Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 875: 1 reputation spreads 1 lamp

Chapter 875 A reputation spreads like a lamp
The word "reckless" sums up the difficult promotion path of a generation of furniture warriors!
Dongguan Zai nodded vigorously. He drove alone, stepped on the accelerator all the way, and rushed to Chen Jiaju's house before sunset.

Ka Kui was wearing a suit and tie and originally planned to go out to enjoy a candlelight dinner with May.

As soon as Dong Guan Zai said that Ding Yunfeng asked him to break into the Central District Hall to bring a message to Master Su, he immediately pulled off his tie and followed Dong Guan Zai out without looking back.

The subsequent plot is just what one can imagine.

Sir Chen forced his way into the hotel and was punished with a major demerit. The senior superintendent who had hoped to get a chance to touch him was completely turned away.

Moreover, he also let his wife A Mei's pigeons go, taking the blame in the workplace, in love, and in love.

Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Chen Jiaju took the ice cubes handed over by Ah Shui, and while wrapping it in a towel to apply cold compress on the swelling on his face, he complained to Ding Yunfeng who was making Kung Fu tea: "A Feng, you have done me a disservice this time! Ah Mei said, You want to divorce me."

"Hey, don't worry, Ami wants to break up with you. In the past ten years, she has mentioned it not a hundred times, but seventy or eighty times.

You two are inseparable.

Well, you go back and tell her that it doesn't matter if the senior superintendent blows the whistle.

The plane took off to Fujian Province, where there were dozens of barbecue restaurants under his name.

I asked them to arrange for five companies to be transferred to Ami's name, as compensation for you taking the blame this time. "Ding Yunfeng waved his hand and sent out five delicious dishes.

Chen Jiaju's eyes lit up. He had been working in front-line departments all year round, so of course he knew how much profit there was in stores like Airplane.

Catching the teacup brought by Ding Yunfeng, Jiaju didn't care about scalding his mouth and directly raised his glass to Ding Yunfeng with tea instead of wine: "Well, you said this yourself. Mr. Ding is recognized by everyone as a rich man. I This poor brother who lives on salary will not be polite to you."

"We have known each other for almost 20 years, and you are saying this to me?" Ding Yunfeng pretended to be unhappy, picked up the teacup and smiled at Jiaju: "If you weren't worried about being too conspicuous, I would have given away 5 of them, let alone 10. Come, have some tea."

Over at Repulse Bay, Ding Yunfeng personally made tea to entertain Chen Jiaju;

At the Grand Hall in the Central District, headed by Shi Migao, there was a large group of people belonging to Li Shutang and Guan Chun.

In order to block the furniture, some people bumped into the corner of the table, some bumped into the chair, some bumped into the file cabinet, and even fell down the steps.

Anyway, when the two bosses Li and Guan rushed back after hearing the news, they saw that the elite soldiers and generals under their former command were not seriously injured but had many minor injuries. One or two people were supporting each other and standing dejectedly.

"Who can tell me what happened?
There are more than 20 people, but they can't stop Chen Jiaju? "Li Shutang's tone was not serious, but his fingers when taking off his glasses were shaking worse than Bruno Ganz.

Shi Migao, with two panda eyes on his face, took a step forward and stood at attention.

In a sad and angry tone, he said that Chen Jiaju was deliberately looking for trouble and took action first. He was not aware of it for a while, and he was concerned about his colleagues...

Li Shutang's face was as dark as water, and before the other party could finish what he said, he shouted directly: "That's enough!
Sir Shi, you are an elite person who was specially transferred from the Flying Tigers to the task force because of my reputation.

But on your first day here, you used a defeat to prove to everyone that you were a parallel import!
I don't want to hear the extra stuff, so just tell me, where are the suspects temporarily detained? "

"Sorry sir.

Nothing happened to the suspects. Chen Jiaju rushed into the room where Master Su was and was restrained by the guys who came for reinforcements. "Shi Migao didn't dare to quibble anymore and quickly reported the follow-up situation.

Hearing that Chen Jiaju had met with the most important master, Su, Li Shutang's face immediately darkened. He passed Shi Migao and others and strode towards the interrogation room.

Guan Chun, who had been silent for the whole time, waved his hands to Shi MiGao and others: "You will hand in your self-examination tomorrow and tidy up the place now. Do you want the guys who come to work tomorrow morning to know how embarrassed you were last night? ?”

Is this over?

No, Chen Jiaju forced his way into the hotel!

After beating so many people and destroying so much public property, why don't you ask the internal review department to send people over to take photos and record evidence, and then punish him severely?
Shi Migao and others were all dumbfounded. They couldn't understand why Li Shutang and Guan Chun, who were considered to have high positions in the police force, tolerated Chen Jiaju's lawless behavior.

Seeing Shi Migao's unconvinced look, Guan Chun stopped. He looked at this young man who had Li Shutang's favor and who was specially transferred from the Flying Tigers to the task force to be gilded.

