Chapter 77: Loose Attitude
"You and I alone can't change the general situation!
But my hometown is fine, brother Luo, since you are willing to trust me, Ding Yunfeng, why can't you give me some confidence in my hometown? "Since Lei Luo has mentioned this, Ding Yunfeng also went all out.

Lei Luo couldn't help laughing: "My hometown? The place where you can't even eat enough?

Ah Feng, wake up, if there is hope for your hometown, why did you smuggle over to Hong Kong Island by boat? "

"Police, I'll be there sooner or later.

but!Definitely not now!
Brother Luo, you told me the other day that people who are not of my race must have a different heart!
You rely on the support of ghosts to build this money empire, so be careful that one day you will be killed by them. "Ding Yunfeng knew that he couldn't convince Lei Luo, so he could only remind him.

Lei Luo waved his hands irritably: "Get out, you just need to take care of yourself, and you're worried about me! Mother-in-law, you bastard, you are more unreliable than Ah Hao..."

Ding Yunfeng knew that Lei Luo was angry, so he got up with a wry smile, put on his suit jacket and walked towards the gate.

Chen Xijiu took the opportunity to get away, and the two of them were about to step out of Lei's house when Lei Luo held up a wine glass in one hand and a cigar in the other and shouted loudly: "Hey! Does your confidence come from the things you asked me to find last time? "

thing! !
Chen Xijiu was full of question marks, but he saw that the corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth was slightly curved, and he turned around and waved his hand at Lei Luo: "A small amount makes a lot, and sand makes a tower! Brother Luo, do you dare to bet on the big one with me?"

"Mother-in-law! Get out! Get out!" Lei Luo waved his hand impatiently, Ding Yunfeng laughed when he saw this, pulled Chen Xijiu, who was completely bewildered, and left Lei's house briskly.

Watching Ding Yunfeng leave, Lei Luo frowned and walked up the stairs, muttering in a low voice: "It doesn't make sense, my hometown overwhelms my ancestors, I can't think of a chance even if I was killed..."


"Just in case, this brat Ah Feng really wins the bet..."

"Don't talk about glory and wealth, I, Lei Luo, am I qualified to engrave a monument?"

"Hiss, how about taking a gamble?"


In Chen Xijiu's car.

Ding Yunfeng was full of smiles. He didn't expect to persuade Lei Luo to fall back to his hometown just once, but tonight, the latter's attitude was obviously relaxed.

The [-] million detective Lei Hu first went to the Lion City, then settled on Frog Island, and finally died in Canada.

If it was before time travel, Ding Yunfeng probably saw this line of words, and probably just felt a little bit emotional.

But when Ding Yunfeng came to this Hong Kong comprehensive world, from the two years he had been in contact with Luoge, he saw a sailor from his ancestors bullying his compatriots, and he could laugh at himself-"Inspector Zonghua, what's the use of it?" ? How much like a dog?"

Ding Yunfeng felt...

Luo Ge can definitely stay in the "united front" method. In the future, it is said that Lei Luo has [-] million yuan. In fact, Ding Yunfeng thinks that he should be more than [-] million yuan.

Instead of letting him take it to Frog Island and make it cheaper for Minister Hou and his group to rush to the street, it's better to invest in foreign exchange to his hometown.

While driving, Chen Xijiu was horrified by Ding Yunfeng's laughter. He finally couldn't help asking: "Hey, what are you and Brother Luo talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Ding Yunfeng smiled when he heard the words, and wanted to find an excuse to prevaricate, but suddenly saw the long-lost task window appearing on Chen Xijiu.


Related tasks: Help Chen Xijiu escape the liquidation of the ICAC in the future

Task reward: all black gold under Chen Xijiu's name


Brother Jiu is really a good person!

This leads to the third mission.

Ding Yunfeng accepted the task silently, looked at Chen Xijiu and said, "Don't worry, there is a good thing, brother Luo and I will not abandon you."

"Okay! That's what you said. Once there is a chance to make a fortune, you can't abandon me!" Chen Xijiu was overjoyed, and the convertible sports car drove fast.

