Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 814 The Queen's Secret Order

Chapter 814 The Queen's Secret Order
From the 80s to the 9s, Singapore's average annual growth rate reached an astonishing [-]%.

This is for the hometown who is just about to cross the river by feeling the stones and preparing to vigorously develop the economy.

Regardless of whether it is operating a port, building a financial center or building urban infrastructure, their achievements are worth referring to.

Not to mention, how to attract overseas Chinese to return to China for investment is also a very important task at this time.

The Chen family started out with gambling, which is considered to be a way of making money.

If it was in the past, even if the Chen family wanted to take the initiative to move closer.

Not to mention that there are no doors, the windows can be welded to you.

But now, the wind direction has changed!The Chen family is willing to bring foreign exchange in for investment, and we are good friends.

Leader Sun is capable of sitting in this position, so he is naturally not a person with rigid thinking.

Just based on what Ding Yunfeng said, he immediately guessed that Chen Congming made a different choice from his parents.

"He didn't make it clear, but since he knew my position, he asked me to plan Fusang people together, which is worth tasting." Facing Lao Sun's question, Ding Yunfeng replied ambiguously.

At this time, Yang Jianhua brought the files about the Chen family.

Leader Sun put on reading glasses and looked at it. What left him speechless was that Chen Jincheng and Chen Song had a lot of dark history.

Good luck!

Apart from being a bit of a dandy, Chen Congming didn't do anything evil, so he was someone who could be wooed with confidence.

"Ah Feng, I will report the matter of the Chen family immediately.

I'll ask Xiaohua to call you when the results of the meeting come out. "Leader Sun took out Chen Congming's information, grabbed the receiver and said: "Also, Lao Gao straightened out the southeast.

If there is a last resort, you can go to him directly.

As long as you go out on the high seas and keep your hands and feet clean, who can tell if it's a soldier or a bandit..."


Putting away the phone, Ding Yunfeng took out a cigarette and lit it up. With the background of his hometown, he was completely safe from the tricks of the Fusang people.

In the past few years, Blood Fang has become more and more famous in the mercenary world, and he can no longer be used as a surprise soldier. A little action will attract the attention of intelligence dealers.

The people trained by Tianyangsheng and Li Jie are fine on land. If they go to sea to do things, Ding Yunfeng feels that it is really better to ask Gao Shiwei to borrow someone.

Zhan Mi just came back from the outside, seeing Brother Feng with a solemn expression, walking down the stairs, he hurriedly went up to ask the reason.

"It's okay." Ding Yunfeng shook his head, changed the subject and said, "I just called my hometown, and I'll wait until Yang Cai's case is over.

You arranged for Li Xiangdong and Guo Xuejun to go back to Saigon on Dasha's boat.

As for Qi Jingsheng, after he recovers and is discharged from the hospital, you take him to Brother Jie and arrange a position for him in the Dragon Shield Security Company. "

"Qi Jingsheng wants to stay? Brother Feng, what are you going to do with him? Management?" Zhan Mi looked at Ding Yunfeng in surprise and asked.

Ding Yunfeng clicked his tongue: "See what he is suitable for, and arrange for him to do it. Do you need to ask me about this?"

"That's fine, I know it." Jimmy took out the memo and wrote it down, and immediately took out a newspaper from his pocket, pointing to the headlines on it: "Brother Feng, I found something very interesting today.

The Qinhuang sword that you asked Dasha to send to your hometown back then will be on Hong Kong Island after its tour in the West.

I think that the group of people in the fishing village should be given a gag order to prevent them from seeing and saying things that should not be said during the exhibition of the sword. "

【Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qinhuang Mausoleum & Qinhuang Sword Cultural Relics Exhibition】

After receiving the newspaper from Zhan Mi, Ding Yunfeng sighed secretly as he looked at the bold headlines on it. Everything was packed together. This is the plot of "The New Best Partner".

"Over there in the fishing village, ask the prince to come forward.

Those three families bully the weak and fear the strong, the prince is very powerful on the road recently, let him take people there, the village head and the other two family heads will help us restrain the villagers..." Ding Yunfeng didn't finish his sentence.

From the direction of the gate, the voice of the male mother-in-law He Dongshi came: "I have something urgent to find Brother Feng, Wang Jianguo, please don't get in the way..."

"Go out and see what happened." Ding Yunfeng opened the newspaper and sat down.

Zhan Mi nodded in agreement, walked to the gate of the villa, and found that besides the man-in-law, there were Lan Bao, the bald man, and King Kong who had just been released from prison.

The complexion of the man-in-law and Lan Bao was very dark, the bald man covered his mouth to hold back his laughter, and King Kong stood beside him with a sad face, and he knew that he was the one who caused trouble again.

