While the two were ridiculing each other, Ding Yunfeng and others came over, Huang Shihu's expression changed, he pushed Chen Congming away and went up to him.

"Brother Feng, Chen Sheng."

"Hu Zai, how's the situation here? Have you met anyone powerful?" Ding Yunfeng glanced at the table with card games around him, knocked out a piece of gold and handed it to Huang Shihu.

Huang Shihu accepted it with a thank you, he lit a cigarette, and pointed to a young man on the countertop on the left who was wearing a moon-white gown, combing retro oily hair, and holding a white jade cigarette holder: "That person should be the previous Hong Kong Island Gambling King Sha Tong’s son Sha Sanshao.”

Note: Shatong is from "The Gambling King's Big Deception" by Zong Hua; Sha Sanshao is from "Dragon Gambler" by Chao Weige.

"People from the Sha family are here too?" Chen Jincheng's complexion changed slightly, and he took a sip of his cigar.

Chen Congming asked suspiciously: "The Sha family? That family of gambling kings that claims to have been passed down for thousands of years? If I remember correctly, no one from the Sha family has appeared for more than 20 years."

"Twenty years ago, the Sha family had a fight with card tyrant Peng Tianshi.

Both sides had their own victories and defeats, and the fight was inextricable and even resulted in deaths.

Although Shatong won in the end, the Sha family, a family of thousands of arts, disappeared on Hong Kong Island after the battle. "Chen Jincheng took a few steps forward, staring at Third Young Master Sha who was gambling with his eyes like knives.

"That's because, when Sha Qi made an appearance that time, the people he and the other six big thugs provoked in Shanghai back then immediately tracked down the people." Detective Robin suddenly laughed, causing everyone present to look over. .

Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved, and he tried to name a person: "Robin, what do you mean, Sha Qi is one of the seven old men in Shanghai and Xuegu's seven friends, just like the Yan Si you and Ye Laixiang dealt with back then?"

"Yes! You guessed it.

In the early days of the Republic of China, the case of the Southwest Mining National Salvation Fund.

It was Sha Qi and Yan Si who did it. They were seven old men at that time, known as the Seven Friends of Xuegu.

They went to Shanghai, the most prosperous place in China, and announced that they were overseas Chinese from Nanyang, and they wanted to pay 7000 million US dollars to set up a mining company in the southwestern province to save the country.

Because the amount of the donation was too large, the seven people traveled with great style, and the authorities sent people to Nanyang to investigate and verify the backgrounds of the seven people.

In the end, not only the three tycoons in Shanghai and the four major families of the Republic of China participated.

Jinmen, Jingcheng, Fengtian, all the famous families also sent people to participate in this matter.

Maybe these crooks themselves didn't expect that there would be so many people participating in the fundraiser, and they were all powerful people. In the end, the scene was completely out of control.

After the defeat, Yan Si fled to Hong Kong Island seven years later, pretending to be Hu Bang, a tycoon in Shanghai, plotting against the Ka Gang and the four major families, but was finally forced to leave by Ah Yao and me. ("Ghost Horse Zhi Duo Xing")
However, headed by Sha Qi, the other six were arrested in Shanghai and shot dead by Huang Jinrong.

However, my investigation revealed that Sha Qi had escaped to Hong Kong Island long before the incident.

Because the case back then was too big, and most of the later Shanghai tycoons moved to Hong Kong Island one after another to avoid the flames of war, Sha Qi began to live in a simple house, avoiding these enemies from trying to settle old accounts with him!

If it weren't for 20 years ago, the descendants of the Sha family were bullied by the card tyrant Peng Tianshi.

Sha Qi had no choice but to go out to clean up the mess. This old fox probably won't show its tail until it dies. Detective Robin talked eloquently, and even Chen Jincheng didn't know the secrets he told. Only Ding Yunfeng, a time traveler who is familiar with Hong Kong movies, knew a thing or two.

While a few people were talking, Sha Sanshao, who was not young at the opposite poker table, also won the right to qualify for the second round with a slight advantage just like Chen Congming.

"Choose! The son of the gambling king, he's so good at blowing it up, I see, he's not as good as me." Chen Congming snorted disdainfully.

Ding Yunfeng knew that Sha Sanshao had not yet learned the magical skill of rubbing cards inherited from his family. In addition, Sha's elders died early, and now he was a playboy just like Chen Chongming.

Even, as Chen Congming said, the current Sha Sanshao is indeed inferior to him, the Singaporean poker prince.

"Shut up, don't you allow others to preserve their strength and pretend to be pigs to eat tigers?" Chen Jincheng turned around and glared at his son: "Keep an eye on it. If we encounter you in the next round, you have to go all out. Don't just pretend that you lose and smash me, Chen." house sign."

