Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 860 Ah Xing's Sister Amei


When I came out here, I just said a few words to others...

You, the son of the former gambling king of Hong Kong Island, were eliminated?
Chen Yinhua raised his hand to stop Sha Sanshao: "Did you just say that you surrendered yourself?"

"Mr. Chen, you heard me right, I gave up on myself." Sha Sanshao pushed Chen Yinhua away and walked towards the elevator with his head buried in his chest.

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst into an uproar.

The people who bought Sha Sanshao's winnings all got excited, waving their gambling tickets and fists, and rushed up to beat him.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Chen Yinhua followed Sha Sanshao into the elevator, and quickly pressed the close button.

"Made, what happened?

When I was kicked out, I seemed to hear Chen Bei telling the referee that he wanted to check the cards.

Then, in less than 3 minutes, you actually came out.

Don't tell me that you gave in before the dealer's cards were dealt out! "Chen Yinhua grabbed Sha Sanshao's collar, picked him up and pushed him against the elevator wall.

"Let go, let go..." Sha Sanshao struggled a few times and pushed Chen Yinhua away who was also drunk.

Rubbing his sore throat, Sha Sanshao pointed at Chen Yinhua and cursed: "Do you know who that Chen Bei is?
He is a legend in the gambling world!

He is the King of Kings!

He was the God of Gamblers in Huaguo who was all the rage in Shanghai back then—Long Si!

Tell me to bet with him, are you awake? "

Chen Yinhua shrank his pupils, shook his head and said, "No! Impossible!
When Long Si and Cen Xiaojin left Shanghai, they fell into an ambush arranged in advance by Chang Kun and Ma Zhao.

A total of 20 gunmen shot the two of them to death indiscriminately. The whole of Shanghai knows about it. You must have mistaken the person! "

"Do I admit my mistake?" Sha Sanshao snorted coldly, pointed at his eyes and said: "When it comes to business, Mr. Chen, you are a professional.

When it comes to gambling, I grew up in a Sha family. Even if I am not good at it, my eyesight can definitely beat more than 99% of people in the gambling world, let alone a layman like you. "

Seeing that Chen Yinhua refused to accept the reality, Sha Sanshao had no choice but to tell him exactly what happened in the gambling hall a few minutes ago...

The time goes back to about 7 or 8 minutes ago.

In the gambling hall, following Chen Bei's call, I want to check the cards.

The dealer opened a pack of brand new playing cards and slowly pushed it in front of the old man.

Grabbing the pile of cards and twisting them casually, Chen Bei drew a half-meter long dragon in front of him.

"Cut!" Sha Sanshao snorted, leaning lazily on the back of the chair: "Old man, everyone here is a master of masters, you old man wants to pretend to be aggressive, so you should make a fan.

Arrange a train to come out?

Hey, don't be embarrassed yourself, but you also have to consider the feelings of the cameraman next to you. Are you embarrassed to record this kind of childishness?"

Chen Bei smiled without saying a word, pulled out an Ace of Spades, used the edge of the playing card to lift up the pile of cards in front of him, and slowly slid it over.

There are four suits on the table, and there are 51 playing cards left, all of which turn into the Ace of Spades in an instant.

"Holy shit!" Sha Sanshao suddenly sat up straight, and the white jade cigarette holder originally held in his mouth was so frightened that it fell to the ground.

“Young people, before the age of 30, are not promising unless they are crazy;

But after the age of 30, if you are still crazy, you will definitely have no future.

For the sake of calling me old man so many times, I will tell you frankly that this trick is called Thousand Gate Illusion Technique.

If you are sure of breaking it, just sit and gamble.

Not sure?Collect things.Where do you come from, where do you go back. While Chen Bei was speaking, he was holding the Ace of Spades with one hand, and pulling the pile of cards back and forth.

And Sha Sanshao, who was sitting opposite him, watched the deck keep changing, sometimes turning into 51 Aces of Hearts, and sometimes turning into 51 Aces of Diamonds.

"Thousands...thousands of illusions! You are Fourth Master Long..." Wiping the sweat off his face, Third Young Master Sha looked at the old man opposite in shock.

"The name is just a code name." Chen Bei's eyes moved slightly, and he stopped checking the cards: "How about it, do you still want to bet?"

"No...don't gamble." Sha Sanshao was startled, picked up the cigarette holder, and said to the referee: "Referee, I...I admit defeat."


The camera pulled back to the elevator and listened to Sha Sanshao's retelling of the entire incident.

Chen Yinhua said with a serious expression: "Even if he is really the Fourth Master Long, at his current age, how many levels of skill are left?
Aren't you incapable of fighting?

I often hear people say that if you bet, you may not lose.

