Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 876 Matthew: Sir Li, don’t you understand Chinese?

Because Long Si insisted on letting go, Gao Jin had no choice but to agree to the other party, and when the Asian Gambling King Contest announced the result, he would accompany the old man back to his hometown for a visit.


A few days ago, Long Si took Gao into Yangcheng, Guangdong Province.

I just came to Fujian Province from Guangdong Province today. Since Long Si has an official status, the place he chose to stay was also the Rongcheng Guest House.

Although the environment of the guest house is very ordinary, in this year and age, it is really not easy for ordinary people to live in a guest house at the provincial capital level.

The plane overheard Gao Jin's name outside. He hesitated, held back his curiosity, opened the door and walked into his room.

Hearing the sound of the door closing outside the house, Gao Jin brought a kettle and refilled Long Si's water glass: "Fourth Master, there was someone outside just now."

"I know, it's okay.

The other person lives next door to us, so he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Besides, here, with my work certificate, I can mobilize [department]-level forces at any time.

Even if someone with bad intentions steals it, just ask someone to come over and take it down. "Long Si blew the teacup, his expression as steady as an old dog's.

He is worthy of being a hidden boss from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the present.

Fourth Master, your words are overbearing!
Gao Jin's eyelids moved, feeling less reluctant and more curious about the semi-forced issue.


Without saying a word for a day, Zhan Mi was still detained in Tai Kwun, Central District.

Today, it was Wang Jianjun who came out to open the mailbox. He put away several newspapers and found that one was not signed but contained a leather envelope containing something hard.

First, he asked a subordinate to deliver a few newspapers into the house. Wang Jianjun grabbed the envelope and walked a hundred meters away. He tore it open and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who sent the recorder? I thought it was a pocket bomb." After complaining in a low voice, Wang Jianjun pressed the play button. Unexpectedly, the first sentence played back made his face change drastically.

As Li Jie's successor, he is the bodyguard responsible for Ding Yunfeng's safety.Wang Jianjun is very familiar with the top leaders of the major factions of the Ding Clan.


As soon as he heard it, he knew that the voice played by the recorder was Master Su's voice.

After running back to the Ding family mansion, Wang Jianjun rushed straight to the study on the second floor and placed the recorder in front of Ding Yunfeng who was reading the newspaper: "Brother Feng. Something bad happened. Master Su's pink sausage actually rebelled."

"Asu rebelled?" Ding Yunfeng put down the newspaper and picked up the recorder: "Did you find out through this thing?"

"Yes, I just went to open the mailbox and found an unsigned envelope sent by someone.

At first, I thought it was someone dropping a pocket bomb, and I thought I should go further away and open it again. Unexpectedly, this recorder actually recorded the conversation between Master Su and Luo Tuo. "Wang Jianjun took out the torn envelope and handed it to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng looked at the envelope and immediately pressed the recorder.

Master Su once stuttered, but through hard work, he slightly improved, and his voice came out clearly.

"Brother Feng, don't hesitate anymore, I'll recognize this guy's voice as soon as I hear it.

He can collude with the camel and attempt to murder you in the last year of this year.

If it falls into Li Shutang's hands this time, he will definitely be unfavorable to you. My suggestion is to silence him immediately. "Wang Jianjun's tone was serious, completely forgetting the friendship that Master Su asked him to go to Bolan Street to beat his bones and his back.

Ding Yunfeng put down the recorder with a smile, picked up the cigarette case, and threw a cigarette to Wang Jianjun: "Don't keep shouting and killing, Asu and the others will be released tomorrow morning.

If you have any doubts, ask them in person to avoid unjustly accusing one of your own. "

Wang Jianjun lit a cigarette and thought about it, but he was still a little worried: "Brother Feng, I will not let him go if he kills me wrongly! By the time he is released, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"Hey, even if Asu really rebels, what can he say?
Regarding the issue of stance, not to mention the Governor, even the Queen of London turned a blind eye to me.

As for breaking the law and discipline, have I, Ding Yunfeng, ever done it? After saying this, Ding Yunfeng grabbed the newspaper and waved to Wang Jianjun: "Calm down, don't be confused by a recording of unknown origin."Alright, I'm going to read the newspaper, you go out to do errands. "

"Oh." Seeing that he couldn't persuade Brother Feng, Wang Jianjun could only put away the envelope and recorder and silently walked downstairs.

As soon as he came down the stairs, Ajun heard Wang Yifei's voice.

