Chapter 80

Zhao Su received a call from Chen Xijiu and learned that Liang Zaifeng, who had met once in the Walled City Ring, wanted to make an appointment with her, so she rushed to the Peninsula Hotel to make an appointment that day.

"Oh, I thought Ding Sir was just making appointments with other people to have a heart-to-heart talk, but I didn't expect that he would ask me to be the middleman..." Zhao Su scooped up the bird's nest with a spoon, his face full of resentment.

Chen Xijiu, who was sitting in the game, covered his mouth and snickered, while pulling away his seat, making it clear that he wanted to see Ding Yunfeng embarrass himself.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and peeled a nine-section prawn, and put it into Zhao Su's bowl: "Miss Zhao, I have something serious to talk to Sister Zhu Di.

At the Walled City Arena back then, I could tell at a glance that you were not only beautiful, but also a kind-hearted pretty girl!The rivers and lakes are in an emergency, you don't want to die, do you? "

"Honest man, to be honest, I love to listen, let's continue..." Zhao Su took a bite of the prawn, looked at Ding Yunfeng and smiled.

Is this an opponent?
Ding Yunfeng's smile froze, he patted his chest and said, "Okay! As long as Ms. Zhao is willing to help, don't tell the truth, I can talk about cross talk until dawn..."

"Okay!" Zhao Su's eyes lit up, she brushed the ends of her hair, and turned to look at Chen Xijiu who was eating melon happily: "Inspector Chen, you are full, shouldn't you go back to work in Shau Kei Wan? "

Looking at the table full of delicacies that had just been served and had not yet been served with chopsticks, Chen Xijiu shook his head and sighed: "The lovers are paired, and the matchmaker is left alone.

It's so beautiful and delicious, someone has something to eat, but I can only go back to Shau Kei Wan to eat curry fish balls. "


After driving away Chen Xijiu, Zhao Su immediately pestered Ding Yunfeng to hear something nice.

Ding Yunfeng asked for others, so he could only respond to his requests. After eating the seafood, he directly told Ms. Zhao about the cross talk all night in the hotel...

Amateur cross talk lovers meet even more amateur fanciers, Ding Yunfeng finds some jokes from later generations and makes Zhao Su's legs weak from laughing. If it wasn't for Ding Sir's support, he almost couldn't walk out of the room.

"A Su, if you have time to exercise, you will catch your breath after laughing a few times, how will you listen to my lectures on "Official Fighting" in the future?" Ding Yunfeng helped Zhao Su, who was walking sloppily, to the elevator.

As we all know, cross talk is an advanced folk art that can quickly bring performers and audiences closer.

After a night of communication, Ding Yunfeng and Zhao Su found that the two sides got along very well, and they were naturally much more easy-going than yesterday when they talked.

Zhao Su snorted triumphantly, "Don't you blame me? Hey, when will you continue talking? I really want to know if Liu Luoguo can fight against your lord."

"I'm doing you good health, why? I don't appreciate it?" Ding Yunfeng put on a straight face, not for the sake of his friends, he didn't bother to persuade him.

"Don't be angry, I'll enroll in the yoga class when I get back..." Zhao Su hurriedly hugged Ding Yunfeng's arm tightly, and replied timidly.

Ding Yunfeng helped her tighten the collar: "Remember, yoga instructors must find women! Those male instructors are unreliable. Don't think that everyone outside is as serious as I, Ding Yunfeng."

"I know, I will take the bodyguard to class! By the way, Miss Judy is free tomorrow, why don't I ask her to come to the Peninsula Hotel?"


"There is 50 in this card. I don't have time today. You can use it and buy some more beautiful shirts..."

"Hey! You teach me how to do things?"


Of course Ding Yunfeng would not give money from the woman, instead he gave Zhao Su several brand-name bags as parting farewell.

As soon as the latest models of major international brands come out, Zhan Mi spends a lot of money to buy them and send them to the A-car factory to copy them.

Ding Yunfeng chose the most expensive ones as favors, Zhao Su was very moved, Liangzifeng was so considerate, it was like seeing each other so late.


The next day!

It is still yesterday's private room, yesterday's dishes.

The only change is that Zhao Su replaced Chen Xijiu as the middleman of the dinner.

She was wearing a cheongsam and sitting next to Tang Zhudi. Tang Zhudi was wearing a smart black dress, looking at Ding Yunfeng who was peeling shrimp again with a half-smile.

"I didn't expect that! I haven't seen you for two years.

Liang Zaifeng, who fought people to death in the Kowloon Walled City ring, unexpectedly transformed into the correctional officer of Stanley...

Oh ~
I almost forgot that Sir Ding is also a shareholder of Hongxin Handbag Shop and Dashuangkou BBQ Restaurant.

Perhaps, I should call you Ding Sheng more..."

Ignoring Tang Zhudi's ridicule with a needle, Ding Yunfeng peeled the prawns, and under her fierce eyes, put the prawns in Zhao Su's bowl: "Your favorite, boiled, dipped in soy sauce."

Zhao Su looked at Tang Zhudi worriedly. Others didn't know, but she knew very well how domineering this friend was.

Ever since he fell in love with her in the Walled City, even her husband has been warned by his family not to touch her.

There is no other reason, Zhao Su's husband's family can't afford to offend the Wang family.

Besides, these two women, in the eyes of Zhao Su's husband, are nothing at all, but they just gave him an excuse to raise a house outside...

"You dare to dig a corner in front of me..." Tang Judi laughed angrily.

Coming here today, she thought that Ding Yunfeng was planning to get some benefits from her, such as letting her inject capital and expand the A-car business.

Unexpectedly, this little bastard actually fell in love with her woman.

Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette with a snap: "Sister Zhu Di's family, Mr. Wang Yifei, once teamed up with Mr. Gan Shupei to borrow a huge sum of [-] million yuan from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce..."

"Shut up! Where did you hear about this?" Tang Zhudi's complexion changed drastically, and he got up and looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked.

"Robinson!" Ding Yunfeng smiled and looked at Tang Zhudi.

Tang Zhudi gritted her silver teeth, and sat down slowly: "Sure enough, I was hidden by that old ghost, tell me, what conditions do you have?
Let me advise you first, don't have too much extravagant expectations for this money.

The [-] million yuan involves more than a dozen Chinese business tycoons, let alone [-]% or [-]%, even if you get [-]%, you won't be able to eat it. "

"Robinson has promised that after the matter is completed, his 3000 million can be used as a reward for us to make a move."

3000 million: 3 million yuan, which was [-]% just now. Sister Zhu Di was slapped in the face on the spot, which made me angry.

But in this way, the suspicion of Robinson's guarding and stealing was cleared away. Tang Zhudi's expression eased: "Since Robinson himself is willing to give it to you, then other people, of course, don't care. For A Su's sake, the Wang family By the way, I can help you fight for 100 million..."

"Sister Zhu Di, I don't want the Wang family's money. It's just that A Su has been tied by your side. It seems that it has been almost two years..."

"What? Liangzifeng, you want to change the conditions again?

Hmph, I, Tom Judy, am not afraid to tell you that when I make friends, it is from the heart!
Ah Su wants to leave me, I will never stop her, you can ask her now if she would like to be with you..."

"Sister Zhu Di, I...I would like to, Ah Feng is very interesting, he speaks cross talk very well..." Zhao Su timidly raised her arm and gave Sister Zhu Di a critical blow.

Tang Judy stood up with a blank expression, this day - there is no way to talk anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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