Chapter 813 United Chen Family
Chen Congming had always admired Ding Yunfeng's vision and ability.


Hearing that Ding Yunfeng had confidence in Zhou Chaoxian, he stopped persuading him.

Changing the subject, Chen Congming mentioned what happened a few years ago about Nie Aotian being sent to Nanyang by Ding Yunfeng.

Maybe he was too old, plus he had to travel a lot, and he was angry with He Xin and Ding Yunfeng.

Not long after Nie Aotian was sent to Nanyang by Dasha, he died in a foreign land because of the inaccurate climate.

The gambling boat business, which was originally monopolized by Nie Aotian, has gradually aroused black and white covetousness from the surrounding areas...

"The descendants of the Nie family don't live up to their expectations, they can't defend the country that Nie Aotian brought down.

In addition, He Xin, the gambling king of Haojiang, made frequent moves and annexed many properties related to the gambling industry of Nie's family.

Originally, the fleet of the Nie family used to run amuck in the gambling world, but it was gradually acquired by forces from the Nanyang countries, Fusang, and Nanbang..." Chen Congming said to Ding Yunfeng while drinking tea.

Ding Yunfeng pointed in the direction of Victoria Harbour, and suddenly asked: "My father is known as Singapore's gambling king, but the gambling circle prefers to call him a gambling monster!
I think your father will not miss this opportunity to carve up the Nie family's fleet.

Among the forces that took action against the Nie family, there must be your Chen family in Singapore.

Wait, did you take the boat to Frog Island from the Nie family? "

"This... this ship really belongs to the Nie family.

My father knew it was a good boat, so he bought it for 3000 million US dollars. "Chen Congming put down his teacup and looked at Ding Yunfeng proudly.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him contemptuously: "It's just a lure? Is there any threat?"

Chen Congming said nothing, picked up his teacup and took a sip.

Ding Yunfeng snapped: "I think it must be a threat, otherwise, how could they sell you a gambling boat that is making money every day so cheaply?

This Dragonfly is 134 meters long, 120 meters usable, and 18 meters high. It has 4 decks and is decorated in French style throughout.

According to my understanding, the cost alone is as high as 6000 million US dollars.

It took only two years for the Nie family to enter the water, and you guys bought it at half the price, definitely making a fortune. "

"Damn, you stay in Repulse Bay all day, how do you know my Chen family so well?"

"Nonsense! I, Ding Yunfeng, are making troubles on Hong Kong Island. I don't have an intelligence network. The grass on my grave will be three feet high."

Chen Congming gave a thumbs up, and immediately said hi: "I was interrupted by you so much, I forgot what to say to you..."

"What else?
Isn't it because your old man was not satisfied with buying the Dragonfly, and the next year he set his sights on the Fugui Pill that Nie Aotian and Le Xiaowen made together, but was put on by the Fusang people? " Ding Yunfeng smiled while drinking Gongfu tea.

Chen Congming looked at him in shock: "You really know!"

"This matter caused a lot of trouble in the Eastern area two years ago.

It's not a secret, I'll know if I catch some wind. "Ding Yunfeng took out the cigarette case, knocked out a Huazi and handed it to Chen Congming.

Chen Congming took the point and said, "Alright, since you understand something, I'll get straight to the point.

Two years ago, the descendants of the Nie family planned to sell Fugui Pills.

However, because the ship was registered in Fusang, there was black and white collusion and a trick was implemented - foreign forces were not allowed to participate in the auction.

My family approached the Xinyue Group as an agent. Unexpectedly, Eiji Tsukamoto, the eldest grandson of the third generation of the Tsukamoto family, just came of age.

That kid also fell in love with that ship, and ran to find Heihuhui to cooperate.

Both the Crescent Group and the Black Tiger Club are branches of the Yamaguchi Group.

In order to prevent the matter from becoming serious, the Yamaguchi-gumi came out to mediate and used a round of stud to decide the bidding rights of Fugui Pill..."

"Well, I've heard a few of these things.

His father beat the president of the Black Tiger Club, but the other party accused him of cheating, but they couldn't produce any evidence, so in shame and anger, he committed seppuku. "Ding Yunfeng tapped on the soot and said slowly.

The gambling demon Chen Jincheng and the president of the Black Tiger Club fought for the first time. It was the beginning of "God of Gamblers 1". The previous background of the first mention.

