Chapter 859
Since Lei Luo stepped down as the Chief Inspector of Hong Kong Island, he moved to Nanyang to settle down.

In the past decade or so, Lei Luo, Lan Jiang and others rely on Xinghua, Zhenhua and other companies to gradually intervene in various industries in neighboring countries.

As a result, it is inevitable that there will be friction and conflict with the Chen family, openly or secretly.


Ding Yunfeng sent Han Bin and Dinosaur to create the Bloodfang Mercenary Corps.

With the support of this armed team, Brother Luo can be said to be even more powerful. In the future, even the Governor of Singapore will give him three points, not to mention the powerful people in areas like the Chen family?
Not to mention, some time ago, Lei Luo was invited by a certain big shot in China to lead a team to the capital to watch the flag raising, which was even more awesome.

This is not!

Hearing that Lei Luo also came to participate in this grand gambling event, even if Chen Jincheng and Ding Yunfeng formed an alliance, he couldn't sit still, and brought his son to inquire about the news.

As a result, Chen Jincheng secretly sighed, Thunder Tiger is Thunder Tiger.

Compared to Ding Yunfeng who treats himself with courtesy for Chen Congming's sake.

Brother Luo, that's really disrespectful!
"It makes sense! Brother Luo, your status is different now. From a certain point of view, you can also be regarded as representing your hometown. You really can't avoid war..." Chen Jincheng immediately put on an expression of approval after a lot of thoughts: "That's right, there are a lot of masters in this competition!

Brother Luo, I don't know who is the person representing you in the battle? "

"Hehe, don't worry, you will know when you meet on the field." Lei Luo smiled and raised his glass to signal to everyone.

Chen Jincheng shut up wisely, not daring to continue to inquire.

After drinking two cups with everyone, Chen Jincheng excused himself to be old, got up and left.

However, Chen Congming stayed. He squeezed carelessly to Huang Shihu's side, opened his collar, and filled a glass of whiskey: "Brother Luo, little brother Chen Congming, I have admired you for a long time. It's rare to meet you today. Let me toast you. I did it, you can do whatever you want, please!"

After saying that, Chen Congming raised his head and smothered the wine in his glass.

Seeing him drinking freely, Lei Luo and others looked much better. Brother Luo even gave Ding Yunfeng a questioning look.

After receiving an affirmative reply, Luo Ge smiled and raised his cup: "You are a good young man, much better than your muddled second uncle Chen Song, and also much crisper than your thoughtful old man. Come, drink!"

He also raised his head to suffocate the wine in the cup. Lei Luo put the cup down and said to Ding Yunfeng: "The meaning given to me by the family, what the Fuso people put out to gamble, we have to win, the life of that old ghost Tsukamoto Anko , if there is a chance, I will stay.”

"Only making demands and not giving support?"

"General Gao will send a ship out to sea in three days for a drill."

Hearing this, Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly, and his heart instantly became clear: "Okay! The time is almost right.

Today there are 64 contestants, 32 have been eliminated;
Tomorrow morning, the second round of the knockout round will select the top 16; in the afternoon, the top 8 will be selected;
But for the quarter-finals the day after tomorrow, the International Gambling Association changed its rules and instead of gambling on cards, they used dice to select the top four.

Betting on mahjong in the semi-finals the day after tomorrow afternoon;
In the final game of the night, he will bet on Stud, which will determine the title of Asian Gambling King this time. "

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng actually found out all the rules of the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and tiebreaker that the International Gambling Association has not yet announced, Lei Luo and the others were greatly surprised.

"The news is quite well-informed..." Lei Luo patted Ding Yunfeng on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice in his ear, "Zhan Mi even inserted needles into the interior of the International Gambling Association?"

"How is it possible? Brother Luo, you think too highly of Zhan Mi's ability, don't you?" Ding Yunfeng laughed dumbfounded.

Tell Luo Ge that Robin exposed the gunman arranged by the Tsukamoto family at the elevator door today, and he and Chen Jincheng took the opportunity in the elevator to blackmail the International Gambling Association to serve as the judge of the competition.

Ding Yunfeng raised his right hand and stretched out three fingers: "Except for not pursuing the Fusang shooter;
I also wrote a check for 1000 million US dollars to the surname He;

He also promised that after this competition, Xueya would send someone to take him to Switzerland to join the same family. "

Good guy!
Did you even bribe the referee? ? ?

Lei Luo and Lardboy looked at each other and saw shock on each other's faces.

"Ten million US dollars, it's worth it." Lan Jiang clapped his hands: "As the saying goes, if you gamble nine thousand dollars, buy an extra layer of insurance, it's worth it, it's so worth it."

