When Le Huizhen came back from New York, even Tang Ma ran to Kai Tak Airport to pick him up, let alone Ding's mansion.

Shi Shi and Wang Xia each took their children and traveled in a low-key manner. They were escorted by Wang Jianjun and took a seven-seater commercial vehicle to a single-family villa in Qingshui Bay.

"Ah Zhen, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you, Renying, hurry up and call someone." Shi Shi stepped forward to give Le Huizhen a hug, then pulled Ding Renying in front of him, and taught him to call him Auntie.

Le Huizhen squatted in front of Ding Renying and Ding Yingnan, teased the two for a while, then got up and invited Shi Shi and the others into the room.

"Tang Ma, Sister Shi Shi and the others are here. Hurry up, we won't have lunch until noon." He shouted in the direction of the kitchen, and Le Huizhen introduced Shi Shi and Wang Xia to sit in the kitchen. Cheng Le'er in the living room: "Le'er, my classmate and best friend. I'm lucky to have her take care of me in New York these years."

"Sister Shi Shi, Sister Xia, hello." Cheng Le'er smiled generously at the two of them.

These years in New York, she heard a lot about Ding Yunfeng and these two women from Le Huizhen's mouth.

"Miss Cheng, these years, Ah Zhen has caused you trouble." Shi Shi took a few steps forward, reached out and shook Cheng Le'er slightly: "In these years, brother Feng and I have asked her to come back several times, but she just resisted. .

Alas, if Le Xiaowen hadn't been diagnosed with terminal cancer last week, I don't know how long she would like to stay alone in New York. "

Cheng Le'er obviously knew about the contract back then, and when she heard Shi Shi's complaint, she smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, these years, not only the Ding family wanted Le Huizhen to come back to Hong Kong Island.

Le Xiaowen is also fighting for the return of his daughter who ran away from home.

Helpless, Le Huizhen would rather change her name to Banana Feng and stay in New York to accompany her to study, rather than return to the Le family to inherit the family business.

Cheng Le'er understood Le Huizhen's embarrassment very well. Today, the decline of the Le family cannot be separated from the suppression of the Ding family.

The feud between the two families has something to do with the fact that Le Huizhen thought she was smart and brought the contract back to the TV station to find someone to translate.

The enmity between the two families is too deep, and it is not Le Huizhen who can solve it.

If it wasn't for Le Xiaowen's critical illness this time, she, as a child, had to come back to deal with it. At this moment, she should still be working in the New York branch of the Cheng family.

"Okay, okay, sister Shi Shi, don't just talk about it as soon as we meet.

By the way, where is that stinky guy?It's fine if you don't pick me up at the airport, but now you won't even come to see me? "Le Huizhen pulled Shi Shi to sit down, and brought the topic to Ding Yunfeng.

Shi Shi quickly comforted her: "Last week, Brother Feng organized a Chinese business group to visit Guangdong Province.

Two days ago, Brother Tai and his group of elderly seniors had already returned, and he still wanted to bring some young and strong factions to Fujian Province and then to the capital.

What a coincidence, if he was on Hong Kong Island, he would definitely go to the airport to pick up his sweetheart immediately. "

Hearing Shi Shi mention the nickname she used to talk with Ding Yunfeng on the phone, Le Huizhen covered her hot face and said, "Oh, it's so disgusting, that damn ghost, why did he even tell you this."

When women are together, gossip is indispensable.

In addition, Shi Shi and Wang Xia intentionally narrowed the distance between themselves and Le Huizhen, so it was necessary to mention some interesting facts about Ding Yunfeng.

Cheng Le'er was very interested in Mr. Ding, whom his father praised so much.

But when she found out, the three of them talked more and more explicit, from the size and length to the exercise time.

How could Cheng Le'er, who has never been recruited, be able to bear it?

She got up blushing, found an excuse, and hid in the room on the second floor.


On the other side, Cheng's Building, the chairman's office.

Jin Moji ran to the airport to pick up people, but was escorted back by Tang Ma. At this time, he was complaining about the inhuman treatment he had suffered in front of Cheng Yuntao.

"Okay, okay, I know everything.

Brothers Tang Niu and Tang Ma have developed rapidly in the business world in recent years.

Although they are in the catering industry, they are not on the same track as our company.

However, their background is tough. No matter publicly or privately, they will announce to everyone that they are doing things for Mr. Ding in Repulse Bay.

You were single-handedly picked up by me, if you lose face today, I must also lose face.

However, it is impossible for me to go to Tang Ma to ask for an explanation for this little face?
Xiaoji, be a human being, let's see the reality. Cheng Yuntao sighed, and slowly opened the drawer: "Oh, yes, I have a bottle of Huang Daoyi, and it hasn't been opened yet!"

