Chapter 835 Arrange Second Brother
Brother Xun Er said: Human life is inseparable from color, just as an action actor cannot do without Qiu Jinjiang!

Knowing that Ah Qiu's business has expanded to Fusang, Ding Yunfeng has nothing to say except his admiration.

He took out his mobile phone and called Agou directly.

The three of Ding Yunfeng, under the arrangement of the other party, soon saw the golden-haired tiger Sandhopper and Ben Leihu Lei Yaoyang who had just been imprisoned.

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhanmi, Huang Dazhuang." Sandhopper happily took a few steps forward, looking excitedly at the three people who came to visit him.

Ding Yunfeng pointed to the chair in front of him: "Sit down, I came here today to tell you two.

To sweep away Dongxing this time, you must come in for a cutscene.

Otherwise, not only would I not be able to explain all aspects, I guess you would not be able to sleep if you are outside. "

Lei Yaoyang, who just took over the lit cigarette from Zhanmi, nodded again and again: "Brother Feng, you don't need to come here to explain this, you can just ask someone to pass on a message."

"Hey, you can't say that, going to jail is not just a joke.

Even if I have my own people here in Stanley to take care of me, I think you two have lost your freedom for a few years. If I don't come here today, I won't be able to pass the test.

Oh, right!

I will ask Chen Yaoqing to cover up the construction companies under your respective names.

To say it's going well, I can't guarantee it.

But at least wait until you come out to take over, the size of the company will not be worse than it is now. "After Ding Yunfeng said the above, he added another layer of protection to the two before leaving.

Hearing that Brother Feng even considered his own livelihood after he came out, Sand Grasshopper and Lei Yaoyang were very moved, and they both resigned with thanks.

After a while, Da Wei and Serena walked in with their shoulders crossed.

Dawei opened the chair and sat down, smiled and picked up the cigarettes in front of him, knocked out two, and handed one to his younger brother Xiaowei: "Brother Feng, I heard from Brother Hao that you have something to ask us."

Looking at Wei Wei and Xiao Wei who helped each other light cigarettes, Ding Yunfeng looked at the two with complicated eyes, took a black suitcase from Zhan Mi's hand, opened it, took out a spirit card, and placed it in front of the two of them.

Seeing the names and taboos engraved on the spirit tablet, the smiles on the faces of the two brothers disappeared.

Dawei opened his mouth, buried his head and kept wiping away his tears, quickly covered his face, and began to cry.

Serena held the spirit card tightly in her arms, and kept calling grandma at the top of her voice.

In the past, Yiqun Dadi, who used to kill people without batting an eyelid, rarely showed his weak side.

Ding Yunfeng quietly accompanied the two of them until Xiaowei's crying gradually subsided, and then he said: "After you came in, the life of the old man on the opposite side has always been arranged by Zhan Mi.

Although your two grandsons, Cheng Huan, are missing, the old man has had no worries about food and clothing these years.

79 years old is considered an advanced age, and my condolences to you two.

Just before she left, she seemed to have guessed something and kept asking the nanny why you have made a lot of money in Hong Kong Island, but you have never returned to the countryside to visit her for so many years. Run away. "

Dawei and Xiaowei buried their heads in shame, Ding Yunfeng nodded a flower, and continued: "The nanny dare not tell her the truth, but just said that you have received the news, but you are abroad, and now you can find a way to buy a plane ticket to come back. ..."

"I'm not filial! I'm not human!" Dawei slapped himself twice.

Serena on the side hugged him, and then carefully placed the spirit card of the grandmother who raised the two on the table.

"Brother Dog, please help us two brothers to find a grass carp, a plate of apples and some incense candles." Serena walked up to the shit-eating dog and said to him.

A Gou patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry about trouble, Brother Feng has already made me ready.

Things are placed in the visiting room next door.

Take your brother there, there is no way to drink wine, only tea instead. "

"That's enough, thank you."


Helping up Da Wei who was so crying that he couldn't move, Xiao Wei walked out slowly following behind the two prison guards.

The shackles on the two of them made a harsh sound as they moved.

Ding Yunfeng let out a long sigh, and took the cigarette that Huang Dawen handed over: "Old Huang, you know a lot, go over and help me out, I'm afraid Dawei and Dawei don't understand the rules and make a mistake in the worship ceremony."

"Okay, I'll go over and have a look." Huang Dawen pulled out the chair, got up and walked out.

At this time, Wu Shihao pulled the chair in front of Ding Yunfeng and sat down.

Mo Mo picked up the cigarette case, and Brother Hao lit three in one go.

