Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 882 Shengtian Banzi vs. Self-killing Dalong

When Ding Yunfeng got angry, Zhan Mi and the others quickly admitted their mistake.

Speaking of which, we can't blame the two of them for suddenly misaligning their minds.

The main reason is that Ding Yunfeng's arrangements during this period have given everyone a signal that the Ding family will withdraw from Hong Kong Island.

In addition, after Tsukamoto Anko's death, the Continental Hotel launched a revenge fund, attracting killers from all over the world to come to the East.

Even the ghost guy asked the police to pretend to be deaf and dumb, which could be regarded as a good opportunity to deal with Li Shutang.

"Don't mention this kind of thing in the future. Lu Minghua will take care of Li Shutang's side.

Today, while everyone is here, I have something to tell you.

On Hong Kong Island, I gradually handed over commercial matters to Mr. Jim and Mr. Gan;

As for the community, Han Bin knew what to do with Hongxing, which was to transform, gradually cut off some black businesses, and slowly change the means of livelihood towards gray or even white.

A few years ago, didn’t I ask you two to set up a logistics company?

Master Su, in the next time, you have to guide and win the team to gradually turn to the logistics and warehousing industry..." Ding Yunfeng warned the two of them, and then took this opportunity to express his intention to retreat.

Everyone basically expected Brother Feng’s idea.

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable when they heard Ding Yunfeng formally confessing to them.

I am used to having to turn to Brother Feng when something happens, but now this big umbrella that protects everyone from wind and rain suddenly needs to be put away...

The brain-eaters like Zhan Mi and Huang Dawen are okay, but those like Big D who rely on recklessness will inevitably feel uneasy.

"Brother Feng, after you leave Hong Kong Island, are you going to the capital to become a high official?" Big D raised his right hand and asked bravely.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and shook his head: "Become a high official?

I don't like the sinecure, and the capital can't take advantage of it;
I don’t want to get real power, and they can’t squeeze it out.

Instead of spending the rest of my life huddled in Forty-Nine City and fighting with a bunch of people, I might as well keep this achievement and benefit my children.

Leader Yang personally completed the household registration and student registration for Renying and Yingnan in the capital.

Well, there is that inscription hanging in my study: Study hard and make progress every day.

Mr. Daping wrote on the front of the signature, "Gift to the children of Mian Ding's family."

As you know, I always obey the orders of my superiors.

In the future, if other children are born, I will also send them to the capital to study and put them in the home of Leader Yang and others.

And I myself will take Shi Shi and a few of them to settle in Nanyang. "

Taking a sip of tea, Ding Yunfeng laughed at himself and said, "Of course, that's what I think.

In fact, I estimate that like Brother Luo, I will eventually hold a position related to patriotic overseas Chinese.

Three pushes and three concessions are too pretentious.

I, Ding Yunfeng, boast that I am not at that level.

It's half-recommended and half-accepted, and I'm almost there. It not only reassures my superiors, but also makes it easier for me to have an identity so that I can go back to the capital to see my children at any time. "

Brother Feng, everyone is thinking about Shengtian Banzi.

But during the closing period, you quit the chess game and turned the big dragon on the board into luck, passing it on to the next generation.

The current head of the family of Jiangmen came forward to check the household registration and school registration. The second primary school of the Ding family is going to the school in Beijing. Are our children eligible to register?
Everyone who was feeling unworthy of Brother Feng's abandonment of the Hong Kong Island Foundation plan to retire a second ago became more and more uncomfortable the more they heard.

How irritating!
I originally thought that in the ten years we have been together, we have seen Brother Feng’s car taillights a few times.

Why did the boss drift around a corner and the car stopped at the entrance of the Forbidden City?

After listening to Ding Yunfeng's words, everyone fell into deep thought and was speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until Lao Ou brought his son-in-law and daughter over to cook that everyone finally came to their senses.

Master Su touched his pocket and took out two packs of cigarettes.

Throwing the camel away, he opened up Huazi and walked around: "Brother Feng, lead the club to transform, this is no problem.

The key is that logistics companies cannot solve the livelihood of all brothers. "

Ding Yunfeng approached Zhan Mi's lighter, lit a cigarette and took a puff: "Don't worry, except for the logistics company absorbing some of the idle manpower.

In my hometown, with the increase in per capita income in recent years, the demand for many goods on Hong Kong Island is about to enter a period of explosion.

I have talked with Guangdong Province and Pengcheng to open a special channel to allow individual salesmen to bring a certain amount of small commodities to their hometown for sale every day.

There will definitely be more and more mutually beneficial solutions like this in the future. "

What Ding Yunfeng is talking about is a special business that will be very popular in the future - carrying goods from Hong Kong Island.

As for the riders and courier boys who appeared in a certain group later, it will be difficult to achieve them in the near future due to current network, computer and mobile phone restrictions.

However, since Beijing announced its opening.

The people in coastal areas had a demand for goods far beyond the imagination of later generations.