Here, here it is for you, just go back and wipe your wrists yourself. "

After saying this, Cheng Yuntao pressed the internal line and called the female secretary in.

Jin Moji took the medicated oil and walked to the door silently, but when he heard the conversation coming from inside, his lungs almost exploded.


Cheng Yuntao actually ordered the female secretary to help the eldest lady pack her personal clothes and jewelry at home, and send them to Banana Feng as soon as possible.

"Mary, remember to pack the dresses that Leer customized for Paris Fashion Week last month. If she is going to attend the Ding family's banquet next month, I'm afraid she won't have to wear them..."

"Chairman, I've written it down. By the way, what about the jewelry you ordered for Missy last week?"

"Take them all."



what is this?
Last week you also said that you are very fond of me, as long as you get your daughter's consent, you can recruit me as your son-in-law?
Jin Moji tightly held Huang Daoyi in his hand, looked at the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window in front of him, saw his elongated and deformed face reflected in it, and suddenly realized that he was like a donkey fooled by the chairman.

Three hours later, Hualiu Street, Fake Building, 5F-A, Tricky Expert Studio.

Jin Moji looked at the business card in his hand, he looked expectant, and pressed the doorbell.

beep... beep...

The hoarse electric bell rang a few times, and a door suddenly appeared on the wall next to Jin Moji, which shocked him greatly.

A young man in a sweatshirt and trousers who looked like a delivery boy came out with a toothbrush in his mouth: "Hey, who are you looking for?"

"I want to find Gu Jing, a trick expert, and Mrs. Zhu introduced me." Jin Moji looked at this person up and down, and said with some vigilance.

"Oh~" The young man took out the toothbrush from his mouth, turned around and walked back: "Wait, it's so early, I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"Ah? Your Excellency is a trick expert?" Jin Moji's eyes lit up, and just about to catch up, the secret door hidden in the wall was suddenly closed. He didn't recover his strength in time, and a big bump appeared on his forehead.

With a scream, Jin Moji squatted down covering his forehead.

But at this moment, the front door that he rang the bell just now was opened, and Gu Jing came out wearing a high-end suit with her hair combed back: "Hey, this gentleman, although in the Jianghu, people are always Knowing that I am an ancient crystal jade tree facing the wind, romantic and suave, it can be said that it can be said to kill both men and women;

But, there's no need for you to kowtow to beg to see me at my door, right? "

Hearing Gu Jing's ridicule, Jin Moji stood up quickly, rubbing his forehead and explained: "No, just now a man walked in from here, and then he closed the door suddenly, I didn't notice it for a while, just bumped my head."

"Walk in here? Hey, this is from the wall. Sir, did you hurt your head? Why don't you rub some Zodiac Yi medicinal oil first?" Gu Jing took out a medicinal oil from his pocket and handed it In front of Kim Murky.

Jin Moji raised his hands and touched the door that turned into a wall: "Impossible, I am dazzled for no reason."

The cold and heavy touch made Jin Moji confused. He took the medicated oil, and just about to unscrew the cap, he found that the bottle looked familiar.

"Isn't it familiar?"


"That's right, I took this bottle out of your trouser pocket."

"Ah?" Jin Moji looked at Gu Jing in shock.

Gu Jing showed him a reserved smile, turned around and swayed, blasted off the formal clothes on her body, and resumed the takeaway boy's attire just now: "Haha, Mr. Jin, I'm sorry, I'm just showing off my tricky ability, so it's convenient We’re just waiting to negotiate a price.”

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, it's exactly what Mrs. Zhu said, even if she reminded me to be careful, I was still tricked by you." Jin Moji was not angry but happy, he took Gu Jing's arm and walked into the room, mysteriously Xixi looked around: "I want to ask you to do something for me."

"Ask me to do something? Mister, you may be mistaken. I, Gu Jing, only know how to punish people, not how to help them."

Gu Jing's smile remained unchanged, and while speaking, he pressed a taxi meter beside him: "Mrs. Zhu must have told you, come to talk to me, and I will charge 1 yuan for a consultation fee per minute.

Regardless of whether the business is successful or not in the end, you must give this number, otherwise, I promise to kill you. "

"What? Why don't you go grab it!"

"Because I earn more than the ones who grabbed it." Gu Jing pointed to the timer that was running twice as fast as normal: "It's been 1 minute, I advise you, it's better to make a long story short."

"Well, my matter is like this..." Glancing at the wildly spinning clock hands, Jin Moji spoke quickly, told Gu Jing what he thought, and finally asked the other party proudly: "Do you understand?" ?”

"Of course I understand!
The boss of the Cheng Group single-handedly promoted you, and you thought about catching his daughter Cheng Le'er and then inheriting his family property.

