Chapter 834 Dongxing case

Seeing Situ Haonan's words being so extreme, Wu Zhiwei didn't dare to persuade him any more.

He was very decisive, and changed to another topic - Hong Xing is now in a menacing manner, and we Dongxing will fight next, or will we make peace?
Brother Haonan, as the leader, you have to give everyone an accurate direction, otherwise, the boys below will soon rebel if they run out of stock and get beaten.

"Didn't I say it last time? Hit, did I say no?" Situ Haonan widened his eyes and yelled at the smiling tiger.

Wu Zhiwei raised his hand to wipe away the spittle on his face, turned around and gave the crow who helped him wince, then turned to look at Situ Haonan: "That's fine, Brother Nan, since you are sure to fight. Today I will use the club In the name of the party, notify the speakers at each hall."

"Damn it! Zhiwei, don't you tell me that Han Bin threatened us last time, and I said we would fight, but you never informed me?" Situ Haonan blamed and looked at Wu Zhiwei after hearing this.

With a smile on his face, Wu Zhiwei raised his left hand and scratched his hair: "Blame me, I drank two too many glasses that day, and forgot to convey your meaning, Brother Nan..."

"..." Crow pursed his lips, and it was rare that he didn't get angry, because he saw that Wu Zhiwei's right hand, which was hidden behind him, had already clenched into a fist.

Remind Wu Zhiwei, this time remember to inform the horse boy below to formally start a war with Hong Xing. Situ Haonan raised the teacup, implying that it was time for the two to leave.

Wu Zhiwei grinned, stretched out three fingers, and made a counting motion to the faucet: "Brother Nan, if you want to call, there must be a regulation for the fee.

I heard that Hong Xing and the others paid 5% from the government, the leader paid 2%, and the representatives in each district were responsible for the final 3%.

As for us, should we also learn from others? "

"Zhiwei, are you being funny?" Situ Haonan smiled angrily, stood up and pointed to the leader, "Dongxing's family expenses have always been 5% from the public and 5% from the agent.

Now you want me to pay 2%, how can I have so much money?

Otherwise, you come to be the leader, and you are responsible for the 2%. "

Wu Zhiwei slapped Haha when he heard the words, and pulled the crow out of the door: "Don't, don't, don't, the leader, with my small body, how can I be qualified?

Brother Nan, there is no other order, the two of us will go down to work.

Don't worry, what you mean, within today, I promise to convey it to all the hall masters..."

Walking out of Tuodi, Wu Zhiwei immediately put away the false smile on his face, took the Camel cigarette handed by the crow, stuffed it into his mouth and lit it, and exhaled a column of smoke from his mouth: "It is he who speaks loudly, and he is also the one who is not allowed to do anything.

That's right, use the bad life of the horse boy below to test Hong Xing's attitude.

This matter, even we can do it but can't say it, let alone he is the leader. "

The crow looked around, put Wu Zhiwei's shoulders, and asked in a low voice: "Then what do you think about this matter?

Let me be honest, with our strength, if we start a fight with Hong Xing, we will definitely not be able to fight.

What's more.He is reluctant to part with the money, and he is unwilling to learn from Han Bin, so as to share a little pressure for us hall masters. "

"Screw it!
He has the guts to ask Benny Tiger to come out and single out!
The goods have been out for half a month, and the hall masters below have a bunch of opinions.

Now everyone has to pay to fight Hong Xing. If he is sure to lead everyone to fight, he won't just use his mouth to shoot last time. "Wu Zhiwei laughed on the spot.

Crow stroked his chin, hesitantly: "That makes sense, so what should we do?
If you don't fight, there is no place to sell your goods, and you will be embarrassed sooner or later;
Start fighting, spend money like running water, and die faster? "

"Oh, it's still selling.

Do you have something to sell?You have hair, yes...

The last time I had a backbone, I heard Han Bin mention his hometown, and I had a hunch that this time, he wanted to drive us away from Dongxing. "Wu Zhiwei sighed and looked at the Camel cigarettes in his hand: "No wonder Camel was able to purchase goods in the Netherlands, but never thought of taking the goods to the other side.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

He must know the camel, and don't mess with the other side.

Because, as long as someone stops you at sea, you will be embarrassed!
As for air transportation, how much can it take? "

The crow nodded slowly. In this line of business, apart from being geographically bordered by the southeast triangle, land transportation can be considered.

In most cases, it still relies on sea transportation.

In addition to being difficult to transport by air, it is also necessary to bribe the security personnel and airport executives of the two airports at the same time.

This approach is not only costly, but also very risky. Edom Star's shipments are basically impossible.

"I said, you know me, use your brain, I'm not good at it.