Several bigwigs were talking about buying off the backhand of the iron-faced judge. Chen Congming heard that the quarter-finals and semi-finals did not gamble on cards, but instead gambled on dice and mahjong, and he couldn't help complaining: "Did you make a mistake?" Ah! The Asian Gambling King Contest, such a high-level event.

Instead of playing poker, play dice and mahjong instead?

Hey, Shihu, is this too low?

Why not just add Fantan and Pai Gow? "

Huang Shihu didn't want to pay attention to him, shook his head and walked away with the wine glass.

Chen Congming picked up the wine glass and chased after him: "Hey, hey, what do you mean? We're talking about serious business, can you show some expression?"

"What kind of expression do you want?" Huang Shihu was so troubled by this guy that he couldn't help it, so he asked while pouring wine.

Asian gambling king contest!
Want to roll dice and play mahjong?
What is the difference between this thing and Shaolin Kung Fu + singing and dancing?
As a professional gambler, shouldn't you and I be shocked and condemned by the International Gambling Association? "Chen Chongming pulled Huang Shihu and asked confidently.

Huang Shihu looked at him speechlessly: "What's wrong, aren't dice and mahjong also common gambling tools?

Besides, Shaolin Kung Fu + singing and dancing, I feel like it’s exciting! "

"Damn! Of course not! Have you forgotten my nickname?
Singapore Poker Prince, besides poker, I don’t know how to play other games. "Chen Congming opened his eyes wide and shouted at Huang Shihu.

Huang Shihu was completely speechless. He put down his wine glass and unbuttoned his belt with both hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do?" Chen Congming was shocked, covering his chest and jumping back.

"Piss for you to look in the mirror, bastard!
The top eight play dice and the top four play mahjong. It's none of your business!

Don't you think that you can survive the second knockout round tomorrow? "Huang Shihu cut, picked up the wine glass, turned and walked away.

Chen Congming suddenly realized and showed a smiling face: "That's right, I can't make it that far, what am I worried about..."

Nothing to say in the middle of the night, the next morning.

The 32 people who entered the second round of elimination yesterday entered the largest banquet hall on the sixth floor of the hotel one after another.

Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo sat side by side in the guest seats in the front row.

The Tsukamoto family is the sponsor of the competition, and their people were the first to arrive.

However, Tsukamoto Yasuyasu, who participated in the opening ceremony yesterday, was not present, but the young man Eiji Tsukamoto.

Sitting next to this guy, there is also an old acquaintance of Ding Yunfeng, who was beaten away by him and Feng Si back then, the master of Jiuju School named Xixiezi.

"Haha, all kinds of monsters and monsters have really appeared." Ding Yunfeng smiled playfully.

Lei Luo, who was sitting next to him, asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, the little devil just brought their Xuanmen masters with them." Ding Yunfeng replied to Luoge, turned his head and said to Ayou behind him: "These two days, you follow Luoge and the others."

"Okay." Ayou glanced at Xi Xiezi.

At this time, Xi Xiezi also spotted Ding Yunfeng. She looked fiercely, raised a palm-sized chrysanthemum, and waved it towards her in the air.

The petals fell, and the black air, which was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, fell to the ground along the flower stalk and rushed over quickly.

Ayou's expression remained unchanged, he took out a yellow talisman folded into a sword shape and threw it at his feet. Then he stepped on it with the sole of his shoe and kicked it forward hard.

The sword talisman turned into a streak of yellow light, which came first and intercepted the black energy in front of Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo.

The two cancel each other out, making a sound like a gas explosion.

The audience sitting nearby looked around curiously, trying to find the source of the sound.

Seeing that Feng Si was not present, Xi Xiezi thought that now that he had recovered from his injuries and improved his skills, he would definitely be able to defeat Ding Yunfeng and several others.

Unexpectedly, in Feng Si's absence, Ding Yunfeng had another four-eyed guy with extraordinary strength.

"What's going on?" Eiji Tsukamoto asked with a straight face when he noticed the commotion in the front row of the auditorium.

Xi Xiezi opened her red lips lightly: "I just shook hands with the four-eyed guy sitting behind Ding Yunfeng."

Eiji Tsukamoto smiled at Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo across the stage, but what he said was colder than the snow on Mount Fuji: "Oh, did you succeed?

You don't have to worry about the subsequent gambling, if you can kill Ding Yunfeng, kill him now. "

"Sorry! That four-eyed guy's skill is not inferior to mine, and there are too many people present, so it's inconvenient for me to use those powerful spells of Jiuju's school." Xi Xiezi lowered his head, revealing a section of fair and delicate hair behind his collar neck.