In that era when the monthly income was around 200 yuan, there were many families who spent 3000 yuan to buy a TV set and 900 yuan to buy a washing machine, let alone small commodities such as daily necessities.

Most families in my hometown know how to save money and can save money.

As long as you decide to buy it, you will save money to buy it sooner or later.

On the contrary, Hong Kong people live in a developed environment where money comes too easily. They earn more but save less.

Otherwise, there would not be many second- and third-rate Hong Kong stars who, in their old age, would not even be able to afford their most basic living expenses.

After Ding Yunfeng explained the business of being a peddler, Huang Dawen couldn't help but say: "Brother Feng, where's the tax?

Have you ever considered this most sensitive issue?
If I follow what you said, there is a huge consumer market hidden in my hometown.

It's okay to make a small fuss, but once it is developed, it is difficult to guarantee that a large number of Hong Kong residents will take notice and take the goods there to sell them. "

“Easy, issue a license!
I talked with Leader Ye and issued a certain number of peddler licenses with reference to the tobacco operation there.

You will definitely have to pay taxes, but they are very low taxes.

The first batch of [-] license plates are all ours.

As everyone knows, He Lian Sheng announced the 10 members.

In fact, most of them are peripheral blue lanterns in name only. These people have their own way of making a living. They join the club just because they don't want to be bullied.

Ma Zai, who really went to the bottom of the sea and directly participated in the black and gray business of the society.

With a winning streak of up to 3 people, there are many people here who are brothers or fathers and sons.

Except for those who have bad habits that are hard to change, some have joined logistics companies and become drivers.

I think it is basically enough to share the [-] licenses with the remaining people from Lian Sheng and Hong Xing.

If this business is run with care, it will be no problem to support a family with just one license.

The key is that you, the bosses, should guide everyone to get the first bite of meat before others do.Haha, after the year of Ding Chou, the society will definitely be suppressed by his hometown.

I've said it before. Ever since you all followed me, I think I'm worthy of you.

Banknotes, you guys who are the big guys have made a lot of money;

I've also helped your cavalry find a way out.

It's up to you whether you want to leave or not. I have done enough whether I should do it or not.

Don't be reluctant to go ashore. In the future, you will be caught and set an example, and you will instruct your wife and children to come to Nanyang and cry, and let me and Brother Luo go out to fish for people. "

Ding Yunfeng choked up the words in one breath. After hearing this, everyone had different expressions.

The five members of the Chinese police were soldiers, and through Ding Yunfeng's way, they surrendered to the capital in advance.

Except for Raymond, who might be dealing with his own people in the club in the future, the four of them, Uncle Hua, were already considering whether to follow Brother Feng to Nanyang for retirement.

Master Su and the senior management of Lian Sheng were not in a good mood, because according to Brother Feng's words, after bidding farewell to the police force today, the next one to leave should be those in the club.

"Brother Feng, you are doing good for everyone, and everyone in the club knows it.

Over the years, Lian Sheng and I have been having dinner with you, and the lives of our brothers have become much better than when Fat Deng was sitting in the restaurant.

I promise to convey what you mean, but some people are ignorant and may not be able to listen..." Master Su thought about it for a moment, then plucked up the courage to say.

Coolie interrupted him in a low voice: "If you can't listen and insist on walking all the way to the dark side, and you will be arrested for target shooting in the future, please don't cry all over the place and make everyone look bad!"

Also, Brother Feng is going to show off his cards to everyone today, so I, Zhang Qiang, have something to announce at this opportunity.

Ever since I met Brother Feng in the Chengzhai Arena, I have been following him for more than ten years.

He is leaving now, and there is no way I can stay in Hong Kong Island.

Asu, please select someone to take over my position as soon as possible. When Brother Feng has settled the matter at hand, I will leave with him. "

"Ah?" Master Su, Big D, Ma Wei and others all looked at Coolie Qiang in shock.

Zhan Mi knew Ku Liqiang's decision very early and waved his hand very calmly: "Goodbye. If it weren't for Brother Feng and his company in Hong Kong Island needed someone to manage it, I would have chosen to accompany him to Nanyang."

"Yes, it's the same for me. Unfortunately, Huihuang Real Estate can't do without me, so it's just that we can't leave.

From today on, if there is still Ma Chai in the club who spreads my nickname of Wan Chai Tiger, please help me suppress it and try to help me downplay the background of the club. "Chen Yaoqing put out his cigarette butt and made a request that surprised Master Su.

The coolie wants to leave!
Jimi Zai and Chen Yaoqing are preparing to withdraw from the club!
After all this, the three flags Brother Feng planted on the winning streak were suddenly taken away.

Master Su thought about it in his mind, and was secretly glad that he stood his ground in the Central District Hall and was not incited by Li Shutang.

This is not!

It doesn’t take any effort. The future success and winning streak are all up to me.

