Chapter 78
After sorting out the details of the 3000 million bearer bonds, Ding Yunfeng could only agree to Robinson, and when the matter was completed, he would only take the [-] million yuan that belonged to Robinson.

This money was raised by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to deal with the British-funded consortium. Although Ding Yunfeng loves money, there is no need to hold on to it. Living in the Hong Kong integrated world, there are many opportunities for development.

"Ding Sir, if you want to deal with my son-in-law, you must find a way to find a Chinese business tycoon to help you support the Charlie family." When we parted, Robinson reminded Ding Yunfeng seriously.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful.

In a few days, wait for your injury to get better.

Let me first suggest going to the mouse barn to hide for a while, so as not to be plotted by Da Mi’s people all day long. "Ding Yunfeng took a pack of cigarettes, put on his hat and walked out of the ward.

Lu Binsun happily put away the cigarettes, and the people in the United Association have been bought by Liu Yaozu.

During this period of time, even though Ding Yunfeng spoke in the third cell, Da Mi, who had completely offended Ding Yunfeng and had the support of the benefactor, still led people to take care of him secretly.

The rat barn in Stanley was originally a single cell where the troublemakers were kept in confinement.

Now that Ding Yunfeng took the initiative to arrange it, Robinson thought that the conditions for living in it might be better than living in Dacang...

Ding Yunfeng was promoted to the director of correctional services. According to the discussion between him and Zhong Chuxiong at the time, the third prison area will be his Ding Sir's territory from now on.

He sent someone to call Guo Aicheng, and Ding Yunfeng gave him some instructions.

Guo Aicheng's eyes flickered and he kept nodding, and he quickly went down to make arrangements.

About an hour later, Da Mi and others who were repairing the lawn of the prison were suddenly put on a sack from behind...


After a burst of screaming, the dozen or so severe prisoners who were beaten up by Da Mi and his gang dispersed in an instant...

"Who? Who dares to sneak up on my big boy??" The big girl with a bruised nose and a swollen face looked at everyone fiercely as she struggled to open the sack.

Guo Aicheng held a baton, and Diao Erlang came over: "What's the matter? Make a lot of noise, hurry up and work, if you can't do well today, no one can rest!"

"Guo Sir, I want to report!" Big Mi got angry when he saw Guo Aicheng, he bit his cheek and raised his hand and shouted.

"Okay! Brother Feng is promoted today, as the saying goes, the new official takes office three fires!

He is an old man, and he will definitely give you justice.Come on, do you want to complain, or do you have other demands? "Guo Aicheng smiled skinny.

Han Kun, who led his men and leveled the ground with a shovel, snorted, "Hey, Big Brother, don't make trouble!

Sir Ding got promoted today, if you make him unhappy because of your rushing to the street, and cause this fire to burn on our heads, everyone will not agree! "

"That's right, what Han Kun said makes sense!" Fat Sheji walked over with a serious face.

Shabiao and Dasha also looked at this side with bad eyes, Dami was trembling with anger when he saw this, he pointed at everyone and cursed: "You bastards, don't let me find out who did it... "

"Do it? Hey, Big Mi. You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!

You're obviously the one who's weak, you pulled out a few weeds and got injured all over your body, now you still want to accuse us? "Shabiao pointed at Da Mi's nose and cursed.

Seeing the violent ups and downs of Sha Biao's chest, Da Mi felt confident, just when he was about to ask someone to do it.

Dozens of heavily armed prison guards rushed to the scene at a neat pace, and the wall parted. Ding Yunfeng strode over: "What's going on? I heard that someone is making trouble."

"Report! It's this prisoner named Da Mi who is making trouble." Guo Aicheng opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Da Mi was taken aback when he heard the words, and he was about to argue when Dasha, Shabiao, Fat Sheji, and even Han Kun from the Daquan Gang all pointed at him and shouted: "Reporting Director, it's this Pujie who is here!" Accidents happen for no reason."

Seeing this scene, Big Mi was dumbfounded.

He always thought that his style of doing things was dirty enough.

But seeing Ding Yunfeng today, Da Mi finally knows what it means to have someone in the world, and there is a sky beyond the sky...

"Hmph! In Stanley's No. [-] Prison, every time there is trouble, you are the union!" Ding Yunfeng stood in front of Da Mi, looked at him coldly and said.

At this time, Big Mi already understood——today Ding Yunfeng made up his mind to use himself for the surgery.

Thinking that it won't be a good one anyway, Da Mi lowered her voice and said slowly: "Ding Sir, keep a line in your life, so we can meet each other in the future.

My eldest is just doing things under orders. If you really want to save Robinson, go directly to the people behind me.

This way of building up my raw pork (set up to frame it) will not only dirty your hands, Brother Feng, but also lose your status as an old man? "

Ding Yunfeng laughed when he heard the words, and also lowered his voice to answer him: "Now you know how to subdue?

Pujie, you still dare to run on me with words?Knowing that I, Ding Yunfeng, wanted to protect Robinson, you still dare to lead someone to do things in secret?
You don't have to wait, Smith just promoted me, he will never jump out at this time to stop me from doing things.

Otherwise, he, the warden, would definitely not be able to sit securely, because nearly a thousand prison guards in Stanley would never obey him. "

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng revealed his hidden cards with a few words, Da Mi panicked.

During this period of time, he had the courage to act against Ding Yunfeng, but Liu Yaozu, the financial backer behind him, sent someone to spread the word.

Smith, who is about to be promoted to the warden of Stanley, has already accepted the money, as long as the United Association does not have a direct conflict with Ding Yunfeng.

No matter what Big Mi does, Boss Liu can ask Smith to come forward to settle it.

Seeing that Big Mi panicked, Ding Yunfeng continued to make up the knife: "Also, let me tell you, I, Ding Yunfeng, want to manage you scumbags, and my methods are naturally dirtier than yours."

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, and dozens of guys with explosion-proof shields and batons came up, and the two escorted Da Mi and his group away one by one.

"Brother Feng, congratulations on your promotion."

"Brother Feng, congratulations, congratulations."

Dasha, Shabiao and others watched as Dami and his group were taken down by the prison guards, and surrounded them with smiles.

Ding Yunfeng took out a few packs of cigarettes and distributed them to them: "Bosses, thank you for what happened today."

"Brother Feng was joking, Da Mi is a bastard, we have long disliked him." Da Sha took out a cigarette and drank it, and threw the rest to his subordinates, and Sha Biao did the same.

Ding Yunfeng handed them a lighter: "I'll ask your little brother to get some wounds on his body as evidence later, and I'm going to lock up Big Mi in the criminal investigation bed for ten days."

What the hell! ! !

Lock up the criminal investigation bed for ten days?

Sha Biao, who had just lit a cigarette, was so frightened that he coughed continuously when he heard this.

Criminal investigation bed!

The most horrible punishment in Stanley.

A small iron bed, with a person's limbs chained up with iron chains, unable to turn over is already painful enough, and the worst thing is that eating, drinking and messing are all on it.

The mental torture of this kind of punishment is much more terrible than the physical punishment.

"Brother Feng did the right thing. To deal with a scum like Da Mi, we have to deal with him like this." Sha Biao dared not answer, but Da Sha didn't have any scruples.

Since the last time he expressed his allegiance in Ding Yunfeng's office, Ding Yunfeng has been taking care of Dasha, from the old fritters among the prison guards to the newcomer who has just been imprisoned. Who knows, Dasha is the Stanley Overlord?
(End of this chapter)

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