Chapter 812

Since he wanted to be a favor, Li Youxian simply did it in one step.

He told Cui Miaoxiang that he would estimate [-]% of the properties of the Pine Forest Gang and lend them money. In fact, when the money was actually calculated.

He paid a premium for the large and small properties of the Pine Forest Gang.

This move is not only a timely help, but also taking into account Zhou Chaoxian's face, which moved and admired the Shandong guy and others.

Even, at the end of the day, the difference of 10,000+ was enough to make up 2000 million US dollars. Li Youyou waved his hand and directly pocketed an integer.

"Brother Li, your helping hand, our Songlin Gang, everyone will remember it in our hearts." The Shandong man excitedly held Li Youyou's hands. This man who dared to rush into Yinsong Pavilion to find Secretary Hou's life, his eyes were red .

Li Youxian patted his arm: "It's just an emergency, Axiang is waiting for the money, go back quickly, and be careful along the way."

The Shandong guy sniffled, turned around and shouted at the boys, "Let's go."


This check for selling the entire Pine Forest Gang was handed over to Cui Miaoxiang by the Shandong guy.

At this time, a man wearing a white suit, white leather shoes, and a white tie, with a little funny temperament, suddenly ran to the headquarters of the Pine Forest Gang.

"You pretty girl, it seems that you are Mrs. Zhou.

I have a letter here, please sign for it. "Chen Mingming looked at Cui Miaoxiang, and took out a thin envelope from his pocket.

Cui Miaoxiang looked at him vigilantly, and took it with a little hesitation.

When I opened it, I found that inside the envelope was a Singapore bank cashier's check with a denomination of 4800 million US dollars.

"This is..." Thinking of Ding Yunfeng standing behind Zhou Chaoxian, Cui Miaoxiang hurriedly stopped the words.

Chen Congming laughed: "Beautiful girl, last time in Tainan, we met at the East African restaurant, and I accidentally touched you.

This money is my apology for offending you.

Well, I'm hurrying to get on the boat and go to Tokyo for a poker tournament.

Goodbye, everyone is destined to see you again. "

I know that the so-called encounter at an East African restaurant is just an excuse for someone to send money to my door.

Cui Miaoxiang stepped forward and called Chen Congming: "Sir, I don't know yet, what is your name?"

"Oh, I'm Chen Congming, the poker prince of Singapore, and my second uncle is Chen Song, the gambling king of Wadao.

Well, there is no time, next time we have a chance to meet, let's play cards together. "Chen Congming smiled and released Chen Song's name by the way, implying that Cui Miaoxiang should not worry about herself.

Sure enough, Cui Miaoxiang was shocked when she heard Chen Song's name!
Chen Song's popularity in Wadao is higher than that of Zhou Chaoxian.

But compared to his elder brother Chen Jincheng, Chen Song is one rank lower.

Chen Jincheng, a gambling monster in Singapore, used to be very successful in the Nanyang area.

The Chen family operated a gambling boat, which had been suppressed by Nie Aotian and Le Xiaowen's Fuguiwan before.

But just a while ago, the Chen family gambling boat suddenly launched a new multi-currency exchange business, which attracted many sensitive gamblers from the surrounding areas to come for entertainment.

Especially on Wadao, many bigwigs of the Bai Dao went to the Chen family's gambling boat to wash rice. During this time, the Chen family in Singapore was very well-known in Wadao.

No wonder at this juncture, Chen Congming had the confidence to come to Pine Forest to help give money.

The Chen family in Singapore is currently in the honeymoon period with Wadao Baidao, even if they know that the young master Chen Congming has come to mingle.

In non-essential situations, people outside will more or less turn a blind eye...

Cui Miaoxiang calculated the background of the Chen family in her heart, and felt more and more admiration for Ding Yunfeng who was hiding behind Zhou Chaoxian and asked Chen Congming to run errands.

2000 million US dollars from the seller;
4800 million US dollars sent by Chen Congming;
With 6800 million US dollars in hand, Cui Miaoxiang finally has the confidence to find Secretary Hou in the past.

She called a few Shandong guys, and drove to Secretary Hou's villa.

Hearing that Cui Miaoxiang came over so soon, Secretary Hou was very happy to meet them.