Thinking of this, Master Su secretly rejoiced, but he was happy for less than a second before he immediately woke up.

Now the people who have the closest relationship with Ding Yunfeng are all swimming upstream, but he is still greedy for the scenery in the world. Isn't it a bit stupid?

But the problem is that He Shenglian is now the number one club on Hong Kong Island!
Being able to be a person with real power is even more majestic than when Wu Shihao was at his peak.


After revealing his next thoughts, Ding Yunfeng stopped talking and gave everyone some time to digest.

Next, this luncheon held at the Ding family mansion should be the last time the top leaders of the Ding family, black and white, gathered together.

Raymond serves as a 'potential enemy' who may lead a team to arrest people in the future.

Before the dishes were even served, Master Su, Big D, Hua Di and others were pouring them down.

Ding Yunfeng let them mess around. When the meal was almost done, he lit a cigarette, got up, left the dining room, and walked to the back garden.

Uncle Hua and the others exchanged glances, and all followed up with wine glasses in hand.

"Why don't you guys have a few more drinks? This kind of opportunity will probably never come again in the future." Ding Yunfeng looked at the four of them with a smile, pulled out a wicker chair next to him and sat down.

Uncle Hua smiled and took up the remaining wicker chair. Huang Yaobing and the other three stood helplessly around the two of them holding wine glasses.

"Brother Feng, even that reckless man A Qiang knows how to follow you, how can we four still be looked upon by others if we stay in Hong Kong Island?

I have thought about it. For my [-]th birthday, I don’t necessarily have to have a drink in Guangqian. It’s okay to go to Singapore or Malaysia instead. "Uncle Hua took advantage of his age and took the initiative to talk.

Huang Yaobing and Hu Xin decisively helped. One said that he missed the abalone that Brother Jiu brushed, and the other said that his teeth were bad and he wanted to live in a place rich in fruits.

Chen Jianxin nervously held the wine glass and made an unexpected request to Brother Feng - he wanted to take his whole family to settle in Guangdong or Fujian Province.

"Old Chen, let's go to Nanyang together. Our family has some kind of care."

"Just the three of you go... I won't go. I did a lot of things for Inspector Yan back then, and I don't have the shame to see Brother Luo." Chen Jianxin looked unnatural and said with her head lowered.

Ding Yunfeng laughed at Chen Jianxin's appearance. He must be so afraid of Brother Luo that he would avoid him for more than ten years.

“Okay, you guys don’t try to persuade me, everyone respect Lao Chen’s decision.

I have people from Guangdong and Fujian provinces. You go back and discuss with your family which city you want to settle in. You can give me an answer in these two days.

I will help you find someone to settle the household registration issue, leave as soon as possible, and integrate into local life as soon as possible. " Opening his mouth to help Chen Jianxin out, Ding Yunfeng turned his attention to Uncle Hua: "Uncle Hua, you are almost 70, have you really thought about it clearly? "

"Hehe, I, Cao Dahua, have never been able to do anything else in my life, and I think my eyesight is pretty good.

Brother Feng, as an old Chinese detective, please help me turn into an old overseas Chinese.

By the way, considering how old I am, I still cooperate with them and leave my hometown...

Can you help your grandson get a student status in Beijing?

I, Lao Cao, are willing to donate a sum of money, just call it school choice fee?
What do you think? "Uncle Hua chuckled and almost made Ding Yunfeng spit out a mouthful of Hennessy when he opened his mouth.

School choice fees, the root of all evil, started with you, old fox.

Huang Yaobing's smile was greasy, and Hu Xin's expression was wretched. Both of them said that they would not stay in Hong Kong to hinder the eyes of future generations. It was easy to talk about money. Anyway, their life was over. If it wasn't difficult, they hoped that Brother Feng would look forward to the past. I gave him a favor and sent several children at home to go to the capital as companions.

Chen Jianxin stood aside and watched with envy, but she thought that she had made a request to Ding Yunfeng today.

Now when he opened his mouth again, he really didn't have the face, so he could only stare at Uncle Hua three times - how the hell could he still play like this?
"Didn't I tell you that I also asked Leader Yang to come down to get my child's school status?" Ding Yunfeng rubbed his forehead with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Huang Yaobing took out a cigarette and stuffed it between Brother Feng's fingers. Hu Xin next to him moved quickly, holding up a lighter and lighting it in a second.

"Brother Feng, how can we dare to make such a request?

I don’t dare to embarrass you. Our descendants should register as Singaporean or Malaysian residents, and then as overseas Chinese exchange students, through sponsorship, sneak in and become transfer students...

If that doesn't work, just arrange for them to be alumni of Renying or Yingnan. "Uncle Hua spoke again and surrendered his request.

After Ding Yunfeng heard this, his expression softened a lot: "This way...

Then let me give it a try. Each of you is ready with 5000 million US dollars.

Choose one child each to prepare. I'll ask someone to check. I've agreed, but I can't guarantee it will work. "(End of chapter)

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