Ding Yunfeng followed the direction in which Third Young Master Sha got up and left, and found that he was also an old acquaintance who came to pick him up—Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, Chen Yinhua.

"Heh, the members of the Chen family, then the explanation makes sense.

The Chen family, who followed the four major families back then, must have been attracted by people like Sha Qi and Yan Si.

For the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, it was easy for the Sha family to force people to take action. "Inspector Robin whistled and secretly reminded Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng's expression remained unchanged. He calmly looked at Chen Yinhua who had discovered him.

Chen Yinhua and Sha Sanshao said a few words, and they brought the music score in a big display. They were actually the descendants of the gambling king of parallel imports, and walked over with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Ding, I never expected to meet you on Java Island." Chen Yinhua walked up with a smile on his face.

After shaking hands with Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jincheng enthusiastically, he introduced Sha Sanshao, who looked at people sideways, with a drawn expression, to them: "Come, come, let me introduce you. This is the current Patriarch of the Sha family, Sanshao Sha."

"Hey, you don't need to say that you are lucky to meet!
This is the first time we meet. As for me, I have never been interested in unknown people.

If you want to be friends, I will see if you are qualified to make friends with me after you have gambled on stage. "Sha Sanshao's tone was very arrogant, almost treating the people on Ding Yunfeng's side as nothing.

Seeing that this guy was so confident, Chen Yinhua felt reassured, but on the surface, he deliberately showed an angry expression: "Third Young Master! How can you talk? Regardless of their strength and age, Mr. Ding and Mr. Chen are both Where are your elders!"

"Hmph, is it?
Well, I'll say sorry to you two.

This morning, I have been teasing the three vegetable chickens, and now I feel a little tired, excuse me first, see you at the table when I have a chance. " Third Young Master Sha blew on the cigarette holder, then walked in square steps towards the elevator.

Chen Yinhua said he was sorry, but he was actually very satisfied with Sha Sanshao's daring to flirt with Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jincheng.

After a few words of politeness, Chen Yinhua bid farewell and left, but he didn't know that while he was waiting for the elevator, Sha Sanshao who took the elevator back to the guest room in advance, sweat was flowing from his forehead and temples like a waterfall.

Walking back and forth in the room anxiously, Sha Sanshao kept muttering: "I'm dead, I'm dead this time.

Gambler Chen Jincheng, Hong Kong Island Ding Yunfeng.

If I offend these two big men once, even if I can get rid of the control of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce afterwards, I will definitely be chopped into a meat paste by the men of these two people! "


Watching Chen Yinhua walk away, Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jincheng looked at each other and smiled.

"Fortunately, I'm still worried. This time, the people from Shanghai invited some extraordinary masters to Sha's house. After a long time of trouble, it turned out to be an embroidered pillow." Chen Jincheng held a cigar in his right hand, raised his left hand, and revealed a jade pendant.

Ding Yunfeng took it over and took a look. There was a word of sand engraved on the front of the jade pendant. It seemed that Old Chen slipped it off the other side when Third Young Master Sha was making nonsense before leaving.

"Ayou, send it back to that boy, don't let anyone find out." Handing the jade pendant to Chen Ayou, Ding Yunfeng ordered with a hint.

Ayou took it confidently: "Brother Feng, I'll send it back with the Five Ghosts Lucky Money Technique, so no one will know."

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jincheng continued to observe, but found no powerful people, so they simply took them back to the hotel to rest.

That night!

Lei Luo, Lan Jiang, Lard Zai, and Chen Xijiu all went to Ding Yunfeng's room and brought wine.

After a long time no see, Ding Yunfeng, Lei Luo and the others had a drink, and after recounting the old days, they naturally talked about the Asian Gambling King Contest initiated by Fusang devils.

"You were fished here by Tsukamoto Eiji using two Le family gambling boats, but I received a personal letter from Tsukamoto Junichiro.

In the past few years, the Tsukamoto family has invested heavily in Nanyang, and there have been many frictions with our companies..." Lei Luo held a glass of whiskey in his right hand, and took out a letter from the inner pocket of his suit with his left hand.

Ding Yunfeng took it and opened it, and quickly glanced at it: "Betting on Xinghua Company with twelve drug patents?"

"Well, if I don't agree, they will continue to fight against us in Nanyang." Lei Luo took a sip of Huazi and blew out a smoke ring: "I didn't want to talk to them at first, and I was going to let Blood Fang Get things done.

But the Tsukamoto family persuaded the governors of several Southeast Asian countries to put pressure on me.

In addition, some time ago, you suddenly transferred Han Bin back to Hong Kong Island.

I thought, I might as well play with them, since I couldn't lose anyway. "

Hearing that Lei Luo used Xinghua Company to gamble, Ding Yunfeng frowned: "Brother Luo, those twelve pharmaceutical patents are worth a Xinghua Company?"