After taking a strong puff, he clasped his hands together, held the cigarette high above his head, then dragged his feet, knelt down towards the next room, bowed, got up and pinned the cigarette in a crack on the table.

"Brother Hao, why are you so close..." Seeing this, Zhan Mi asked in confusion.

Ding Yunfeng raised his hand to hold Zhan Mi, and shook his head slightly at him.

Wu Shihao's face was full of bitterness, looking at the next room where there was a faint cry: "I brought them out back then, we agreed to go back to be filial to their grandmother when we made a lot of money together, and to build a big house for her in the countryside.

But now, I brought Williams and Serena to the prison.

I wanted to go over and burn incense to her old man, but how could I have the face to go there. "

After wiping his red eyes, Wu Shihao sniffed and forced a smile to Ding Yunfeng: "Okay, people are gone, so it's useless to talk about it.

Zhan Mizai, thank you for all these years.

If you weren't arranging these things, the old man would definitely not live to this age.

Ma De, I owe a lot of favors to Ah Feng.

Now I even owe him the favor of Ma Zi, this big brother, what he did was a failure..."

Wu Shihao was talking while lighting a cigarette, he might have been overly emotional, and soon he was choking on himself and coughing again and again.

Ding Yunfeng stood up and patted Brother Hao on the back to help him calm down: "You said it yourself, you owe me too much and you can't pay it back, so it's not bad to add more Zhanmi.

Take care of your age, take care of yourself, and you will be able to come out after more than ten years. Brother Luo told me to tell you, hold on, he is waiting for you in Singapore to find him for wine! "

"I'll pick! He, Leihuo, has such a good heart?
I don't believe it, it's no wonder he didn't call me stupid behind my back, wait for me to drink..." Wu Shihao became excited again when he heard Lei Luo's news.

Ding Yunfeng knew that he had too much prejudice against Luoge, so he didn't bother to explain more, so he just put a few photos on the table.

"What? What?" Wu Shihao grabbed it with a look of impatience, and found that these photos were all pictures of him coming to the Southwest Triangle to discuss business and trying to set up ambush for him to be dealt with.

Ding Yunfeng took the photo away from his hand, took out a lighter and lit it up: "Brother Luo is in the Nanyang area, and now he is more powerful than the heads of those small countries!
Brother Hao, do you remember when the three of us chopped up chicken heads and burnt yellow paper in Sansheng Palace?

After all, he is also the eldest brother, and now that he has taken the initiative to express his opinion, don't you even want to give him a step?
What's more, I don't believe that you still can't figure out the matter of Fat Boy Chao. This matter was deliberately used by the ghost to separate Brother Luo and you..."

Wu Shihao shook his head with a dark face: "The same job, why isn't your Ding Yunfeng being used by the ghost, and he, Lei Luo, is about to be used by the ghost?
In the final analysis, it is still a matter of whether you are willing to do anything for your brother!
It wasn't that I was postponing, just that night, when he entered the city wall, he was plotted against by Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao. At that time, I was sent off by Fat Boy Chao in advance to go to Siam to deliver goods.

I killed a boatload of people and swam back to rescue him, wouldn't I know that this was a narrow escape?
But the result?

I, Wu Shihao, did it anyway, my loyalty was exhausted, as for him, he didn't even dare to stand up to the ghost for me, oh shit! "

After talking a lot one after another, Wu Shihao was so excited that he covered his chest and kept panting.

Ding Yunfeng helped him to sit down, just at this time, Dawei and Xiaowei came back from paying homage to their grandmother, and the person heard their conversation at the door, so he also came over to persuade him.

"Don't say that, don't say that.

Ah Feng, let us two elder brothers resolve the matter between me and him. Don't get involved, so as not to hurt our relationship. "Brother Hao stood up with his crutches on his back, and strode towards the cell regardless of everyone's dissuasion.

Xiaowei looked at Ding Yunfeng helplessly: "Brother Feng, look, we used to cause trouble for you outside, but now we are here, and continue to trouble you."

"Hey, Jiaoji man, if you tell me this, I really won't come here in the future." Ding Yunfeng stopped Xiaowei, put his arm around his shoulder and said in a low voice: "I think Brother Hao's reaction this time is much better than before. up.

You, Dawei, and dumb...

Hey, forget about being dumb, just you two brothers, if you have time, find an opportunity to persuade Brother Hao.

Let me put it this way, after more than ten years, when you come out, Hong Kong Island is not suitable for you to stay, and you can't go back to your hometown. If you go to a Western country, you can't even speak English.