And when the servant served tea and left, the number reported by Secretary Hou almost made Cui Miaoxiang faint!
"Oh, Ash.

This matter is more difficult than I imagined.

Now many yamen above are staring at him, trying to fish him out.

I guess, I'm afraid I have to drink a few more drinks. Rubbing his chest, Secretary Hou burped: "Well, I don't know, if you drink it like this, can this stomach hold it?" "


you mean...

One hundred million is not enough, do you want to add more money?
Cui Miaoxiang was so angry that his teeth itch. There are rumors in the world that Chen Zhichao, the former head of the three banners of Hong Kong Island, moved to Wadao a few years ago and still sat in a Rolls-Royce.

But in the past two years, Brother Chao not only changed his car to a Mercedes-Benz, but also fired the driver who had been with him for many years.

It is said that the reason why the Chen family's quality of life has declined is that the family has been emptied by Secretary Hou and his gang.

Hou Papi really deserved his reputation. If he caught the opportunity to drop the knife, it is really much more vicious than the tricks of the Jianghu people!
"Secretary Hou, how much more do you need?" Cui Miaoxiang asked straightforwardly, too lazy to fight this glutton.

Secretary Hou stroked his chin and smiled, "Ah Xiang, add another 2000 million, a total of 1 million US dollars.

I promise, he'll be home with you tomorrow morning. "

Cui Miaoxiang swayed slightly, and Li Youyou took over the property and assets of the entire Pine Forest Gang at a premium, helping to scrape together 2000 million US dollars.

As soon as the other party spoke, it happened to be this number.

It's hard not to make people wonder, is there an eyeliner staring at him, as if aiming at the fat and thinness of the pork on the anvil, and then decide how to cut the knife!
That violent Shandong guy immediately kicked his chair and stood up: "You guys are not moral!
It was agreed to be 1 million before, but now it is 2000 million more!
When we go back and collect enough money, will we mention 1 million again? "

"Oh, I'm very unhappy now, and I want to mention [-] million." Secretary Hou said a few words lightly, and the members of the Pine Forest Gang lost their temper.

Cui Miaoxiang slapped the tea table vigorously, turned her head and shouted at the Shandong guy and the others: "Presumptuous! Do you have a place to talk?
In order to save your eldest brother, Secretary Hou's stomach is almost exhausted. Is it too much to ask for more money to buy stomach medicine?

What, what are you doing in a daze?
Hurry up and apologize to Secretary Hou! "

After receiving the wink from Cui Miaoxiang, the Shandong guy endured the humiliation, lowered his head and said Sorry to Secretary Hou.

"Forget it, sit down, can I still argue with you urinals?"

Secretary Hou glanced at the Shandong guy, then showed his white teeth to Cui Miaoxiang.

"Ah Xiang, let's get down to business. You have to give me a letter of approval for this matter. After all, it takes time to drink and make connections."

Cui Miaoxiang grabbed the bag and pulled out a lot of documents: "Here is a check for 2000 million US dollars from Wadao Bank and a 4800 million US dollar promissory note from the Bank of Singapore.

Some passbooks, a few company shares that cannot be handled, and a batch of dark stocks of gray businesses.

All together, there are about 7500 million U.S. dollars..."

"Wait!" Hearing that there was still a gap between the amount and the 1 million US dollars agreed at the beginning, Secretary Hou's smile stopped: "Ah Xiang, this amount is wrong!

Don't you think, let me make a discount? "

"Secretary Hou! We don't know whether my husband is alive or dead now.

1.2 million US dollars is not a small amount. If you take the money, you will give us a corpse later.

At that time, wouldn't we lose all our lives and money? "Cui Miaoxiang didn't wait for Secretary Hou to speak, and said quickly: "With such a large sum, even if I put on the table to bet on stud, there is no reason not to let me see the cards, right?" "

"Hmm..." Secretary Hou tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly with his five fingers like a wheel, "Okay! With the strength of your Pine Forest Gang, raising the 7500 million US dollars is your best effort.

How about this, keep the things as a deposit, wait for me to work out the first operation, and you can settle the last 5500 million U.S. dollars within a week. "

"5500 million?" Cui Miaoxiang raised her head upon hearing this, and looked at Secretary Hou in shock.

Secretary Hou picked up the teacup, bowed his head and blew on the froth: "I made the installment for you and charged some interest, isn't it reasonable?"

