Chapter 842 Give me some souvenirs
It never occurred to Jin Moji that he just asked Gu Jing to help him punish him, but he would be poured into the sea with cement and sent to such a big event...

"Woooooooooooo..." With his mouth stuffed with smelly socks, he struggled hard, writhing on the deck like a fish off the shore.

Dasha kicked it over: "What are you doing? Be honest with me, don't force me to ask you to eat Bandao noodles first, and then wonton noodles!"

A silly kick had been taken in his lower abdomen, and Jin Moji's face was twisted in pain.

However, at this juncture of life and death, the desire to survive prompted him to continue to resist.

Because, he just heard that Dasha and his gang sent him into the sea, and they were worried about being discovered by some people.

Dasha kicked a few times, called two Saigon boys, and ordered them to carry out two imported toilets from the cargo box.

Several people removed the toilet lid in front of Jin Moji, took a tape measure to measure his height, gestured to the toilet, and discussed how to stuff him in.

"Silly brother, I can't fit it in. For such a big person, it's more reliable to use a bathtub."

"There is no bathtub in this batch of goods today. In fact, as long as you use a chainsaw to dismantle this kid into eight pieces, can't you seal it in the toilet?"

"No time, comrade is not far ahead,

What's more, if he was broken here, there would definitely be blood everywhere. If some of it got on the cargo box, it would be even more troublesome to explain. "


His subordinates were discussing a lot, and Dasha became angry when he heard it, and slapped Daimao on the head: "You have been with me for so long, and you actually made such a mess. Tell yourself, what should you do?"

"Brother, I think, why don't we just tell the comrades opposite that this is the Frog Island spy we accidentally caught on the road?" Silly Cat covered his head and suddenly thought of a good idea.

Dasha frowned: "Is it okay? If there is no evidence, will it cause trouble to the comrades opposite?"

"It doesn't matter if we don't have evidence, it's fine if he admits it himself?" Dumb Cat threw away the shovel, squatted in front of Jin Moji, and pulled out the stinky socks from his mouth: "Mr. Jin, now I give you two choices,

A, we tie you to this toilet with a rope, and then push you into the water, whether you can survive depends on your own swimming skills;

B. There is an anti-smuggling patrol ship from your hometown not far in front. You admit that you are a spy from Wadao. Whether you can get away from the back depends on your own luck. "

Option A is dead now, option B will die later, and the latter still has room for manipulation. Jin Moji shouted decisively: "I choose B, thank you Brother Mao for your life."

Seeing that Jin Moji kept promising that he would cooperate with everyone and not embarrass everyone.

Dasha rubbed his chin: "Okay! Since you are giving face like this, then I, Dasha, have to show my loyalty.

Silly cat, remember to put 5 cents in his pocket when you hand it over next time. "

"Brother, the price has recently increased to one yuan and two."

"Then give me 2 yuan. At that time, there will be several more choices."


Jin Moji naturally didn't know what was the point of talking about the price between Dasha and Dumbao,
In his opinion, the most important thing now is to stabilize these young and Dangerous boys who want to fill themselves in the sea.

As for whether he can escape on the other side after admitting the spies.

As a senior executive of the Cheng Group, he has also traveled to Guangdong Province several times in the past two years, and he has known many people on the scene.

When he arrived at the detention center, he made a phone call, believing that with his identity as a Hong Kong businessman, no one would come to bail him out.

The whistle sounded three times, and the ship approaching from the opposite side responded three times. At the same time, it increased its speed, turned around Dasha's ship, and drove on the right side to escort.

"Hey, Comrade, we are on the way, and we caught a spy from Frog Island!" Dasha shouted loudly while lying on the side of the boat.


Three hours later.

Jin Moji was taken away by the police sent by Pengcheng at the pier in Guangdong Province, and put in a bulletproof police car.
Looking at Dasha and the others with a sneer, Jin Moji gave them a middle finger through the barbed window.

"What are you doing? Be honest!" The police officer accompanying the car shouted angrily, picked up his rifle, and pointed the muzzle at Jin Moji.

Jin Moji sat down awkwardly, and explained in broken Mandarin: "Little comrade, I am a fake, in order to get away, I have to admit..."

"Shut up! Whether it's true or not, you don't have the final say, sit down, if you make any small moves, I'll kill you!"


Facing the dark muzzle of the gun, Jin Moji didn't dare to say much.

He was ruthless in secret, and once he got away, he found someone to complain about this stunned young man to his superiors.

As a Hong Kong businessman who frequently travels between the two places, he is well aware of the emphasis on economic development here.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Jin Moji miscalculated this time.

Because, three days later, he was taken to a room to pick bullets, and he didn't even have a chance to call and ask for help from the big men he knew before.

