Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 771 Too many coincidences, but suspicious

Chapter 771 Too many coincidences, but suspicious

The Lei family left Mingxin Hospital happily with 1500 million Hong Kong dollars, plus 80 house sale money, and 20 brain supplements from Chen Yaoqing's personal subsidy to Uncle Biao.

On the other side, Johnny Wang received a call from his subordinates.
I heard that Zhan Mi, Chen Yaoqing, and Huang Dawen, two He Liansheng Dadi, a rogue barrister, actually ran to his old home, Mingxin Hospital.

Johnny Wang almost had a heart attack. He took a group of youngsters, stepped on the gas pedal all the way, and finally stopped the three of them at the hospital gate before they left.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Zhanmi, Brother Yaoqing and Huang Dazhuang?
Little brother Johnnie Wang, it’s such a coincidence to sell some fireworks and firecrackers for food on the road, hahaha..." He stepped forward and said a bunch of unnutritious nonsense, Johnny Wang rolled his eyes, and he was in pain. Thinking, how not to expose the hospital, and at the same time try to find out the intention of the three of them.

Huang Dawen patted his collar expressionlessly, raised his head and carried his briefcase, and strode past Johnny Wang.

Johnnie Wang smiled awkwardly, not only did not dare to attack, but also bowed to Huang Daxiang's back and shouted to slow down.

No way, I can't afford to offend you!
In the entire Hong Kong circle, about 50% of the well-known gangsters have invited Huang Dawen to win the lawsuit, and 50% have invited people to go to Huang Dawen to lose the lawsuit.

Huang Dawen left directly, let alone Chen Yaoqing, who is already the boss of the real estate company?
With a slight nod as a signal, Ah Qing led Ah Hong and his eldest brother out of the hospital in the same stride.

Just as Johnny Wang was about to catch up, he was stopped by Zhan Mi: "Boss Wang, we are here to see patients, are you too?"

Sighing secretly that finally someone was willing to talk to him, Johnnie Wang squeezed out a smile again: "No, I was diagnosed with gallstones last month, and I came here for a follow-up visit this time."

It was very clear that the other party was talking nonsense, and Zhan Mi was also happy to cooperate, with a concerned expression on Johnny Wang's shoulder: "Oh~ I heard people say that usually those bold and bold people are prone to gallstones. Boss Wang, what do you say? , is this right or wrong?"

"Ah, this..." Johnny Wang's expression froze when he heard the words, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "Brother Zhanmi, I'm afraid this sentence is a lie!

Take me for example, everyone outside knows that I am the most timid person, I have to break open a pork bun to see if there are any fingernails in it, but I still suffer from gallstones?"

"Isn't that right, I looked at your face, it should be that kind of courageous pervert." Zhan Mi was smiling, but his eyes were cold.

Johnny Wang felt more and more uncomfortable, he took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Brother Jimmy, don't make fun of me, hey, I also made an appointment with the doctor for a review at 10 o'clock, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

next time!Let's make an appointment, find a place to sit down, and slowly discuss this courageous issue. "

"Okay, then we won't delay Boss Wang's treatment." Zhan Mi jokingly pushed Johnny Wang away, turned and walked out of the hospital gate.

Looking at the back of Zhan Mi leaving in a cool way, the smile on Johnnie Wang's face quickly disappeared.

A boy standing next to him shouted with a full face: "Brother, these three guys are too arrogant! Why don't you let me call ten or twenty little hooligans..."

"Call you bastard!
drying horses?Do you have a family and a streak of people?
A dozen or twenty little hooligans...

Did you know that there are more than twenty people around to protect them secretly?
Moreover, this group of people are either Helian Sheng elite swordsmen, or senior bodyguards trained by Longshield Security Company.

If I can beat it, do I need to swallow my breath?You think I'm out to mess around, you have a tendency to be masochistic? "Johnny Wang vented his anger on this horse boy who was eager to show off.

The horse boy failed to get out of the position, but he got a slap on the contrary, which scared the others to keep their heads silent, for fear that Johnny Wang would take it as a target to vent their anger.

"Let's go, why don't you go to the monitoring room with me and find out what they did here?" Glaring at the group of mindless horsemen, Johnny Wang led the way to the monitoring room while secretly scolding Uncle Hai for going to the monitoring room. After stepping back, he could still step on shit luck and receive the talent of Jiang Lang.


Just at the hospital, Johnny Wang was feeling restless and restless by the three of Zhanmi.

Fat Snake Jituo Land, Shanshan Bathing City.

After driving a Martell, Brother Ji was very sensible and left the bathing pool on his own initiative, leaving the space for conversation to Li Ying and Jiang Lang.

"Thanks to the cooperation of the brothers on the road, and the help of you guys from the Mong Kok Police Station.

After the previous few scenes, I not only gained the trust of Uncle Hai, but also the support of many of his subordinates.

