, and say, I have received their concern! I know what to do." Ding Yunfeng put away the letter, and said to Karl who insisted on standing still and refused to sit down. .

Butler Karl bent over sternly: "I promise to relay your reply, Mr. Ding, if I have nothing else to say, I will take my leave first."

"It's gone." Ding Yunfeng shook his head, looked at Li Jie and said, "Brother Jie, send me off to housekeeper Karl."

When Butler Karl came to remind Ding Yunfeng, before Ding Yunfeng sent someone to find his own Earl Carter, he finally put down the base key in his hand.

He also sent his own butler to invite Feiying and the others to discuss matters.

Several days passed.

Just when Gan Lianghong was helping the gangsters in Chinatown, he made his voice heard on the local mainstream media.

Flying Eagle and others, also in the hands of Earl Carter, obtained some key clues related to gold.

They bid farewell to Ding Yunfeng and took the plane to the Sahara Desert. However, this time, there was one more earl's daughter——May, than in the movie.

"That old fox!

He clearly holds the key to this base, but he just didn't take it out that day!

Brother Feng, it's a good luck that you didn't listen to Ah Hai and Ah Zhan's advice, and took the initiative to ask Carter to speak.

Otherwise, he will definitely bite off a piece of meat this time. Qingqing sighed in a low voice, and quickly moved her hands to help Ding Yunfeng peel an apple.

Ding Yunfeng took it and took a bite: "A Zhan and A Hai's considerations are actually reasonable.

They just didn't expect that Carter was actually acting from the beginning to the end. "

"The matter of the bibliography, can he handle it?"

"50 percent, Worf and I talked.

The matter of getting stuck in the bibliography this time was an order issued by the iron-fisted lady herself!

Ordinary people can't get through her way at all, but for Carter, who the hell knows, will he go to the Queen to order it! Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, showing a helpless expression.

"Then what are we going to do next, stay here and wait for news?"

"Don't wait, I have successfully reached a preliminary alliance with the Howard family, and I have completed 80% of my goal of coming to London this time.

The international wind may change at any time!

To be on the safe side, we will return to Hong Kong Island tomorrow. "Ding Yunfeng ate the apple in a few bites, got up and looked at Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng: "You can pack your luggage, and by the way, notify the toll road and Caesar to make them ready, just in case. "

"Understood, Brother Feng." Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng were startled when they heard the words, the latter ran out of the station without saying a word, and soon the sound of a car starting outside came in.

Ah Sheng is in the dark, Li Jie is in the light.

Once they were about to leave, the former would meet up with the toll roads and others, and prepare to support them at the mill. Li Jie and Qingqing accompanied him to protect Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong. This plan had already been made before they came to London.

(End of this chapter)

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