"I'm not a Frog Island spy!

You cannot execute me!
I am the marketing manager of the Cheng Group in Hong Kong Island, and I was forced to admit to the Frog Island spy.

I demand a phone call and someone to prove my innocence! "Rushing in front of a man wearing a green tweed uniform with a very cold temperament, Jin Moji shouted loudly.

Nicknamed Killer King, the man who looks very Zhang Yaoxiong, he took off his hat calmly, turned around and took out a document: "This is your statement, with your signature and fingerprints on it, you admitted that you were a spy from Wadao Island as soon as you landed, Now you want to buy bullets, but you suddenly withdraw your confession?"

"I was forced to make a phone call. I know a big man who can prove that I am not a spy from Frog Island!

On your side, he has a very high status.

I also had a hard time getting to know him.

Please believe me, otherwise, you will regret it. "Jin Moji was so frightened that he kept wiping cold sweat, his lips turned white, and he trembled violently.

The killer king gave him a blank look, and pulled the phone in front of him: "Okay, don't keep saying that we don't respect human rights here! Tell me, who do you want to call, his name and phone number."

"His surname is Huang, the highest army in the southeast..."

"Shut up! Come on, delay and execute immediately!" The Killer King put down the receiver with a snap, pointed at Jin Moji and shouted sharply.

Buy one get two free, three gunshots.

Just when Jin Moji was at a loss and was arranged to go on the road, Dasha, who was waiting for the return journey from the Pengcheng Guest House, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea of ​​the dumb cat was so bad.

It’s not enough to directly fill the sea, and it’s so troublesome now.

If comrades bring things up in front of Brother Feng, he will definitely be criticized.

After thinking about the people he knew here, Dasha called Gao Gang and asked him to help find out about Jin Moji's situation.

In the afternoon of that day, Dasha didn't wait for Gao Gang's call, but the other party brought a young man to his door.

"Silly, you've done a great job this time!

The man you sent, there is nothing small about him.

Well, the situation is a bit complicated, I can't tell you too much.

In short, this year's friends of the police force and friends of Pengcheng, you have been appointed by default. "Gao just entered the door and patted Dasha on the shoulder, his tone was very excited, which made Dasha completely confused.

The young man who followed him took a step forward and firmly held Dasha's hands: "Silly brother, I am Zuo Songxing, do you remember me? I went to Hong Kong Island a few years ago and brought a letter to Brother Feng." That star boy."

"Oh oh oh, of course I remember, you are Ah Xing!" Seeing his old friend, Dasha quickly put aside his doubts, and he excitedly gave Ah Xing a bear hug: "Didn't it be agreed at the beginning that I would come back for a while?" , are you coming to Hong Kong Island again?
I haven't heard from you for several years,

Hey, do you know that a lot of things have happened in the past few years, that unlucky Liangkun, he even went to jail..."

Seeing that Dasha and A Xing started chatting, Gao Gang touched his nose: "Okay, okay, you two catch up with the past, at least you should worry about me, an outsider.

Dasha, Ah Xing is planning to go back to Hong Kong Island with you this time, and you will have plenty of opportunities to chat in the future.

Also, you are a rich man, and our poor friends in Guangdong Province only hope to have a good meal in your light. "

"Everyone is a good brother, and Gao Gang still told me this? Go, go to the Black Swan Hotel, call as many people as you have." Dasha laughed loudly, and shouted to the outside of the room: "Stupid cat, take me Tell you to take out what you left behind."

Gao Gang and Ah Xing came over with empty hands, and when they walked out of the Pengcheng Guest House, they each had a brand new mobile phone in their hands.

"Silly, I think this thing is too expensive..."

"Accept it. If the higher-ups ask, you can say that Brother Feng gave it to you. I will guarantee that you are all right, haha."


Ding Yunfeng, who was attending a certain meeting in the capital, suddenly had an itchy nose, covered his hands and turned around and sneezed a few times.

Ding Hu, who was sitting beside him, secretly stuffed a checked handkerchief for him: "What's the matter? Have a cold?"

"No, maybe someone is talking about me behind my back?" Ding Yunfeng took the handkerchief and wiped it.
When he was hesitating about how to deal with it, Ding Hu reached out and took the handkerchief back.

Seeing that the elder brother could not take his eyes off, sitting upright, he listened carefully to the speech of the leader on the stage.

Ding Yunfeng, Wang Yifei and others also got serious, and Zhan Mi, Cheng Jiaxiong and Gan Shusheng even immersed themselves in taking notes.

Meeting, meeting, meeting...