Tomorrow, except for Uncle Hai's top horse, he will stay by his side to protect him.

I will take 30 gunmen to Mingxin Hospital. The list of people who worked with me this time is here.

The people written on the back of the paper are drivers hired by Uncle Hai.

They are in charge of receiving them. They don't have any guys on them. However, the cars have been remodeled. You'd better tell the guys from the Ministry of Communications in advance and ask them to arrange personnel to intercept them! "Jiang Lang took off the chain hanging around his neck. There was a cylinder embedded in the chain. When he unscrewed it, what came out was not an amulet, but a list.

Li Ying took a look at it, folded it carefully and put it away: "Thank you for your hard work this time, brother here, I wish you a smooth return to the team in advance, Inspector Chen."

"Hi, it's Senior Inspector Chen!

Rushing to the street, I was also named by Brother Feng, if you sit in the office of the police station and point and point, my life will be miserable, and I will be an undercover agent again..." Jiang Lang shook his head and sighed, raised his glass and drank it down.

Li Ying shrugged: "It just proves that Brother Feng has sharp eyes.

I look upright, if I were to be an undercover agent, probably before I even meet Uncle Hai, I would be smelled royal by his boys.But you are different..."

"Hey, what do you mean, I look like a boy?

Do you know that people around me say that I look like actor Wei.

If I hadn't been tricked by the surname Huang back then, I might have entered the entertainment circle and developed, shit! "Jiang Lang felt offended, put down his glass, and prepared to leave.

Li Ying smiled, and before he opened the door to leave, he said in a low voice: "We will act tomorrow, the bullets have no eyes, you have to be careful."

"Got it." Jiang Lang warmed up, waved his hand, closed the door and walked out.

With Brother Ji helping to cover it up, during this period of time, whether Jiang Lang met Li Ying or Yuan Haoyun, he chose Shanshan Bathing City every time he met.

"Brother Lang, go slowly, the car has been washed."

"Ah Shui, every time I come here, you help me wash the car. Come, take it and treat everyone to supper." He took out 1000 yuan as a reward to the guard at the bathing city. The personalities of the home.

"Brother Lang." An Uncle Hai arranged to run over with his horse boy, and reported in a low voice: "In the afternoon, our brother saw that Johnny Wang suddenly brought someone to Mingxin Hospital, and he hasn't left until now. .”

"Calm down, don't be nervous, go, go back and talk about it."

"Alright Brother Lang."

With a few of his men, Jiang Lang went back to Uncle Hai's villa.

As a result, when they entered the door, they saw Uncle Hai carrying a watering can and watering the potted plants.

"I'm most reluctant to leave Hong Kong Island this time. These flowers and plants." Concentrating on watering the potted plants, Uncle Hai asked with a smile, "Ah Lang, are you back?"

"Yes, I just went to Shanshan Bathing City to visit Uncle Ji, and he asked me to bring back two baskets of hairy crabs for you!" Jiang Lang said with a smile on his face, looking at Uncle Hai.

Uncle Hai turned around slowly, looked at the top horse Ahua: "Brother Ji, he has a heart, tomorrow morning, you bring a box of Cuban cigars to Bathing City.

When we walk in the rivers and lakes, we must come and go, so that we will not be rude. "

"This..." Ah Hua looked embarrassed: "Uncle, Ah Lang will take everyone out to do errands tomorrow. If I leave, there will be no one around you."

Uncle Hai's eyes moved slightly. Seeing this, Jiang Lang buried his head in lighting his cigarette, avoiding his gaze.

After staring at Jiang Lang for a few seconds, Uncle Hai shifted his gaze to the two baskets of vigorous hairy crabs under the opponent's feet: "Hey, I'm a bad old man who has announced his withdrawal from the arena, what else should I worry about?

You go early and come back early before I get on my flight to Seattle. "

"Uncle, didn't you agree to leave after attending my celebration banquet?" Jiang Lang raised his head in surprise.

Uncle Hai waved his hand: "Today, my family called several times to urge me to come over.

I thought, anyway, I will give you all the rights that should be handed over.

When you finish your work tomorrow, you will be able to take the position smoothly with or without my presence, so it is better to leave early and retreat more simply. "

"That's it..." Jiang Lang tried hard to maintain his composure on his face. He took out his cigarette, passed it around for everyone, and then took out a lighter to help Uncle Hai light it: "Uncle, then I will try to speed up and try to get it back." Give you a ride."

"Don't worry, Jianghu belongs to you youngsters.

Uncle is old, and my time has passed.

pity.Uncle is not capable enough. Before leaving, he failed to help you deal with that bastard Johnny Wang. You have to fight it yourself. "Uncle Hai patted Jiang Lang on the shoulder, smoking while talking about the establishment of the Greedy Wolf Gang.

