Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 84 Meeting Qian Wendi Again

Chapter 84 Meeting Qian Wendi Again

Under the influence of alcohol, Chen Congming and Ding Yunfeng got to know the inside story of Qian Wendi and his gang.

Qian Wendi, who had joined Goldfinger Liao Zhi and got rid of Liu Yaozu's pursuit, just happened to come to this nightclub.

Zhong Chuxiong got acquainted here, and he quickly brought a group of cronies and friends over with a mean smile.

Squeezing Chen Congming away with a tail flick, Zhong Chuxiong put one hand on Ding Yunfeng's shoulder, and pointed to the bar with the other: "Ah Feng, Ah Feng, look over there..."

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Congming followed the prestige and found that the hot girl dealer Liu Lili who had just been driven away by Liu Yaozu in the casino, at this moment, actually changed into a tight black dress with an open back, and was sitting alone at the bar counter drinking.

"It's her?" Chen Congming looked at Ding Yunfeng in amazement. After he succeeded, didn't they all flee away?
Why does this woman still appear in a place like a nightclub where there are a lot of fish and dragons?
"You said yourself that the two people who are in charge tonight are only learning the tricks of Long Siban and borrowing flowers to present Buddha. At this time, don't you understand that these people are basically half a bucket of water in Qianmen?" Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly.

Chen Congming was even more depressed when he heard the words, he would overturn this kind of opponent, and this matter was reported back to Lion City, so he didn't have to go out to mess around.

Zhong Chuxiong focused all his attention on Liu Lili, rubbed his palms together and said with a smile: "Now that the matter is up to now, I won't hide it anymore!

It's a showdown, I'm the killer, not the criminals in Stanley, I'm the one who kills women, I can add food tonight. "


After Zhong Chuxiong finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue and stretched it flexibly on his lips. He took out a small comb, combed his hair, and walked towards Liu Lili.

Chen Congming looked at Ding Yunfeng speechlessly: "Hey, your friend, does he have some brain problems?"

"Haha, Brother Xiong is just a bit of a ghost, but he is actually pretty good.

Let's go and have a look together, I'm worried that brother Xiong will suffer. "Ding Yunfeng put down his wine glass, got up and walked up.

Chen Congming hurriedly followed, now he only has 1 yuan left on him, don't follow closely, if Ding Yunfeng and Killer Xiong leave, the ninth Lion City Poker Prince might be detained in Hong Kong Island.

"A glass of vodka with ice, no vodka!!!" Zhong Chuxiong turned around and sat beside Liu Lili, and snapped his fingers at the bartender.

The bartender replied blankly: "You just want ice, right?"

Killer Xiong stared at Liu Lili with a smile: "I am Megatron Yau Tsim Mong, killing all over Lan Kwai Fong, romantic but not obscene, sexy but not offensive, known as Richard Gere of Hong Kong Island;

The personable and charming little Xuanfeng on the bed, whose surname is Zhong and whose name is Chuxiong, is a pretty girl, please give me your advice. "

Liu Lili was so embarrassed, she took a sip from the cup of 'Lion City Commander' in front of her, because with her looks, it's normal for someone to strike up a conversation.

But like Zhong Chuxiong who came up to strike up a conversation with a glass of ice water, this was the first time she met...

Fortunately, at this time, Qian Wendi and Goldfinger Liao Zhi had already rushed over. The latter obviously knew about Zhong Chuxiong's details, so he put his shoulders on him and taunted him.

"Idol, you missed a lot!

And kill all the invincible opponents in Temple Street, bravely break into the rich man;

Personable, nothing to catch bears, seeing girls rushing forward, playing for nothing and not paying;

Good-looking, famous fast, small whirlwind on the bed, do things in 1 minute;

People call it the killer hero of Baidu Langjun, right? "

Chen Congming followed Ding Yunfeng over. Hearing this, he quickly pulled Ding Yunfeng back: "This guy is so embarrassing. In my opinion, let's not go there."

