Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 877: The Li family’s father and son will go and stay

Chapter 877 The Li family’s father and son’s words stay and go

Late that night, the Li family.

Li Wenbin, who came back from working overtime at CIB, saw that the light in his father Li Shutang's study was still on. He woke up his Filipino maid, asked her to cook a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and served it himself.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Hearing someone knocking on the door, Li Shutang looked away from the phone: "Who?"

"Abba, it's me. I heard from Maria that you haven't eaten anything since noon, so I asked her to cook a bowl of porridge for you to warm your stomach while it's hot."

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Li Wenbin came in as he was setting the dishes and chopsticks.

Li Shutang, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly said: "I have made arrangements. Next week, CIB will arrange for you to go to Scotland Yard for three months of further study.

When the term expires, Mike, the deputy commissioner of the London Police Department, will issue an official document, leaving you as the leader of an action team under him.

After that, depending on the direction of the trend, if you can join Interpol, you can join Interpol.

If you can't get in, just change your nationality and stay in London. "

Li Wenbin raised his head suddenly, and the mahogany chopsticks creaked in his hands: "Abba, I won't leave, I am the deputy director of the CIB of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, senior superintendent!

Even if you lose this time, as long as I am with the Li family and Police Force Li, this flag will never fall..."

"Innocent." Li Shutang picked up the spoon, took a mouthful of preserved egg porridge and put it into his mouth: "Senior Superintendent, can you stand up to a ghost?

Do you think that your promotion to CIB deputy director before the age of 30 was based on your own ability?
Your personal ability only accounts for 2%, and the remaining 8% is your father's and my influence.

And I can make CIB give me face, not only because I have climbed high and have the capital to exchange interests with others, but also because I almost inherited Chen Zhichao's position in the Three Flags and cultivated the connections I have accumulated for half my life.

Now even I, the Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department, am embarrassed. You, a CIB deputy director, are neither high nor low. After I go down, if they don’t punish you, who will be punished? "

Li Wenbin was a little unconvinced, but in front of his father, he did not dare to retort forcefully, so he could only explain in a slow tone: "Dad, I have cultivated a team at CIB in the past few years, and there are a few talkative people above. Sir, I can also talk to them..."

"It's useless..." Li Shutang put down the spoon and placed the bottomed porridge bowl on the plate: "If you were the top leader of CIB now, you would be fine.

Unfortunately, time does not wait for us.

I haven't helped you up yet, and Lu Minghua is going to be the first brother. "

Li Shutang raised his hand to hold down his son who was still arguing, and lit a Camel cigarette: "I know you are not convinced, sit down and I will explain to you slowly.

At first, Cai Yuanqi was assigned to the Traffic Department from the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and Matthew temporarily took over as the Commissioner of Police.

In order to suppress Lu Minghua, Gui Lao has been supporting our Li family and Guan family in the past two years to fight against the Hua/Ding clique.

I have told you what happened next.

Because the North and London had negotiated the issue of Hong Kong Island, they agreed to return Hong Kong Island to them in the year of Ding Chou.

Therefore, Guan Chun and I, who have been helping Gui Lao deal with Lu Minghua, must be on the blacklist in the north.

Of course, being recorded in a small book does not mean there are ways to break the situation.

Hong Kong Island has a special history. In order to have a smooth handover, the other party must need the cooperation of local forces.

I have estimated that if the Li family can grow to half of Ding Yunfeng's current size before the year of Ding Chou, they will be qualified to be attracted by the north.

Haha, this morning, Matthew warned me that once a person's power is established, it cannot be moved casually.

Humph, he knows what a foreign devil knows, but I, the head of the Li family, don’t understand?
I originally planned to use Cai Yuanqi's case as the first step to remove the three thorns that Ding Yunfeng, Kuili Qiang, Zhan Mizi and Chen Yaoqing, had placed in Helian Sheng, support Master Su in power, and take over the reins based on this merit. Xiu's position, and then as the first brother of the police force, he launched a major anti-crime storm, detonating social focus and resisting strikes and demonstrations that Ding Yunfeng might initiate.

In the second step, I will suppress Guan Chun at all costs, ease the relationship with the Chinese department, and transfer you from CIB to the Internal Investigation Section;
The third step is that before the year of Ding Chou comes, you, as a senior member of the Internal Investigation Division, will bring me, the pro-British leader and tyrant of the police force, down, clear my name, and defect to the north.

Haha, righteousness destroys relatives!

