Chapter 76 Come and Help Me
Han Chen silently directed Gongfu Tea, the conversation between Chen Xijiu and Ding Yunfeng, and now he is neither qualified to intervene nor dare to open his mouth.

Good thing...

A leader of the Chaozhou gang died tonight, and many people must have had trouble sleeping. The four major families paid the fees and left with their subordinates.

After Ni Kun went downstairs, he intended to make friends with Ding Yunfeng, but found that Ding Yunfeng's attitude towards him was not salty, so he exchanged greetings with Chen Xijiu, and then took Han Chen away.

"I didn't even notice this guy climbed up Luoge, it's not easy..." Chen Xijiu looked at Ding Yunfeng and smiled.

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly when he heard the words, the Ni family is full of talents.

Ni Kun won the fan sign issued by Lei Luo from the Chaozhou helper.

In the future, Ni Kun's horse boy, Han Chen, will kick off the prelude to "Infernal Affairs".

The Ni family has two sons, one black and one white, if Ni Yongxiao didn't pay too much attention to family affection, this person would be a Jiang Tianyang-style figure;

Chen Yongren has been undercover for many years, and in the endless purgatory, he can still maintain his heart, which is even more rare...

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xijiu chatted about the Ni family, and after a while, Lei Luo came downstairs holding the bridge of his nose.

"Did you see that, if you are not careful, the people below will rebel!

Mother fluttering, if it weren't for the protection of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, I would have sent Chaozhou porridge to sell salted duck eggs last year! "Lei Luo held Ding Yunfeng's shoulders, and there was resentment in his words.

Ding Yunfeng nodded slowly. The Chaoshan Gang led by Chaozhou Porridge is just the Chaoshan Gang in a narrow sense.

In a broad sense, any Chaoshan people who earn a living on Hong Kong Island and are supported by the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, no matter what industry you are in, you are a member of the Chaoshan Gang.

A "glue yourself"!
No matter what era it is, it is a secret signal for Chaoshan people to hold a group with the outside world.

Lei Luo is from Hailufeng. He was able to change from military uniform to plain clothes because he was favored by Inspector Chen Tong from Chaozhou.

Then from plainclothes to inspector, Lei Luo not only got the financial support from his father-in-law Baifanyu, but more importantly, he got the official help from the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce!
Officials and businessmen colluded to support gangs.

In this era, not only the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce is doing this, but also the Bamin Chamber of Commerce, and Shanghai tycoons are doing the same.

In a small Hong Kong Island, due to special reasons, there are countless ghosts and monsters.

It is a general trend for Chinese to hold groups and fight ghosts;
Baotuan from their hometown fought with local business gangs in Hong Kong Island. This was the influx of too much capital, which caused many local businessmen to lose market share or even go bankrupt;

Also coming from their hometown, the pragmatic Chaozhou merchants and the extravagant Shanghai tycoons dislike each other, and before the two groups can decide the winner, Chaozhou merchants and Fujian merchants will have friction again...

A year ago, when Zhu Tao surrendered, Lei Luo had the evidence that Chaozhou porridge had turned to Yan Tong.

Why did Lei Luo have to wait a year before he could do anything? It was because he had to deal with the bosses in the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce.

It's easy to kill a Teochew porridge, but Inspector Lei, you can't affect the strength of the Chaoshan Gang.

Otherwise, the pier of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce is unguarded, and Fujian Bank took the opportunity to take it, what should I do?

"Today, I finally killed this bastard! Ah Feng, come and have a drink with Brother Luo." Lei Luo walked to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of good wine.

Looking at Lei Luo who was walking flabbergasted, Ding Yunfeng stepped forward to snatch Lei Luo's wine bottle under Bai Yuechang's satisfied eyes: "Brother Luo, you have been drinking all night, haven't you had enough?
Ask brother Jiu to come over and make tea, his tea making skills are as good as playing football and brushing abalone! "

"Mother-in-law! Ding Yunfeng is the only one in Hong Kong who dares to steal my Lei Luo's wine..." Lei Luo cursed at Ding Yunfeng with a smile.