"Ajun, what did you do at my door just now?
I saw you on the balcony on the second floor and shouted to you, but you ran away without looking back! "Wang Yifei, wearing a nightgown, stepped forward and grabbed Wang Jianjun's wrist.

Wang Jianjun did not dare to say that because he suspected that someone had dropped the bomb, he 'inadvertently' walked to the door of Lao Wang's house to defuse it.

It can only be said that someone gave him a recording pen, which contained evidence about Master Su's betrayal.

"Master Su? It's impossible. He, who was doing a good job with Lian Sheng, only went to Luo Tuo to conspire against Afeng when he was full."

Wang Yifei took the recorder and listened for a while, then showed a meaningful smile: "A Jun, has A Feng heard this recording, and he also told you not to believe it?"

"Yes, Uncle King, how do you know?"

"Ha, when my uncle was splicing contracts and tricking people into signing blank documents, the owner of this recording pen wasn't even born yet!" Wang Yifei patted his chest proudly.

Under Wang Jianjun's puzzled eyes, Wang Yifei listened to the recording several times attentively.

Then, he used the fast forward and rewind buttons to cut out a few short paragraphs: "Here, I will increase the volume to the maximum now. Listen carefully. Every time the three words Ding Yunfeng are mentioned, Master Su's voice is, right? It all clicks once or twice.”

Through Wang Yifei's micro-manipulation, Wang Jianjun really found that every time Ding Yunfeng was mentioned, the three words would click for an instant.

"What... what does this mean?"

"What do you mean? You still don't understand?

Your Brother Feng has a high prestige. Even if they are not in front of him, they will use honorifics when mentioning him behind his back, and will not call him by his first name.

If I'm not wrong, the person who made this recording cut out the word "Feng" and "D" in Shiye Su's "Brother Feng" and "Mr. Ding", and then cut out the word "Yun" from Shiye Su's other daily spoken words.

Three words put together, it is difficult to hear them at normal volume.

But if the volume is raised to the highest level, as long as our hearing is sharper, we can distinguish it. "

Facing the talkative Wang Yifei, Ah Jun felt as if he was meeting him for the first time. He looked at this real estate tycoon who was famous for being aloof and stingy in shock: "Uncle King! That's amazing. Do you still have this ability?"

"Hmph! What is this little hearing?
More than 100 years ago, the big treasurer of Huishang Bank had mastered an ability called running water to distinguish silver!

Although I, Wang Yifei, dare not compare with the ancients, I started from scratch and came from a real estate background.

You can just go to the construction site and knock two steel bars on it, and I will be able to tell on the spot whether it is good or bad.

If I were as stupid as you and heard the wind as rain, the money I had earned so hard would have been defrauded a long time ago. "That night, at ten o'clock, Central District, Tai Kwun.

Li Shutang walked into the room where Master Su was detained. He waved away the two police officers sitting in front of Asu, and turned off the recording again: "I sent the recording pen to Repulse Bay.

How do you think about it?Do you want to cooperate with me?
There are still 10 hours until you are released.

Of course you can bet that Ding Yunfeng doesn't believe you will betray him. If you win, it will be fine, but if you lose..."

Lowering his voice, Li Shutang leaned closer to Master Su: "Think about what happened to Cai Yuanqi. The former first brother and the current important official of the Transportation Department also had his head cut off by his men? He can change your place at any time if you are just sitting there. you."

Glancing at Li Shutang, Master Su closed his eyes. He had made up his mind not to say another word.

Knowing that the other party has the technology to fabricate recordings, no matter what he says, it will leave huge hidden dangers. Anyway, there are still 10 hours left, so just grit your teeth and get through it.

Seeing Master Su not relenting, Li Shutang poured two glasses of water again: "In a different place, if I were Ding Yunfeng, facing that recording pen, I would rather believe that it exists than that it doesn't exist.

Master Su, you still have 10 hours, think about it slowly. "

After saying this, seeing that Master Su still didn't say a word, Li Shutang had no choice but to stand up and leave.

After closing the door, Sir Li's expression became extremely ferocious: "Send your life to trust Ding Yunfeng? Unfortunately, I thought your master Su was a brain-eater. It turns out that you are no different from the plane that killed people and escaped. When it comes to loyalty, it comes down to the brain." Stupid!"

Cursing a few words under his breath, Li Shutang turned around, his expression regained his composure. With a straight face, he walked upstairs and knocked on Matthew's door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

"Good evening, sir!"

After clicking and standing at attention, Li Shutang pulled out his chair and sat down at Matthew's signal.