Next, what to do, you quickly make up your mind! Seeing Wu Zhiwei sighing at a cigarette for a long time, the crow finally couldn't help it.

"How to do it? Either transform or run away!
Whichever path is easier, just go. Do you want to stay and be buried with the society? "Wu Zhiwei flicked the cigarette and said to the crow in a low voice.

The crow was taken aback, and replied in a tangled way: "Run away? This... I'll go back and think about it first."

When Wu Zhiwei saw this, he knew that the crow was reluctant to part with his status in the arena here. With a look of regret, he watched the other party jump into the convertible BMW and leave.

Three days later.

Hong Kong Island is black and white, and was suddenly shocked by a piece of news.

Marshal of Dongxing No. [-] Road, the smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei, suddenly took his family with him—run away!

Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and put down the information in his hand: "Using the evidence of all the high-level fans of Dongxing in exchange for a family ticket to leave Hong Kong Island, it is indeed a smiling tiger."

"Brother Feng, you really decided to hand over these things to the Narcotics Investigation Bureau?
The last time Mrs. Tie and Beijing negotiated a date for returning to Hong Kong Island, how about keeping these materials for a few more years?
In the future, if we want to support staff within the Hong Kong Island Police Force, wouldn't it be very simple..." Looking at the three stacks of evidence that were a foot thick on the coffee table, Jimmy was a little bit reluctant.

Huang Dawen and Gan Lianghong looked at each other and remained silent. In the past three years, many things have happened in the police force.

First, Uncle Hua retired, and Huang Yaobing, Wu Xin and Chen Jianxin were promoted to a higher level each. It seemed that the chief superintendent was mentioned, but the three of them had selected their successors and were gradually handing over power, preparing to retreat to the second line.

Ding Yunfeng is still in the old team of the police force, and he still holds the power in his hands. In the frontline department, there is Lin Leimeng, the chief superintendent of Uncle Hua North District;
The high-level internal staff was mentioned by Lu Minghua as the Senior Assistant Commissioner of the Police Department, and took over from Chen Guorong, who was in charge of the shape affairs and the security department, who Li Shutang had previously worked for.

As for the group of Chen Jiaju, Ma Jun, Zhang Yaoxiong, Fat Leopard, and Nanpo.

Can only be a general, want to be handsome, one or two abilities are not enough.

Four-eyed Kun, who is qualified and capable, applied for early retirement last year and went to Nanyang to accompany Brother Luo in the affairs of the Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and even holds the title of Secretary-General of the Southeast Overseas Chinese Association.

Ding Yunfeng has been away from the police force for a long time, and his personal influence has gradually declined. In addition, Lu Minghua's own ability is not bad. When he led the Chinese troops and fought against Li Shutang and Guan Chun, he digested Ding Yunfeng's strength in the police force. Establish personal authority.

Although, now that Ding Yunfeng goes to any police station in the police force, everyone will still warmly call Brother Feng;

However, Zhan Mi, Huang Dawen, and Gan Lianghong, a group of high-level members of the Ding family in the business world, can clearly feel that the influence of the Ding family on the Hong Kong Island Police Force is rapidly declining.

The Sirs who used to meet each other with shoulder-to-shoulder shoulders, now they meet, are no longer called Brother Zhanmi, Shao Gan, or Uncle Wen. Everyone changes their names to Li Sheng, Gan Sheng, and Huang Dazhuang.

All three of them are like this, not to mention Shiye Su, Coolie Qiang, Han Bin, and Dasha, who are high-ranking members of the Ding family with association backgrounds.

It's very polite to nod and call out your name when you meet, and just say please come to the police station and cooperate with our investigation.

Some of them were 'insiders' in a broad sense who had been promoted by the Chinese police five masters or Lu Minghua in the past few years after Ding Yunfeng left the police force.

Most of them adopt a business-like attitude of pretending to be ignorant of the members of the association.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Ding Yunfeng is just a person, he is not a god.

He can grasp the direction of progress, but he can't make every decision he makes, and all the factions under his command are satisfied.

Therefore, Wu Zhiwei sold the entire Dongxing in order to survive.

A few people in Zhanmi reached a tacit agreement, since Dongxing has no fans to sell, it is better to take Situ Haonan and his group as experience.

In the future, if Brother Feng needs it, he can just pull a few out and kill him, so he can quickly support the spokesperson in the police force...

Ding Yunfeng understood the thoughts of these people, but understanding does not mean that he would agree.


The other side will not allow Ding to treat the Hong Kong Island Police Force as their own land.

If both the police and business circles could be grasped, he wouldn't have to withdraw from one side at the beginning.

"Don't think too much, give the things to the Narcotics Investigation Bureau, and then tell them that I gave them this chance, it doesn't mean that I want to ease the grievances with them.

