Chapter 770
From Huang Dawen's mouth, I heard that Uncle Biao wanted to get more land collection fees.

Not only did he push the escort out to take the lead, but he also led a group of housing estate residents to stand up for a long time with the clerks sent by Brilliant Real Estate to Shixiawei. Ding Yunfeng was speechless for a moment.

For the members of the Lei family, if they were not lucky with money, they bought lottery tickets one after another and won big prizes. However, each time they were successful within a year or so, they would become poor because of various accidents.

"Forget it, if you don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, the escort is still brother Luo's cousin.

Huang Dazhuang, you call Chen Yaoqing and ask him to bring a contract of property recovery at double the market price to Aunt Escort.

Just say, this is what I, Ding Yunfeng, said. Ding Yunfeng unscrewed a bottle of distilled water and took a sip, then continued to order: "Afterwards, you will go there in person, take 1500 million Hong Kong dollars, and say... This is what Luo Ge entrusted from Singapore to give to the escort for the elderly." of. "

Huang Dawen frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Brother Feng, based on what I know about that family, once Mrs. Lei hears that this is what you mean, she will definitely sign the contract for selling the house...

I don't feel sorry for the 1500 million yuan for you, I just think that if you spend this money, you may still be scolded by the Lei family!
Or, just give it to them in your name?

After all, Brother Luo is far away in Singapore, and I believe he will not care about this false name if he knows it. "

"Hehe, in my name?" Ding Yunfeng shook his head and chuckled, and looked at Huang Dawen meaningfully: "This time the Lei family's house sale turmoil, you guys have teamed up to hide it from me, so don't worry. If I find out, Once I decide to intervene, will I have a relationship with the three daughters of the Lei family?"

"Hehehe, Brother Feng, please don't blame us for being troublesome.

Now that Miss Xiaoxia is pregnant and Sister Shi Shi has been absent, after all, the Ding family will not have a prince for a day, and those of us who follow you will definitely not feel at ease.

It's not that everyone objects to your taking in more women, but the Lei family, except Mrs. Lei who is more reliable, the rest of them are all incompatible, but they have a relationship like Luo Ge.Once it gets on, it will be a lot of trouble..." Huang Dawen explained while wiping off his sweat.

He didn't expect that, just to test Ding Yunfeng's attitude towards the Lei family, Brother Feng would actually show his cards. He already knew what their subordinates were worried about.

Picking up the tissue on the table, Ding Yunfeng threw it to Huang Dawen: "Come on, come on, I don't blame you for meddling in your own business, I just want to point out to you that it's not that I, Ding Yunfeng, can't walk when I see a woman.

In the case of the Lei family, let me tell you a word, it can withstand the loss of the employees below. "

Huang Dawen nodded, grabbed his big brother, and quickly dialed Chen Yaoqing's number.

Hearing that Brother Feng knew the details, Chen Yaoqing was also taken aback. Fortunately, Huang Dawen was eloquent and explained what happened.

Knowing that Ding Yunfeng did not blame himself and the others, Chen Yaoqing apologized to Brother Feng by phone, and at the same time brought the newly drafted contract, and rushed to Mingxin Hospital by speed.

And the other side.

Zhan Mi, who came out of Repulse Bay in advance, successfully asked Yuan Haoyun out.

"What? Are the members of Lei's family in Mingxin Hospital?" Yuan Haoyun looked at Zhan Mi in shock.

Zhan Mi bit his cigarette, and said helplessly, "It was because the incident happened suddenly that I called you to ask, when is Li Ying planning to do it?"

"Tomorrow, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon." Yuan Haoyun smoked a cigarette and patted the iron railing on the seawall.

"I..." Zhan Mi rubbed his eyebrows: "Is there an appointment with Jiang Lang?"

"Don't think about postponing or rescheduling. Some time ago, Uncle Hai's head horse, Ahua, wanted to take Jiang Lang to ship the goods, and their buyers were a few big circle gangs in Yunlai Teahouse that time.

Didn't Xiao Gao cut off the business in the middle?
He introduced this to Johnny Wang instead. You know about the big shootout at the Yunlai Teahouse.

The newspapers and news have been copied for more than two weeks, and Cheng Tianhai and the others have been biting Johnny Wang all the time, which made Uncle Hai, an old guy, actually want to quit.

Recently, he has been in charge of Fu Jianglang. If we don't act, Ah Lang will become the boss! "Yuan Haoyun said a lot, and he laughed instead.

After being undercover for less than a month, Jiang Lang is about to take over and become one of the best arms dealers on Hong Kong Island. I really don't know whether to laugh at Uncle Hai's lack of talent, or to envy Jiang Lang's luck.

"Then let Jiang Lang continue to be an undercover agent in Uncle Hai Group, you and Li Ying, suspend the action against Johnnie Wang, isn't that all right?

Those two things don't conflict. "Zhan Mi smiled a few words, and looked at Yuan Haoyun in doubt.