"It's...reasonable." Cui Miaoxiang's smile was uglier than crying, and she stood up while leaning on the back of the chair.

Watching Cui Miaoxiang and others go out in a daze, Secretary Hou laughed softly: "Don't blame me for being too ruthless, I just wanted to charge you one hundred million.

Who would have thought that Hei Lang would be so generous and help you raise an extra 2000 million US dollars.

As the saying goes, don't take advantage of the advantages - bastard.

This time, it can only be regarded as your bad luck. "


From 1 million to 1.3 million, Cui Miaoxiang didn't know how she got back home, and she couldn't even imagine how she would tell him the bad news when Zhou Chaoxian was released.

Back then, the Bamboo Union gang suppressed 2000 million US dollars, and Zhou Chaoxian was forced to join Ding Yunfeng.

Today, the Pine Forest Gang was sold, and they owed 5500 million US dollars, and they had to pay in full in a week. Cui Miaoxiang shuddered after thinking about it for a while.


Maybe you know that the Pine Forest Gang can't squeeze out more oil and water.

Secretary Hou accepted the 7500 million US dollars, and he finally went out to do errands.

There was no need to wait until the next morning, around eleven o'clock that night, a camouflage jeep with a special license plate passed by the gate of the Pine Forest Gang, and put down Zhou Chaoxian, who had been taken away for more than ten hours.

"Husband, are you alright?"

"Brother, you finally came out..."

Seeing Zhou Chaoxian's haggard face, he walked in alone, Cui Miaoxiang, Shandong guy and others rushed to meet him.

"Wife, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. They didn't punish me." After hugging his wife, Zhou Chao first clenched his fist and gave the Shandong guy a smile: "Didn't I tell you to leave? Why are you still here? Aren't you afraid to be buried with me?"

The Shandong guy firmly held Zhou Chaoxian's palm: "Boss is in trouble. Are we still human if we leave at this time?"

A younger ma boy next to him couldn't help interjecting: "When you are the boss, you have to be loyal, and we are the younger brothers, of course we have to be moral.

If everyone was like that Hou, the world would have been messed up long ago. "

"Xiaopi, why are you talking so much today?" The Shandong guy glared at Mazi, nicknamed Xiaopi.

Seeing that the expressions of several people were not right, Zhou Chao put away his smile and asked, "Did Secretary Hou ask for a lot of money?"

"Chaoxian, you just came back, eat something first, take a shower, and I'll talk to you slowly later..." Cui Miaoxiang's eyes were flustered, and she reached out to help Zhou Chaoxian take off her suit jacket.

Zhou Chaoxian straightened his face, looked at the people and asked, "I'll eat later, and I can take a bath slowly.

Tell me, how much did you spend to rescue me this time? "

"7...7500 million U.S. dollars." Cui Miaoxiang lowered her head and said a number that made people's blood pressure soar.

Zhou Chaoxian took a deep breath: "Well, it's okay, very close to my expectation..."

"Brother, the 7500 million US dollars is a deposit. After this week, 5500 million US dollars will be handed over to Hou, a total of 1.3 million!" The Shandong guy gritted his teeth and directly punctured the window paper.

1.3 million dollars? ? ?
When Zhou Chao first heard this, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He felt as if someone had hit the back of his head with a sap, his ears were buzzing, and the sky was spinning...

When I woke up again, it was the next day.

Looking at his wife who had fallen asleep lying beside the bed, Zhou Chaoxian carefully sat up.

Pulling out the needle, picked up the cigarette case, Zhou Chao knocked out one and stuffed it into his mouth. After lighting it, he wrapped two mouthfuls tightly, coughing violently.

Hearing the movement, Cui Miaoxiang woke up in shock.

Zhou Chao first stopped her who wanted to call someone, and pointed to the direction of the study: "Honey, go to the study, and bring the "Journey to the West" on the second floor of my bookcase."

"Oh..." Cui Miaoxiang nodded in response, ran to the study, and quickly brought him the "Journey to the West" that Zhou Chao wanted first.

Opening this mediocre classical novel, Zhou Chao took out a piece of paper from inside, with an address written on it.

"Honey, go to Taoyuan Market now, find this grocery store, buy 5 duck eggs and 5 eggs, and come back, hurry up."

