Chapter 81
Tang Judy left before the dishes were served.

The next day, before Ding Yunfeng brushed his teeth, he was woken up by Tang Zhudi's knock on the door.

Carefully helping fancier Zhao Su pull the quilt, Ding Yunfeng went to open the door and looked at Tang Zhudi speechlessly: "Sister Zhu Di, what time is it?"

"Hmph!" Tang Zhudi pushed Ding Yunfeng away, walked to the sofa and sat down: "My master asked me to bring you a message, for the Charlie family, you don't have to worry about it, you just need to find out the [-] million bearer bonds.

In addition, this matter must be resolved secretly, and it must not be brought to the surface.

Robinson should have told you that this huge sum of money came in through a gray route. Once the ghost guy caught the opportunity to interfere, there were countless ways to keep the money. "

"No problem, I just need you to help me withstand the Charlie family." Talking about the business, Ding Yunfeng put away his smile.

Zhao Su was woken up by the sound of the two talking, and walked out dazedly rubbing her eyes: "Oh, sister Zhu Di, why are you here?"

Seeing her good friend's expression of waking up from a spring sleep, Tang Zhudi was very angry. She suddenly felt that she was delivered to her door early in the morning and was greened by Ding Yunfeng?
"Let's go, free delivery!" Got up and left the most luxurious private room of the Peninsula Hotel, Tang Zhudi came and went in a hurry.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhao Su reviewed the cross talk that was halfway through last night, then had breakfast together and left at different times.

Although Zhao Su's husband's family is not as powerful as Wang's family, they barely rank among the top [-] Chinese merchants in Hong Kong Island. Ding Yunfeng didn't want to offend him, but he didn't want to embarrass Zhao Su.


After two days, Ding Yunfeng finally connected with the Wang family, and he drove back to Stanley.

Now Ding Yunfeng is in the third prison area of ​​Stanley to talk about everything, ranging from inmates' fights to relatives visiting the prison. He has not been to work for two days, so there must be a lot of documents waiting for him to sign.

Flicking his pen like flying, Ding Yunfeng spent half an hour signing more than a dozen documents, and by the way, he also typed a report related to Robinson to Smith and applied for going out to visit relatives.

"Afeng, Afeng, I have good news for you. I won a lottery." Zhong Chuxiong pushed the door in mysteriously, sat opposite Ding Yunfeng familiarly, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Ding Yunfeng poured wolfberry water and asked, "Market tickets or lottery tickets? Don't say you won 1000 million in the Mark Six lottery."

"Mark Six Lottery, I won 1000, and the first prize of [-] million was won by a fat woman..."

Zhong Chuxiong took out a stack of banknotes while talking, and proudly waved it in front of Ding Yunfeng: "Here, it's all here. Let's go, find a place to be cool, and I will pay for everything today!"

Ever since he was promoted by Ding Yunfeng to take a stake in a barbecue restaurant with strong coolies, Zhong Chuxiong not only paid back his capital, but also received hundreds of thousands of bonuses in the past year.

To Zhong Chuxiong, the 10 yuan was no longer a huge sum of money.

It's just that he bought too many futures before, and it's rare to win once today, so he naturally has to be embarrassed.

Fat woman?

Was it bought by the escort?

Hearing this, Ding Yunfeng had a playful expression on his face.

Zhong Chuxiong couldn't bear it anymore, he half pulled and half pushed, and walked out of Stanley with Ding Yunfeng's shoulders on his shoulders.

"Robinson's son-in-law, Liu Yaozu, has a club in Wan Chai, where not only is there everything to play, but sometimes there are big games!

Anyway, my 10 yuan came from a windfall, and today I will take you to learn more..."

Ding Yunfeng's expression became weirder the more he listened, this is catching up with the plot of "Supreme 36 Strategies: Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun".

Maybe, later on, I will meet an old Qianqian Wendi who looks a lot like Luo Ge!

Zhong Chuxiong left as soon as he said, he drove himself and brought Ding Yunfeng to the entrance of a gorgeously decorated hotel.

Throwing the key to the parking boy, Zhong Chuxiong put the 10 yuan bill obliquely in the back pocket of his white trousers.

Then, he shook his casual jacket with black and yellow patterns, raised his buttocks aggressively, and put on an exaggerated look for fear that people would not know that he had money in his trouser pockets.

Ding Yunfeng held back his smile and followed Zhong Chuxiong. It would have been better to let brother Xiong get the limelight. He is a lover of cross talk, and he is a gentleman no matter how you look at it. He really can't do such eye-catching things.


"Brother Xiong!"

It happened to be the person with Liansheng, because of the laundry room of the third prison in Stanley.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Chuxiong had registered in Heliansheng, and the little leader in charge of parking came over to offer cigarettes.

"Brother, which boss are you talking to?" Ding Yunfeng glanced at the person who looked very much like the film king Ren.

Chen Yaoqing happily scratched his head: "Brother Feng, my name is Chen Yaoqing, and the blue lantern of Liansheng, I didn't go to the bottom of the club, and no uncle has accepted me yet."

"Drunk, Dream and Death: The Tiger in Wan Chai"

Wanchai car god Chen Yaoqing who was bought and murdered because others are not allowed to sell fans in his own venue?
Ding Yunfeng remembered which movie this person was from, and he patted Chen Yaoqing's shoulder: "Aqing, you are very good, I am optimistic about you!
How about this, if you really decide to eat Jianghu's rice, you go to coolie Qiang, just tell me that Ding Yunfeng introduced it, and let Ah Qiang arrange it for you. "

A Cong, A Hong and the eldest brother who dare not come up to talk to each other saw that their eldest brother was valued by the famous Stanley Peak brother. The three of them clenched their fists excitedly. They just entered the rivers and lakes, and now they are all unknown.

"Brother Feng! I will never forget your kindness..." Taking Ding Yunfeng's business card, Chen Yaoqing flushed with excitement.

Ding Yunfeng patted Chen Yaoqing's shoulder with a smile, and accidentally found A Cong who looked like Brother Crow, A Hong who looked like Han Bin, and the elder brother who looked like Fang Zhanbo hiding behind him.

Nodding to the three of them, Brother Feng instantly gained three fans.

Zhong Chuxiong was getting impatient for waiting, he was posing with his butt up, he was very tired: "Hey, Ah Feng, hurry up, I'm still waiting to go in and kill everyone!"

"Here we come!" Ding Yunfeng encouraged Chen Yaoqing a few words, and quickly chased after him.

Zhong Chuxiong walked into the hall while stroking his buttocks. He saw that the beautiful girl was just a little sister, and the word "beast" was almost written on the face.

Ding Yunfeng kept a distance of three steps from this guy. He took a glass of champagne from the passing waiter's tray, watched Zhong Chuxiong's tricks, and looked around.

Perhaps seeing Killer Xiong's behavior was too outrageous, a casino manager in a suit and leather shoes walked up to meet him quickly: "Hey, Killer Xiong, why are you free today? Don't you need to look at those prisoners?"

"It's a holiday today, and I'll come out to play a few games. This is a normal healthy activity, isn't it?" Zhong Chuxiong bit his cigarette and directly turned back.

The casino manager should be right again and again, but Ding Yunfeng noticed that this person looked at Killer Xiong with contempt, and obviously looked down on the Stanley Senior Correctional Officer in front of him.

Thinking of Zhong Chuxiong's exaggerated performance, Ding Yunfeng suddenly realized: No wonder this guy came here to make fun of him after winning the prize.

It seems that he should have come here in private, maybe he didn't have enough money before, and there was a scene where he was looked down upon...

(End of this chapter)

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