Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 757 The Duke Beats the Earl

Chapter 757 The Duke Beats the Earl

Although Ding Yunfeng decided to leave, it is not that simple to set off. At least, Howard Manor must say hello. Rice, who may still come and go in the future, also has to write a letter for the person in charge of the newspaper office to deliver. past……

All kinds of things, when the preparations are ready, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother Feng, Ah Sheng and the others are ready and ready to leave at any time." Li Jie reminded Ding Yunfeng after answering a call.

Ding Yunfeng nodded, took Qingqing's hand, carried a suitcase, and followed Gan Lianghong out of the station.

Li Jie drove the second-hand Ford, and Gan Lianghong rarely carried a pistol, so he opened the passenger door nervously and got in.

Ding Yunfeng opened the back seat door, just as Qingqing was being sent up, a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow slowly leaned over.

"Hey, Ding, it's not kind of you to do that!
When you came to London, you didn't say a word, and you didn't say hello when you were leaving now. Could it be that you don't recognize me as a friend? "Reiss, the former police chief of Hong Kong Island, pushed open the car door and walked in front of Ding Yunfeng.

"Damn ghost, I'm not going to pick you up, because I don't want to cause trouble for you." Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved, he smiled, opened his hands, and hugged Rice firmly: "Actually, I left a letter for you. I didn't expect that your The information is quite well-informed, and you actually know that I am leaving?"

"From the moment you step off the plane, from Scotland Yard to the GTA.

There are at least ten departments and hundreds of pairs of eyes watching your every move.

I'm neither old nor young, I'm a member of parliament, and I'm still from the police force, if I don't even receive this bit of news.

Then use the sentence you used to say - how can I come out to mess around? "Les patted Ding Yunfeng on the back, pushed him away and smiled.

Pulling the ghost back onto the embankment, Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette case and knocked out two cigarettes.

Rice skillfully took one and stuffed it into his mouth, then, just like he did on Hong Kong Island, he took out a lighter from his body and lit it for the two of them.

After taking a deep breath, Les straight to the point and said to Ding Yunfeng, "Is everything done? I really don't need my help?

The pretty girl who drove me here was Victoria Winslow, a senior staff member of MI6.

You can guess what she means by her appearance in my car.

Hey, from the standpoint of a friend, since the above wants to release a little bit of goodwill, if you have any reasonable requests, you might as well mention them.

Just like what you said to me on Hong Kong Island before - don't take advantage of it, you bastard. "

While speaking, Les winked at Ding Yunfeng, his right eye slid down slightly, and landed on a gemstone brooch stuck in the neckline of his suit.

Ding Yunfeng knew it in his heart, and waved to Victoria, who was sitting in the driver's seat of Silver Shadow, who looked like a queen. The latter pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

Victoria Winslow, "Red Flame Battlefield", in the movie, is a retired old lady who likes flower arranging and carries a machine gun on her body at all times.

It may be the intuition of the masters. Li Jie, who was also sitting in the driver's seat, slowly stepped on the accelerator and drove the second-hand Ford to a position parallel to the Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, blocking Victoria Winslow from looking at Ding Yunfeng and the two. He turned his head away, looking at the other person with a calm expression.

"In the past few days, I have caused a lot of trouble for many departments.

Les, you go back and tell them, good intentions, I will put them away, as for the request, I will forget it.

What I want, they refuse to give, but what they are willing to give, I don't lack!

That's it, I'm catching a plane!

If you have the opportunity to come to Hong Kong Island, you must come and see me, and then we will have a good time together. Ding Yunfeng patted Rice on the shoulder and said.

Rice nodded with a wry smile: "OK, I will report the truth.

Let's go, my task today is not only to come to see you, but also to take you to London Airport and watch you board the plane with my own eyes. "

"Wow, a London MP personally escorted me. My cards are really big enough this time."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's flamboyant expression, Les looked helpless, if it hadn't been for the female devil who reached out to the gas project last month and was caught.

He doesn't want to come to such a bad job!

Seeing Ding Yunfeng get into the car, Qingqing's right hand finally let go of the hilt of the deer sword: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, my own." Watching Les get into the back seat of Silver Shadow, Ding Yunfeng retracted his eyes and smiled, "Brother Jie, you can drive now, and you can tell Asheng and the others by the way, don't get too close, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

"Brother Feng, the female driver on the other side is unusual. Is it okay to do this?" Li Jie started the car and asked quickly.

"Since London sent Rice out to see me, if something happened to me now, MI6 would be most suspected.