Although Ding Yunfeng thought this was very reasonable, seeing Zhong Chuxiong being bullied by others, that would not work! ! !

"Hey, how many of you are brave enough?

Don't you know that this is Liu Yaozu's place?
Boss Liu has lost millions of dollars on his front feet, and he still runs to his territory in a cool and unrestrained way. Do you really think he is a great kind person who eats vegetarian food and recites Buddha? Ding Yunfeng looked at him and Liao Zhi with a sneer as he held down Qian Wendi who wanted to stretch his hand into Zhong Chuxiong's pocket.

Zhong Chuxiong was afraid of covering his pockets, but he carried dozens of raincoats with him, so if someone found them out, he would be embarrassing.

After all, why bring so much if it's not fast?
His shot was intercepted by someone, Qian Wendi's eyes revealed a look of astonishment, he reached out and pulled Liao Zhi and Liu Lili behind him: "Haven't you heard of the darkness under the lamp?

What's more, the surname Liu has already sent someone to stop me on the road.

It's a pity, with the few eggs under his hands, I made a small plan and let them all go down to sell salted duck eggs. "

"Little boy, self-confidence is a good thing, but if you are too conceited, you will suffer a lot..." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Qian Wendi, who was full of rebellion, and pointed out something.

Qian Wendi was full of dissatisfaction when he heard the words, and he clenched his hands into fists, but at this moment, many young and Dangerous boys who were playing in the field saw the dispute here, and they all surrounded them one by one.

Although Killer Xiong didn't come out to hang out, he was in charge of the two prison areas in Stanley, and the large and small associations on Hong Kong Island basically sold Brother Xiong's three-point thin noodles.

Otherwise, one day the brothers of the society will be locked up in Stanley, wouldn't they be taken half of their lives by this guy?
"Oh! Because of the large number of people..." Qian Wendi pointed at Zhong Chuxiong and Ding Yunfeng with a dissatisfied face.

The more Chen Congming watched, the more unhappy he became. He stepped forward and patted Qian Wendi's arm away: "You can kill me tonight, isn't it because of the large number of people? There is a kind of one-on-one, and I can beat you to death!"

Qian Wendi laughed angrily: "You trash, since you have such backbone, why do you still charge me the 1 yuan in the VIP room?"

"I, Chen Congming, regret it, can't I?

Now I think your money stinks, okay?

Made!It's the first time I've seen an old man so arrogant!

The fourth master of Huaguo Gambling God Dragon has been righteous all his life, if he knows that his successor is so rampant, his old man's coffin will not be able to hold it down! "Chen Congming took out the banknote and smashed it hard at Qian Wendi.

Qian Wendi's face turned dark, and he took the banknote and threw it to the bartender: "Don't look for it, the rest will be used as a tip, let's go."

Watching the three of them turn and leave, Zhong Chuxiong patted Chen Congming on the shoulder: "Old Chen, these few words are the most encouraging of you tonight!

Now, earlier, I shouldn't have held a grudge against you.

Come on, everyone has a drink, and the past is over. "

Chen Congming took the wine glass handed by Zhong Chuxiong arrogantly, but he only took a sip and immediately sprayed it out: "Is there any mistake, the ice water is here?"

"Quack quack..." Zhong Chuxiong smiled with his hands on his hips.

Seeing that Chen Congming was about to smash his toast, he took out a stack of banknotes and stuffed them into the inner pocket of his suit: "Okay, okay, just kidding!

I won the Mark Six Lottery today, and I will give you [-] yuan as an emergency rescue!
Hey, hey, don't be moved, you have to pay it back. "

Seeing that these two best friends have actually become friends, Ding Yunfeng can only sigh with emotion that birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups.

"It's getting late, I'll make a phone call, you two don't drink too much, come out and find me later." Ding Yunfeng walked out of the bar after ordering the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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