Now adding Eiji Tsukamoto is obviously integrated with the plot of "King of Killers".

"Chuqian? It's as if the Japanese devil didn't change his card?
Brother Feng, you know that according to international gambling rules, if you can't catch your opponent's telltale signs on the spot, you have to be willing to admit defeat.

Actually, you don't know the details inside.

Listen to me, the president of the Black Tiger Club didn't cut his stomach angrily because he couldn't do anything to my father.

He messed up Tsukamoto Eiji's commission, worried about being liquidated by the Tsukamoto family, and atoned for it with death.


He had just cut seppuku when the next hall suddenly opened.

Dozens of local reporters from Tokyo rushed in. They held cameras and took pictures of us.

Then, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department also came, planning to arrest us for illegal gambling.

When things got to that point, my father had no choice but to give up the winning bid and take us away from Fusang.

As for the Fuguimaru gambling boat, it ended up in the hands of the Xinyue group, and it was Eiji Tsukamoto who paid for us on our behalf.

In fact, this gamble is just a cover!
No matter who wins or loses, the biggest gambling ship of the Nie family can only fall into the hands of the Yamaguchi-gumi or Eiji Tsukamoto. "

The more Chen Congming talked, the more angry he became. The Chen family in Singapore was treated like a monkey by the Fusang people.

Chen Jincheng was old and cunning and endured it, but he, a thousand-year-old, couldn't swallow it.

"So, what do you mean, please let me help you deal with the Yamaguchi-gumi, Xinyue-gumi and Eiji Tsukamoto, and get back that Fugui Maru?" Ding Yunfeng bit Huazi and went to the bar, poured two glasses of red wine and came back.

Chen Congming took a cup: "Brother Feng, you guessed wrong this time, my father returned to Singapore from Tokyo, and immediately ordered that the Chen family not be allowed to use Fugui Pills again.

Right now, it's the second generation of the Black Tiger Club, Hiroji Uemura, who has trouble with us!

In the past two years, wherever the gambling boats under the Chen family's name went, the little devil brought people there to make trouble.

I also heard that he is looking for gambling masters all over the world, and he is going to ask my father to come out to fight! "


According to the original plot.

The other party found Gao Jin, and Chen Jincheng was embarrassed.

Ding Yunfeng complained in his heart and raised his wine glass: "Don't say you and I are personal friends, just because the Chen family in Singapore is Chinese, and the opposite is from Fusang, I have no reason not to support you.

Tell me, how can I help? "

"Hey, I want to find you Li Fangzhen, Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi.

I don't know what kind of master that guy Uemura will be able to invite in the end.

To be honest, my father's health has deteriorated year after year over the past few years.

My second uncle and I are not skilled enough, so I would like to ask your three aces to bet on the formation.

In case the father is not sure that he can win against the other party, at least someone on the scene can play on his behalf. "After Chen Congming finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head under Chen Congming's surprised gaze: "No."

"Hey, no.

You said earlier, good brother, I drank all the wine, you say no now, where will I put face? "

Seeing that Chen Congming blushed anxiously, Ding Yunfeng motioned him to sit down: "After Fang Zhen fought Nie Wanlong back then, he never fought on the table again.

What's more, he broke a hand, so I don't think he has the ability to succeed at peak seven.

As for Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi, they borrowed flowers to offer Buddha a trick, and they had to cooperate with each other after playing for ten years.

If you think about it, it's okay for these two guys to bully mediocre players, but when they meet masters, they will definitely rush to the street. "

"Then what to do?
Brother Feng, you don't know that the boat gambling industry is very competitive, and it's no longer to the extent that you die or I die.

Uemura Koji has been biting my house, and I have always suspected that there are Yamaguchi-gumi or Eiji Tsukamoto behind his back..." After hearing this, Chen Congming became anxious again.

Ding Yunfeng stretched out his hand to hold him down, and grabbed the big brother beside him: "Don't be nervous, I'll find another expert to help you. Huang Shihu, the king of thousands of kings in Haojiang, have you heard of it?"

"Huang Shihu?

All I know is that he used to be He Xin's horse boy.

Later, he was imprisoned for one year because of something, and he was released from prison to start his own family.

Hey, Brother Feng, is this person reliable?
He calls himself the king of a thousand kings, and he has no actual achievements to spread in the Tao.