"I discussed this with Jingcheng, and the superiors asked me to agree." Lei Luo smiled lightly.

Ding Yunfeng was slightly surprised when he heard this: "Why didn't my brother mention this to me?"

"I don't know about that. Don't worry, the person who represents me this time is very strong. Unless he wants to lose, no one can win against him." Lei Luo chuckled and looked at Ding Yunfeng jokingly.

The more Ding Yunfeng listened, the more confused he became. With Brother Luo's style of doing things, it was impossible for him to say such absolute words.


My hometown asked Luo Ge to fight?
Could it be that the man was provided to Brother Luo by his hometown?

Shaking the drink in the glass, Ding Yunfeng asked in a low voice: "Boss, tell me the truth! Is the person who will represent you this time sent to you by your hometown?"

"Ahem, well, you're asking a little bit knowingly.

Just know it, don't say it. Upon hearing this, Lei Luo's smile froze.

Ding Yunfeng tapped the armrest of the sofa with his finger: "My hometown has banned gambling for so many years, and there has been no environment for gamblers to grow up for at least 30 years.

Based on this calculation, that person must be from the older generation.

You, Leihuo, are also people who have seen the world. Xinghua Company is the leading industry that we have operated in Nanyang for many years.

Unless the confidence this person gives you is enough to far exceed your reason.

Otherwise, even if the capital lets it go, you will not be able to risk Xinghua..."

The more he listened to Ding Yunfeng's analysis, the expressions on the faces of Lei Luo and the others became more uncomfortable. Lard Boy grabbed the wine bottle and filled it up for everyone: "Brother Feng, stop talking. If you continue talking, your underwear will be ripped off." It’s gone, let everyone have a sense of expectation!”

"Haha, I know who it is." Ding Yunfeng's eyes lit up, he looked at Lei Luo and asked in a low voice, "Isn't that person nearly a hundred years old?"

"Hey, Detective Robin is here, he can still punch little devils at the age of 93." Lei Luo snorted and turned his firepower on Robin.

Robin shrugged his shoulders: "There is no way, I have only met two bad friends in my life, one is Tuberose and the other is Ding Yunfeng.

Either one is troublesome anyway, and being their friends is even more troublesome.

The soil was buried up to my throat, and I had to come out to be a bodyguard, what a hard life! "

Robin's complaint caused everyone to burst into laughter.

At this time, Chen Jincheng, who lived in the opposite room, also brought Chen Congming over to visit after hearing that Lei Luo was coming.

The Chen family's father and son arrived, and Ding Yunfeng and the others tacitly terminated the previous topic. Although the Chen family is an ally, they are also Singaporeans. There is no need to share something like a trump card with the other party.

"Inspector Lei, it's an honor to meet you, old Singaporean Chen Jincheng, this dog is Chen Congming." Chen Jincheng smiled all over his face, and he took the initiative to show his favor after sitting down.

Lei Luo shook hands with him, and replied with a smile: "What kind of detective? It's all about old rotten rice. Lei is now the president of the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce."

"Hey, President Lei, I'm sorry." Chen Jincheng explained to Lei Luo apologetically: "The old man has rarely been out and about in the past few years, and the business at home is managed wisely. President Lei can serve as the chairman of the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce." Long, but the blessings of us expatriates..."

After boasting about Luo Ge eloquently, Chen Jincheng took advantage of the opportunity to bring the topic to the competition, he pushed his gold-rimmed glasses: "President Lei, I just received the news.

The Tsukamoto family has also issued a challenge to you this time, inviting you to send people to participate, and to bet against Xinghua Company in your hand with the twelve high-tech medical patents of Tsukamoto Biotechnology. "

"The Chen family is very well-informed. There is such a thing. Before you came, Afeng and I were talking about this matter." Lei Luo nodded and admitted, looking at Chen Jincheng with sharp eyes: "What? Mr. Chen is a gambling man Tycoon, do you have any advice for Lei?"

"Don't dare, dare not, the Chen family is allied with Mr. Ding, and President Lei is Mr. Ding's ally.

It's okay if the Chen family doesn't know about this matter. Now that I've received the news, I have to express my concern.

Really, just a little bit of concern!

After all, Xinghua Company has developed into the leading large-scale enterprise in Nanyang in the past few years.

Brother Luo, this is a very important matter, so you need to act with caution! Chen Jincheng was stared at by Lei Luo like a hawk, and he hurriedly explained. After speaking, he took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Lei Luo snorted and turned his attention to the wine glass in his hand: "So that's it, thank you Chen Sheng for your concern.

Don't worry, Lei Mou doesn't have many companies of Xinghua's size, but there are still three or four.

The blood feud between us Chinese and Fusang people cannot be finished for three days and three nights.

They have already taken the initiative to declare a challenge. As Lei Mou is the president of the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, I have no reason to be timid, don’t you think? "

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