"Li Sir, how is the investigation of Cai Sir's case?" Matthew got up and took out a bottle of Martell from the cabinet, and poured a glass for Li Shutang and himself: "God, I haven't worked night shift for many years, I hope I can hear some good news from your mouth."

"Sir, it has been found that the suspect's plane was probably ordered by someone to murder Sir Cai."

"Oh, who is behind this?"

"Sir, I suspect that this person is the former Kwun Tong Director, Ding Yunfeng."

"Cough cough cough..." Matthew's mouth was half full of Martell, and Li Shutang's words were directly sent into his trachea.

Putting down the cup, Matthew coughed violently for a while.

Pulling out two tissues, Matthew wiped his mouth and nose vigorously, and shouted angrily: "Sir Li, some things should not be said carelessly; some people should not be doubted carelessly.

Do you have any solid evidence?

If not, I have never heard what you said tonight, go out and do something! "

Li Shutang avoided Matthew's spit and replied in a low voice: "I will have the evidence soon. The key is, Sir, do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate the man in Repulse Bay?

If you have this idea, just agree to let me take over your position, and I will do the rest! "

Matthew slapped his forehead speechlessly: "Sir Li, why can't you understand Chinese?

Do you know how many people in Hong Kong eat with him?
Let me tell you, black people, white people, and ordinary citizens, together, it is conservatively estimated to be more than 30 people.

Even if you don't worry about the attitude of the North, once this person is moved, you have to consider that if there is a worker strike, a business strike, and a public demonstration.

Who has the skills to clean up this mess? "

Li Shutang's Adam's apple moved: "Sir, are you a little too pessimistic? He has such great influence?"

Matthew laughed at himself a few times: “Why not?

Never mind that he left the police force and stayed in Repulse Bay all day without going out.

In fact, his staff, with the help of his connections in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, established a new company almost every week on average.

Especially when he brought a business group back from the opposite side to inspect, members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce rushed to make friends with him.

His people are involved in the daily necessities, food, housing, transportation and all walks of life of the citizens of Hong Kong Island.

They even hooked up with Lei Luo, Chief Inspector of China, Lan Gang, and others to set up a company in Nanyang, accounting for nearly 3% of the import and export between Hong Kong Island and Nanyang.

Sir Li, save your energy.

Once a person becomes powerful, it's no longer a question of whether he can move at all, but a question of whether the government can bear the consequences if you move him. "

After Matthew said this, he walked to the door himself and opened the door for Li Shutang: "Sir Li, I would like to personally advise you not to cause trouble.

after all.The ownership of Hong Kong Island has been negotiated long ago. If you insist on doing this, your end will definitely be tragic in the future. "

Li Shutang did not expect that Gui Lao would not support him even though he risked his life and wealth.

With a gloomy look on his face, Li Shutang stood up holding on to the table. He didn't even know how he got out of Matthew's office.

And Matthew, who was standing at the door, watching Li Shutang leave, cursed in a low voice, slammed the door hard, grabbed the phone and called the Governor's house: "Charlie, butler, this is Matthew, I'm sorry. I’m disturbing you at this time. Please ask the governor to come and answer the phone. I have something very important that I must report to him.”

MacLehose, who was about to fall asleep, quickly came to the study in his nightgown, grabbed the receiver of the phone, and complained: "Matthew, call so late, if it's not something important, wait until the next time we meet , oh, I must kick your ass hard."

"Sir, Li Shutang came up from downstairs to see me just now. You can't guess what he said to me?" Matthew rubbed his forehead and asked himself: "He wanted to use Cai Yuanqi's death to touch Ding Yunfeng. , I heard from his tone that he must be perjuring himself.

Oh shit, that guy must be crazy!

I can't believe it, but in order to sit in my position, he planned to poke down the hornet's nest in Repulse Bay. "

"Stop him!" MacLehose became a little annoyed and turned the lamp brighter, waving the butler who was helping him light his pipe out.

"Of course! I warned him immediately, the gentleman from London will not condone his recklessness." Matthew quickly replied.

MacLehose breathed a sigh of relief: "Very good, Li's idea is very dangerous. After Cai Yuanqi's case is concluded, we will transfer him from the police force.

The London side and the Governor's Government do not want to have a fierce conflict with the North on the surface.

As you know, the Hong Kong Island issue has been settled.

Everyone's fight can only be underwater.

Ding Yunfeng is the benchmark set by others here. If something happens to him, and he is 'forcibly arranged' by the Hong Kong Island Police to get into trouble.

Not only are his forces going to counterattack, but the north will definitely also take advantage of the situation! "

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