Moreover, there are rumors in the Tao that this person has a weird temper and often tricks people.

I think that instead of hiring him, it’s better to spend money directly, and hire the meat-noodle flying dragon Ferrari from Kowloon..."

While Chen Congming was not stopping, Ding Yunfeng had already called Huang Shihu: "Hey, Hu Zai, I need your help.

Do you have time?

If so, come to Repulse Bay immediately, and I will ask Ah Jun to drive to the pier to pick you up.

no problem, right?
Well, hang up! "

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng finished speaking in a few words, he hung up the phone, and when speaking to Huang Shihu, the king of thousands of kings, he still used a commanding tone.

Chen Congming, who was sitting next to him, was too shocked to speak.

Putting down the big brother, Ding Yunfeng asked Wang Jianjun to drive a Bentley to pick up people at the pier, then he picked up the cigarette case, knocked out the Huazi and handed it to the dumbfounded Chen Congming: "What were you talking about just now? I was on the phone and didn't pay attention."

"No, it's nothing..." Chen Congming caught Hua Zi in a daze, and couldn't help asking after clicking, "Do you know this King of Thousand Kings?"

"We have been friends for more than ten years..." Ding Yunfeng lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and said that he and Robinson were going to open the Moon Casino back then, went to Haojiang to seek talents, accidentally met Huang Shihu and Fang Zhen, and even had a fight with Nie Wanlong. over again.

It was about several experts in the industry, including He Xin and Nie Aotian, two heroes of the same generation as Chen Jincheng, as well as Nie Wanlong, Hong Guang, and Fang Zhen, who were the gangsters. Chen Congming listened with gusto.

No wonder Ding Yunfeng looked down on Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi, they are the best of the best in gambling.

Half buckets of water like Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi are indeed not enough to look down upon.

Brother Feng urgently called, Huang Shihu put down what he was doing, and went to Haojiang pier to take a boat.

Along the way, through Wang Jianjun's mouth, Huang Shihu knew in advance that this incident was related to the Chen family in Singapore.

Come to Repulse Bay.

Ding Yunfeng introduced the two of them, and directly told Huang Shihu that the Chen family had disputes with the underworld forces in Fusang in the gambling boat business.

At present, the Chen family needs a master in order to deal with the challenge launched by the other party in the near future.

"The Tsukamoto family? Sounds familiar." Huang Shihu flicked his light gray hair: "Is there someone named Tsukamoto Eiji in their family?"

"That's right, Tsukamoto Eiji is the most important grandchild of Tsukamoto old ghost.

The most luxurious Fugui Pill under Nie Aotian's flag fell into his hands. As Chen Congming said, he took out a photo from his purse and put it on the table.

In the photo, there is a Fusang young man in a suit with a cold expression and nervous eyes.

"It's really this noodle sausage!
I have long seen him very upset!
The last time he came to Haojiang to gamble, the hotel he asked to stay in provided him with 8 virgins every night.

He had to learn from what his grandfather did in his hometown back then. Only when he got tired of us Chinese women would he leave. In the end, he was so angry that Xin Ge personally told him to leave. "

Huang Shihu tapped the photo with his fingers, and as soon as he finished speaking, Tsukamoto Eiji's head in the photo had already been punched through with his fingers.

As soon as a master makes a move, he will know if there is one.

Chen Congming's eyes changed instantly: "One of the ten explosive moves of Master Long's Consonant Finger?"

"Hey, it's just a little superficial imitation of the predecessors.

If it was Siye's original version, the entire photo would be replaced within two thousandths of a second, and, like me, I would not need to make a sound first to attract the attention of others. "Huang Shihu clasped his fists at Chen Congming and smiled.

"It's already amazing, but Long Si is the Chinese God of Gamblers, a legendary figure.

Everyone is about the same age, but my finger strength is far inferior to yours. As Chen Congming spoke, he took out a box of playing cards from his suit with his right hand.

Throw to the left hand, the box disappears;
Throw it back to the right hand, and the big and small kings and billboards are taken out;
Then he opened the fan flexibly with five fingers, and Chen Congming flicked his wrist lightly - four A's shot out and landed firmly in front of Huang Shihu.

Both sides show off their moves to confirm each other's level.

From Ding Yunfeng's point of view, Huang Shihu must be able to do what Chen Congming did.