Isn’t this the positive image they have been promoting?
The darkness of the Li family ends with me.

The beauty of the Li family begins with you.

The Li family will be loyal to whoever is the master of Hong Kong Island.

Not only can I serve the Queen, but I can also serve the people.

It's a pity that Gui Lao didn't give me a chance.

When they saw that the ownership of Hong Kong Island had settled, they no longer wanted to quarrel with the North.

One or two of them are secretly busy disposing of assets and preparing to go back to London to enjoy themselves.

Who cares, there is another Li family in Hong Kong who helps them fight against Lu Minghua and Ding Yunfeng? "

Li Shutang talked a lot over the course of a cigarette. At the end of his speech, he looked ferocious and stubbed out the cigarette butt on the table.

Looking at the place where the cigarette butt fell, there was a photo of Li Shutang and the Du Ye pressed under the glass.

Li Wenbin knew that my father was really angry at the ghost guys this time.

Otherwise, with his Qi-nurturing skills, he would not make such meaningless actions.

Standing up and patting Li Shutang on the back, Li Wenbin helped him calm down and asked tentatively: "Abba, the current influence of our Li family alone is not enough to give face to the north.

What if we unite with the Guan family?
Guan Chun's father-in-law, Li He, was a giant Chinese businessman. "

"Guan Chun? Ha, he is worse than me. He was eliminated a few days ago.

Several nobles in London went to the Parliament to speak and questioned the Hong Kong Island Police Force as to why a person with such poor performance was re-appointed as the most critical Central District Commissioner on Hong Kong Island. "Li Shutang snorted disdainfully.

Li Wenbin was shocked again: "Why? How free do those aristocrats in London have to be to notice that there is an incompetent Central District Director here on Hong Kong Island?"

Li Shutang turned to look at Repulse Bay: "What Ding Yunfeng did was that last time Johnny Ingrid came to Hong Kong Island to investigate the fake queen incident on the Queen's secret order. That kid made an agreement with Johnny and went back to write a report to the royal family. Guan Chun wrote a bad story. No, seeing that Matthew was about to leave office, Lu Minghua relied on the Fuguiwan case to defy all opinions and sent the Flying Tigers and Bawanghua to cooperate with Interpol to catch the criminal wanted by many countries, headed by McDonald. group.

Ding Yunfeng made decisive efforts and used his connections in London to drive Guan Chun out of the game early.Otherwise, if you think Li and the others suddenly turned around and supported me, that's because they all know that Guan Chun's future is in doubt and the Guan family is doomed. "

Li Wenbin's face turned red with anger, and he finally choked out: "This Ding Yunfeng is so despicable. He actually hired a ghost guy from London to force the Guan family out."


Repulse Bay, Ding family mansion, back garden.

Brother Feng, who was playing horse riding with Ding Yingnan and Ding Renying, suddenly sneezed several times and knocked the two noisy children off the horse.

Wang Xia ran over and picked up two crying children. After checking this, Wang Xia started checking another: "I told you three to stop playing, but you just didn't listen! Does it hurt from the fall? Let Mommy see if she is injured?" "

While Shi Shi asked the servant to get safflower oil, he scolded Ding Yunfeng: "Don't even look at what time it is. The two children are ignorant, and you, as an adult, have no sense of propriety?"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. It's all my fault. You take the child back to the house to sleep first. I'll apply some safflower oil before going back to the room." Ding Yunfeng stood up from the ground and reached out to pick up the servant. The medicinal oil came, but it was empty.

Shi Shi took the medicinal oil first, hugged Ding Renying, and slapped Brother Feng on the back of his head: "You have rough skin and thick flesh. It will be your turn after the child finishes applying it."

Seeing that both his wives had objections to his pampering of his children, Ding Yunfeng looked helpless.

Standing aside, Wang Jianjun was so sleepy that he kept yawning. He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. It was very hard to bear it.

"Hey, don't stand still. Didn't you see that I twisted my wrist?

Go, find some medicine and bring it to me. I know that all of you martial arts practitioners are drunk. "Ding Yunfeng brushed off the grass clippings from his body and sat on a wicker chair nearby.

Wang Jianjun didn't dare to say anything, turned around and ran into the villa.

After a while, Ah Jun ran back with a bottle of wine in his hand and a serious expression: "Brother Feng, Feiying just called from Carter Castle and said that they helped the Parliament of Nations find the gold in the Sahara Desert.