But in this case, it is more legitimate for them to come forward.

In addition, they ate the big credit, and must share some small ones with others.

As for who are the others?
Let them want to go! "

Ding Yunfeng directly made a decision, and under the helpless gazes of Zhan Mi and the other three, he decided on the path for the materials of Smiling Tiger.

Everyone had no choice but to persuade Brother Feng to decide. Wait until Zhan Mi and Huang Dawen rushed to the Narcotics Investigation Section with the documents.

Gan Lianghong smiled and threw a Hua Zi to Ding Yunfeng: "Don't blame us for wanting to keep a hand, but in our position, the more cards the better!
It doesn't matter whether you have a good card or a bad one, playing with cards is better than playing without cards. "

"I know, you didn't see it, and I don't blame you." Ding Yunfeng bowed his head and nodded at Huazi, and took a deep breath: "As you told me last time, I'm better than everyone else over there." I understand, so there are many concerns that I cannot directly share with you.

Speak out, except for making you more dangerous and stressful, it will not help at all.

You see, Brother Luo just hung up the position of the chairman of the overseas Chinese in Nanyang. He declined several times in the capital to give him a real job. Let's learn from him when he has time. "

After Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, he didn't continue to explain, but Gan Lianghong, who was sitting next to him, felt a moment of fear.


After receiving a report from an enthusiastic citizen Li Jiayuan, the senior management of the Narcotics Investigation Section ran out to receive the report. After seeing dozens of kilograms of very detailed criminal evidence, the people from the Narcotics Investigation Section did not even dare to deal with it on the spot, but reported it. They invited Matthew, Lu Minghua and other high-level police officers over.

"Case of the century!
Mr. Li and Huang Dazhuang, the two have contributed to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong Island, and their contributions to cracking down on illegal incidents of fans.

The governor's office and the police force must give them an explanation afterwards. "Matthew was the person with the highest position present, he took the lead to give a guarantee, and then invited the two to his office for reception.

Lu Minghua stayed and looked at Li Haitian and Cheng Tianhai who had been kicked back to the Narcotics Investigation Division from the Yau Ma Tei Police Station and the Causeway Bay Police Station: "I announce that a special case team will be established immediately, and multiple departments will work together to handle the case!
Come, open a conference room, everyone, from now on, hand over all the communication tools on your body! "

The police moved quickly, less than three hours.

Crow was handcuffed in an underground casino, and even Sand Grasshopper and Lei Yaoyang were taken away from the construction site.

As for Situ Haonan, it goes without saying.

People were sitting in Tuodi, and the Flying Tigers attacked from the roof of Tuodi.

Out of conditioned reflex, Dongxing's gunmen ambushed in the dark and immediately counterattacked.

When Situ Haonan heard the gunshots and recognized the incoming troops as the Flying Tigers, before he could tell his subordinates to cease fire, he was swept into a hornet's nest by a few micro-turrets.

The business has grown so big, Cai Yuanqi was behind it at the beginning, and then Cai Sir was driven to the transportation department. Naturally, the cornucopia of Dongxing was forced to hand over. As for the next few years, who is in charge—Situ Haonan anyway Undead, many people must die this time.

A large society with tens of thousands of people, hundreds of high- and middle-level backbones were arrested overnight, and even the leader was shot dead by the police while being arrested at gunpoint!

Such a big case not only set off a big storm on Hong Kong Island, but also frightened Frog Island.

And the strange thing is still to come. This time, not only the Hong Kong Island police force is very efficient, but also the legal system personnel are also working overtime. It only took less than half a month to settle the Dongxing case. .

A total of 167 criminals, with a total sentence of 2023, is even more outrageous than that of the Laihao Group!
Except for Sand Grasshopper and Lei Yaoyang who were sentenced to 3 and 6 years, none of the others were sentenced to less than 10 years.

Most of the 27 hall masters, led by the nickname Xiashanhu Chen Tianxiong, were sentenced to more than 30 years in prison.

On the Stanley side, they even considered building a high-standard prison area dedicated to detaining criminals from the East Star Society...

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhanmi, Uncle Wen." The man guarding the gate of Stanley, while courteously calling, opened the iron gate and welcomed the three of them in.

Ding Yunfeng skillfully dismantled Hua Zi and handed one to the other party: "Where is Ah Qiu?"

"Tou asked for leave for the next few days to go to Fusang to shoot a film. At present, only Brother Gou and Brother Hua are here."

"Damn, he's almost 40, and he still has the energy to go to Fusang to make a movie?"

"Brother Feng, dude, he is planning to open a performing arts school there. It is said that Fusang customs industry wants to ask him to be the honorary president."

(End of this chapter)

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