When the group came to the capital, apart from being protected by Ding Hu and watching the cultural scenery of the first good place, most of the time they spent most of their time as VIPs, attending many business-related meetings.

From being curious at the beginning to being uninterested in the middle, they are now able to participate calmly and enjoy the control of the general direction of economic development in their hometown...

It can be said that everyone who followed Ding Yunfeng to the north this time benefited a lot.

After the meeting ended, everyone went to the canteen of the organizing unit to have dinner.

Originally, as a Hong Kong businessman, there were small canteens hosting banquets wherever they went.

But Ding Yunfeng, who knew the importance of gaining favorability, directly denied this treatment.

Through his eldest brother Ding Hu, he took the initiative to ask the higher authorities, there is no need to make any specialization, as long as they eat in the cafeteria with everyone.

With the addition of Ding Hu's relationship, and this time going north, except for one Wang Yifei, the rest are all young and strong. After consideration, the higher-ups approved Ding Yunfeng's application.

"Since Xiaoding asked for it on his own initiative, let's deal with it according to what he said.

However, people help us save money, but we can't lose our courtesy.

In this way, when they return to Hong Kong Island, arrange some souvenirs for them. "

"Where... According to your idea, what kind of specifications should we arrange?"

"Hey, they went north this time, at home and abroad, I don't know how many eyes are staring at them! In my opinion, let's arrange it with the level of secondary national gifts."


After staying in the capital for about a week, Ding Yunfeng and his party prepared to go back.

During this period of time, Ding Hu was almost inseparable from Ding Yunfeng's side. In addition to expressing brotherhood, Ding Hu also had a task - to convey some information that was inconvenient for the two parties to communicate in public.

While helping Ding Yunfeng pack his luggage, Ding Hu casually said: "Comrade Daping said, it's rare for everyone to come here, and I have to give you some souvenirs. I have seen the things, a porcelain cup, very beautiful."

"Chicken oil yellow?" Ding Yunfeng's eyes lit up, and he asked in a low voice.

"Hey, what do you think? Chicken oil yellow? Sky blue would be nice, I don't even have one..." Ding Hu turned around speechlessly. For the first time, he found out that his younger brother went to Hong Kong Island. Gotta be a little greedy.

Two days later.

With the Hong Kong Island business group, from the south to the north, Ding Yunfeng's journey ended perfectly at the Beijing Airport.

Wang Yifei was holding a brocade box with a side length of about [-] centimeters, smiling with an old face like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Gan Shusheng on the side was puzzled, and asked his nephew in a low voice: "Jiaxiong, Uncle Wang seems to be a little bit wrong, why has he been holding that porcelain cup and laughing since last night?"

"I don't know? Could it be that his one is more precious than the one in our hands?" Cheng Jiaxiong slowly shook his head and replied in a low voice.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Zhan Mi smiled: "Cup, everyone is the same.

However, King Uncle is well-informed, he knows better than you two uncles and nephews, the gift that the capital gave us this time is nothing more than the meaning behind it. "

Seeing that Zhan Mi knew the inside story, Gan Shusheng and others surrounded him one after another. Ding Yunfeng was about to make a joke, and after bidding farewell to Ding Hu in a hurry, he immediately came to urge them to pass the boarding gate.

After the plane took off, Wang Yifei and Zhan Mi began to help other people popularize the meaning of national gift porcelain.

Hearing that his blue-and-white porcelain cup had such a meaning, Chen Yaoqing swallowed hard: "Isn't it? I'm a parking boy, and I'm mixed up to the level of receiving a national gift?"

"Ah Qing, you are lucky, but when I think of Young Master Gan who is staying in Hong Kong Island to watch the house, I suddenly want to laugh." Zhan Mi patted Chen Yaoqing on the shoulder, and then tried to cover his mouth, but the laughter, It still came out through the fingers.

Ding Yunfeng saw that everyone was talking louder and louder, and the first-class cabin was faintly heard, so he couldn't help pouring cold water on them to cool down the temperature: "Everyone, I need to correct you, the cups you received are not up to the level of national gift porcelain. but the next level;
Therefore, this is just an affirmation and honor. Whoever wants to rely on this cup to make any demands on his hometown is probably not qualified. "

"Ah Feng, don't even think about it, three religions and nine streams, scholars, farmers, businessmen.

Those of us who do business are always at the end of the crane!
Even if the capital presents us with a certificate this time, it will be enough for everyone to return to Hong Kong Island for ten years.

What's more, this time it is a JDZ official kiln blue and white porcelain cup with a certificate.

Everyone, I've decided.From now on, I, Wang Yifei, will bring this cup every time I go to the chamber of commerce for meetings, to make those old guys envious, haha. "

(End of this chapter)

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