Eiji Tsukamoto turned around coldly, stared at her and cursed: "Baga! You are not sure that you will hit with one blow, why did you choose to do it? Now, isn't it a surprise?"

"please forgive!"

"Apologies are useful, and Kawasaki's custom industry will not be so developed."

"Hey! I'll let you put the fire out."


Just when Eiji Tsukamoto took Nishi Xiezi back to the room to put out the fire, the 32 contestants had already drawn lots under the auspices of the referee in the competition field between the stands on both sides. Sit down at the gaming table.

Both Sha Sanshao and Chen Congming qualified as No.2 in the group, and the opponents they drew were the other 16 people who qualified as No.1 in the group yesterday.

This approach is to avoid the first round of draws and the emergence of masters getting together, similar to the football death group.

Opposite Sha Sanshao was a man in a suit and a mask.

Looking at the bony right hand of the other party holding a slender long cigar, Sha Sanshao blew on the white jade cigarette holder in disdain, and wiped the well-combed sideburns with his left hand: "Old man, look at you, you are so old , just don’t come out and show your face.

If I win against you today, people will say that I bully the elderly. "

"Young man, are you so sure you've won me over?"

"Ha, joke! Do you know who I am?
My dad is the previous generation of Hong Kong Island Gambling King Shatong!Hey, have you heard of the Sha family, a family of gambling kings that has been passed down for thousands of years! Third Young Master Sha laughed loudly. Seeing the other party smoking a cigar calmly, he stretched his neck and glanced at the name card the other party placed in front of him.

"Chenbei? I haven't heard of it.

However, I see that your head is hidden and your tail is exposed. You are worried about losing the bet and losing the name you gained when you were young, so you deliberately used a fake name. "

"The name is just a code name. In fact, I have never heard of your father's name."

"No way, judging by your age, it's not ninety, it's over 80, you don't know my father's name?"

"I'm 96 this year. Before I retired, I heard people say that there is a Nanshen in Yangcheng who can see Luo Sihai, and I also heard that there is a husband of Beiqianshou Zhuoyi in Shanghai."

"Damn! This is such an antique." Sha Sanshao looked at the old man opposite him in surprise.

Chen Yinhua, who was sitting behind him, saw that the two hadn't started talking, so he couldn't help getting up and urging: "Third Young Master, count the chips in three hours, you are the second in the first round, and this old man is the first in the first round. If it's a draw, you'll lose!"

"Viewers, please don't say anything that affects the game. Please leave!" The referee looked at Chen Yinhua coldly.

Third Young Master Sha woke up, pointed at Chen Yinhua who was being separated by two Gambling Association personnel, and shouted, "Hey, what do you mean? He just reminded me..."

"Your opponent's use of words to stall for time is also a psychological tactic.

Now that the audience you brought speaks illegally, you either sit down and continue to gamble, or I will sentence you to lose now! "The referee walked up to Sha Sanshao with a cold face and said.

Sha Sanshao uttered a word, pulled out the chair and sat down: "Nonsense, of course continue to gamble!

Oops, old man, you are so treacherous, you actually messed up my position with just a few words?Deal the cards, deal the cards! "

"I want to check the card."


Chen Yinhua, who was kicked out of the hall by the Gambling Association, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He held his cigar and cursed the referee in a low voice.

"No. 14 Sha Sanshao VS No. 4 Chen Bei? Wow, the odds for Chen Bei are very high!" A man who was not qualified to enter the lobby exclaimed when he looked at the betting odds announced by the Gambling Association.

Chen Yinhua sneered and continued: "Of course he's tall. I've seen that person, and he's actually 96 years old. Mad, you may not be able to hold the cards firmly. How can you still want to win?"

"Sir, are you wrong? Although Chen Bei is old, he also qualified as the first place in the group yesterday." A middle-aged man couldn't hear it, and retorted.

Chen Yinhua shook his head: "You don't know the inside story, that old man is using the same psychological warfare as God of Gambler Gao Jin, I just saw it with my own eyes, he used words to talk to his opponent, trying to delay time..."

"Isn't it possible? Without two brushes, how could he qualify yesterday?"

"That's right, the delaying tactic doesn't work once, and I didn't hear of anyone using the delaying tactic to qualify yesterday."


Chen Yinhua's words caused rebuttals from the people around him, before he could think about how to explain it.

The person who spoke first smiled and said to him: "Sir, everyone is betting on the odds anyway, why don't you and I bet another $10 on the outside.

Let's bet on whether this Chen Bei can use delaying tactics to defeat today's opponent! "

Just as Chen Yinhua was about to speak, the door of the hall opened, and Sha Sanshao, who was supposed to be playing cards inside, came out in a daze: "There is no need to gamble, I surrender."

(End of this chapter)

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