"There are eggs in the house..."

"Hey, just go if I tell you, don't talk so much.

Remember, you can only buy from the proprietress when you go, no more, no less, you can only buy 5 duck eggs and 5 eggs. "Zhou Chao first handed the paper to Cui Miaoxiang, and said emphatically: "Go home after buying, if someone stops you on the way, if the other party wants eggs, you can give them to him." "


Full of doubts, Cui Miaoxiang drove a Beetle to the market under the urging of Zhou Chaoxian. According to the address, she found a grocery store with a thriving business. egg.

During the whole process, the dialogue between the two did not exceed 5 sentences, which was not as complicated as a spy movie. It was so simple that Cui Miaoxiang herself wondered if Zhou Chaoxian was insane and asked herself to come out for nothing.

On the way back, Cui Miaoxiang was stopped by someone. She was interrogated for a while, and then the two kinds of eggs she just bought were forcibly taken away by the other party.

At this time, she finally realized that it was not meaningless to come out to buy eggs.

Three days later.

The Chen family's gambling boat sailed near Wadao, and Zhou Chaoxian took his wife and a bunch of youngsters there to relax.

I don't know what kind of shit luck this guy had, and he actually won more than 5 million US dollars.

The most frightening thing was that there were several bigwigs from Wadao Baidao at the poker table.

They can all prove afterwards that Zhou Chaoxian entered the market with 5 US dollars purely by luck that day, and left with nearly 4 million US dollars in 6000 hours.

Without waiting for a full week, Zhou Chaoxian had already stood in front of Secretary Hou with his wife and took out a check for 5500 million US dollars.

"Brother Zhou, I really can't see that you have studied gambling so well!

It is said that you were on the Chen family's gambling boat that day, and you killed everyone..." Secretary Hou flicked the check with his fingers, and smiled at Zhou Chaoxian with a hint.

Zhou Chaoxian smiled reservedly: "Maybe God sees me as unlucky, so please help me. It's also a fluke, and finally I didn't default on the money for my life."

"Okay, I don't care what relationship you have with the Chen family in Singapore.

Anyway, just give enough.Don't worry, the banknotes are in place, and everything is easy to talk about.

Those things you did before, from now on, will be written off.

Not only that, this time you took the initiative to explain the problem, and there is a reward arrangement..." Secretary Hou was halfway through speaking, and suddenly there was another stub of money order in front of him.

1000? ? ?

Looking at Zhou Chaoxian in surprise, Secretary Hou asked in a deep voice, "What does this mean? Are you trying to trick me?"

"Secretary Hou, don't get me wrong, this is thanking you in advance, and it's just a little thought for me this time."

"Hehe, no reward for nothing.

Chaoxian, you need my help.

Let's talk, it's rare that I'm in a good mood. If it's convenient to deal with, I'll help you deal with it. Turning around with a smile, Secretary Hou took out two cigars from the humidor on the table and threw one of them to Zhou Chaoxian.

Zhou Chao reached out to catch it first, but he didn't light it, he just put it on his nose and sniffed lightly: "I'm old and not young, after this incident, I don't want to live a life of fighting and killing again.

Since the higher ups want to reward me, then, Secretary Hou, do you think I have a chance to change my way of life? "

Good guy!
This kid doesn't want to be a club leader, but wants to take this opportunity to become an official?
Hehe, the urinal has not been wiped clean, and you want to change your official position and become a master, do you have such a life?
Secretary Hou looked at Zhou Chaoxian playfully, and said with a joking smile: "You boy is enlightened!

However, depending on your situation...

If you want to change your way of life, I don't think it's enough. "

"As long as Secretary Hou helps, Chaoxian must be qualified." Zhou Chaoxian smiled lightly, raised his hand and spread five fingers: "How about this number?"

"It's not about the money."

"Hehe, but I heard that this time the little boss sold my rotten life for 8000 million US dollars.

Before and after my wife and I handed you a total of 1.4 million US dollars.

You said, if you let the old man know that there is still 6000 million US dollars going to your Swiss bank account, how will this end? "

"Shut up! What kind of person is the little boss, he will pay attention to the life and death of a bad guy like you?

What 8000 million US dollars, what 6000 million US dollars.