Yuan Haoyun spread his hands: "Uncle Hai wanted to help him to the top, but he was afraid that his old courtiers would not be convinced, so he gave him a task in public - cut off Johnny Wang's stuff once.

After discussing with Li Ying, Jiang Lang and Li Ying decided to choose Mingxin Hospital to do it, killing two birds with one stone and bringing these two gangs to justice. "

"Damn! What a mess, it's all put together..." Zhan Mi complained in a low voice, and took out his mobile phone to call Tian Yangsheng!

Since the Mong Kok Police Station has no choice but to start, it can only start from the Lei's side, for example, ask the Seven Sons of Heaven to dispatch - to convince people with reasoning.

Fortunately, at the moment when Zhan Mi was about to shake people, Huang Dawen took the first step and called in.

"Hey, Huang Dazhuang..." After pressing the call button, Zhan Mi listened to a few words, and the expression on his face became a little embarrassed: "Brother Feng, does he know?

That line, 1500 million is 1500 million, I will go to the bank to withdraw money now, see you later. "

When they heard Ding Yunfeng mentioned on the phone, Yuan Haoyun asked curiously.

Knowing what happened, this guy laughed at Zhanmi and the others on the spot.

In the Ding Department, it is a rare thing to be fortunate enough to see a few brain-eating people deflated. It is worth Yuan Sir to brag about with everyone for a few months.

Mingxin Hospital, intensive care unit.

Uncle Dart, who had been sprayed with two anti-swelling sprays, was in fact much better. However, he insisted on asking the nurse to wrap himself from head to toe with bandages.

"Hey, husband, do you want to be so exaggerated?" Auntie escorted the nurse away, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, and pushed her husband hard: "Look at you, you are like a mummy."

Uncle Biao rolled his eyes: "Women are Taoist, with long hair and short knowledge.

I made such a big sacrifice today, isn't it just to help our family get more money for the sale of the property?
Hey, don't talk too much, I'm so hot now, go and turn down the air conditioner a few degrees. "

"Come on, brother, the remote control is on your side, hurry up and press it for me." Aunt Dart didn't bother to refute, and went to the side to peel an apple.

Lin Xiaohua grabbed the remote control: "Old Dou, is it okay at 20°C?"

"Why is it 20°C, press it to 16°C!

I used to be reluctant to turn on the air conditioner when I was at home, but this time when I come to the hospital, we don’t have to pay the electricity bill, so of course it’s worth it. Uncle Dart struggled to get up, and took a peek at the door of the ward: "Air volume - three grids." "

Lin Xiaohua rolled her eyes, adjusted the air conditioner, and called Zhaodi to go out to buy ice cream.

Ever since Aunt Escort went to the bank with Aunt Dongku to look at banknotes to pretend to be cowardly, and ran into a robbery by a big circle of gangsters. Accidents caused tens of millions of Hong Kong papers to be blasted into ashes by Tunku, and Uncle Escort became more and more troublesome. Bizarre.

"Room 38, 38 beds..." Chen Yaoqing took Ah Hong and his eldest brother, counted the number of the ward and knocked on the door.

Auntie Dart put down the half-peeled apple: "Gentlemen, you are..."

"You are Auntie Dart, right? My name is Chen Yaoqing, the owner of Brilliant Real Estate." Chen Yaoqing smiled and reached out to shake Auntie Dart.

Wanchai Tiger Chen Yaoqing?
Aunt Dart—wow, he is Chen Yaoqing, the tiger of Wanchai?Then he tried his best to put on a smile and greeted a few people to sit down.

Uncle Biao—wow, he is Chen Yaoqing, the tiger of Wanchai?Then she pulled the white quilt to cover her head, lay back on the hospital bed and pretended to be dead.

Holding back Aunt Dart who wanted to pour tea, Chen Yaoqing took a contract from Ahong: "Aunt Dart, don't bother, I'll leave after a few words.

Brother Feng asked us to draw up this contract.

He said that he knew what had happened.

Considering the tight schedule of this project, he wants to invite you to take the lead in signing the contract first, as for the price..."

"Ah? This time, Ah Feng knows all about it!" Aunt Dart heard half of it, her fat face flushed.

Drying her hands hurriedly on her body, the escort took over the contract: "Sheng Chen, don't talk too much, just give me a pen, and I'll sign it now."

"No signing!" Uncle Biao, who was pretending to be dead, lifted the quilt and sat up.

Auntie Dart looked up at him, with trembling lips, she tried to smile and said, "Husband, Ah Feng won't cheat on me. Today, just let me sign this name."

Facing his wife's begging eyes, Uncle Biao opened his mouth: "At least, at least we have to look at the price, right?"

"Mr. Lei, according to the location and age of the building, the current market price is 40.

However, Brother Feng has ordered him to buy it at double the price. Therefore, our Brilliant Real Estate estimated the price of your house to be 80 Hong Kong dollars. "The eldest brother took the lead and offered a price that made Uncle Biao regret it.