He recalled the glorious years when Yiqun was in power, and the hard days when he made his name in the arms circle and got mixed up with his uncles.

Uncle Hai's tone was very gloomy. He also said that before leaving Hong Kong Island, he wanted to visit Wu Shihao in Stanley, but no one introduced him. He thought that Brother Hao should ignore him, so he had to give up in the end.

People talk more when they are old.

If Ah Hua hadn't reminded him several times that Jiang Lang would lead people to work tomorrow, this [Arms Dealer's Memories Monologue] might have lasted until midnight.

After watching the lights in Uncle Hai's bedroom go out, Jiang Lang put his hands in his pockets and left the villa alone.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Lang opened the door and got into the cab.

With a kick on the gas pedal, the smile on Jiang Lang's face gradually disappeared.He pressed the steering wheel with one hand and grabbed the big phone with the other.

A few minutes later, Ding Yunfeng learned from Zhan Mi that Uncle Hai would leave Hong Kong tomorrow morning.

Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhan Mi and said slowly, "It seems that Uncle Hai may already know Jiang Lang's identity."

"No way? If Jiang Lang's identity has been exposed, how can Uncle Hai keep him?" Zhan Mi was startled.

If it were someone else, Jiang Lang would have died if he had been a little suspicious.

But it's not unusual to meet Uncle Hai, a strange boss who always cares about his opponents and opponents.

"This round, in terms of time, is still too hasty!

No matter how high Jiang Lang's ability is, generally speaking, it is difficult for him to take people out to do things every time within a month, and it will end perfectly!
I think Uncle Hai will be suspicious, because Li Ying and Hong Xing helped Jiang Lang perfectly. "Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhan Mi with a helpless tone.

Now that the stall is spread out, there are many things in the Ding family, and Ding Yunfeng has no way to do it himself.

For example, when dealing with Johnny Wang and Uncle Hai this time, if he was still in the police force, he would at least be able to follow up the whole process.

But now, Ding Yunfeng at most uses Zhan Mi to get to know him from time to time.

Even Zhan Mi himself greeted Liang Kun, Coolie Qiang and others, asking them to arrange cronies and lead them to cooperate with the Mong Kok Police Station.

In this way, if one person is careless, it will be easy to be found out.

Zhan Mi and Wang Jianjun looked at each other, and the latter took the initiative to ask for orders: "Brother Feng, it's just to catch an old man. I will go to the airport tomorrow and promise to catch him to the Mong Kok Police Station."

"Catch? You still can't see that Uncle Hai suddenly mentioned Brother Hao to Jiang Lang, because he already suspected that Jiang Lang is mine, and wanted to ask me for a way out through Jiang Lang's mouth?"

Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly, and tapped the handrail: "Forget it, since Uncle Hai is not a fan, he can save Jiang Lang's life, so I will accept his favor.

Zhan Mi, you and Ah Jun will go to the airport together tomorrow, and on my behalf, send a message to Uncle Hai!

He can leave if he wants to, but he must leave a list and contact information of his transactions with foreign forces. "

"Okay." Jimmy nodded and agreed with a serious expression.

At 9 o'clock the next morning, Ah Hua brought a box of Cuban cigars to Shanshan Bathing City.

On the way Ah Hua hurried back, Uncle Hai had already arrived at Kai Tak Airport by car.

"Lao Yang, I'll send it here.

You go back, sell my villa immediately, and then distribute the money to everyone. After that, you can go your own way. "After taking the suitcase, Uncle Hai said to the servants who sent him over.

The housekeeper Lao Yang wiped his eyes: "Master, you are gone this time, will you not come back to Hong Kong Island?"

"Haha, that's up to me if I can get away. Look, here comes someone who won't let me go." Uncle Hai pointed at Zhan Mi and Wang Jianjun who were striding forward, and stopped a group of servants behind him: "You guys A few go first, don't get involved again."

While speaking, Zhan Mi and his wife had already come to Uncle Hai.

Raising his hands, Uncle Hai said in a low voice: "Brother Zhanmi, all of my servants are innocent, let them go first, and come to me if you have something to do."

"Hehe, we're not bad guys...

Even if it is a small contribution such as not reporting the knowledge, it is insignificant compared to being able to arrest you, the former number one arms dealer on Hong Kong Island.

Don't worry, the two of us came to see you, not to arrest you. "Zhan Mi took out the cigarette case, knocked out one and handed it to Uncle Hai.

Uncle Hai smiled, put down his hands and took it: "Thank you, Brother Feng, for letting me live."

"Don't thank me too quickly, Brother Feng has another sentence for me to bring to you!"

Zhan Mi chuckled, making Uncle Hai stuck in lighting his cigarette.

Raising his head, he asked anxiously, "Dare to ask, what orders does Brother Feng have?"

(End of this chapter)

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