Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 881 It’s better to kill Li Shutang

Some words are easy to say, but hard to hear.

Ding Yunfeng looked directly into Lu Minghua's eyes and could see that the other party was obviously angry after hearing his request.

Lu Minghua raised three fingers: "Three years and three years...

Comrade Ding, I can agree to this agreement.

However, you also have to give me an accurate letter.

After all, is there a third three years?

You are in charge, and so am I.

I have been sitting still for the past three years, and I am also the first brother in the police force.

But what about the people under me? I have to give them something to look forward to, right? "

It seems!Brother Hua still let go...

Everyone who was sweating at the confrontation between the two big guys on the stage secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ding Yunfeng looked at Lu Minghua calmly: "I can answer this question for you now.

this is the last time.

After today, both in public and private matters, I am worthy of sitting in the audience, as well as other people who were unable to attend. "

"Okay! Then we have an agreement!" Lu Minghua's face softened slightly and he slowly raised his right palm.

Ding Yunfeng raised his palm and patted him: "It's a deal!

From now on, Ding will no longer interfere with matters involving the Hong Kong Island Police Force. "

After high-fiving each other, Ding Yunfeng did not stop and left directly with Nie Ling, Qing Qing and Wang Jianguo.

Huajing Wujue stood up silently and followed in stride.

When Bi Wenzhan and Dong Biao saw this, they also wanted to catch up.

But just as he was about to take action, he was stopped by Raymond who was walking at the end: "Brother Feng, there are only five of us.

Sir Lu is now the leader of our Chinese police. If you all follow up, this matter today will really be endless. "

"Sir Lin is right, Lao Bi, we cannot let Brother Feng's hard work go to waste.

As soon as we leave, the group below will definitely follow, which would really be a shame to that person. "The escort uncle lowered his voice and advised Bi Wenzhan.

Uncle Da took a puff of his cigarette and looked at Lin Leimeng solemnly: "Sir Lin, please explain something to us all in front of Brother Feng.

After today, our group will find time to visit him in Repulse Bay. "

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Lin Leimeng nodded vigorously. He looked sideways at Lu Minghua who was pretending to be deaf and mute not far away and shouted: "Sir Lu, Brother Feng, I will give you a lift on behalf of everyone." ha."

"OK, Sir Lin, remember to toast Comrade Duoding with two glasses of wine for me."

"Know it."


Walking out of the main building of the Police Recreation Center, Ding Yunfeng suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked at the building he ordered Brilliant Real Estate to build, as if he wanted to remember the last bit of his mark on the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

"Brother Feng, Aguo is driving here." Qingqing reminded him softly.

Ding Yunfeng hummed and took her into the back seat of the Bentley. Nie Ling opened the passenger seat and got in.

Cao Dahua, Huang Yaobing, Hu Xin, and Chen Jianxin got into Lin Raymond's Land Rover police car together, followed the Bentley in front, and drove all the way back to the Ding family's mansion in Repulse Bay.

Shi Ye Su, Ku Liqiang, Zhan Mi, Chen Yaoqing and the senior management of Lian Sheng were detained by Li Shutang in the Central District Hall for 48 hours and were finally released at [-] o'clock this morning.

A few people hurriedly washed up in the clubhouse, and while drinking a cup of strong tea to refresh themselves, they reviewed the interrogations they had received over the past two days, so that Zhan Mi could report the situation to Ding Yunfeng.

"Okay, I already understand the general situation.

It's 10:[-], Big D, Hua Di, you two go and drive two cars over. Let's rush to Repulse Bay quickly. Don't keep Brother Feng waiting. "I guess Ding Yunfeng's meeting at the police center should be almost over. Zhan Mi interrupted and held it in for two days, talking non-stop about Master Su.

Two waves of people met at the door of the Ding family mansion.

After tearing off the bulletproof vest on his body, Ding Yunfeng joked to Zhan Mi and the others: "Oh, you were released? You seem to be doing fine. Except for Asu who has dark circles under his eyes, the others are in good spirits."

"Brother Feng, over there in the New Territories..." Zhan Mi couldn't help but ask when he saw the Chinese policeman Wu Jue standing behind.

"It's been solved. Let's go inside and talk. Ah Guo, you call Master Ou to come over and cook. Let's get together at noon." Ding Yunfeng patted Zhan Mi on the shoulder and took the lead into the villa.


Instructing everyone to sit down, Ding Yunfeng lit a flower and briefly told everyone about how he helped an old man in the police force gain a little benefit from Lu Minghua at the New Territories Police Center.

Huang Dawen was drinking Kung Fu Tea and was the first to express his opinion after hearing this: "Brother Feng, you shouldn't mention this matter.

Now, even if Uncle Hua and the other five are present today, I, Lao Huang, still have something to say directly.Brother Feng, what you have done for the Chinese police officers is enough. Regardless of financial support or workplace assistance, who dares to stand up and say a bad word?
Now that I have decided to withdraw completely, why bother being this evil person? "

Uncle Hua and others all smiled bitterly, especially Lin Leimeng, who kept saying he was ashamed with a red face.

At present, Ding Yunfeng remains as an old subordinate in the police force, and he has the highest position.