"Young boy, think about it, Chen Jiaju has gotten into so many troubles in the past ten years, but he can be transferred to the three major frontline departments of the serious crime team, criminal team and anti-gang team.

It can be seen that this guy is different from ordinary people.

Many departments and leaders in the police force were all former subordinates of his father, Chen Zhichao.

As the prince of the Chen family, he went to befriend Ding Yunfeng, and the Ding family also supported him.

As long as no one is killed, no one will kill him. "

After giving Shi Migao a serious reminder, Guan Chunlin walked away and patted his shoulder. A business card slipped into the other person's pocket while avoiding the eyes of others: "I am Guan Chun, director of the Central District. I like you smart and motivated people the most. Young people."

With a pun and a subtle expression of the idea of ​​​​coaxing, Guan Chun strode towards the interrogation room.

Li Shutang, who was eager to meet his master Su, certainly didn't expect that as soon as he left, Guan Chun would use his hoe to dig out the chess pieces he had arranged to train with the Flying Tigers.

"My patience is limited. According to regulations, our police can detain you for up to 48 hours.

If you want to cooperate with me, you should think about it as soon as possible.

If I can't wait for good news tomorrow morning, I will send someone over to Repulse Bay with a recording pen. "Seeing Guan Chun come in, Li Shutang gave a warning to Master Su, turned around and walked out.

Master Su was immersed in cutting an S-level filet mignon, with an environmentally friendly cardboard box at hand and a half-bitten fried egg.

Guan Chun pulled up his chair with a smile, took out a short cigar and threw it in front of Master Su: "This is the first time Guan has seen such a good appetite in the police force.

Master Su, do yourself a favor and smoke one? "

“Once you’ve arrived, you’ll be at ease. My life motto is never to treat yourself badly no matter where you go.

Sir Guan, I appreciate your kindness, but I haven't smoked cigars for many years.

By the way, have you had dinner?

The steaks at Kowloon Ice Room are very good. If you are interested, you can order a meal and I will treat you. "Master Su was cutting the steak with a serious expression, without even looking at the Cohiba cigar rolled in front of him.

Guan Chun smiled, took out his lighter, and ordered it himself: "Two S-grade steaks, one fried egg, and no other side dishes.

Mr. Su, you have a trick. You actually deceived our guys into calling SOS to the outside world for you. "

"Sir Guan, you think too much."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are in charge of Li Sir, SOS or XOX, it's not my turn to worry about it." Guan Chun glanced at the eggplant ash, and put on a self-deprecating expression: "I'm a loser, and I can find a stable one." Local pension is very good. I no longer have the ambition to do anything with Cai Yuanqi's case like someone else."

"Sir Guan, as a member of Helian Sheng, I am commonly known as a member of the underworld.

I really don’t understand what’s going on in your life. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you a suitable suggestion.

By the way, the steak is pretty good, why don’t you order one?” Master Su’s expression was very calm, but in fact, he was already very energetic in his heart.

Guan Chun slowly leaned over and looked at Master Su with his eyes: "No! You actually know more about things on the white side than the underworld.

Before you become a lawyer with Lian Sheng, teach yourself to get a lawyer's license.Later, you spent money to gain connections and went to the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong as an auditor.

Among the hundreds of thousands of short mules who come out to work in Hong Kong, you, Jimi Zai and Jia Qianwu are the three weirdos.

If you put aside your underworld background, the knowledge of the three of you is actually higher than that of most white-collar workers in Central. "

Master Su didn't speak, and silently cut the steak.

Jiaju has brought in Brother Feng's words. As long as he survives these 48 hours, neither Li Shutang nor Guan Chun will be able to control him.

The deeper you study the laws of Hong Kong Island and London, the more you can understand the ability of Huang Dawen, a top-notch lawyer.

Master Su knew very well that if it weren't for Cai Yuanqi's special status, the case would have attracted the governor's personal intervention.

How could Li Shutang and Guan Chun have the confidence to offend a Queen's Counsel?

"I'm not kidding, this is my business card. When you go out, I want you to tell Ding Yunfeng.

If he helps me quit the Flying Tigers, I will give him something that satisfies him - about Li Shutang and his son. "

Putting down a business card, Guan Chun put away the cigar in front of Master Su, got up and walked out.

Master Su waited for him to leave, then turned around and swallowed the cold steak in his mouth.

He grabbed a tissue, wiped his mouth, hesitated for a second, and put away the business card left by Guan Chun.

Tonight, many people are destined to be unable to sleep, but that does not include the plane that killed someone and was picked up by a fishing boat in Fujian Province.

A tall, thin, gentle-looking young man brought the plane into the Rongcheng Guest House, and before leaving, he took out a thick brown paper bag: "Little brother, this is your personal file, please keep it safe.

The name column is blank. Please think of a new name and fill it in as soon as possible. You must tell me tomorrow and I will notify the relevant departments to update the information. "

"Thank you." The plane tried to pull out a smile.