The last time Bao Qingguang went to the housing estate, he offered 42 Hong Kong dollars per household and each population. If it was sold at that time, even if the child in Lin Meiya’s stomach and the six members of Lei’s family were not counted, the house could still be sold. 252 million.

It's all right now, not only was I beaten for nothing, but the original housing price of 252 million has shrunk to 80, which is more than 2/3 less.

Heartbroken, Uncle Biao was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe, but his arms were entangled in bandages, and he couldn't even lift them up to stop Aunt Biao from signing, so he could only watch Aunt Biao sign her name on the house sale agreement.

Uncle Biao's surname is Lin, and he is the son-in-law. Of course, this house is not in his name, but belongs to Aunt Biao.

"Okay." The escort handed the signed contract to Ahong, and looked at Chen Yaoqing apologetically: "This time we are a family, and I have caused a lot of trouble for your company. I am really sorry."

"Auntie Dart, please don't say that, it was all a misunderstanding before." Chen Yaoqing stopped Auntie Dart, and while talking, took out a check from the inner pocket of his suit: "Our company's new package manager, he also has some things that he can't handle. proper place.

This time, Mr. Lei was injured and hospitalized. I personally feel very sorry.

The 20 here is my wish, Auntie, you must accept it. When Mr. Lei is discharged from the hospital, you can buy some pig brains to make soup for him. "

From Ding Yunfeng's point of view, even more than 100 million yuan can be taken seriously by Aunt Escort, let alone Chen Yaoqing's 20 yuan?
Originally, the dart aunt insisted not to accept it.

Reluctantly, when he saw the money, Uncle Biao kept coughing non-stop. In the end, in order to avoid embarrassment, Aunt Biao had no choice but to accept it against his will.

Chen Yaoqing, who finally put away the old house of Lei's house, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Huang Dawen and Zhan Mi, carrying a suitcase, knocked on the door and came in.

For Ding Yunfeng, who represented Ding Yunfeng back then, Zhan Mi, who often came to visit, was no stranger to Uncle and Aunt Dart.

Speaking of which, Ding Yunfeng lost contact with his family, which was witnessed by Zhan Mi.

"Auntie Darling, this is Lawyer Huang Dawen, entrusted by Brother Luo, to transfer the 1500 million Hong Kong dollars to you for retirement.

You order a little, if there is no problem, just sign this receipt so that he can return to Singapore to report to Luoge. "Zhan Mi didn't even look at Uncle Biao, and walked directly to Aunt Biao with the box.

Seeing a box full of thousands of yuan bills, the escort looked at Huang Dawen in shock: "Mr. Lawyer, A Luo asked you to hand over this money to me?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lei, I also brought a note. After you count the amount, sign it, and then all the money will be yours." Huang Dawen took out a note with a smile, and his words seemed to be Watertight, in fact, the ink on it is not dry yet.

At this time, Lin Xiaohua and Zhaodi, who had gone downstairs to buy ice cream, just came back. When they saw the box of banknotes, the two daughters both exclaimed.

Knowing that the huge sum of 1500 million came from Lei Luo's gift, they couldn't help hugging and cheering.

The family used to live in poverty, and they just envied the life of the rich.

Later, Aunt Biao won lottery tickets several times, and after several ups and downs, if she said that she did not regret letting go of Ding Yunfeng, the wealthy son-in-law, she would be deceiving herself and others.

Auntie Dart looked at Chen Yaoqing, then at Zhan Mi, feeling something was wrong.

"This is not a small sum. I need to call and ask A Luo first." Taking out the phone book, Aunt Dart lowered her head and turned it over.

Huang Dawen stopped her with a smile: "Brother Luo went to the capital, he is not in Singapore.

Mrs. Lei, if you have any doubts, just check with Luo Ge when he returns to Nanyang from his hometown.Now, why don't you sign for the money first, you can't let me take it away? "

"Oh, that's fine. You don't need to order it, just give me the note." Under the excited eyes of her husband and daughter, Aunt Dart signed the note with doubts.

After the matter was settled, Huang Dawen seized the opportunity to persuade Lei's family before leaving.

In Uncle Biao's situation, it is simply impossible to rely on Brilliant Real Estate.

Instead of making a fuss to the end and having to pay for it yourself, it is better to leave the hospital today and leave a good reputation for the other party.

After all, you have become multi-millionaires now, and if you still want to throw a tantrum in public, what you lose is your own face.

"Hmph, what the big guy just said is right, I don't have the same knowledge as those unqualified people." After listening to Uncle Dart, he felt that it made sense, and called the nurse to take off the bandage.

Aunt Dart and the others were really ashamed to watch, the three of them faced the nurse's murderous gaze, and took the initiative to run over to help - Uncle Dart had too many bandages on his body, and it took a lot of effort to wrap them up before, but now it will take even more time to untie them!
(End of this chapter)

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