I have no idea what you're talking about! "Secretary Hou threw down the cigar he had just lit, and called for bodyguards loudly, intending to drive them away.

It's a pity that Zhou Chaoxian's expression was very calm. He shook the stub of the 1000 million dollar money order on his hand: "The money has been typed, and the bill is here. You can't deny it."

"You bastard, you want to slander me just by making a receipt?

Zhou Chaoxian, I see that you are impatient..."

Secretary Hou sneered again and again, but Zhou Chaoxian's next words completely made him unable to laugh: "If 6000 million has been remitted to your Swiss bank account in the near future, then the matter will be simpler!

But the question is, there are only 1000 million now, and where did the remaining 5000 million go?
Someone, does he have multiple accounts, he has done so many things for others before, how much money did not go into the account that should go in, but into his own pocket..."

"That's enough! Put the things down, go back and wait for news!" Hitting the table hard, Secretary Hou stared angrily at Zhou Chaoxian with red eyes.

Zhou Chaoxian bowed slightly: "Then, Chaoxian will take his leave first and go back to wait for your good news.

If possible, I hope to become a representative of public opinion in the Taoyuan area, and do my best for local development. "

"Get out!"


After a week.

Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Chuxiong held a wine glass each, and filled Chen Congming with alcohol.

"Oh, no, I can't drink any more!
You two, I have already felt your enthusiasm, it's just a matter of little effort.

I really want to thank me, can it be converted into a chick, don't keep adding wine to me. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng took down the foreign wine and wanted to open another bottle of Moutai, Chen Congming's face turned green with fright.

Zhong Chuxiong put his shoulders on his shoulders and pushed him back to his seat when he was trying to escape: "Ma De, it's rare to pass by once, you must have a drink tonight!

Ah Feng, open, open two more bottles. "

Seeing that Zhong Chuxiong was so drunk, Ding Yunfeng put down the Moutai, first asked Wang Jianjun to help Xiongge to the guest room to rest, and then called Chen Congming to the living room to drink tea to sober up.

"This time, I would like to trouble you to take the family's gambling boat to Frog Island to act in a play. When Mr. Chen finds out afterwards, he will definitely scold you.

I have prepared 500 million US dollars as gas money, you must put it away. While making tea, Ding Yunfeng took out a check from his pocket and put it in front of Chen Congming.

Chen Congming didn't even look at it, but pointed to his nose: "Oh, you didn't treat me as a friend, and now you are taking money out to embarrass me?"

"Hey, one size fits all.

This time you are asked to temporarily change the course of the gambling ship, and you must spend a lot of energy to appease the emotions of the gamblers on board.

If you really want to count money, how can the 500 million US dollars make up for the loss of the Chen family? Ding Yunfeng put a cup of Gongfu tea in front of Chen Congming: "Come, drink tea!" "

"Hey, you've already said that, so I'm insane to charge you this money!

Wouldn't it be more cost-effective for me to keep your favor with Ding Yunfeng? "Chen Congming smiled and picked up the teacup, and took a small sip.

While speaking, Chen Congming's eyes were clear and he was not drunk at all.

Ding Yunfeng also laughed when he heard the words, and took back the written check for the first time: "Okay, I will remember the favor, if you need my help someday, please say hello in advance."

"That's right, I'm the dignified Singaporean poker prince.

This time, he took the blame for harassing his wife for no reason.

If you don't get any practical benefits, just take this 500 million dollar check home, the old man will definitely discount both of my legs! "Chen Congming raised his head and drank the tea, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked: "Hey, let's talk about serious business.

Zhou, is it worth the price you paid to save him?
More than 1 million U.S. dollars, the funds in your hands are probably going to be drained! "

Ding Yunfeng laughed loudly: "Of course it's worth it!

What's more, this time I'm not only trying to save Zhou Chaoxian, but also want to see if I can take advantage of Hou's greed and see if I have a chance to take advantage of him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chaoxian really cheated him out!
This man enriched himself while making white gloves for the little boss.

Zhou Chaoxian will soon be able to make him spit out the money he is spending now. "

 Originally, I wanted to write an 8K-word chapter, and by the way, I also lost the sick leave I took on the 24th of last month.

In the end, I was still too late and only wrote 6K words.

Tomorrow there will be another 6K, so let’s divide it into two repayments.

(End of this chapter)

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