After much deliberation, there is only one Nanyang left to go.

With Luoge's current status, the locals are black and white, and even in my hometown, it is more convenient for him to speak up than me, understand? "

"Ming...Understood." Serena nodded vigorously. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng got up to leave, he hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Feng, Xiaohua will be coming out next month. I want to ask you to arrange for her to live in Nanyang first."

"Okay, don't worry, I will arrange it."


Back from Stanley, Ding Yunfeng thought about it for a while, and finally called Lei Luo.

Just mentioning Wu Shihao, Luo Ge laughed on the phone: "Ah Feng, don't waste time tossing, Ah Hao has such a bad temper, unless I stand in front of him and admit my mistake, he won't bow his head.

In fact, it has been so many years.

As the president of the Overseas Chinese Association, do I still have the general knowledge of a prisoner?
Don't worry, I'll pick it up from my hometown.

I don't stay on Hong Kong Island, and I don't go back to my hometown.

When they are released in the future, they will all be arranged to live incognito and a low-key life here in Nanyang.

I think the higher-ups will give this sympathy.

After all, those who should be sentenced should be sentenced to prison.

When he came out, he was almost 60 years old, and he didn't have a few years to live. "

I could hear Brother Luo talking, with a hint of desperation in his words.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help teasing him: "Brother Luo, you are much older than Brother Hao.

Right now, flying around all day long, doing business all over the world, how can you say that as soon as Brother Hao comes out, we can have a feast? "

"Heh, he compares with me? You don't need a brain, and you are also a young and Dangerous boy if you become the leader. What kind of future is there..." Lei Luo snorted proudly.


After arranging the places for Wu Shihao and his group in advance, Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo finished talking on the phone, and then contacted Leader Ye of Guangdong Province to finalize the bid for the construction of Yangcheng Airport for Gan Shusheng and Cheng Jiaxiong.

"Mr. Ding, don't worry, no matter how many companies bid, Yihai and Yisheng will be in charge of this matter in the end." Leader Ye grabbed the phone receiver and assured Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng: "Alright, I have caused trouble for everyone this time, and I have told them. You must show the working attitude of building an international airport, and don't lose my face."

"Haha, then our comrades here have something to learn.

Even the adults in Beijing are full of praise for the Kai Tak Airport on Hong Kong Island. "

When Ding Yunfeng heard this, he knew exactly what Leader Ye was implying.

He pondered for a while: "I will arrange it... At that time, your people will participate in the construction as temporary workers of Brilliant Real Estate.

As for the blueprints of the airport, according to our agreement, when Yihai and Yishengxiu arrive at the fourth airport, I will find a way to get them for you.

As for those basic skills, we need our people to work hard to learn from practice. "

Leader Ye breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the letter of approval: "Good! It is enough to have an identity to participate in the construction at a close distance.

I believe in our people, as long as they are given a chance, they can learn the advanced technology of the compatriots on Hong Kong Island in building the airport. "

After talking about this matter, Ding Yunfeng mentioned by the way that he, together with Wang Yifei and Robinson, plans to start a real estate company in his hometown.

"Welcome, this is a good thing, I will greet the relevant departments tomorrow!
All the way to the green light, if you want documents, you need documents, and if you want land, you need land.

There will also be dedicated people working with the four major banks.

In short, as long as you are willing to come, it is hard to say about other places, but in Guangdong Province, I guarantee you are satisfied, if you have any difficulties, come to me directly! "Leader Ye was so happy when he heard that, the last time Ding Yunfeng went to Fujian Province to invest in garment factories and fabric wholesale markets, he successfully boosted the economy there.

"Okay, I won't be polite to you.

There is no need to give the land, just draw tens of acres of land in my hands to make it the headquarters.

In terms of manpower, we need your support.

In this way, after a while, I will try to organize an investment group on Hong Kong Island, take people to Guangdong Province for inspection, and we will meet and discuss in detail. "Ding Yunfeng thought about it and found that the time to go back was ripe.

Needless to say, Leader Ye is in favor of this kind of sudden investment opportunity, and even directly expresses his opinion that he will let the people below do the reception work in advance.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yunfeng looked at the inscription given to him by Mr. Daping, and couldn't help but click on a little panda: "It's not easy. If it wasn't for the time when Hong Kong Island was taken back last year, even if I wanted to take people back, it would probably be impossible." Few dare to follow."

A month passed quickly.

On this day, Yihai Group and Yisheng Group jointly won the bid for Yangcheng Airport in Guangdong Province, which completely shocked the entire Hong Kong Island business community!
(End of this chapter)

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