The best waste god

Chapter 034 The Purple-Gold Powerhouse【Request】

"Could this be the legendary chrysanthemum damage, or chrysanthemum cancer?" This was Nangong Haotian's last thought before he died, but when he knew how he died, it was a long time later.

It's just that Nangong Haotian didn't know that shortly after he died, a burly figure descended from the sky and landed beside the man he got the black ring from. After checking his body, the man didn't find what he wanted. Hastily began to search around.

Later he found Nangong Haotian's body, searched for a long time, but couldn't find it, the burly man was furious, and wiped out Nangong Haotian's body with a wave of his hand, which was considered to help Nangong Haotian restrain his body.

He didn't know that his death was bestowed by a purple-gold strong man. He didn't know that just after he ran a hundred meters away, a purple-gold figure suddenly appeared behind him, a pair of purple-gold The dark eyes looked at him not far away with a hint of a smirk.

This person has gray hair, purple-gold eyes, gray clothes, purple-gold combat boots, and an extremely stalwart body. The surrounding iron buildings seem to be attracted, and they become extremely bright, full of purple-gold colors. The light looks very beautiful, but there is no reaction in front of Nangong Haotian, and the steel swallows all the light.

The purple-gold figure looked at Nangong Haotian, pinched his nose, and opened his mouth slightly, as if he was talking about something.

If you get closer, you will hear, what this person is saying to himself is: "Finally found you, this person's body is really a top-quality waste material, such a waste material body is impossible even with my best help Helping him reach my state, not to mention that state, is exactly what I want!"

Speaking of this, the man paused, and then said, "Hey, I just like challenges, boy, you are lucky, you met me, and seeing that we have a fate, then I will give you a big chance !"

The purple-golden figure paused for a moment, then said in a dazed way: "If you can reach that level, you can do something for me!" At this point, the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he felt overwhelmed by his greed. There was a hint of ridicule, and then, the purple-golden figure laughed at himself, and then said: "I can only give you so much, as for being able to reach that point, it depends on your luck!"

After the words were closed, the purple-gold figure waved his sleeves, a tattered purple-gold book and a purple-gold sword full of gaps rushed forward, bumping into Nangong Haotian's running body, The purple gold shone, and in an instant, two things disappeared from Nangong Haotian's chrysanthemum.

Nangong Haotian who was running only felt a pain in his chrysanthemum, and then his body was directly thrown away by this huge force. In his puzzled eyes, with a sound of "bang", Nangong Haotian hit him. On a big iron rod not far in front, it just so happened that his head hit a bump on the pillar, and he didn't react at all. Nangong Haotian immediately lost his soul, and his limp body collapsed. down.

Seeing this scene, the purple-golden figure turned petrified immediately, and said speechlessly: "No, it seems that you are not only a waste body, but even your life is so fragile, alas, I thought it was to give you a big chance , However, it seems that you are not blessed to enjoy it." The golden figure pinched his nose, his face was full of speechless expression.

After thinking for a while, the purple-golden figure then said: "Oh, forget it, let's look for it again, but I'm afraid it's really hard to find a top-quality waste body like yours, which is rare for hundreds of millions of years. Forget it, but these things can’t be wasted, since you don’t have the blessing to enjoy them, give them back to me!”

As he said that, with a move, the purple-gold figure wanted to take back the tattered purple-gold book and the gap-filled purple-gold sword that had been sent to Nangong Haotian Chrysanthemum.

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