Ding Yunfeng kept nodding at Chen Xijiu with a serious face, but in fact he secretly decided in his heart that when he earned the mission reward, he would send all the small money Jiu Ge earned from farming abalones to the other side.

next day...

Ding Yunfeng was sent out of the house with Shi Shi's sweet kiss. Brother Feng was in a good mood last night and worked hard, Shi Shi was very satisfied.

Driving to Stanley, Ding Yunfeng walked briskly to the office amidst the greetings of the guys.

Unexpectedly, Brother Feng hadn't washed the goji berries yet, and Zhang Xueyou, who was in charge of the prison hospital, knocked on the door and came in, expressing that Robinson was in a hurry to see him.

"This old man..." Ding Yunfeng came to the prison hospital with a thermos.

As soon as he entered the door, Ding Yunfeng saw Robinson lying on the first hospital bed with his right leg in plaster and his head wrapped like a mummy.

"Ding Sir, I..." Robinson was about to speak when he saw Ding Yunfeng, his face was full of joy, but when he saw Zhang Xunyou walking behind Ding Yunfeng, he closed his mouth vigilantly.

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand: "A friend, you all go out for a while."

"Okay Brother Feng!" Without further ado, acupoint friend Zhang led a few nurses under him, scolding and chasing them away, and quickly drove the other patients out.

Seeing Zhang acupoint friend closing the door outside, Robinson breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at Ding Yunfeng seriously: "Ding Sir, I want to ask you to do something for me."

"Oh." Ding Yunfeng bowed his head and drank water tactically. Not to mention the benefits, he just wanted to ask himself to do things with empty teeth. This old man had a good idea.

Lu Binsun touched the wound, gritted his teeth and said: "3000 million! After the matter is completed, I am willing to reward Ding Sir with 3000 million!"

"3000 million? A full 3000 million bearer bonds, you just give me [-] million?

Robinson, if you think so, there is nothing else to say between us. "Ding Yunfeng smiled coldly, got up and wanted to leave.

Robinson looked at Ding Yunfeng in shock, although he didn't know how Ding Yunfeng knew that he had hidden [-] million bearer bonds;

But he knew that if Liu Yaozu didn't seize the opportunity today and gradually lost his patience, he might really send someone to take his own life.

"Wait, wait! Ding Sir, the 3000 million unregistered bonds actually belonged to eleven members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and I only took [-] million. This money..."

After Robinson's explanation, Ding Yunfeng finally understood why a business tycoon with [-] million unregistered bonds was forced to such a point by his son-in-law.

It turned out that as Chinese businessmen gradually emerged in all walks of life, they finally aroused the vigilance of the British consortium.

The Hong Kong government is going to auction a piece of land, and the starting price is [-] million yuan. Gan Shupei, who is engaged in aviation, and Wang Yifei, who is engaged in real estate, are planning to jointly bid for the construction of the airport.

Knowing that the Hong Kong government would definitely arrange for a British consortium to intercept the land, the two Chinese businessmen asked the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for help.

Many Chinese tycoons have donated their pockets to pool a sum of money.

In order not to attract the attention of the Hong Kong government, the money did not go through British banks. Instead, it was gathered through various gray channels into the hands of Robinson, who had the best reputation among Chinese businessmen and was low-key.

Reluctantly, this matter was discovered by Robinson's son-in-law Liu Yaozu.

In order to get rich, Liu Yaozu betrayed his father-in-law to the Charlie family.

Robinson was soon framed by Liu Yaozu and sentenced to jail for killing his daughter. He could not hand over the huge sum of [-] million to the Gan family and Wang family on time, causing the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to lose this game with the British consortium. .

Robinson, who has lost the trust of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, is really inferior to a phoenix. Naturally, he cannot handle Liu Yaozu, who has the support of the Charlie family.

Even, during his imprisonment, the people who deliberately approached him, except those sent by Liu Yaozu, were all involved in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

(End of this chapter)

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