If you don't give it a try, how do you know that you can't break the Thousand Doors Illusion Technique? "

Break through thousands of illusions?
You can break it casually in front of this thing!

Sha Sanshao was completely speechless. At this moment, the elevator reached the first floor of the hotel. He ignored Chen Yinhua and strode out.

Chen Yinhua followed quickly with a dark face.

The two went out, got in the car, and returned to their hotel.

Seeing Chen Yinhua sitting on the sofa with a stern face and not saying a word, Sha Sanshao remembered that when Master Sha Qi was in Shanghai, he gave the Xu and Chen families the blame.

If I retreat without a fight today, I may not be able to explain to Xu Longwu when I return to Hong Kong Island.

While packing his luggage, he explained patiently: "Thousand Gates Illusion is a very overbearing hypnosis technique.

According to the notes of our ancestors of the Sha family, this move can already be classified into the category of spiritual attack.

Mr. Chen, there is no need for Long Si to use this kind of ultimate move to deal with a small character like me. His top ten explosive moves can easily deal with me.

By showing off his tactics through card verification, he wanted to persuade me to retreat despite the difficulties.

To put it bluntly, since he appears again, his identity will be exposed sooner or later.

As far as his seniority in the international gambling world is concerned, I am not qualified to fight against him at my level. "

After listening to Sha Sanshao's explanation, Chen Yinhua's expression softened a lot, he let out a breath, and said in a cold voice: "You should know that a lot of money has been invested in you this time in the chamber of commerce.

If you retreat without a fight today, the Chamber of Commerce will lose at least [-] million.

This amount will definitely be recorded on your head, and even on the Sha family's head.

How do you want to solve this problem? You should quickly think of a solution. The people in the Chamber of Commerce are not as easy to talk to as me. "


Just after Sha Sanshao surrendered, Hong Guang also dealt with a female gambler named Gao Shaoshao.

Standing up on crutches, Hong Guang nodded to Ya Fei, who was wearing a red suit, and Ya Qi, who was wearing a white suit. Seeing that Boss had won, Hong Guang couldn't help but walked over.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hong!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Hong!"

With a smile on his face, Yafiyaki protected Hong Guang on his left and right towards the exit of the hall.

Throughout the morning, Pupu got Hong Guang's enemy card, the female gambling king Gao Shao Shao ("The Winning Expert"), while patting her right hand, she complained: "I took a poop this morning, I washed my hands specially.

How could he still be so evil?

I have 4 old kings, and the opponent has 4 aces;

I got a straight flush, and he got a royal flush of spades.

In all the years since my debut, I have never played such a vicious card game. "

While Mr. Gao was walking out of the hall in confusion, their game at the gambling table also attracted the attention of most of the audience present.

Ayou whispered to Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo: "There is something wrong with the two boys wearing red and white next to Hong Guang.

If my calculations are correct, someone is helping him take advantage of bad luck. "

"It's crippled and crippled, can he bear it?" Luo Ge let out a sigh, looked at Ayou and asked.

Ding Yunfeng also frowned: "I know those two younger brothers, they have special fates, they follow a boss, and kill a boss, people in the world call them Feiji Shuangsha.

Taoist masters use them to bring bad luck and luck, I can understand this.

Because according to the information I have received so far, there is a big brother nicknamed Guan Gong, who asked Hong Guang to come out several times to talk, and wanted to get these two people over. "

"Brother Feng, I understand!" Ayou's face changed slightly when he heard this: "Hong Guang not only used evil, he also took people's lives!
The man nicknamed Guan Gong may have fallen into his hands. "

"Contact Feng Si and Senior Liu, and ask them to find a way to break Hong Guang's arrangement as soon as possible." Ding Yunfeng's face remained unchanged, and he whispered to Ayou.

"Got it." Ah You just responded.

The host announced the qualified players through the broadcast.

They are: Chen Bei, Hong Guang, Gao Jin, Nie Wanlong, Shi Yijian, Zuo Songxing, Da Jun, Zheng Youxi ("Gambler"), Chen Jincheng, Qiu Xiaochi, Shang Gong Feihua ("Five Lucky Stars for Fortune") , Chen Chongming, Lawson ("The Supreme"), Gundam, Chen Jiqian ("A Thousand Gates and Eight Generals"), Ren Tianchou ("The Dragon Gambler").

"Dear viewers and distinguished guests, after a morning of competition, the top sixteen have been born. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the top eight will be decided..."

The host held the microphone and kept talking, while most of the guests had left the audience and were talking enthusiastically about the top [-] contestants with the people around them.

Everyone knows that from now on, it is time to get serious.

