The best waste god

Chapter 035 Blood Recognition

But under the induction, the purple-golden figure was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly: "It's strange that this kid's soul disappeared so quickly, but it seems that my toilet paper cheat book and the useless sword that failed to refine are also I can't find it, I! @#¥%... Really, this time I lost a lot!"

"Oh, forget it, let's refine it again when we go back, but this time we have to put less material, it was a bit wasted last time!" The man said with great pain, and touched his heart at the same time, it seemed that there had been It hurts too much.

After the words were closed, the purple-golden figure turned into a golden light and rushed into the boundless starry sky with a "swish", leaving only Nangong Haotian's dying body slowly getting colder and colder in the rustling autumn wind...


What kind of treasure is that black quaint ring?Let a strong man who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground care like this!Moreover, he was able to escape the detection of that golden figure, and even traveled to another world with Nangong Haotian's soul, all of this is still a mystery.

Who is that golden figure? !Who is the burly man? !

Maybe in the future, Nangong Haotian will be able to find the answer, maybe he will never find it again...

Nangong Haotian didn't know all these things, and now he was just playing with the black ring in his hand. After a long time, Nangong Haotian calmed down. According to the memory of his previous life, this black ring should be regarded as a space ring.

In the 25th century, for the convenience of human beings, the space rings refined by the Huaxia Empire all chose the humanized blood-drop recognition type. Once the original owner dies, then this space ring is considered to be an ownerless thing, and others will not be able to use it again. It can be used by recognizing the owner with a drop of blood, and all the items in it are also there, and there will be no shortage.

Thinking of this, the surprise in Nangong Haotian's eyes couldn't be concealed, "If I have a space ring, it will be of great help to my future actions! Whether it's peeping on my little sister's bath, or hiding My sister's panties and bra are perfect treasures."

Thinking about these things, Nangong Haotian couldn't wait any longer, directly bit his finger in pain, and dripped a drop of blood on the black ring.

The blood was quickly absorbed by the ring, and the black color became deeper, with a hint of red as well.

Nangong Haotian looked at the black ring and didn't feel any difference, so he smiled with satisfaction, "Even if others see my ring, they will never think of this kind of treasure, let alone people in this world Didn't know there was such a thing as a space ring, quack quack, well developed."

After looking through it for a long time, Nangong Haotian casually put the ring on his ring finger. Suddenly, a huge suction surged without warning!I just felt like something was being drawn out of my body quickly, pouring towards my fingers continuously!

That ring turned into a bottomless black hole at this moment, as if it wanted to suck his whole body into it!

Nangong Haotian was taken aback, and hurriedly took off the ring, but this ring seemed to have a spirituality, tightly wrapped around his ring finger, how could it be pulled off?

The ring was sucking greedily, this feeling was extremely terrifying, Nangong Haotian felt that his body was about to be squeezed dry, he desperately resisted, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make a sound!

Gradually, Nangong Haotian's eyes began to turn black, and stars appeared in his eyes. Just when he was about to despair, suddenly, his body loosened suddenly, and he collapsed limply on the ground.

Nangong Haotian panted heavily, and when he touched it, his back was covered in cold sweat, "This... this is too painful, is this the so-called humanized setting, me! @#¥%... too It's crooked!"

While cursing, after a sudden burst of golden light flashed, Nangong Haotian felt a slight difference in his mind, as if there was a space connected with his blood, which was close to him, within reach.

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