After all, in "The King of Thousand Kings 2000", Huang Shihu used eleven mahjong tiles as hula hoops to circle his neck several times.

"Okay! Since everyone thinks these Fusang people are not pleasing to the eye, then I don't need to waste my words.

Smart boy, you go back this time and are responsible for persuading your father.

Instead of being beaten passively all the time, it's better to give the little devil a hard time once and for all.

When that Uemura Hiroji came out to make trouble, the Chen family simply asked them to go out on the high seas to make a deal.

Best, find a way to catch that Tsukamoto Eiji out.

Let's work together and throw this bastard into the sea to feed the sharks! "Ding Yunfeng poured three glasses of red wine while talking.

Seeing Brother Feng taking the lead in toasting, Huang Shihu and Chen Congming followed suit.

The three wine glasses touched lightly.

This alliance led by Ding Yunfeng, from Singapore to Hong Kong Island to Haojiang, aimed at Tsukamoto Eiji and the Yamaguchi-gumi was established.


After finding an ally, Chen Congming did not stay long, and immediately left by boat, eager to go back to do Chen Jincheng's ideological work.

As the saying goes, knowing the father is more like a son, Chen Congming knows too well about old foxes like his father Chen Jincheng.

money above all!

Between asking for money and asking for breath.

Chen Jincheng definitely chose to ask for money.

Two years ago, the Chen family was put together by Eiji Tsukamoto and the Yamaguchi-gumi in Tokyo.

Chen Jincheng didn't think about revenge at the first moment, but ordered the Chen family not to fight back.

Some time ago, the old man came to the New Territories of Hong Kong Island to inspect Dasha’s underground casino, and learned a trick to provide multi-national currency exchange services on the gambling boat.

This move made the gambling boat under the name of the Chen family famous.

In Chen Congming's view, even if he knew that Uemura Hiroji was secretly accumulating energy, he was ready to go.

The old man will not take it to heart either, hurry up and make money by operating a gambling boat is the key.

As for the Fusang people, it's a big deal, and it will be a formality then.

It's best to win!
If you can't win, it is acceptable to try to lose less.

Even, if the level of people invited by Uemura Koji is too low.

Maybe, Chen Jincheng will secretly raise the peripheral odds and make a coquettish operation of buying himself to lose!
Chen Congming is not good at gambling, but he has an out-of-the-ordinary personality, is easy to make friends, and has the ambition to follow He Xin's path. His goal is to become the recognized king of gambling in Nanyang countries.

For this reason, as soon as he received a call from Ding Yunfeng, he drove the gambling boat Dragonfly to Frog Island without telling Chen Jincheng.

At the risk of offending a boatload of gamblers, Chen Congming also seized the opportunity to show favor to Ding Yunfeng and sell him a favor.

The Chen family in Singapore knows which side Ding Yunfeng is backing.

Both Chen Jincheng and Chen Song are optimistic about Wadao, but Chen Congming doesn't think so.

The size of the two on the world map is simply incomparable. If he really wants to bet, he would rather choose the bigger one.


As soon as Chen Congming left, Huang Shihu got up to bid farewell to Ding Yunfeng.

As long as you hang out in Haojiang, you will eat with He Xin by default.

Now, if you want to attack the Fusang people, you must vent your anger to Brother Xin beforehand.

Not to mention, Huang Shihu used to be Xin Ge's confidant.

"You go back to see Brother Xin, and tell everything straight.

By the way, tell him that I will visit him in Haojiang in two days and discuss this matter face to face. "Ding Yunfeng sent to the door, and warned Huang Shihu.

Huang Shihu's eyes changed: "Brother Feng, even if we have to deal with that Eiji Tsukamoto, we are enough, don't you need to disturb Brother Xin? Oh! Unless you want to..."

Ding Yunfeng made a gesture of silence: "Don't ask too much, you and Chen Congming's enemies are only Uemura Hiroji and Tsukamoto Eiji! Other things, it's best not to worry about them."

"Understood. Brother Feng, take care."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."


After sending the two away, Ding Yunfeng went back to the house and went upstairs, and contacted Yang Jianhua through the dedicated line in the study.

Let's talk about Li Xiangdong and the others first, and learn that Qi Jingsheng was shot and wounded because he was kind to the enemy during the battle.