What Brother Feng did today will definitely benefit him the most in the future, as the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

"Hey, Lao Huang, do you think I don't know that because of today's incident, the relationship between Lu Minghua and I was completely overturned?" Ding Yunfeng took a sip from the teacup and raised his hand to stop the person who wanted to speak. Raymond Lin: "Come on, I'm tired of listening to you guys flattering me for more than ten years. Raymond, please save your breath.

Uncle Hua and the other four are too old and will have to retire before Ding Chou years old. I can't help even if I want to.

And you are only ten years older than me. According to your ability, you will have a lot to do in the future.

However, as the saying goes, once the emperor is the same as the courtiers.

If I don't cause this incident, Lu Minghua will definitely find an opportunity to replace you before Ding Chou Nian.

Anyway, I am not afraid of offending him, and the Police Recreation Center and Jingcheng hinted that I must hand it over.

Being able to obtain a public commitment from others is already very profitable for us. "

After hearing this, Nie Ling finally understood that the key to the so-called agreement between Ding Yunfeng and Lu Minghua today that within three years, the Hong Kong Island Police Force, the old Ding family and the newcomers from the Chinese family would compete fairly, was to keep Raymond Lam.

Perhaps aware of her curious gaze, Ding Yunfeng turned to her and smiled: "Officer Nie, you don't have to worry too much. After you return to the capital, you can write whatever report you want. These things are not something to be ashamed of in the first place. s things."

"I said you were going out today, why did you take me with you?

It turns out that you want to inform the higher authorities of your demands through my report. "Nie Ling snorted, feeling a little unhappy inside.

General Gao clearly said that he came to Hong Kong Island to work as a bodyguard, so why did he become a mouthpiece?
"Officer Nie, look at my sincere eyes!
Do I, Ding Yunfeng, seem to be a liar?
Didn't you see that I was wearing a bulletproof vest today?

Who would wear that without the risk of getting shot?
It's really just the right time. I'm really afraid of death and need you to escort me to the New Territories for a meeting.

If you don’t believe me, ask everyone here, am I, Ding Yunfeng, wearing a bulletproof vest just this time after coming to Hong Kong Island for so many years? "Ding Yunfeng looked serious and almost raised three fingers to swear.

Nie Ling looked at the others suspiciously. Everyone was caught by her gaze and all opened their mouths to testify for Brother Feng.

"Okay, let me believe you for once..." Nie Ling was hesitant. She always felt that she was being tricked. After thinking for a few seconds, she looked at Ding Yunfeng and continued: "Mr. Ding, my mission to come to Hong Kong this time is to Keep you safe.

Now that the crisis is over, I have to say goodbye tomorrow. "

"Leaving so soon?"

"Limited by the position, I'm sorry that I can't stay for a long time."

"Okay, you go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow morning, I will send you to Saigon and take a boat back to Guangdong Province." Ding Yunfeng saw that Nie Ling had decided to leave, so he no longer forced him to stay.

When Nie Ling returned to the guest room upstairs, Zhan Mi opened his mouth to report to Ding Yunfeng what they had seen and done while being detained in the Taiguan.

Hearing that Li Shutang actually wanted to instigate Master Su, Uncle Hua and others were shocked, and Lin Leimeng couldn't help shouting: "Is this guy crazy?
Perjury is something that cannot be solved by internal processing once it is revealed. Maybe he will get involved himself! "

"The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry!

With Lu Minghua's character, he will definitely deal with the Li family and his son this time when he takes over as the first brother.

Instead of being slowly beaten to death by your opponent in the future, it’s better to give it a try!
It's hard to get me into trouble by trying to argue with the winning streak, but if Asu changes sides and pulls Aqiang and you guys to stay in Shibi for a few years, there should be no problem. "After Ding Yunfeng said this, he also received a voice recorder and briefly mentioned a few words.

“Brother Feng, Li Shutang is too crazy.

I think it would be better to take advantage of the Tsukamoto Yasukou Revenge Fund to attract killers from all over the world to Hong Kong Island and send people to kill him.

One Cai Yuanqi is a killer, but he doesn't care if he kills another Li Shutang. "Zhan Mi made a suggestion in a low voice.

The five members of the Chinese police were collectively deafened, and Coolie Qiang echoed: "Last time I did something, I arranged a flight. This time, let's give this opportunity to Dongguan."

"I personally have no objection. If a senior police officer is determined to mess with us, he will definitely have endless troubles in the future.

Q!Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Anyway, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island.

If you have no objection, I will select someone to draw the lot of life and death when I get back.

The other party doesn't follow the rules, so don't blame us for flipping the table..." Before Master Su could finish speaking, Brother Feng slapped him on the head.

Seeing Master Su holding his head and enduring the pain, everyone closed their mouths.

Ding Yunfeng looked at the teacup in his hand and sneered: "Zhan Mizi, Master Su, you two are so talented!
Are you ready to get rid of a high-ranking official at the constitutional committee level by singing in harmony?

Cai Yuanqi has the identity of a multi-faceted spy. This person has been suspected by many parties.

In addition, he was transferred out of the police force by the ghost guy for several years, and all parties turned a blind eye to our actions.

Ma De, kill Li Shutang?

Even if this matter were placed after Ding Chou was born, it would not be something that could be discussed casually.

Hey, have you two been fooled by Sir Li, or have you gone too far to make such a retarded suggestion? "(End of chapter)

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