Bai Yuechang coughed lightly in dissatisfaction, Lei Luo hurriedly folded his hands together, and pretended to be begging for mercy towards his beloved wife.

Ms. Bai was satisfied and said 'don't be too late', then smiled at Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xijiu, yawned and went upstairs first.

"Hush, do you see it, tigress?" Chen Xijiu raised her brows and smiled at Ding Yunfeng in a low voice.

Lei Luo glared at him, took out a cigar and threw it at him: "Make tea! Hurry up, grind, wait for your cup of tea, it's almost dawn."

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing, Lei Luo lit a cigar, took a puff, exhaled the smoke and sighed: "Ah Feng, you saw it today, even a jerk like Chaozhou porridge will turn against me. I really don't know, when I sleep, I will No one will have their heads cut off."

"Brother Luo, stop joking. You are Chief Inspector Hua. You have [-] plainclothes men with guns. Who has the guts?" Handle.

Lei Luo sneered, and shook his head mockingly: "The four major families who just walked out of this gate, do you know that they all planted needles beside me?"


Chen Xijiu failed to wash the cup again. While picking up the broken porcelain, he expressed his loyalty with a straight face: "Brother Luo, I, Chen Xijiu, am not a needle, you have to trust me."

Needle - Another name for a spy.

"Make your tea! With your concentration, the blind man uses you to make needles, hit the street!" Lei Luo was laughed at by Chen Xijiu, and the expression that had been brewing for a long time suddenly broke.

Ding Yunfeng was smoking a cigarette expressionlessly, he did not answer Lei Luo's words.

The four major families have all planted needles beside Brother Luo, that is to say, Brother Hao also has a share.

These two are righteous brothers who are very good to him, and there are some things that need to be seen through, otherwise once they are forced to express their views, they will be in a dilemma.

"Little fox!" Lei Luo glanced at Ding Yunfeng, and said lightly, "Come and help me, what's so interesting about that wretched place in Stanley?

So what if you become a correctional officer?

It is said that you are an inspector, but you are out of prison. If people don't look at me and Ah Hao, who will treat you, Sir Ding, as an onion? "

"Ah Feng, Brother Luo is right! Ma Jun will be promoted to inspector next month. If you come to the police force, you will at least be equal to me at this time..." Chen Xijiu has always been optimistic Ding Yunfeng quickly took the opportunity to persuade him.

At this time, in the police force, there are high and low detectives.

Inspector Chen Xijiu is in charge of the Shau Kei Wan Police Station.

Ma Jun was promoted to inspector, but he was still under Chen Xijiu's jurisdiction.

However, after Ma Jun next month, he will be able to lead plainclothes work and form his own team.

Holding a cigar, Lei Luo lit Ding Yunfeng: "You use my method of charging fees in Stanley, which greatly increases the prison's 'income' and reduces the frequency of prisoners' riots at the same time.

The ghosts of the Correctional Services Department are full of praise for you!

Livehead boy (smart person), who knows how to use his brain, I really like you!
At this time, let me speak, you can definitely transfer you to the police force if you let Will use his strength!
Ah Feng, come and help me, when our two brothers settle Yan Tong, the Wanchai district under his jurisdiction will be yours! "

Chen Xijiu's blood boiled when he heard it, and he kept winking at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and raised his teacup, making Brother Jiu's painstaking efforts completely in vain: "Brother Luo, do you remember that when you sent me to Stanley, we saw sailors from our ancestors bullying our compatriots on the way, what you said in the car That sentence?"

Inspector Zong Hua, what the hell is it for?How much like a dog?

Lei Luo hesitated when he heard the words, and then he held back his anger and shouted: "Ah Feng! You think I, Lei Luo, would be willing to be a dog for the ghost?
This is the general trend, not me, you can change it!
You haven't seen before, those bigwigs from the major chambers of commerce, just stomping their feet can be related to the jobs of tens of thousands of people. When they meet ghosts, they are also submissive. "

(End of this chapter)

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