Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 85 The Chen family is always in the background

Chapter 85 The Chen family is always in the background
Dashuangkou BBQ restaurant in Mong Kok was originally the sauna city of Heliansheng Longgen.

After coolie took over, with the help of Ding Yunfeng, he not only changed Longgen's sauna city into a barbecue shop, but also bought two surrounding shops.

A total of five stores are open to each other. At night, the downstairs is engaged in barbecue business, and during the day, the upstairs opens the Tan Leg Boxing Gym. It is obvious that Coolie Qiang regards this place as his own place.

Tonight, Big D brought more than 100 rotten boys from Tsuen Wan. These people occupied more than a dozen tables, and each of them was eating meat skewers with their mouths full of grease.

Compared with the other hundred or dozens of tables present, there were countless young and Dangerous boys who were busy splitting wine and blowing water.

This group of Tsuen Wan bad guys, each with a Heineken in front of them, the leader with a ponytail looked at the second floor from time to time, he didn't even drink.

At this time, the second floor of the barbecue restaurant.

Strong Coolie, Zhan Mizai, Big D, Airplane, and Chen Yaoqing who came to the door an hour ago with Ding Yunfeng's business card.

Some were smoking cigarettes, or playing with knives. Several people had serious expressions, and few of them spoke.

Jingle Bell……

The landline phone rang, and Jimmy picked up the receiver: "Brother Feng, that's right, it's me! Brother Qiang and the others are all here, okay, I understand!"

After a brief chat, Jimmy hung up the phone. He looked at the crowd and said, "Brother Feng wants us to rescue that cheater nicknamed Goldfinger from Liu Yaozu's men."

"Brother Qiang! Let me go!" Needless to say, the first to speak must be the plane.

The big D next to him waved his hand disdainfully: "Shut up! You can just kill people with a plane, save people, how can you save them by yourself?"

The plane didn't even look at Big D, but just looked at Coolie Qiang with pursed lips.

Zhan Micai: "I mean, let Mawei lead people to do this matter. The rotten boys brought by Big D from Tsuen Wan are all unfamiliar faces. Afterwards, he immediately asked them to return to the New Territories."

"Mawei's skill is too bad, I asked the plane to help him." Coolie looked at the plane, and the latter nodded happily.

But at this moment, Chen Yaoqing, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly stood up and said, "Brother Zhanmi, Brother Qiang, why don't we go?

We didn't even go to the bottom of the society, even if we were found out, we would take a boat to Haojiang to hide from the limelight. "


On the other side, Qian Wendi and the others just returned home.

After turning on the light, they found that Liu Yaozu and Meng Na had been waiting with their troops for a long time.

Protecting a golden finger Liao Zhi whose nose was broken by Ah Bao, Qian Wendi looked at Liu Yaozu pretending to be calm.

"Why are you hitting people?
Even if you get caught, the old rule is only a [-]% refund?We'll just give it back. "

"100%? How much is [-]%, but more than [-] million, is it worth me to do it myself?" Liu Yaozu looked at Qian Wendi and smiled contemptuously.

"Then what do you want?" Qian Wendi finally realized that, after arguing for a long time, it turned out that the prey was himself.

Next, just like the plot of the movie, Liu Yaozu ordered Qian Wendi to help him enter Stanley and walk away with the 3 million yuan in bearer bonds that Robinson had hidden.

In order to make Qian Wendi work hard, Liu Yaozu not only asked A Bao to break Liao Zhi's leg, but also took him away as a hostage.

Qian Wendi had no choice but to agree.

Recalling Ding Yunfeng's warning at the bar, Qian Wendi regretted it very much, but the matter was over, and he had no other choice but to help Liu Yaozu first.

Finally, Qian Wendi, the cheater, was lured into the trap, and Liu Yaozu took Mengna into the car.

Throwing an old file out of the car window, Liu Yaozu said indifferently: "That damned old man is soft but hard, I told Da Mi to break his four ribs and refused to let go.

I can only hope that this little cheater surnamed Qian can succeed. "

"Don't worry, the golden finger is in our hands, Wendi Qian will definitely work hard!
It's a pity that their master Xiang Zhabei has died of illness, otherwise, if the descendant of the Chinese God of Gamblers takes action, it will definitely be a success. "Mona looked at the files flying outside the window and said regretfully.

Mentioning Goldfinger Liao Zhi, Liu Yaozu's expression turned cold: "That smuggler, Ah Bao, will send him into the sea tonight. You will do it yourself."

"Good boss." Ah Bao responded coldly.

Meng Na Liu frowned slightly, but she did not object.

What about Long Si's disciples and grandchildren, these people didn't even find out who Liu Yaozu was, yet they dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head?
Even if they don't kill them now, when Qian Wendi gets Robinson down, this gang of cheaters will still be silenced.

After sending Liu Yaozu and Mengna back, Abao and two of his men packed Liao Zhi with a broken leg into a sack and drove to the pier.

But they didn't know that when they came out of Qian Wendi's house.

Chen Yaoqing drove four different models of vehicles with his three brothers.

Relying on their extraordinary driving skills and their familiarity with the roads of Hong Kong Island as the parking boys, they replaced each other at intervals and came to the pier one by one behind A Bao and the others.

"Brother Qing!" A Cong turned off the lights from a distance, got out of the car with a machete, and quickly ran to Chen Yaoqing's side.

A Hong and the eldest brother rushed over one after another. The knives in their hands were all bought by Ma Wei from Dao Scar Liu's knife shop.

Chen Yaoqing took out the black star given by the big D before leaving: "This is the first time to help Brother Feng, if anyone messes up, jump into the sea by yourself! Go!"

After saying that, Chen Yaoqing held the black star and took the lead to rush towards Abao and the others.

Ah Bao had just got out of the car with his two younger brothers, and before he could move Liao Zhi out of the trunk, several bullets were fired at him.

"Not good! There's an ambush!" Ah Bao's complexion changed drastically, just as he was about to turn over and get into the car.

Chen Yaoqing hit his shoulder blade with a bullet, and at the same time, the three of A Cong rushed over with their machetes held high.


Not long after Ding Yunfeng made this call, he saw Zhong Chuxiong and Chen Congming coming out with their shoulders crossed and their backs each carrying a bottle of beer.

"Today, thank you two for your hospitality. The person who picked me up is here." Chen Congming threw away the empty wine bottle and pointed to a Bentley across the road.

Zhong Chuxiong yelled: "I said, how do you have the confidence to throw that 1 yuan to Qian Wendi, so you guys have already left behind, come on, come on, give me back the 5 yuan."

"Why should I pay you back the money I borrowed?" Chen Congming hurriedly covered his pockets and explained with a smile: "First of all, I really didn't mean to hide it from you.

I didn't even expect that when I called home, the old man actually said that my second uncle Chen Song happened to be in Hong Kong Island. "

He does not mean that.

Looking at the Bentley car opposite, a middle-aged man walked down and looked up at the sky.

Such an exaggerated way of walking, coupled with Chen Congming's arrogance that made people speechless before.

Ding Yunfeng tugged at him: "Your second uncle, could it be the gambling king of Wadao, Chen Song?"

"Yeah, he and Hong Kong gambling king Hong Guang are rivals, and the two will fight from time to time, but my second uncle always loses more than wins..." Chen Congming nodded.

Bet Holy Nemesis Hung Yeh,

Frog Island gambling king Chen Song.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, looked at Chen Congming and asked, "You say you are the Prince of Lion City Poker, so your father is..."

"Haha, my old man is Chen Jincheng, the king of gambling in the Lion City. Many people in the Hong Kong Island gambling circle call him a gambling monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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