Do as I tell you, and you'll be fine. "Ding Yunfeng popped the half-smoked cigarette out of the window, and explained to Qingqing: "My face must not be so big. I suspect that in the past two days, there may have been international competitions with London in the capital..."

Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow clears the way for a second-hand Ford, which is already a rare Western landscape, and if there is a second-hand Chevrolet and two Jeep pickups behind it, it will be even rarer!

As Ding Yunfeng said, on the way from the newspaper office to the London airport, at every few intersections, they could see one or two Scotland Yard police cars parked by the side of the road.

These London police officers, who used to drink coffee and chat about the weather during work, suddenly became more motivated at work today.

Arriving at the airport calmly, Ding Yunfeng and his party, under the 'escort' of Rice and Victoria, walked through the special passage and passed the boarding gate unimpeded.

"Ding, I've sent it here, and my mission is complete." Les shook Ding Yunfeng's palm vigorously, and said with emotion.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him thoughtfully: "At this time, your line shouldn't be: Welcome to London next time?"

"Oh no! You really want to come, why don't you talk about it when I'm off the field?" Les heard the words, his expression was almost tense.

Ding Yunfeng stopped teasing him, and turned to Victoria: "Ma'am, please tell your officer!
Next time arrange someone to send me off, don't bother my friends anymore, and don't play hard-to-get tricks.

Especially the recording pen trick, I, Ding Yunfeng, got tired of it!
What's more, even if it is recorded by you that I asked London for something before I left, in fact, there is nothing you can do to me.

Because, the relationship between me and the capital is far closer than you imagined. "

"Mr. Ding's meaning, I will definitely convey it in place." Victoria's eyes were slightly fixed, and she replied neither humble nor overbearing.

After warning MI6, Ding Yunfeng took Qingqing and walked quickly onto the plane, Gan Lianghong and Li Jie followed, Tian Yangsheng chewed gum, and walked quickly to meet up.

Toll Road, Kaiser and others did not show up. Their mission this time is to protect Ding Yunfeng's safety.

Now that Brother Feng is escorted by the London special department and boarded the plane safely, there is no need for them, a group of mercenaries, to come out to attract the attention of MI6.

Even if, the other party may have noticed them long ago.

But between each other, it is still necessary to pretend to be stupid tacitly.

The Boeing passenger plane took off slowly along the runway. Inside the airport, Lilith wiped her tears and waved her hands to the fading black dots in the sky. Worf stood behind her daughter with his arms crossed and a displeased expression on his face, smoking a pipe .

"Duke Howard, hello, I heard from the people below that you are here." Earl Carter walked in with the butler, looking at the plane turning into black dots in the sky, he smiled and said: "I originally arranged a lot of programs, but unfortunately Unexpectedly, MI6 actually sent someone to send Ding away."

"Uncle Carter, you are not allowed to hurt Ding." Lilith looked over in shock and anger.

Wolf pulled his daughter behind him, looked at Carter and asked coldly, "Who asked you to do it? Anthony's fat Italian pig?"

"You two, don't be nervous!

Our Carter family has no idea of ​​being an enemy of the Howard family.

What's more, the program I'm talking about is really a literal program!
After all, Ding and I will have many collaborations in the future!

Anyway, he was leaving London today, so on the way, wouldn't it be reasonable to escape a few car accidents and kill a few crappy killers?
I arranged for him to make a name for himself in the western world, and at the same time, I reaped some favors from others.

According to what they Huaguo said, this is a win-win situation. "Earl Carter shrugged and said indifferently.

"Car accident? Killer?" Worf took a step forward, and every time he said a sentence, his aura rose a bit. The Grand Duke, who gave the impression of a reckless man, walked up to Earl Carter in just three steps, always posing wisely. The smile on the latter's face completely froze while holding the beads.

Relying on being taller than the opponent by a head, Worf looked down at Carter, his eyes full of menace and asked: "Have you considered how this matter will end if the person sent out loses his hand?" ?”

"Your Excellency, please calm down."

"Today, you almost made my daughter a widow. I'm sorry, I can't calm down!!!"


Two days later, when Ding Yunfeng returned to Hong Kong Island and had adjusted to the jet lag, he suddenly received a call from Lilith when he was going downstairs to have breakfast.

'The day he left London, Uncle Carter was scolded at the airport.

Judging from the injuries on the earl's face, he won't be able to go out to socialize for at least a month.