Earl Carter fulfilled his agreement and handed over the chicken and animal heads to them. "

"Very good, tell Fei Ying to continue tracking down the remaining four heads of dragon, snake, sheep and dog.

As for the chicken and animal heads, Ah Hai and Azhan will send them to the embassy. I will call Wolf and ask him to send someone to help escort them, and try to make it as foolproof as possible. " Ding Yunfeng ignored the fight and took Wang Jianjun back to the study on the second floor, quickly dialing the number in Howard Manor.

"You brat, it's still late at night over there at this time. Is there anything important you need to do to find me so urgently?"

Wolf's voice came from the phone. Ding Yunfeng rarely responded back, but slowed down his tone and said that he hoped to use the power of the Howard family to help his two men send the chicken heads from Carter Castle to London. The embassy in the city.

Wolf once worked as a marksmanship instructor at Scotland Yard, and was a little unhappy with Ding Yunfeng's disbelief in London's security issues: "It's broad daylight, London is very safe, it's just an antique, you just tell your men to drive more carefully, there's no need to make a fuss about it." Bar?"

"No! Wolf, my father-in-law, you don't know the status of the twelve zodiac bronze heads in the hearts of us Chinese people. They are totems!

Carter is a cunning guy. He may have sent people to ambush on the road, waiting for my people to leave their castle with the chicken heads, and then steal them halfway. "Ding Yunfeng raised his tone to express his importance.

Wolf pinched the bridge of his nose on the phone: "You brat, for Lilith's sake, if you are bullied by Carter, I can come to your door and beat him into a pig's head to help you vent your anger.

But for an antique, the Howard family came uninvited and took their troops to the Carter family's castle to pick him up.

This kind of behavior is completely inconsistent with the implicit rules of dealings between nobles. I directly despise Earl Carter for being dishonest and deliberately sending people to take advantage of others. "

Hearing Wolf's embarrassment, Ding Yunfeng did not give up. He rolled his eyes and brought the topic to Lilith: "Wolf, you know that we Chinese can only have one legally recognized wife."

"Hmm, you want to give the only spot to Lilith?"

"No, I mean, I have a military force called Bloodfang.

They recently helped the Governor of Malaysia to eliminate a group of pirates entrenched on an island around Malaysia.

Afterwards, my people found out that the island not only produced fresh water, but was also suitable for human settlement.So, I paid for it and bought the island from the Governor of Malaysia. "

As soon as Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, Wolf had already sat up straight: "Are you going to take your group of women to live on that island?"

"Well, I want to tell you that the island is not small. There will always be a room for Lilith." Ding Yunfeng replied vaguely.

Wolf gently tapped the armrest of the seat with his five fingers: "You are smart. You know that what you do is too eye-catching. You know how to actively avoid suspicion and leave a way out in advance, so that one day, you will not passively hand over all your wealth and life into the hands of others. superior."

"I've finished my words, and you can guess what I mean.

For the sake of my escape, and for the future happiness of Lilith, will you help me this time? "Ding Yunfeng took the opportunity to continue questioning.

Wolf did not refuse this time, and readily agreed. He took a group of men, drove two cars, and rushed directly to the outside of Carter Castle.

When the housekeeper saw that it was Wolf, Duke Howard, who came to visit his master, he hurriedly invited Carter over.

After some useless greetings, Wolf was invited into the castle by Carter and saw the three flying eagles who had stayed here after returning from the desert.

"Oh, is this a chicken head?" Wolf asked, pointing to a bronze statue placed on the coffee table.

Ah Hai smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Mr. Howard, it's an honor to meet you."

"You're welcome. Is this chicken head yours?"

"No, it belongs to the country. The three of us are just keeping it temporarily." Ahai shook his head quickly.

Wolf snorted, and suddenly stretched out his strong arms and put his arms around Earl Carter's shoulders: "Hey, do you hear me? This thing comes from my country. You are the best informed. If you know about the others, Where is it? Just tell them, you don’t want to collect it anyway.”

"Ahem, Howard, be gentle, my body can't withstand your strange strength." Earl Carter struggled to break away and adjusted his hair: "Sorry, I don't know."

"Impossible, you just don't want to say it. Come on, put forward your conditions and see if we can get you to let go." Wolf winked at A Hai and Fei Ying, turned around and sat down on the sofa.

Earl Carter thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled at Fei Ying and said: "Since you keep saying that the chicken head you have worked so hard to find is not yours, but the country's.

So, are you willing to exchange the 2.5 tons of gold for the whereabouts of the other four animal heads? "

(End of this chapter)

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