Who knows, Cheng Le'er doesn't like you at all, and now you are going to ask me to help you kill all the male creatures that appear around her, and turn this multiple-choice question into a single-choice question, right? "Gu Jing smiled coldly, looked at Jin Moji and said.

Jin Moji, who hadn't caught his breath yet, looked over in shock: "So powerful?"

"Pediatrics, so, since you are introduced by that ugly Mrs. Zhu, I will give you 12% off today, and I will charge you 1200 million as a trick fee." Gu Jing slowly ordered a Huazi, and pointed at it Kimmelkie exhaled a smoke ring.

Jin Moji's eyelids twitched: "12% off? 1200 million? You help her drive her husband crazy, and you only charge 80."

"It's too expensive? That's fine, you can go." Gu Jing said as he opened the drawer and took out the tape of the tape recorder hidden inside: "As long as I hand over the tape that you plotted for the Cheng family property to Cheng Yuntao's hands." , I guess it would be easy to find him 1000 million."

"You..." Jin Moji gritted his teeth: "Okay, 1200 million is 1200 million."

"What 1200 million? That was the price 5 seconds ago, and now it's 2200 million." Gu Jing smiled and raised the tape in his hand: "What? This tape doesn't count as money? It's 1000 million!"

"Fack! If you do this, you won't be afraid that all the customers will run out?"

"I'm afraid? You might as well go back and ask Mrs. Zhu if she was treated badly by me when she left my place last time.

But in the end, didn't she introduce you today?

Got it.I have studied the psychology of you rich people long ago.

It's embarrassing to be unlucky alone, but you don't have to be afraid of losing face if you cheat someone with a higher status than yourself.Come on, will you pay the 3200 million trick fee this time? "

"Didn't you say before, 1200 million trick fees plus 1000 million to buy tapes?" Jin Moji was shocked again.

Gu Jing put away her smile: "I taught you so many principles of life, and it took a few catties of saliva. Is this worthless? Now I'm in a bad mood, 4..."

Jin Moji has a strong learning ability. In less than three rounds, he learned to rush to answer: "4200 million! I'll bid for you!

However, except for all the male animals that appear around Cheng Leer must be killed, I want you to get rid of her best friend Feng Banana. "

Seeing Gu Jing nodding, Jin Moji let go of the palm covering the other's mouth, and turned off the timer: "Then it's settled, including the consultation fee of 8 yuan per minute, I will write you a check .”

"Ahaha, excuse me for asking one more question, sir, is this Feng Banana you are talking about, Le Huizhen, the daughter of the Le family?" Gu Jing asked with a smile, patting Jin Moji on the shoulder.

Jin Moji frowned, looked Gu Jing up and down, and showed an expression that I understand: "Oh, your thoughts are the same as mine...

Haha, unfortunately, you are too slow to think about it.

Not to mention that Feng Banana broke down and left home ten years ago, not admitting that she is from the Le family.

Based on Lejia's current situation, it would be more trouble than good to provoke this woman.

If you are willing to reduce the 1000 million trick fee, I can tell you some inside information, um, about Lejia and Dingxi. "

Hearing this was enough for Gu Jing.

He laughed out loud, and looked at Jin Moji and applauded gently: "Money is not important anymore, by the way, it's raining, and I haven't confiscated my clothes yet."

Taking a few steps back, without knowing what Gu Jing had done, the bookcase behind her suddenly moved away, revealing a door.

Seeing Gu Jing disappearing in front of him, Jin Moji was taken aback. He took two steps forward and found that the bookcase that had just been removed had returned to its original place, closing the secret passage that Gu Jing had left.

Just when Jin Moji was secretly glad that he was prepared this time and didn't bump into him head-on.

American Ginseng, Mangosteen, Dashengdi, Li Rong, Li Zhi, and Qi Qi rushed in...

beep beep beep beep beep beep

The smuggling boat full of cargo slowly left the Saigon pier with the sound of its siren.

It was rare for Dasha to steer the helm himself. He checked the instruments, lifted Jin Moji, whose nose was bruised and tied tightly with ropes, and strode up to the deck.

"Hey, silly cat, can you hurry up, tell you to mix some cement, get it from the pier to the sea, and it hasn't been done yet?"

"Boss, it's been a long time since I've done this kind of thing, raw hands."

"Made, it's useless at all. Where's the gasoline can? Don't say you even forgot to bring the can?"

"Oh, I really forgot. By the way, there is a purpose-built ceramic toilet on the boat. Why don't we make two of them put together and make a living?"

"Okay, okay, let's get him done quickly. The comrades who will meet us are not far ahead. If they see us sending people into the sea, everyone will be very embarrassed."

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