Ding Yunfeng and Lilith talked on international long-distance calls for half an hour, hung up the handset, and sighed to Zhan Mi and Wang Jianjun who were full of dog food: "These foreigners are so rude, they don't even hit people in the face. I don't understand the principles."

"Brother Feng, you have a very obvious smile. According to what I know about you, this smile should be a sign of gloating." Zhan Mi said lightly, with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ding Yunfeng wiped the corners of his mouth, put away his smile and pointed in front of Zhan Mi: "You stick, you are on the street, you have no eyesight at all, my bowl of soy milk is cold, and you don't give me a bowl of hot one."

After joking with each other a few words, Jimmy took out his notebook and continued the necessary work report every morning.

First of all, Zhao Guomin was embarrassed!
The Fuguang gang he hired fell into the hands of Xu Zhengyang and Wang Jianjun.

Afterwards, he made another bad move, trying to excuse his illness to delay the court hearing, and continued to seek people to assassinate Yang Qian'er.

Unfortunately, relying on his familiarity with the plot, Ding Yunfeng arranged for Huang Dawen to greet the judge of the case before flying to London.

The judge rejected Zhao Guomin's appeal, and Yang Qianer appeared in court on time and successfully testified against Zhao Guomin!

Zhao Guomin was convicted of homicide. If calculated based on time, he should be sitting in a minibus and going to Stanley Prison to report.

"Have you ever greeted Brother Xiong?"

"We were supposed to say hello, but Yang Qian'er's fiancé, Song Shichang, took the first step.

This big boss, on the day the court was closed, he sent someone to deliver more than a dozen boxes of souvenirs to Stanley.

I heard that, up to Brother Xiong, A Qiu, and the Four Heavenly Kings;
Down to Shabiao, Han Kun and other prison tyrants, everyone benefits!
Song Shichang had only one purpose. He asked Stanley to ensure that Zhao Guomin was alive and would not die easily, lest the outside world think that the Song and Yang families deliberately retaliated. "When Jimmy said this, his expression was very strange.

Ding Yunfeng rubbed his forehead: "Lucky, they didn't go to greet Zhu Turkey.

Otherwise, Zhao Guomin has not received his uniform yet, and he can go to the anorectal department to register. "


Brother Feng, after the case was over, Ms. Yang invited Madam Zhu to do a full set of SPA for three days.

In my opinion, Zhao Guomin not only wants to enroll in the anorectal department, but he can even enroll in the gastroenterology department. "Zhan Mi's eyes were full of pity. He was not there, but he could imagine how brutal the scene of Zhao Guomin's prison inspection was.

From anorectal to gastroenterology?

Then it must be stabbed in the stomach?

Ding Yunfeng disliked throwing away the fried dough sticks, shook his head and left the dining table: "Why don't you offend anyone and don't offend the rich..."

Wang Jianjun couldn't understand the conversation between the two.

Why is it that Hong Kong Island is in prison, and prisoners have to go to the hospital to register to see a doctor? Could it be that Hong Kong Island under the management of the British is really so humane?

bibu bibu...

Just as the white car drove away from Stanley Prison.

In his hometown, Hunan Province, in the Xinsheng labor camp, a sharp and piercing alarm suddenly sounded.

"Let's go! Brother Leopard."

"Come on, come on, Big Bear Mad, where do we go?"

"Above, above, there is a high-altitude passage above!" Chen Jiaju, whose pseudonym was Fusheng, pointed at the top of the coal mine and shouted at Bao Qiang.

Leopard Qiang looked up, his pupils shrank sharply: "Above?"

"Oh, you believe me right, hurry up, they're coming after you." Fusheng pointed to a coal truck in front of him, and ran to the switch: "Go in, I'll pull the switch."

Hearing the yelling and grabbing of the comrades behind him, Leopard bravely jumped into the coal truck, Fusheng pulled the switch, and the iron car started slowly, rising towards the top of the mountain.


That night.

Ding Yunfeng received a call from Yang Jianhua. After a lot of hard work, Chen Jiaju, who had been trained in the special police team in his hometown, successfully "helped" Baoqiang escape from prison in the identity of Fusheng this afternoon, and initially gained the other party's trust.

"Well, Bao Qiang, since he can become the champion of Guanchaiba, he is not an ordinary thug. You have to beware of him going to investigate Fusheng's hometown." Ding Yunfeng held the phone and reminded.

Yang Jianhua immediately replied that in Foshan, the organization also has arrangements.

When necessary, she may also join the game to help Chen Jiaju complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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