Sitting next to Yang Jianhua, Leader Sun took her microphone and said, "Ah Feng, Qi Jingsheng's parents are my old friends.

In this operation, he made a serious mistake. When he comes back, the organization will definitely punish him!
From a personal point of view, please ask the best doctor to save his life as much as possible. "

"Old Sun, do you have to tell me about saving people?" Ding Yunfeng pretended to be dissatisfied, and immediately smiled: "Don't worry, I bought a private hospital here a while ago.

Qi Jingsheng was well arranged, and the surgery was successful, so there was no danger of his life.

It's just that he needs some time to recuperate, and I can't send him back immediately. "

"It's okay, it's okay...

I think so, the task of Li Xiangdong and Guo Xuejun has been completed.

You find a chance and arrange for them to come back first. As for Qi Jingsheng...

This child is a high-achieving student of Huaqing University and has been to the Annan battlefield. He is a good seed.

When his injury is healed, if it works, stay with him and give him a chance to make a contribution.

If he is unbearable, send him back. "Leader Sun pressed the pause button of the monitoring device with one hand, and grabbed the receiver with the other.

With just a few words, he cut out the content about being kind to Qi Jingsheng in the conversation between himself and Ding Yunfeng through intermittent pauses.

Yang Jianhua stared straight at him——Boss, what you're doing is against the rules!
At the same time, Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised to hear that Leader Sun pleaded with Qi Jingsheng.

After a short pause, Ding Yunfeng smiled and said: "Old Sun, you have already said this, can I still say no?
Okay, as long as Qi Jingsheng doesn't dislike me for wronging himself, he can stay on Hong Kong Island and help me. "

"Then, on behalf of his parents, I would like to say thank you to you!

Okay, I have nothing else to say, I will leave the call to Comrade Yang Jianhua. "Leader Sun beamed with joy, and handed the receiver to Yang Jianhua.

Yang Jianhua sighed silently, took the receiver with one hand, and pointed at the monitoring device with the other.

Leader Sun's expression was calm. He first withdrew the half-recorded tape from the device, and then stuffed in a blank roll.

Yang Jianhua was in a cold sweat. This operation violated at least ten rules.

However, the content involved can be large or small. Afterwards, should I report it offside?

"Hey, Comrade Yang, are you listening?" Ding Yunfeng's voice came from the receiver.

Yang Jianhua was so surprised that he came back to his senses: "Oh, I'm here, I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I just dropped the cap of my pen, where did you say?"

"Speaking of asking you to help me check Fusang Tsukamoto's family, in my impression, old Tsukamoto is almost 90 years old, and seems to have participated in the war that invaded us." Ding Yunfeng frowned and repeated.

Just as Yang Jianhua was about to answer, Leader Sun snatched the microphone over: "Ah Feng, let me answer this question.

The current head of the Tsukamoto family, named Junichiro Tsukamoto, and his father, the old Tsukamoto, named Ankang Tsukamoto, was the No.13 Division, the captain of the 1st Infantry Regiment

This old beast has his hands covered with the blood of our compatriots.

It's a pity that he escaped the trial after the war by taking advantage of loopholes.

Yasuya Tsukamoto later turned to the business world, founded the Tsukamoto Group, and colluded with the Fuso gang headed by the Yamaguchi-gumi. It is said that he did a lot of evil things in the local area.


Suddenly asked about this family, did you get in touch with them? "

Hearing about the situation of the Tsukamoto family from Leader Sun, Ding Yunfeng didn't hide it either.

Chen Congming came to ask for help, and he wanted to use his own strength to deal with the Tsukamoto family together.

Leader Sun rubbed his forehead and pondered: "The Chen family in Singapore...

If I remember correctly, they run the same gambling business as the He family in Haojiang.

By the way, what city is their Patriarch Chen from? "

"Chen Jincheng, the person in charge of the second room of the Chen family is named Chen Song, and he also runs a gambling business in Wadao." Ding Yunfeng reminded.

"Yes, yes, when you mentioned Chen Song, I remembered it!
This family has always been closer to Frog Island.

But according to what you said today, that young master of the Chen family seems to want to get close to us through you? Leader Sun spoke more and more vigorously, and gestured for Yang Jianhua to go out and get the materials of the Chen family.

 6K, still on that sick leave
(End of this chapter)

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