"Yingnan just fell asleep, you guys don't talk too loudly." Zhan Mi waved Wang Jianguo back, turned and walked into the villa: "Brother Feng is inside, come with me."

Lan Bao said to He Dongshi: "I told you earlier, don't blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, look, you're disturbing the kids."

"I didn't know that little ancestor was sleeping..." He Dongshi was wronged this time, and it was rare that he didn't talk back.

A few people followed Zhan Mi to the living room, seeing Brother Feng only reading the newspaper and ignoring themselves, they quickly stood obediently.

"Find a seat for yourself, do you still want me to invite you?"

Ding Yunfeng put down the newspaper, and looked at the man-mother-in-law without anger: "Now you are a person with children, can't you control your temper?

Ah Guo is responsible, what are you doing to embarrass him?
Knowing that you are coming, will I avoid seeing you? "

"Sorry, Brother Feng, I will pay attention next time..." the man buried his head in embarrassment.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head helplessly, pointed at Lanbao and shouted: "Lanbao, tell me, what happened to force the old woman to come in to see me?"

"Brother Feng, the thing is like this, because of the care of Brother Xiong and Sir Qiu, King Kong was released last month with a reduced sentence.

Who knows, this kid went to Paris to relax, and inexplicably received a secret order from the Queen, and then he ran back to Hong Kong Island and stole the 'lucky star' stored in the evidence room of Tai Kwun..." Lan Baoyong looked at the mentally retarded looked at King Kong.

King Kong retorted angrily: "Hey! I really received a secret order from the Queen! She personally gave me the task that day, and the ace agent James Bond was there to testify."

"Haha, you're out of luck this time.

As far as I know, the ace agent of the ancestral family is called Johnny Ingrid.

James Bond is a character in the 007 series of movies, you stupid pig, you actually took it for real..." The bald man gloated and laughed.

King Kong opened his mouth wide, and took out a scroll tied with a red ribbon from his body: "Impossible, this secret order was clearly given to me by them..."

"King Kong, have you ever thought about...

The reason why a secret order can be called a secret order must be to avoid the risk of leaking the secret as much as possible.

So how could such a thing fall on paper?
And the other party actually gave you the original..." Zhan Mi couldn't see it anymore, and he hit a key point that King Kong had overlooked.

When Ding Yunfeng heard this, he already knew that this was the plot of "Best Partner 3", so he simply said to King Kong, "Let's see, I, Ding Yunfeng, have been out for so long, and I haven't seen what the Queen's Secret Order looks like."

King Kong took two steps forward and handed over the scroll in his hand to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng opened it and laughed straight away: "There isn't even a seal of sealant on it, do you believe it?
By the way, let me tell you by the way, although the queen is a mascot in the ancestral home, she also represents the dignity of the ancestral home.

Even if her jewels were stolen, there was no way she would show up to a thief, it was too cheap. "

"That's terrible, Brother Feng, help me find a way. I was released just now, and I don't want to be imprisoned in Stanley again." King Kong's face turned pale instantly after hearing this.

Ding Yunfeng didn't answer him, but looked at the man and woman and asked: "Then what does this matter have to do with you? This kid is cheap, so just lock him in and treat him, anyway, Hong Kong Island No death penalty."

"Oh, Brother Feng, after King Kong was released from prison, he cheated on my sister Dingdang.

And that night when the diamond was stolen, it happened to be my mother's turn to be on duty.

Guan Chun seized the opportunity and asked me to solve the case and retrieve the diamond within half a month, otherwise I would be blamed.

You said, can I not be in a hurry. "When the man-in-law talked about this, she was also full of grievances.

You are specially chosen to work while your aunt is on duty, King Kong, you are such a talent!

Ding Yunfeng looked helplessly at King Kong, an unreliable subordinate, he has taken in many of them one after another after he came to Hong Kong Island these years.

But it's the first time I've encountered someone as unreasonable as King Kong.

Resisting the urge to curse, Ding Yunfeng turned his gaze to the bald man.

Before Brother Feng could speak, the bald man raised his right hand, got up and said frankly: "Mr. Ding, I was also tricked by that kid King Kong.

In order to create an alibi, he tricked me into going to a North African restaurant to have sex.

Later, when things were revealed, I became an accomplice in a daze.Mr. Ding, I have no relatives on Hong Kong Island.

You have to help me pass this level, and I will follow the example of men and women, and they will take refuge in you. "

"Oh! What a mob." Ding Yunfeng sighed, and said to Zhan Mi, who shook his head and said nothing: "You ask the kite to investigate, whether this matter is a deliberate trick by the ghost.