This young man, who had just been promoted to section chief of the Rongcheng office, quickly shook his head: "You're welcome, you are tired from the journey, so I won't disturb your rest. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." He sent the other party off on the plane, turned around and went downstairs, and dialed the number of the Ding family mansion: "Brother Feng, I have arrived in Rongcheng."

"Okay, just be safe.

You have lived there for several years with peace of mind, and I have greeted you in every way.

When your hometown takes back Hong Kong Island, you can come over with a new identity. "Ding Yunfeng smiled, grabbed the receiver, explained a few red lines that could not be crossed, and hung up the phone.

He suddenly came to live in a strange environment. He had a dull personality. After paying the phone bill, he didn't wander around. He only bought a pack of peanuts and two bottles of beer and prepared to go back to his room.

Guesthouses in the late 80s, even in provincial capital cities like Rongcheng.The living environment is still far inferior to that on Hong Kong Island.

Fortunately, the plane does not pay attention to material things such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. Instead, it can help Ding Xi do things. He feels very comfortable as if he has put down a huge stone that has been pressing on his chest for more than ten years.

Walking up the two-meter-wide staircase with goose-yellow tiles, Airplane returned to the room briskly, carrying peanuts in one hand and beer in the other.

Just as the key was taken out, he overheard two people talking in the next room.

"Fourth Master, your health really doesn't matter? Why don't you take a rest first..."

"Haha, don't worry, I can still hold on. If I don't pass on this skill to you, I won't die." Long Si wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, and regardless of Gao Jin's worried eyes, he grabbed two Poker: "Look, this is the flower hidden under the leaf."

After flicking the three of spades on the top with his fingers, Long Si turned over the three of diamonds on the bottom and turned it into a six of spades.

"9 o'clock!" Gao Jin's pupils shrank and he exclaimed.

After Long Si finished this trick of hiding flowers at the bottom of the leaves, his breathing immediately became three cents heavier. He took a sip of tea and immediately broke down the Thousand Hands trick and taught it to Gao Jin in detail.

Gao Jin's talent was already high, and after watching it a few times, he was able to force it out very quickly.

Back then, he was led by Jin Neng and focused on psychological warfare.

Although Gao Jin is not inferior to others in terms of gambling skills, as Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jincheng said in their previous exchanges.

Gao Jin does have the strength, but most of his fame comes from the gang of ghost moneymen in Las Vegas who help him advocate and suppress Chen Jincheng and other veteran seniors.

The time was pulled back a few days ago, after Ding Yunfeng, Tsukamoto Yasukou and others left Java Island. The next day, Gao Jin and Long Si competed for the championship and runner-up of the Asian Gambling King Competition.

But an hour before the game, Long Si suddenly knocked on Gao Jin's door and offered that as long as Gao Jin was willing to go back to his hometown with him, he would give up and give his lifelong reputation to Gao Jin, the new gambler. god.

At that time, Gao Jin was shocked and shouted angrily at Long Si: "Why? Fourth Master, I often hear people say that you often say - winning is winning, losing is losing!

I'm going to advance, you don't need to give in. "

Facing the furious Gao Jin, Long Si smiled faintly: "Gao Jin, do you know that a top master has a triple realm, seeing himself, seeing the world, and seeing all beings?"

"Have not heard!"

"Hehe, at the age of 30, I swept across the seven northern provinces and won the title of God of Gamblers in Huaguo, which can be regarded as meeting myself;
Because I refused to cooperate with the warlords in transporting opium, I was betrayed by my companions and spent eight years in prison in the Northeast.

On the day he was released from prison, he took a train south in Shenyang and became brothers with the twelve masters of Qianmen in the car.

Seven days later, I swept through the casinos in Shanghai. At its peak, [-]% of the casinos in Shanghai were under my name, which was considered a huge success;

He will be prosperous and prosperous, and his wealth will rival the country.

I, Long Si, did not eat alone, but gave the casino in my hand to my brothers who were sworn to me on the train.

Haha, it’s a pity that I, who claim to have seen the heaven and the earth, cannot see through the human heart.

Conspiracies and tricks come one after another...

Gao Jin, you are in the gambling world and you should have heard of my deeds.

If it hadn't been for this Asian Gambling King Competition, which allowed you and me to meet, your impression of me, Long Si, would probably have stopped there.

What I am saying to you today is not to tell you how great I, Long Si, am, but to tell you.

There are no fathers and sons on the gambling table, but those who sit down to gamble must first have national boundaries.

For you and me, it is easy to see ourselves, not difficult to see the heaven and earth, but it is difficult to see all sentient beings in the last realm.

I was introduced to Mr. Gao by my instructor, and I used my gambling skills to help the country raise national salvation funds and see all sentient beings incognito.

Gao Jin, I, Long Si, have been the God of Gamblers in China all my life. I have long wanted to find someone to pass on this lamp and accompany me, an old man, for a walk home. "

(End of this chapter)

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