After the previous two rounds of knockout rounds, the players who can enter the top [-] this time, the International Gambling Association, have participated in their participation so far. Each card game has been made into a briefing, which will be sent to the guests and peripheral opening players during lunch. In the hands of the betting station.

Compared with yesterday's opening ceremony, there were 64 contestants, 32 of whom claimed to have the nickname of gambling king.

The 'betting strategy' to be announced by the International Gambling Association is much more authoritative.

In addition to writing more detailed personal information of the contestants, there is also a specific analysis of each person's participation in the game. At this stage, it is also time for all parties to start to resolve personal grievances through the game.

Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo led a large group of people back to Chen's hotel.

The Chen family father and son came back early and ordered their men to prepare a very sumptuous lunch.

"To celebrate Quanzi's luck in entering the top [-], I propose a toast." Chen Jincheng took the lead in raising his glass and looked at Chen Congming with a rare look of relief.

Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo smiled at each other and raised their glasses.

Chen Congming was flattered, and stood up holding his wine glass: "Brother Luo, Brother Feng, and other big bosses present, please feel free, I'll do it!"

Seeing his son raising his head and gulping down the drink in his glass, Chen Jincheng patted his back: "Okay, very good!
In the top [-], our Chen family won two seats.

Regardless of whether he can enter the finals or not, the old man can already announce with a pat on the chest that the Chen family in Singapore has a successor! "

"Mr. Chen, when you say this, someone's tail is about to go up to the sky!" Huang Shihu laughed dumbly and looked at Chen Congming, who was sitting opposite and winking at him: "I know you are powerful, you can defeat King ("The Gambler 1999") "), somewhat beyond my expectation."

"Hey, this is good luck. There are a lot of masters, but I just met the weakest one." Chen Congming wiped his hair triumphantly, and continued to raise his eyebrows at Huang Shihu.

Chen Jincheng took out a document and put it on the table: "The weakest is not King, but Sha Sanshao, the descendant of the Sha family.

However, it is true that if you are smart, you will be lucky.

These two people happened to be in the same group in the preliminary round. King was the No.1 at their table and Sha Sanshao was the No.2. "

Lan Jiang picked up the information and flipped through it, and was amazed: "Old Chen, you have a way of collecting information about most of the contestants so quickly."

"Hey, the Chen family has been operating in Nanyang for several generations, and they still have some intelligence capabilities. But there are a few people here, but I can't see through them." Chen Jincheng waved his palm, and from the information in Lan Jiang's hand, Inside, a person was drawn out: "This woman is known as a gambling tyrant, and her name is Zheng Youxi.

According to my information, this woman used to work as a hooker at the Sai Kung Seafood Market on Hong Kong Island.

But somehow, she actually represented the Tsukamoto family in the competition this time, and her card skills were very high. She won every game. She was a strong opponent! "

"That's because, behind this woman, stands a special function master - Yan Zhen!" Ding Yunfeng ate a piece of lobster, put down his chopsticks, took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers: "Amei, come in."

"Yes, Comrade Ding!" A cold voice came from the phone, and then everyone saw a mysterious scene, the restaurant door was closed all the time, suddenly a figure came through with a golden light.

"This is..." Chen Jincheng wiped his glasses, his face full of shock.

Lei Luo waved his hand calmly: "I have seen the supernatural wall penetration technique many times in the capital.

Eat vegetables, don't be surprised. There are not even five people in the whole country of China who can have this skill.

Amei, bring a chair over and sit down. There are dishes and chopsticks in the cabinet next to you. Don't just stand there. "

"Thank you, Mr. Ray."

"Call Brother Luo." Lei Luo pushed Chen Xijiu, who was very sensible and made room for him.

These two have a story!

Ding Yunfeng's face was full of gossip, but he also knew that now was not a good time to question Lao Lei.

Amei wore two braided braids and a solid white shirt and black pants. She looked rustic, but with her one move on the stage, no one dared to look down upon her.

Facing a table of delicacies, Amei picked up her chopsticks and unceremoniously ate half full. Then, under Luo Ge's playful gaze, she finally remembered the purpose of Comrade Ding calling her in.

A little embarrassed smiled, Amei took out a red-headed document from her body: "Gentlemen, I am the deputy leader of the Yangcheng Special Function Team, and the organization sent me to Nanyang to assist my brother Zuo Songxing in arresting the defectors." Yan Zhen and the army!"

"Army? Didn't he enter the top sixteen? Is this person also from his hometown?" Chen Congming asked in surprise.

Amei nodded vigorously: "Yes, Da Jun is from the same unit as our siblings. He was incited by Yan Zhen and defected together. He is currently working for the Tsukamoto family of Fuso Kingdom." (End of Chapter)

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