King Kong was calculated when he came out of Stanley, and he was calculated when he went to Paris for vacation, which is a bit too coincidental. "

"Okay! I'll contact him right away." When he heard that Liu Jianming was going to be asked to do something, Zhan Mi straightened his face and strode out.

King Kong asked suspiciously, "Who is the kite?"

Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to talk to him, so he called Ah Shui to help him and the bald man arrange a guest room.

"Guan Chun gave the man-in-law half a month to solve the case, so during this time, as long as the two of you don't run around.

Even if he knew he was hiding with me, he would turn a blind eye and close his eyes, and would not come to arrest people. After a few words of comfort to the two, Ding Yunfeng grabbed the phone and made an international call directly to get in touch with the real ancestral ace agent——Johnny Ingrid.

The time difference between Hong Kong Island and London is 7 hours. Ding Yunfeng's side is at 3:8 pm, and Johnny's is around [-]:[-] am.

"Hello, Ding, long time no contact." Johnny held the sandwich in one hand and the phone in the other, and asked a little nervously: "Call me so early, don't tell me that Doudou can't do it with you guys." , are you ready to come back?"

"how is this possible?

Mr. Doudou has won the Outstanding Worker Award for ten consecutive years at the Mong Kok Workers' Night School.

I heard that he will nominate the vice principal next semester!
Unless he asks for it himself, I guarantee that no one here will drive him away. "Ding Yunfeng laughed out loud.

"Then I'm relieved." Johnny obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he heard that a group of people pretended to be the Queen issued a secret order to trick King Kong into going to the police headquarters on Hong Kong Island and stealing a valuable diamond, Johnny's face darkened.

"OK, I will personally follow up on this matter.

Ding, thank you for your call. I hung up. I will contact you again in two days. "

After finishing breakfast in a hurry, Johnny ran towards the garage while dialing Bow's number.

An hour later.

Johnny, who has royal blood, was successfully received by the real queen.

Knowing that someone was pretending to be herself outside, this empress, whom Ding Yunfeng jokingly called the mascot of the ancestral family, was really angry.

She is notoriously out of step with the current grandparents prime minister.

If the other party knew about this matter, they would definitely make use of it.

"Johnny, go to Hong Kong Island yourself and investigate this matter thoroughly. Remember, you have a license to kill..."

After receiving the secret order from the real queen, Johnny Ingrid took Bauf with him, put on a fake identity, and boarded the nearest flight to Hong Kong Island.

And this time.

Zhan Mi also connected with Liu Jianming, code-named [Kite], through a secret channel.

Wong Tai Sin District, Wong Tai Sin Temple.

Holding three sticks of incense sticks, Zhan Mi knelt on the futon and said in a low voice, "Brother Feng suspects that the men and women are plotted by ghosts, and I want you to investigate."

"Received! However, according to my intuition, this is not like a ghost.

No matter what excuse they are looking for, they have no reason to use the ancestral queen as an excuse. "Liu Jianming made a disguise, holding a lottery and shaking it rhythmically.

Zhan Mi got up and walked away: "Hurry up, find out the results, and send them to the old place."

Liu Jianming did not answer, but reverently shook the stick, and a dozen seconds later, a stick fell to the ground.

Picking it up, looking at it, and signing the lottery, Liu Jianming secretly sighed—I don't know who will be unlucky this time.

It's not good to find any excuses. Isn't it too long to find the queen's head?

It was on Liu Jianming's way back from the Wong Tai Sin Temple.

The ghost scammers who tricked King Kong into stealing diamonds drove a shark-like submarine in the depths of the high seas near Hong Kong Island.

In front of the fake ace agent, a ghost named James Bond, stood a man who hadn't appeared for a long time—— Qiu Sir.

"Here is 50 US dollars. According to our prior agreement, this is your reward for helping us get the security arrangements for the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters." Opening a suitcase full of US dollars, James Bond smiled and looked at Qiu Sir.

Qiu Sir stepped forward to put away the suitcase, just took two steps, and suddenly turned back: "That oil king, Abbas, is very interested in rare treasures?

When you were trading the crown, ask him, does he want Huaguo’s Qinhuang’s sword and Qinhuang’s mausoleum terracotta warriors?
As long as 200 million US dollars, I can continue to be your internal support. "

"Emperor Qin's sword and terracotta warriors?" James Bang sat up straight after hearing the words: "Even if Abbas is not interested in such things, there are many rich people who are willing to collect them.

There is no problem with 200 million US dollars, the key is that Hua Guo will definitely send people to protect these treasures, are you sure you can help me get them?"

(End of this chapter)

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